If Israel is an apartheid state given that they occupy Gaza where there are lot of Palestinians are living inside, Vietnam is arguably in the same level of Israel. Vietnam took Kampuchea Krom (Saigon) from Cambodia in 1949 (not to mention that they also took Tral island (Phu Kok) from Cambodia). Kampuchea Krom is a huge chunk of territory that consists of over twenty provinces inside, and hundred of thousands of native Cambodian (called Khmer-Krom) are still living there oven though the territory was given to the Vietnamese. Often time, the Vietnamese government oppresses those native Cambodian by sentencing or using the act of violence (But not as serious as what the Israeli government often do to the Palestinian). Monks have been the target of the government given that monks usually educate young generation of Khmer krom Khmer language and Khmer culture inside Pagoda--the government find it illegal and they try to oppress those kind of activities. There are lot of cases that the Vietnamese government try to pound Khmer Krom people. Lot of Khmer krom people always have a sense that Khmer is the identity of their blood even though they are in part of Vietnam.

My bottom line is that I always have a sense that Vietnam has been trying to do to Cambodia like the way Israel does to Palestine. They try to duplicate that pattern.

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Mr. Professor, I am pleased to have listened to almost all of your speeches on the genocide in Gaza and others. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.

I would just like to hear from you: why South Africa stood up for the Palestinians in the International Court of Justice. I think people need to know this, namely:

- that Israel organize during apartheid in South Africa bantustans;

- that Israel tested its atomic bomb in the South African desert;

- that Israel funded research on biological weapons (to find a disease that would affect only Arabs and blacks);

- that the General Assembly condemned the union of South African racism and Zionism back in 1953.

Isn't it important? What do you say about this?

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Hello there,

I'm Nemanja Plotan, the creator behind WorldWatch Weekly, a newsletter dedicated to exploring topics such as Global Political Economy, Geopolitics, Geoeconomics, History, and Monetary and Fiscal policies.

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The atrocities committed by Zionists/Israelis/Jews go back more than 75 years.

Quote: A history of war crimes

In October 1951, the Israelis raided Gaza, killing dozens of Palestinians and Egyptians, demolishing dozens of houses, and blowing up wells to curb the attempts by the expelled Palestinians to return home across the new borders erected by the Jewish settler colony.

At the time, foreign observers did not mention Israel’s 'right to defend itself' and called the massacre 'an appalling case of deliberate mass murder'

Earlier, in August 1949, Israeli soldiers captured two Palestinian refugees. They killed the man and 22 soldiers took turns raping the woman before killing her. In March 1950, Israeli soldiers abducted two Palestinian girls and one boy from Gaza across the new border.

They killed the boy and then raped the two girls before killing them. By then, it was quite common for Israeli soldiers and police to rape female Palestinian refugees attempting to return to their homes, a practice that was widespread during the Nakba a few years earlier.

In August 1950, for example, four Israeli policemen raped a Palestinian woman picking fruit from her family’s orchard across the West Bank border.

Israeli raids on Gaza would continue in 1952 and 1953, culminating in the Bureij refugee camp massacre in August of that year. The Israeli military unit 101 killed at least 20 Palestinian refugees, including seven women and five children, by throwing bombs through the windows of their huts while they slept and shooting those who fled. Dozens were injured. Other sources put the final tally of Palestinians killed at 50.

At the time, foreign observers did not mention Israel’s “right to defend itself” and called the massacre “an appalling case of deliberate mass murder”. That same year, the Israelis slaughtered 70 Palestinian civilians in the West Bank village of Qibya, which even the Indianapolis-based, pro-Israel National Jewish Post compared to the Nazi massacre at Lidice.


