On 18 April 2024, I did an interview with Paul Buitink from the Netherlands on his podcast — “Reinvent Money.” We talked at length about the gloomy prospects for bringing an end to the major conflicts around the world.
Improvement of the near powerless United Nations so it more fair for all and Getting Rid of Global Lobby Groups that do not serve Peace or the Environment of Human Existence.
If what is described below can NOT be done then the United Nations needs to be dissolved like the League of Nations and reconstituted it as the New United Nations without single veto votes at the very least!
I say the world because America claims to be a world leader but does NOT act like one when Israel is involved. One country's "Veto Vote", Vetoes world opinion of 2/3 of 193 countries and the other 14 members of the U.N. security Council. This can't be right in any way shape or form.
Maybe single Veto Votes are abused too often since the end of the cold war and Maybe the Best way forward is just simply a 2/3 majority to pass with NO veto votes. Or if a "Veto vote" is Necessary ALL five permanent members have to agree to veto, but even that seems pointless. THIS IS NOT the League of Nations or Concert Of Europe Controlled by Colonial Powers of the Berlin Conference era any more, that Boycotted Japan, that caused WW2 in the Pacific and Axis powers to form. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Concert_of_Europe and https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Berlin_Conference
No, it won’t. Netanyahu and his far right coalitionists don’t give a toss about the hostages. The goal is ethnic cleansing and land seizure. “The hostages” have been nothing but pawns in this goal from the start.
How many Israelis/Jews have been living in Gaza since 2005? I’ll make it easy for you: ZERO. Gaza has not been “occupied.” The Palestinians could have shaped Gaza into anything they desired. Israel would have welcomed them as peaceful neighbors, potentially leading to a Palestinian state comprising Gaza and much of the West Bank. However, within hours of Israeli forces forcibly relocating Jews out of Gaza, Hamas began launching missiles at Israeli towns. Their intention was clear: the destruction of Jews and Israel. Instead of investing in education, desalination plants, or Mediterranean resorts for its citizens, Hamas diverted billions of dollars of aid into a massive military infrastructure with tunnels, missile factories, and weapons. The barbarity of these attacks on October 7 underscored their ongoing intention: the elimination of the state of Israel.
Gaza is under Israeli occupation. Israel controls everything. What goes in or out, including food, medicines, even people. Gaza isn't allowed a port, airport, has no control over its borders and lived under constant threat of airstrikes. And all that was before the 7 month-long genocide we've seen play out on our screens. Hamas is always the go to excuse when Israel wants to justify absolutely anything. They even fostered the success of Hamas to begin with so they could undermine the two state solution.
In 2005, Israel left Gaza. They would have welcomed a peaceful neighbor. But, the Hamas charter calls for Israel’s destruction. They are very open about their intentions. They had conducted numerous murderous terror attacks against Israelis up to that point. Of course Israel AND Egypt secured the border until they saw what Hamas intended as neighbors. That became clear from the outset. Not only are Israelis victims of their barbaric terrorism, but Palestinian citizens are living under their horrific, corrupt, leadership.
Maybe Israel should realize what they are and have the centre of their flag stylized like the old South African flag? As exampled with this made up flag with Texas in this link https://www.reddit.com/media? instead of the co-opted Star of David.
Yes, sadly you are likely entirely correct about Ukraine. With Ukraine it seems too little to late. It seems if the Western Counties had implemented a War Measures Act as the old de funked Canadian law was called; for the production and manufacturing of 155mm, 105mm artillery and 120mm tank ammo regular and long rang Excalibur type ammunition. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/M982_Excalibur
Please note you or anyone can use anything I write or ideas I have FREE of charge in any way shape or form.
I also wrote below as a sort of Part 2 and 3 to what I wrote to the part 1 already posted with a new title:
New Title: What the United Nations Needs and What the United States Needs To Do So Desperately - If they want to continue to be an impartial De facto Ruler of the World
I say the world because America claims to be a world leader but does NOT act like one when Israel is involved. One contrary's Veto Vote, Vetoes world opinion of 2/3 of 193 countries and the other 14 members of the U.N. security Council. This can't be right in any way shape or form.
