Gaza is under Israeli occupation. Israel controls everything. What goes in or out, including food, medicines, even people. Gaza isn't allowed a port, airport, has no control over its borders and lived under constant threat of airstrikes. And all that was before the 7 month-long genocide we've seen play out on our screens. Hamas is always…
Gaza is under Israeli occupation. Israel controls everything. What goes in or out, including food, medicines, even people. Gaza isn't allowed a port, airport, has no control over its borders and lived under constant threat of airstrikes. And all that was before the 7 month-long genocide we've seen play out on our screens. Hamas is always the go to excuse when Israel wants to justify absolutely anything. They even fostered the success of Hamas to begin with so they could undermine the two state solution.
In 2005, Israel left Gaza. They would have welcomed a peaceful neighbor. But, the Hamas charter calls for Israel’s destruction. They are very open about their intentions. They had conducted numerous murderous terror attacks against Israelis up to that point. Of course Israel AND Egypt secured the border until they saw what Hamas intended as neighbors. That became clear from the outset. Not only are Israelis victims of their barbaric terrorism, but Palestinian citizens are living under their horrific, corrupt, leadership.
Gaza is under Israeli occupation. Israel controls everything. What goes in or out, including food, medicines, even people. Gaza isn't allowed a port, airport, has no control over its borders and lived under constant threat of airstrikes. And all that was before the 7 month-long genocide we've seen play out on our screens. Hamas is always the go to excuse when Israel wants to justify absolutely anything. They even fostered the success of Hamas to begin with so they could undermine the two state solution.
In 2005, Israel left Gaza. They would have welcomed a peaceful neighbor. But, the Hamas charter calls for Israel’s destruction. They are very open about their intentions. They had conducted numerous murderous terror attacks against Israelis up to that point. Of course Israel AND Egypt secured the border until they saw what Hamas intended as neighbors. That became clear from the outset. Not only are Israelis victims of their barbaric terrorism, but Palestinian citizens are living under their horrific, corrupt, leadership.