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S. Africa ????? What does s. A know about.genocide in Gaza apart from their own experience as perpetrators of that crime 2 age old truths apply people in glass houses should not throw stones and pot calling the kettle black Who takes hostages today ??? terrorists and pirates ! and we now have 2 such groups active vs. Israel and the worlds ships urged on by misguided agitators like you Try living next door to them with rocket fire a regular occurence for years and the final atrocity of oct 7 The palestinians have sat by and watched Hamas threaten and commit atrocities for years just like the germans allowed the nazis to do in the 30s and 40s and now you advocatei it Despicable !!

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Israel has always taken hostages. It has 6 million Palestinians held hostage under its brutal military colonial apartheid rule. It has more than 10,000 hostages in its prisons, including children, all of whom are tortured because torture is legal for non-Jews in Israel. Most of those are imprisoned without charge or trial and for the children it is often for the 'crime' of throwing stones.

A hostage is anyone held as a bargaining chip and what is why Israel kidnaps children in the middle of the night and imprisons them, takes them hostage, to force their parents not to resist the occupation.

The only time Israel has ever negotiated with the Palestinian Resistance is to get hostages back. If that is the only bargaining chip an oppressed and brutalised people have then of course they will use it.

Zionist Israel has a long list of crimes going back 75 years, all committed to maintain occupation, colonisation and apartheid.

The atrocities committed by Zionists/Israelis/Jews go back more than 75 years. Terrorism and hostage taking has been the Zioraeli way from the start.

Quote: A history of war crimes

In October 1951, the Israelis raided Gaza, killing dozens of Palestinians and Egyptians, demolishing dozens of houses, and blowing up wells to curb the attempts by the expelled Palestinians to return home across the new borders erected by the Jewish settler colony.

At the time, foreign observers did not mention Israel’s 'right to defend itself' and called the massacre 'an appalling case of deliberate mass murder'

Earlier, in August 1949, Israeli soldiers captured two Palestinian refugees. They killed the man and 22 soldiers took turns raping the woman before killing her. In March 1950, Israeli soldiers abducted two Palestinian girls and one boy from Gaza across the new border.

They killed the boy and then raped the two girls before killing them. By then, it was quite common for Israeli soldiers and police to rape female Palestinian refugees attempting to return to their homes, a practice that was widespread during the Nakba a few years earlier.

In August 1950, for example, four Israeli policemen raped a Palestinian woman picking fruit from her family’s orchard across the West Bank border.

Israeli raids on Gaza would continue in 1952 and 1953, culminating in the Bureij refugee camp massacre in August of that year. The Israeli military unit 101 killed at least 20 Palestinian refugees, including seven women and five children, by throwing bombs through the windows of their huts while they slept and shooting those who fled. Dozens were injured. Other sources put the final tally of Palestinians killed at 50.

At the time, foreign observers did not mention Israel’s “right to defend itself” and called the massacre “an appalling case of deliberate mass murder”. That same year, the Israelis slaughtered 70 Palestinian civilians in the West Bank village of Qibya, which even the Indianapolis-based, pro-Israel National Jewish Post compared to the Nazi massacre at Lidice.


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Imagine this headline: “Brits bomb Belfast to obliterate IRA – 24,000 dead, 50,000 injured, all hospitals flattened – children limbless and starving”.


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Imagine this headline: Brits bomb Belfast to obliterate the Irish who are subhuman animals. Calls for them to be exterminated with nuclear weapons.

That is what Israeli ministers and politicians have said about Palestinians.

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Yes Mr. Mearsheimer, as you said, “brute facts are hard to dispute.”

But your facts are highly curated.

A better word for “partial truths” is “lies”.

Let’s see, who is famous for making “creative truths” using partial truths.

Oh yeah, that’s right, Satan.

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Hello there,

I'm Nemanja Plotan, the creator behind WorldWatch Weekly, a newsletter dedicated to exploring topics such as Global Political Economy, Geopolitics, Geoeconomics, History, and Monetary and Fiscal policies.

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Surely Satan, if such an entity exists would be behind evil treatment of others, cruelty, violence and would support occupation, colonisation, apartheid and genocide as practised by Zionism and Israel for more than 75 years.