Maybe single Veto Votes are abused too often since the end of the cold war and Maybe the Best way forward is just simply a 2/3 majority to pass with NO veto votes. Or if a Veto vote is Necessary ALL five permanent members have to agree to veto, but even that seems pointless. THIS IS NOT the League of Nations or Concert Of Europe Controlled by Colonial Powers of the Berlin Conference era any more, that Boycotted Japan, that caused WW2 in the Pacific and Axis powers to form. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Concert_of_Europe and https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Berlin_Conferenc
Tommy was later encouraged to become the head of the NDP party. The two major parties are still the Liberals much like your old time post 1962 Democrats and the Conservatives much like your old time Pre Trump Republicans.
Maybe our brothers to the South maybe you just need a smart and articulate third party to force the change like Tommy did for national Health Care in Canada? That also could be part of this new party's platform. In addition, implement Roosevelt's second bill of rights- better late than never.
I say change because previously there were very powerful lobbies in Canada, mainly the big banks at the time. Then the lobby and campaign donations laws changed under pressure from the NDP. Maybe some of these laws could be drafted in the context of the United States and be part of a platform for a new independent party with someone like a young Bernie Sanders type to be the head of it and have old Bernie Sanders join it? The party would be centre Left but NO extreme lefties or crazies. Abolishing AIPAC as a foreign lobby group and the ADL as they do not serve all ethnic and non ethnic minorities like the ACLU does would be part of the party platform as well.
Just an idea for you folks in America since you want to be de facto rulers of the world: The new party head does not have to field themselves as a Presidential Candidate but more of a critic to them acting more like an unelected House Leader and Senate Majority type combined into one person. The party's objective is to bring public awareness to the American Public and World at large of any White House administration or the other two parties faults while publicly offering them suggestions. There is then NO of campaign donations or rather the lack of them to getting elected, so the party is impartial and concentrates on the elections in the House of Representatives and the Senate and one day it may hold a majority in both.
I've never heard Professor Mearsheimer say that all of Ukraine should be given to Russia. In fact, I've heard him ask why would Russia want all of Ukraine? The Ukrainians should be responsible for Ukraine, no one else.
if meershimer doesn't know that russia wants all of ukraine then he shouldn't be speaking on this topic at all. nobody that ignorant should speak on this topic.
I think he said that there is no evidence that Russia wants all of Ukraine. Do you have evidence that Russia wants to occupy all of Ukraine? I've seen evidence that Russia wanted to negotiate a ceasefire with Ukraine. Once in Gomel in the first days of the war, and once in Istanbul. I think Putin met with unanticipated resistance from the UKrainians and wanted to quit fighting.
did you forget russia's attempted invasion of kyiv ? russia entered the road to kyiv with thousands of tanks! what does the esteemed professor think that was? an invitation to a party?
really unbelievable this ability not to see the obvious. they clearly said that they would take over the government in kyiv. they are still saying the kyiv government is illegitimate. what does this mean to the meershimer fans?
why this love for the fascist putin? really, explain please. what makes putin so attractive to you guys?
I would ask you to consider that it's your hate of Putin that is blinding you to facts. Also, the regime in Kiev has been worse for it's citizens than Putin has been for Russians, and I don't like people bullshitting me about "democracy" in Kiev. Nobody outside of Russia needs to love or hate Putin, he's the Russian's leader, they seem to like him, and that's their business.
if the kyiv regime is so bad for ukrainians why did the russians then calculate that it would be too hard to fight off all the ensuing urban warfare? so the row of tanks going into kyiv was just a feint. OMG the RT propaganda works in spades or in tanks in your case. this is an answer to the various justifications of the putin invasion of ukraine. all the while you guys base your arguments on the belief that ukrainians are just stooges for the US. stooges who are willing to fight urban warfare. you guys are unbelievable in a very sad sad way. how can RT feed you such powerful koolaide. sad for the US, sad for ukraine, sad for the world in general.
If Russia really wanted Kyiv, they would have taken it later when they built up their military. The reason THEY DON'T want it has been explained by numerous Russia experts from Ray McGovern to Douglas Macgregor and Scott Ritter, Prof Mearsheimer many times, but some people apparently missed the memo. The reason they DO NOT WANT IT is that they would then have to deal with quelling endless urban warfare conflicts with people that would hate them and they don't want to bankrupt Russia administering the old areas they once had in the USSR. Only their old strategic base in Crimea and ethnic Russians in the Donbas who opposed the 2014 US puppet govt are who they have tried to support. They don't want all of Ukraine but they do want a neutral neighbor.
