We struggle to get the facts and the truth from events of the last 100 or even 20 years. Lets not cite alledged events that happened even before the invention of the printing press. 614 AD was back when everyone was slaughtering everyone, before anger management was invented.
If you want something a little more reliable to accuse Israelis…
We struggle to get the facts and the truth from events of the last 100 or even 20 years. Lets not cite alledged events that happened even before the invention of the printing press. 614 AD was back when everyone was slaughtering everyone, before anger management was invented.
If you want something a little more reliable to accuse Israelis of, in their treatment of Christians, search Youtube for Israelis spitting on Christians including Nuns and barring prelates from practicing their faith and carrying out church business .... all within the last couple years and captured on video.
Before the printing press there was papyrus and writings carved in stone. We know a lot more about such times than you think. It is because of ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs we know Palestine and Palestinians have existed for more than 5000 years and they invaded Egypt more than once.
So you believe the archivists of the past 1500 years kept their papyrus and fought to the death any Pope or King or politician from messing with it or getting access to the time activated vault it was stored in ? What was stopping a jew, sitting on a rock, from scratching "It never happened. I was there" on a stone and putting it in a cave ? If you walked into a court today with your evidence, what do you think the judge would have to say, if they even let you see one ? There is not a whimper of a prayer of these events being awarded any credibility and that is not to say it didn't happen. Maybe they killed 100,000. Nobody would know for sure but lots will claim confidence in their numbers for no credible reason.
I agree that the printing press made more information and data available but that too was prone to rewrites and tampering. And ancient writings ranged from the largely daily banalities of lists and wishes, for good and ill, to the claimed conquests of Kings.
I merely make the point that there was information available from ancient times prior to the invention of the printing press. Hieroglyphs and Cuneiform go back thousands of years and when transcribed, as the Rosetta Stone made possible for the former, are invaluable.
As to credibility, that is where the gathering of historical data to support the claims is so important. Yes, much of archaeology is conjecture and supposition but there are also facts available to make a case.
But in essence I agree with you that what matters is the contemporary evidence for savagery by the Israelis.
Get your terms right. Palestine was a rename given by the Romans to Israel after the destruction of the Second Temple. It alludes to the Philistines who colonised Gaza in ancient times. I am not sure that Philistines ever invaded Egypt, or even Israel for that matter. Egypt invaded both areas.
Since we have clear evidence that the words Palestine and Palestinians were written down by the Egyptians more than 5000 years ago, carved in stone, we know that Palestine was not a name given by the Romans who did not even exist until thousands of years after the Palestinians were being talked about in Egypt.
Same for the Philistines, a people who did not exist until thousands of years after the Palestinians and Palestine were mentioned.
Yes Egypt invaded both areas and the Palestinians invaded Egypt more than once. I suggest you study Egyptology and get the facts.
The Philistine/Roman blather is Zio propaganda trying to prove that Palestine was invented later. It was not and it is ridiculous to claim that it was.
And as an aside for the Bible worshippers, the story of the Jews fleeing Egypt is yet another lie, as is the story they were slaves. The Egyptians never mentioned them and no the Habiru theory does not cut it, and when the Jews were supposedly fleeing to Palestine/Canaan it was an Egyptian colony so they would have been fleeing Egypt into Egypt.
We struggle to get the facts and the truth from events of the last 100 or even 20 years. Lets not cite alledged events that happened even before the invention of the printing press. 614 AD was back when everyone was slaughtering everyone, before anger management was invented.
If you want something a little more reliable to accuse Israelis of, in their treatment of Christians, search Youtube for Israelis spitting on Christians including Nuns and barring prelates from practicing their faith and carrying out church business .... all within the last couple years and captured on video.
Before the printing press there was papyrus and writings carved in stone. We know a lot more about such times than you think. It is because of ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs we know Palestine and Palestinians have existed for more than 5000 years and they invaded Egypt more than once.
So you believe the archivists of the past 1500 years kept their papyrus and fought to the death any Pope or King or politician from messing with it or getting access to the time activated vault it was stored in ? What was stopping a jew, sitting on a rock, from scratching "It never happened. I was there" on a stone and putting it in a cave ? If you walked into a court today with your evidence, what do you think the judge would have to say, if they even let you see one ? There is not a whimper of a prayer of these events being awarded any credibility and that is not to say it didn't happen. Maybe they killed 100,000. Nobody would know for sure but lots will claim confidence in their numbers for no credible reason.
I agree that the printing press made more information and data available but that too was prone to rewrites and tampering. And ancient writings ranged from the largely daily banalities of lists and wishes, for good and ill, to the claimed conquests of Kings.
I merely make the point that there was information available from ancient times prior to the invention of the printing press. Hieroglyphs and Cuneiform go back thousands of years and when transcribed, as the Rosetta Stone made possible for the former, are invaluable.
As to credibility, that is where the gathering of historical data to support the claims is so important. Yes, much of archaeology is conjecture and supposition but there are also facts available to make a case.
But in essence I agree with you that what matters is the contemporary evidence for savagery by the Israelis.
Get your terms right. Palestine was a rename given by the Romans to Israel after the destruction of the Second Temple. It alludes to the Philistines who colonised Gaza in ancient times. I am not sure that Philistines ever invaded Egypt, or even Israel for that matter. Egypt invaded both areas.
Since we have clear evidence that the words Palestine and Palestinians were written down by the Egyptians more than 5000 years ago, carved in stone, we know that Palestine was not a name given by the Romans who did not even exist until thousands of years after the Palestinians were being talked about in Egypt.
Same for the Philistines, a people who did not exist until thousands of years after the Palestinians and Palestine were mentioned.
Yes Egypt invaded both areas and the Palestinians invaded Egypt more than once. I suggest you study Egyptology and get the facts.
The Philistine/Roman blather is Zio propaganda trying to prove that Palestine was invented later. It was not and it is ridiculous to claim that it was.
And as an aside for the Bible worshippers, the story of the Jews fleeing Egypt is yet another lie, as is the story they were slaves. The Egyptians never mentioned them and no the Habiru theory does not cut it, and when the Jews were supposedly fleeing to Palestine/Canaan it was an Egyptian colony so they would have been fleeing Egypt into Egypt.