I would have thought that any Christian who followed the teachings of Jesus would be totally on the side of the oppressed and brutalised Palestinians, as indeed Jesus would be if he came back.

I don't actually believe in Satan but I do recognise evil when I see it.

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I largely agree with what you said as far as it goes. But once again facts are being ignored. You can’t just look at part of the truth. You have to look at everything. You have to look at the fact that the Palestinians all wish every Jew on earth was dead. You have to look at the fact that the Palestinians elected Hamas to be their government. You have to look at the fact that Palestinians chose to not except every single concession that the Israelis made in the every peace deal ever brokered.

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Imagine this headline: “Brits bomb Belfast to obliterate IRA – 24,000 dead, 50,000 injured, all hospitals flattened – children limbless and starving”.

And imagine if the German or Japanese occupiers had done to their concentration camps what Israel is doing to Gaza.

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It is not a fact that the Palestinians all wish every Jew on earth were dead. Although given their suffering, the longest holocaust in modern history, inflicted in the name of Jews, and often by Jews, it would not be surprising if they did. But they do not.

Even Hamas has said the issue is not with Jews but with Zionism. The fact Zionism is supported by many Jews, too many Jews, does raise issues, but, it is also supported by many Christians.

Perhaps more important, there is absolutely no chance that Palestinians could target every Jew on earth since most do not live in Zionist Israel but are far, far away in dozens of countries around the world.

So, to make the point, it is not true that all Palestinians want to kill Jews, that is Zioraeli spin, and Palestinians present zero threat to Judaism and its followers.

Yes, you do have to look at the fact that the Palestinians elected Hamas but it is useful if you know the history and understand why. In essence, Hamas was not corrupt like the PLO and was highly effective in helping to assuage the terrible suffering of Palestinians under Israeli military colonial rule. That is why they won the election, which, as international observers said, was fair and democratic. Israel with the help of the US then overturned that election so Hamas was elected to absolutely nothing.

Most Hamas senior figures have been in Israeli gaols for decades and those who have been in the Gaza ghetto/prison/concentration camp have been highly effective prisoner support workers. Again, something stated by international observers.

Yes Hamas is a part of the Palestinian Resistance and a vital part but the Resistance only exists because Israel occupies all of Palestine, continues to violently colonise it and denies the Palestinians, all 6 million of them, justice, freedom and human and civil rights.

As to your last comment, you clearly have no knowledge of the history of this colonial war. It is completely untrue that the Palestinians rejected all concessions because Israel has never made any concessions. It was Israel who broke every ceasefire, not the Palestinians, so it could bomb Gaza to test its weapons and cull, hopefully, younger generations. All of this is common knowledge.

Israel's army of thugs called the bombing of Gaza, Mowing the Lawn, as if the Palestinians were blades of grass. It was and is pure evil.

You have to look at the fact that your statements make it clear you have very little knowledge or understanding of this issue and you are repeating Zioraeli propaganda.

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This discussion has been interesting. But it appears that you have your mind made up and to not have the ability to look at all the facts objectively. So I have no choice but to discontinue the conversation and wish you well.

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Happy to agree to disagree although you have not presented any facts, nor have you managed to refute those I presented. Take care.

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Hello there,

I'm Nemanja Plotan, the creator behind WorldWatch Weekly, a newsletter dedicated to exploring topics such as Global Political Economy, Geopolitics, Geoeconomics, History, and Monetary and Fiscal policies.

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Nemanja Plotan

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Es curioso y descorazonador, ver lo acotado que es, necesariamente, el análisis histórico de los hechos. Cómo si se buscase eludir religiosamente la conclusión correcta, dura e indiscutible: el llamado estado de israel, usurpa violenta y criminalmente hasta el último milímetro del territorio de Palestina, de un modo atroz, superador de todas las historias y mitos sobre la Alemania de la segunda guerra mundial. La única solución ( que luce imposible) es que estos criminales reclutados de entre las peores mafias financieras y armamentisticas, se retiren o sean retirados de toda la tierra de Palestina hasta el último.