They only wanted a NEUTRAL border country, and we kept stoking chaos their arming people to provoke war since we don't have to lose any troops doing this. It was an awful, cynical strategy pursued by people who do not care if we fight "to the last Ukrainian" just to "weaken Russia" whom we are actually strengthening at the expense of our own economy. Only the military sector makes money out of this mess. We have set Russia up as the perpetual Bogeyman scapegoat to make money selling weapons in our only apparent industry left.
And a lot of people who don't pay attention buy into anything said of the most mindlessly simplistic way of looking at everything like Russia is not pragmatic when that is exactly what they are. It is our neocon set roosting in the State Dept the past 24 years that are not pragmatic and who have no analytical skills and are an embarrassment as to diplomatic skills. We should have had better but we have poor choices in politics for whatever reason. The major parties aren't interested in running anyone who would do the right thing in foreign policy. We have sell-outs to the military industrial complex arms mfrs, big Pharma, and AIPAC running everything.
No, they did not make a serious effort at invading Kyiv. They made a feint there while focusing on their objectives closer to Russia to prevent Ukrainian forces from all moving to the one place, and furthermore, the original first three months were strictly to try to force negotiation after the US refused to negotiate in Dec. 2021 following their pulling Russia's chain with the strategic security agreement in fall 2021, which had crossed redlines long expressed by Russia and which Biden WELL KNEW would set off alarm in Russia.
Then when Jeffrey Sachs asked the Biden State Dept in Dec. 2021, they answered Jeffrey Sachs that the US wasn't interested in speaking with Russia about their security concerns. Sachs had told them they should talk to them.
Biden made calculated remarks just before the military operation in Feb. that the US would make sure Nordstream would go bye-bye, as though licking his chops planning it with his same old Nuland neocon gang from the 2014 coup.
In March/April, Russia and Ukraine negotiated; a key Ukrainian negotiator was assassinated by Ukrainian security forces; and the UK & US told Ukraine NOT to negotiate.
After THAT Russia finally started building a real force of the type needed for a serious longterm war, after seeing there was no one to negotiate with.
The original operation was NOT done with enough forces to do any sort of 'taking over" of all of Ukraine, and the intention was demanding negotiation after being frightened that NATO was going to place missiles in range of Moscow in the hand of Azov folks who sport tattoos of a type last seen in WW2 for Russia's opponent that killed 27 million of their people. A legit border security concern, and one the "Obama Doctrine" had claimed to understand but which Biden has never cared about.
We singlehandedly, misguidedly goaded and instigated Russia into building up its forces into a much larger force in order to defend their national border security interests. We have been lying about this non stop, which is why I am now an independent after stupidly voting for the instigator of this insanity.
Every calculation has been a miscalculation. Our "sanctions" strengthen the other side and cause other nations to flock to BRICS instead of us, out of fear we will pirate away their money too. We are weakening our ability to be the international currency backbone. We have strengthened their military by forcing them to BUILD IT UP by refusing to use ANY DIPLOMACY.
I have not seen such poor diplomatic policy and skills in an administration in my lifetime.
Even Nixon put a lot of effort into diplomacy abroad. It seems like we are going DOWNHILL since 2000 in the area of diplomacy and have only bully diplomacy. Bullying does NOT help a nation establish widespread international trust needed for leadership/hegemony - it weakens credibility. Trust comes from the strength of peacefulness -- showing the willingness to work together with other nations to build trade ties and peace, not the willingness to stoke chaos abroad and provoke war to sell missiles.
yes, they made a feint!!! OMG and all the letters of our alphabet. who could buy such an "explanation"? what kind of willful lack of normal reasoning does it take to say their tanks were a feint??
well at least you aren't saying the line of tanks putin sent into kyiv. but it is a kind of hubris to think that we are so smart to fiind the underlying reasons for this and that but ukrainians were just pushed into war, just stupid stooges.
You have completely missed the point if you think Russia wanted to have to deal with any of this war. They certainly don't want to own all of Ukraine because then they have to go bankrupt trying to maintain it. They learned that lesson in the USSR days. They don't want to have to keep parts of Ukraine that aren't ethnic Russian and that don't want to be part of Russia.
