Since we have clear evidence that the words Palestine and Palestinians were written down by the Egyptians more than 5000 years ago, carved in stone, we know that Palestine was not a name given by the Romans who did not even exist until thousands of years after the Palestinians were being talked about in Egypt.
Since we have clear evidence that the words Palestine and Palestinians were written down by the Egyptians more than 5000 years ago, carved in stone, we know that Palestine was not a name given by the Romans who did not even exist until thousands of years after the Palestinians were being talked about in Egypt.
Same for the Philistines, a people who did not exist until thousands of years after the Palestinians and Palestine were mentioned.
Yes Egypt invaded both areas and the Palestinians invaded Egypt more than once. I suggest you study Egyptology and get the facts.
The Philistine/Roman blather is Zio propaganda trying to prove that Palestine was invented later. It was not and it is ridiculous to claim that it was.
And as an aside for the Bible worshippers, the story of the Jews fleeing Egypt is yet another lie, as is the story they were slaves. The Egyptians never mentioned them and no the Habiru theory does not cut it, and when the Jews were supposedly fleeing to Palestine/Canaan it was an Egyptian colony so they would have been fleeing Egypt into Egypt.
Since we have clear evidence that the words Palestine and Palestinians were written down by the Egyptians more than 5000 years ago, carved in stone, we know that Palestine was not a name given by the Romans who did not even exist until thousands of years after the Palestinians were being talked about in Egypt.
Same for the Philistines, a people who did not exist until thousands of years after the Palestinians and Palestine were mentioned.
Yes Egypt invaded both areas and the Palestinians invaded Egypt more than once. I suggest you study Egyptology and get the facts.
The Philistine/Roman blather is Zio propaganda trying to prove that Palestine was invented later. It was not and it is ridiculous to claim that it was.
And as an aside for the Bible worshippers, the story of the Jews fleeing Egypt is yet another lie, as is the story they were slaves. The Egyptians never mentioned them and no the Habiru theory does not cut it, and when the Jews were supposedly fleeing to Palestine/Canaan it was an Egyptian colony so they would have been fleeing Egypt into Egypt.