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Jan 14·edited Jan 14

Even though I cannot prove this, I STRONGLY suspect that the Israeli government and it’s military (the IDF) DID have advanced intelligence indicating that a HAMAS attack was imminent, but INTENTIONALLY waited almost 7 hours after the attack began before taking any retaliatory or repulsive actions. I believe that this was INTENDED so that the Israeli government could televise the bloody murder and mayhem which ensued via the HAMAS attack. This gave Israel the opportunity to gain almost immediate world sympathy and hopefully full approval of and for the now obvious OVERREACTION by the IDF and Israel’s clear intent of GENOCIDE. I STRONGLY suspect that this whole scenario had been pre-planned long before the actual HAMAS attack of Oct. 7 2023 began. When it comes to Zionist Israel, very little is as it may seem at first glance. DECEPTION, lies and half-truths are it’s, ‘stock in trade.’

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Hello there,

I'm Nemanja Plotan, the creator behind WorldWatch Weekly, a newsletter dedicated to exploring topics such as Global Political Economy, Geopolitics, Geoeconomics, History, and Monetary and Fiscal policies.

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I would just make the point that while mayhem is a given, most of the atrocity claims by Israel remain unproven, are debunked and were invented in the Tel Aviv hasbara bunker rather than being a reality on the ground from the Palestinian Resistance.

No doubt there were atrocities but as even one Israeli soldier said, not by the Palestinian Resistance/Hamas, but by young men who broke out after the fighters. Since these young men were around the age of twenty, one can assume some of them were less than psychologically healthy having been subjected to sonic booms and regular bombings by the Israeli occupiers since they were toddlers. Whatever crimes some of them committed can solely be blamed on Israel for the experiences they suffered during a childhood of violent and cruel imprisonment.

And yes, lies are the stock in trade of Zionism and Israel. Zionism created its plan to colonise Palestine based on lies; Zionist armies invaded with genocidal violence and then lied about it; Israel has done nothing but lie in the 75 years since it invented itself and we cannot be surprised that the word Israel contains the word LIAR AND the word Zionist contains the word SIN.

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You're right and your comments are well expressed (something I, unfortunately. seldom see much evidence thereof online)

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As long as you think these silly word games make some kind of point, you might as well notice that the word Palestinian contains the word LIES and SIN and SATAN.

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While I am not one who supports the teachings of Islam. However, in all honesty, I must say that I do know a few Arabic Muslims that I would much prefer to have as neighbors than any Jews. Where ever (especially) Orthodox Jews reside in significant numbers the community suffers from degradation of all sorts, not the least of which is a greatly increased amount of trash and disorder. This does not even begin to touch upon the subjects of ethics and morality.

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Thank you for admitting that Israelis equates with lies and with liars.

Since Satan does not exist and Sin is living in ignorance I would think that the Palestinians are living in the ignorance of colonial rule. And Lies also means to lie down so yes, they are crushed under murderous Israel military colonial rule.

Oh, and LIAR is not the same as LIES. There is no Liar in Palestinian. There is the word Liar in Israel.

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Well put!

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Hello there,

I'm Nemanja Plotan, the creator behind WorldWatch Weekly, a newsletter dedicated to exploring topics such as Global Political Economy, Geopolitics, Geoeconomics, History, and Monetary and Fiscal policies.

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Nemanja Plotan

WorldWatch Weekly

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An excellent piece of fact! Well done! 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻

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Hello there,

I'm Nemanja Plotan, the creator behind WorldWatch Weekly, a newsletter dedicated to exploring topics such as Global Political Economy, Geopolitics, Geoeconomics, History, and Monetary and Fiscal policies.