You missed the whole point about what they were trying to negotiate for at Minsk and asked to negotiate in Dec 2021, and again in March 2022, which was a neutral NON NATO non hostile state on their border which if it had been allowed to stay that way, Russia wouldn't be involved in any sort of current conflict.
And if Ukraine would have been allowed to complete the negotiations in spring 2022 before the United States and the UK interfered, again there wouldn't be any of this military operation going on.
So for such a numbskull to be positing that Russia wanted to be stuck in this slogging effort to protect their border security is sheer ignorance.
The only reason Russia now has built up their military is that we would not negotiate in December 2021 or March 2022. They didn't go into any of this with the sort of military that was big enough to handle and ongoing war and certainly not big enough to take over all of Ukraine.
They were forced into this by our intransigence and meddling and our refusal to allow us or Ukraine to negotiate with them about their border security. For more about how we interfered in negotiations, please listen to Glenn Greenwald's Rumble interview with Jeffrey Sachs May 15 in the 21 minutes to 50 minutes time period.
Russia didn't even want to have to build up its military because that is very costly. It was not on a path to do that until Biden started his strategic security agreement to put Ukraine on a path to NATO membership in fall 2021, which would have made it not neutral and we were already causing havoc over there since 2014 with our coup.
It is the US that wants to control all of Ukraine. If the neocons Biden/Nuland had not meddled in 2014 and again in 2021, Russia wouldn't have needed to pursue security protection of their border from potential strikes from future ukrainian NATO bases within striking distance of Moscow. To us it's just a game.
To Russia it is an existential threat, especially with our arming neo-Nazi militias after their history losing 22 million people to the Nazis in WW2.
you are still calling this criminal invasion a military operation. you forgot putin's complete title: special military operation, don't make mistakes when you justify putin with his own logic. words are important.
yes, yes, yes, putin was forced into this criminal invasion. just like the school yard bully is forced to attack the little guy, he doesn't want to but the sandwhich or the money that the little boy has made him do it.
i guess the good putin was tempted by the devil in the form of ukrainians, or the US. these things happen.
This is true of the Ukraine war, and it was true of both Iraq/Us wars, among many others. In the words of Russian foreign Minister Yevgeny Primakov, who was asked by Hussein, in desperation, to intervene and negotiate with Bush and Thatcher. He was rebuffed, concluding: “They want war”.
Exactly, they = CIA would have lost all of Ukraine. Ukrainian citizens would have gotten peace, prosperity a chance to develop as a bridge between EU and Russia, and China. As an independent country, recognized by neighboring EU and Russia.
Please clarify to whom you specifically refer as ‘collective west’. I assure you the US taxpayer floating the bills is at a net loss for funding these conflicts.
Improvement of the near powerless United Nations so it more fair for all and Getting Rid of Global Lobby Groups that do not serve Peace or the Environment of Human Existence.
If what is described below can NOT be done then the United Nations needs to be dissolved like the League of Nations and reconstituted it as the New United Nations without single veto votes at the very least!
Example of powerless United Nations and How many dead since this vote? https://twitter.com/UN_News_Centre/status/1717992371906839005
https://twitter.com/UN_News_Centre/status/1717992371906839005/photo/2 Where is the power in this?
Starting with https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Israel_lobby_in_the_United_States This can't be good for the world at large as indicated in these three books: https://archive.org/details/antony-loewenstein-the-palestine-laboratory-how-israel-exports-the-technology-of/mode/1up?view=theater and https://archive.org/details/the-israel-lobby-and-u.-s.-foreign-policy and https://archive.org/details/palestine00jimm
I say the world because America claims to be a world leader but does NOT act like one when Israel is involved. One country's "Veto Vote", Vetoes world opinion of 2/3 of 193 countries and the other 14 members of the U.N. security Council. This can't be right in any way shape or form.
Maybe single Veto Votes are abused too often since the end of the cold war and Maybe the Best way forward is just simply a 2/3 majority to pass with NO veto votes. Or if a "Veto vote" is Necessary ALL five permanent members have to agree to veto, but even that seems pointless. THIS IS NOT the League of Nations or Concert Of Europe Controlled by Colonial Powers of the Berlin Conference era any more, that Boycotted Japan, that caused WW2 in the Pacific and Axis powers to form. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Concert_of_Europe and https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Berlin_Conference
P.S. http://www.thehypertexts.com/Albert%20Einstein%201948%20Letter%20New%20York%20Times%20Nakba.htm
Yours Very Sincerely
The war in Gaza will end immediately when Hamas surrenders and releases the hostages.
No, it won’t. Netanyahu and his far right coalitionists don’t give a toss about the hostages. The goal is ethnic cleansing and land seizure. “The hostages” have been nothing but pawns in this goal from the start.
How many Israelis/Jews have been living in Gaza since 2005? I’ll make it easy for you: ZERO. Gaza has not been “occupied.” The Palestinians could have shaped Gaza into anything they desired. Israel would have welcomed them as peaceful neighbors, potentially leading to a Palestinian state comprising Gaza and much of the West Bank. However, within hours of Israeli forces forcibly relocating Jews out of Gaza, Hamas began launching missiles at Israeli towns. Their intention was clear: the destruction of Jews and Israel. Instead of investing in education, desalination plants, or Mediterranean resorts for its citizens, Hamas diverted billions of dollars of aid into a massive military infrastructure with tunnels, missile factories, and weapons. The barbarity of these attacks on October 7 underscored their ongoing intention: the elimination of the state of Israel.
Gaza is under Israeli occupation. Israel controls everything. What goes in or out, including food, medicines, even people. Gaza isn't allowed a port, airport, has no control over its borders and lived under constant threat of airstrikes. And all that was before the 7 month-long genocide we've seen play out on our screens. Hamas is always the go to excuse when Israel wants to justify absolutely anything. They even fostered the success of Hamas to begin with so they could undermine the two state solution.
In 2005, Israel left Gaza. They would have welcomed a peaceful neighbor. But, the Hamas charter calls for Israel’s destruction. They are very open about their intentions. They had conducted numerous murderous terror attacks against Israelis up to that point. Of course Israel AND Egypt secured the border until they saw what Hamas intended as neighbors. That became clear from the outset. Not only are Israelis victims of their barbaric terrorism, but Palestinian citizens are living under their horrific, corrupt, leadership.
https://c8.alamy.com/comp/2BA7BH5/yellow-scared-emoji-in-south-african-medical-mask-protecting-from-sars-coronavirus-bird-flu-and-other-viruses-germs-and-bacteria-and-contagious-dis-2BA7BH5.jpg The emoji seems to be the state of things
Maybe Israel should realize what they are and have the centre of their flag stylized like the old South African flag? As exampled with this made up flag with Texas in this link https://www.reddit.com/media? instead of the co-opted Star of David.
Yes, sadly you are likely entirely correct about Ukraine. With Ukraine it seems too little to late. It seems if the Western Counties had implemented a War Measures Act as the old de funked Canadian law was called; for the production and manufacturing of 155mm, 105mm artillery and 120mm tank ammo regular and long rang Excalibur type ammunition. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/M982_Excalibur
Please note you or anyone can use anything I write or ideas I have FREE of charge in any way shape or form.
I also wrote below as a sort of Part 2 and 3 to what I wrote to the part 1 already posted with a new title:
New Title: What the United Nations Needs and What the United States Needs To Do So Desperately - If they want to continue to be an impartial De facto Ruler of the World
What The United States Desperately Needs Part 2
HOW ABOUT A LOBBY GROUP TO GET RID OF LOBBY GROUPS? Starting with https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Israel_lobby_in_the_United_States This can't be good for the world at large as indicated in these three books: https://archive.org/details/antony-loewenstein-the-palestine-laboratory-how-israel-exports-the-technology-of/mode/1up?view=theater and https://archive.org/details/the-israel-lobby-and-u.-s.-foreign-policy and https://archive.org/details/palestine00jimm
I say the world because America claims to be a world leader but does NOT act like one when Israel is involved. One contrary's Veto Vote, Vetoes world opinion of 2/3 of 193 countries and the other 14 members of the U.N. security Council. This can't be right in any way shape or form.