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Nemanja Plotan

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Hi John,

Although I really enjoyed your analysis of the Ukraine war a couple of years ago, you couldn't be more wrong this time:

1) The only ones really Intending and performing genocide were the Hamas Terrorists who committed their atrocities on October 7'th, i refer you to this website


2) In 2005 Israel withdrew from Gaza completely, hoping to get the residents there a fresh start, that didn't happen as Hamas took over in 2007 killing its opposition, and since then targeted Israel with every rocket they could make.

3) They hid rockets under ground, in schools and near hospitals and mosques, and dug huge tunnels underground, which could resist any attempt to destroy them surgically.

4) The only way to get rid of these weapons which only were constructed as offensive weapons and not as defensive ones, is to have boots on the ground, to scan every house and every tree to find and destroy these weapons of mass destruction.

5) Hams is and was always using its civilians as shelter for its terrorist activities, they have always encourages people to be martyrs, and always adored death, while we in Israel adore life.

6) If you believe this war is only about territory and that sacrificing Israel would be the solution for your peace of mind, kindly remember 9/11, can you seriously say that the radical Islamist who made these attacks were after territory, or was it religious motivation against the west ?

Make no mistake John, all you need to do is read the Quran, if we lose this war, or have to stop it prematurely, the US and Europe is next for them.


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Hello there,

I'm Nemanja Plotan, the creator behind WorldWatch Weekly, a newsletter dedicated to exploring topics such as Global Political Economy, Geopolitics, Geoeconomics, History, and Monetary and Fiscal policies.

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Jan 14·edited Jan 14

The people of Palestine have endured six decades of occupation and repression by the state of Israel. This campaign of Israeli repression long predated the founding of Hamas in 1987, and reflects a conscious choice by the Israeli people to advance the cause of Zionist expansion over the prospect of peace. It is perverse in the extreme to suggest that the Palestinians, a stateless people who have been systematically punished and immiserated by Israel, have a moral responsibility to ensure the safety and comfort of their occupiers.

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The world MUST COME TO RECOGNIZE that Zionism = Satanism, plain and simple. The very fact that almost ALL of Israel's 'laws; ARE based upon the Talmud should make it imminently CLEAR that the Zionist state of Israel IS INDEED, and always has been, from it's very inception Satanic. Just reading a bit of the Talmud will make it clear that it was written by those who willingly serve Satan! This is not to say that all Jews or that all of those dwelling within Israel are this sort of psychopath. To be sure that IS NOT true. But, organizations such as Chabad and other ultra-Orthodox Jewish groups are, in effect, as evil as the Devil himself.

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Hello there,

I'm Nemanja Plotan, the creator behind WorldWatch Weekly, a newsletter dedicated to exploring topics such as Global Political Economy, Geopolitics, Geoeconomics, History, and Monetary and Fiscal policies.

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Everything you have said is Zioraeli propaganda with no substance in fact or truth. Israel did not leave Gaza completely and it is ridiculous to claim it did. Israel crushes all of Palestine, which includes Gaza, under brutal military colonial occupation. Israel controls the lives of all Palestinians and in essence holds 6 million people hostage as it fights to maintain occupation, colonisation and apartheid.

And people wonder why the Palestinians have a Resistance militia. Ask the French and Poles why they created Resistance forces when they were occupied by the Germans?

Israel pulled illegal settlers out of Gaza and then settled them, still illegally, in other parts of Occupied Palestine. It did that so it could more easily, or so it thought, control the Palestinians inside what they quickly turned into a prison.

There is something truly sick in the comment, ' hoping to get the residents there a fresh start,.' If you think building an electric fence around an area and setting up naval forces on the sea side, with an order to shoot to kill any man, woman, child or dog which came near the fence is a FRESH START you have a very peculiar definition of fresh and start.

Hamas, by the way, was elected by all Palestinians and not just by those in the Gaza ghetto. Israel has had Gaza under siege, in essence turning it into a concentration camp, the world's biggest open-air prison as many called it, including a UK Prime Minister, from the time Hamas won the election. That election, despite being democratic as international observers attested, was overturned by Israel with the support of the US. So, Hamas was elected to nothing.