Maybe single Veto Votes are abused too often since the end of the cold war and Maybe the Best way forward is just simply a 2/3 majority to pass with NO veto votes. Or if a Veto vote is Necessary ALL five permanent members have to agree to veto, but even that seems pointless. THIS IS NOT the League of Nations or Concert Of Europe Controlled by Colonial Powers of the Berlin Conference era any more, that Boycotted Japan, that caused WW2 in the Pacific and Axis powers to form. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Concert_of_Europe and https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Berlin_Conferenc
What The United States Desperately Needs Part 3
I am from Canada and many years ago there was a man named Tommy Douglas he was the head of a provincial party in Saskatchewan the CCF https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Co-operative_Commonwealth_Federation and https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tommy_Douglas.
Tommy was later encouraged to become the head of the NDP party. The two major parties are still the Liberals much like your old time post 1962 Democrats and the Conservatives much like your old time Pre Trump Republicans.
Maybe our brothers to the South maybe you just need a smart and articulate third party to force the change like Tommy did for national Health Care in Canada? That also could be part of this new party's platform. In addition, implement Roosevelt's second bill of rights- better late than never.
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Second_Bill_of_Rights https://jan.ucc.nau.edu/cgg/Second%20Bill%20of%20Rights%20FDR%201944.pdf
I say change because previously there were very powerful lobbies in Canada, mainly the big banks at the time. Then the lobby and campaign donations laws changed under pressure from the NDP. Maybe some of these laws could be drafted in the context of the United States and be part of a platform for a new independent party with someone like a young Bernie Sanders type to be the head of it and have old Bernie Sanders join it? The party would be centre Left but NO extreme lefties or crazies. Abolishing AIPAC as a foreign lobby group and the ADL as they do not serve all ethnic and non ethnic minorities like the ACLU does would be part of the party platform as well.
Just an idea for you folks in America since you want to be de facto rulers of the world: The new party head does not have to field themselves as a Presidential Candidate but more of a critic to them acting more like an unelected House Leader and Senate Majority type combined into one person. The party's objective is to bring public awareness to the American Public and World at large of any White House administration or the other two parties faults while publicly offering them suggestions. There is then NO of campaign donations or rather the lack of them to getting elected, so the party is impartial and concentrates on the elections in the House of Representatives and the Senate and one day it may hold a majority in both.
I was also
God, even this guy needs to end with a 'now please give us a little hope tidbit after all your sober analysis' line
Go k
Great to hear from you, but that post of mine was a typo. Otherwise, I admire you very much and follow your interviews wherever I can.
LLM-derived summaries and breakdowns of that program with Prof. Mearsheimer: https://complexiathesinker.substack.com/p/llm-over-john-mearsheimer-things
still better than if you had your way and gave ukraine in toto to putin right away mr meershimer
I've never heard Professor Mearsheimer say that all of Ukraine should be given to Russia. In fact, I've heard him ask why would Russia want all of Ukraine? The Ukrainians should be responsible for Ukraine, no one else.
if meershimer doesn't know that russia wants all of ukraine then he shouldn't be speaking on this topic at all. nobody that ignorant should speak on this topic.
I think he said that there is no evidence that Russia wants all of Ukraine. Do you have evidence that Russia wants to occupy all of Ukraine? I've seen evidence that Russia wanted to negotiate a ceasefire with Ukraine. Once in Gomel in the first days of the war, and once in Istanbul. I think Putin met with unanticipated resistance from the UKrainians and wanted to quit fighting.
did you forget russia's attempted invasion of kyiv ? russia entered the road to kyiv with thousands of tanks! what does the esteemed professor think that was? an invitation to a party?
really unbelievable this ability not to see the obvious. they clearly said that they would take over the government in kyiv. they are still saying the kyiv government is illegitimate. what does this mean to the meershimer fans?
why this love for the fascist putin? really, explain please. what makes putin so attractive to you guys?
I would ask you to consider that it's your hate of Putin that is blinding you to facts. Also, the regime in Kiev has been worse for it's citizens than Putin has been for Russians, and I don't like people bullshitting me about "democracy" in Kiev. Nobody outside of Russia needs to love or hate Putin, he's the Russian's leader, they seem to like him, and that's their business.
if the kyiv regime is so bad for ukrainians why did the russians then calculate that it would be too hard to fight off all the ensuing urban warfare? so the row of tanks going into kyiv was just a feint. OMG the RT propaganda works in spades or in tanks in your case. this is an answer to the various justifications of the putin invasion of ukraine. all the while you guys base your arguments on the belief that ukrainians are just stooges for the US. stooges who are willing to fight urban warfare. you guys are unbelievable in a very sad sad way. how can RT feed you such powerful koolaide. sad for the US, sad for ukraine, sad for the world in general.
If Russia really wanted Kyiv, they would have taken it later when they built up their military. The reason THEY DON'T want it has been explained by numerous Russia experts from Ray McGovern to Douglas Macgregor and Scott Ritter, Prof Mearsheimer many times, but some people apparently missed the memo. The reason they DO NOT WANT IT is that they would then have to deal with quelling endless urban warfare conflicts with people that would hate them and they don't want to bankrupt Russia administering the old areas they once had in the USSR. Only their old strategic base in Crimea and ethnic Russians in the Donbas who opposed the 2014 US puppet govt are who they have tried to support. They don't want all of Ukraine but they do want a neutral neighbor.
They only wanted a NEUTRAL border country, and we kept stoking chaos their arming people to provoke war since we don't have to lose any troops doing this. It was an awful, cynical strategy pursued by people who do not care if we fight "to the last Ukrainian" just to "weaken Russia" whom we are actually strengthening at the expense of our own economy. Only the military sector makes money out of this mess. We have set Russia up as the perpetual Bogeyman scapegoat to make money selling weapons in our only apparent industry left.
And a lot of people who don't pay attention buy into anything said of the most mindlessly simplistic way of looking at everything like Russia is not pragmatic when that is exactly what they are. It is our neocon set roosting in the State Dept the past 24 years that are not pragmatic and who have no analytical skills and are an embarrassment as to diplomatic skills. We should have had better but we have poor choices in politics for whatever reason. The major parties aren't interested in running anyone who would do the right thing in foreign policy. We have sell-outs to the military industrial complex arms mfrs, big Pharma, and AIPAC running everything.
No, they did not make a serious effort at invading Kyiv. They made a feint there while focusing on their objectives closer to Russia to prevent Ukrainian forces from all moving to the one place, and furthermore, the original first three months were strictly to try to force negotiation after the US refused to negotiate in Dec. 2021 following their pulling Russia's chain with the strategic security agreement in fall 2021, which had crossed redlines long expressed by Russia and which Biden WELL KNEW would set off alarm in Russia.
Then when Jeffrey Sachs asked the Biden State Dept in Dec. 2021, they answered Jeffrey Sachs that the US wasn't interested in speaking with Russia about their security concerns. Sachs had told them they should talk to them.
Biden made calculated remarks just before the military operation in Feb. that the US would make sure Nordstream would go bye-bye, as though licking his chops planning it with his same old Nuland neocon gang from the 2014 coup.
In March/April, Russia and Ukraine negotiated; a key Ukrainian negotiator was assassinated by Ukrainian security forces; and the UK & US told Ukraine NOT to negotiate.
After THAT Russia finally started building a real force of the type needed for a serious longterm war, after seeing there was no one to negotiate with.
The original operation was NOT done with enough forces to do any sort of 'taking over" of all of Ukraine, and the intention was demanding negotiation after being frightened that NATO was going to place missiles in range of Moscow in the hand of Azov folks who sport tattoos of a type last seen in WW2 for Russia's opponent that killed 27 million of their people. A legit border security concern, and one the "Obama Doctrine" had claimed to understand but which Biden has never cared about.
We singlehandedly, misguidedly goaded and instigated Russia into building up its forces into a much larger force in order to defend their national border security interests. We have been lying about this non stop, which is why I am now an independent after stupidly voting for the instigator of this insanity.
Every calculation has been a miscalculation. Our "sanctions" strengthen the other side and cause other nations to flock to BRICS instead of us, out of fear we will pirate away their money too. We are weakening our ability to be the international currency backbone. We have strengthened their military by forcing them to BUILD IT UP by refusing to use ANY DIPLOMACY.
I have not seen such poor diplomatic policy and skills in an administration in my lifetime.
Even Nixon put a lot of effort into diplomacy abroad. It seems like we are going DOWNHILL since 2000 in the area of diplomacy and have only bully diplomacy. Bullying does NOT help a nation establish widespread international trust needed for leadership/hegemony - it weakens credibility. Trust comes from the strength of peacefulness -- showing the willingness to work together with other nations to build trade ties and peace, not the willingness to stoke chaos abroad and provoke war to sell missiles.
yes, they made a feint!!! OMG and all the letters of our alphabet. who could buy such an "explanation"? what kind of willful lack of normal reasoning does it take to say their tanks were a feint??
forgot to finish my first sentence with "was just a feint" as one of the other meershimer/putin fans claimed.
well at least you aren't saying the line of tanks putin sent into kyiv. but it is a kind of hubris to think that we are so smart to fiind the underlying reasons for this and that but ukrainians were just pushed into war, just stupid stooges.
You have completely missed the point if you think Russia wanted to have to deal with any of this war. They certainly don't want to own all of Ukraine because then they have to go bankrupt trying to maintain it. They learned that lesson in the USSR days. They don't want to have to keep parts of Ukraine that aren't ethnic Russian and that don't want to be part of Russia.
You missed the whole point about what they were trying to negotiate for at Minsk and asked to negotiate in Dec 2021, and again in March 2022, which was a neutral NON NATO non hostile state on their border which if it had been allowed to stay that way, Russia wouldn't be involved in any sort of current conflict.
And if Ukraine would have been allowed to complete the negotiations in spring 2022 before the United States and the UK interfered, again there wouldn't be any of this military operation going on.
So for such a numbskull to be positing that Russia wanted to be stuck in this slogging effort to protect their border security is sheer ignorance.
The only reason Russia now has built up their military is that we would not negotiate in December 2021 or March 2022. They didn't go into any of this with the sort of military that was big enough to handle and ongoing war and certainly not big enough to take over all of Ukraine.
They were forced into this by our intransigence and meddling and our refusal to allow us or Ukraine to negotiate with them about their border security. For more about how we interfered in negotiations, please listen to Glenn Greenwald's Rumble interview with Jeffrey Sachs May 15 in the 21 minutes to 50 minutes time period.
Russia didn't even want to have to build up its military because that is very costly. It was not on a path to do that until Biden started his strategic security agreement to put Ukraine on a path to NATO membership in fall 2021, which would have made it not neutral and we were already causing havoc over there since 2014 with our coup.
It is the US that wants to control all of Ukraine. If the neocons Biden/Nuland had not meddled in 2014 and again in 2021, Russia wouldn't have needed to pursue security protection of their border from potential strikes from future ukrainian NATO bases within striking distance of Moscow. To us it's just a game.
To Russia it is an existential threat, especially with our arming neo-Nazi militias after their history losing 22 million people to the Nazis in WW2.
you are still calling this criminal invasion a military operation. you forgot putin's complete title: special military operation, don't make mistakes when you justify putin with his own logic. words are important.
yes, yes, yes, putin was forced into this criminal invasion. just like the school yard bully is forced to attack the little guy, he doesn't want to but the sandwhich or the money that the little boy has made him do it.
i guess the good putin was tempted by the devil in the form of ukrainians, or the US. these things happen.
This is true of the Ukraine war, and it was true of both Iraq/Us wars, among many others. In the words of Russian foreign Minister Yevgeny Primakov, who was asked by Hussein, in desperation, to intervene and negotiate with Bush and Thatcher. He was rebuffed, concluding: “They want war”.
they would have lost all of ukraine. but that's fine for meershimer and his fans
Exactly, they = CIA would have lost all of Ukraine. Ukrainian citizens would have gotten peace, prosperity a chance to develop as a bridge between EU and Russia, and China. As an independent country, recognized by neighboring EU and Russia.
Powell / War / Stagflation /the economy reviewed by Armstrong.
the deep state has gone insane
oversight has been in vain
wildly flail in their death throes
more evil than most suppose
hidden control is slipping
so peons need more whipping
what kind of hell have they planned
make us bow to their command
The Worlds Most Dangerous Poet
Please clarify to whom you specifically refer as ‘collective west’. I assure you the US taxpayer floating the bills is at a net loss for funding these conflicts.
Even if we do know what we are doing, it is evil.
Even if we do know what we are doing, it is evil.