Most Hamas senior figures are in Israeli gaols and have been for years. Of course, as is the way of humans, new leaders arose in the Gaza prison and given its effectiveness in helping the Palestinian prisoners endure the suffering inflicted by Israel, Hamas not only endured, but thrived. Hamas is of course part of the Palestinian Resistance and a critical part of the Palestinian just fight for freedom.

The Palestinian Resistance/Hamas can never be destroyed and will exist until Palestine is free. There are 16 million Palestinians in the world, half in the Diaspora, and Resistance will continue as long as some exist. Since Israel cannot even exterminate the 6 million it holds under colonial rule, we can safely assume it cannot get rid of the other 10 million.

p.s. The Jewish Terrorist Gangs, Irgun, Stern were renowned for hiding their weapons in kindergartens because they knew the British would not attack such places. The British had ethics of course and the Israelis do not so it says the Palestinian Resistance would be truly stupid to hide weapons in places critical for public support since they know the Israelis will bomb anything. As we have seen, the Israelis stop at nothing: Hospitals, ambulances, schools, UN facilities, medical centres, universities, churches, mosques...... absolutely nothing.

One would presume all of those places are the last choice for weapons storage.

You do need to remember that Israel occupies and colonises all of Palestine and not the other way around. All Palestinian weapons are Defensive and all Israeli weapons are offensive. The Israeli Occupation Force is about maintaining occupation, colonisation and apartheid.

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Even the Israeli LEHI group adopted the exact same methodology against the brits by bombing of the king Solomon hotel in protest against the British occupation of mandatory Palestine

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Yes, many are unaware that Zionist/Jewish violence is older than the Israeli State and began before 1947 with the atrocities committed by Jewish terrorist gangs, Irgun, Stern, Hagannah. The irony is a number of former terrorists went on to become Israeli Prime Ministers and they accuse the Palestinian Resistance of being terrorists.

Jewish terrorists were fighting to invade, occupy and colonise Palestine, someone else's country while those the Israelis call Palestinian terrorists are fighting to free themselves from occupation and colonisation. The Palestinian Christians and Muslims have right on their side and the European Jewish terrorists never did.

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Did you vote for Bush/Cheney?? Because the last time John was right about anything was 20 years ago.

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Unfortunately, the currently Zionist led Israel shall not pay any attention to this.

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Which is why we need boycotts and sanctions so they have no choice. Crush their economy and they will pay attention. As it is the Israhell economy is in dire straits with so many dead and crippled reservist soldiers who have not been working and will not be working for a long time.

The official figures are 5000 injured and 3000 permanently disabled. with 395 killed. Since everyone lies about such things in war we can make a guess it is more like 10,000 injured, 6000 permanently disabled and between 1-2000 killed. The Israelis were calling for all hospitals to be on alert a week ago with a need for half their space.

All of that says Israel's economy, as some have admitted, is in dire straits so even increased boycotts will cause great pain. Some countries will impose sanctions.

Israel also needs to be hit where it hurts - its ego. The South Africans found sporting boycotts hardest and Israel, because they believe they are smarter than everyone else, would find academic boycotts hardest. Let the world shut the door on their universities, research facilities and all the things the areas where they are convinced of their cleverness.

The world does not need Israel but Israel needs the world.

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Jan 12·edited Jan 17

You cannot because they have God the Creator on their side. The Lord God said through Isaac shall His salvation come and not through Ishmael.

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I DISAGREE 100%. Why do I say this? Because the Zionist State of Israel does NOT worship the same God as do Christians, but instead DOES worship Satan. There's a place in the Kabballah that states [ I know, because I read it myself ] (paraphrased... it says) 'The more one studies the Kabballah the more he shall be willing to kiss the serpent.' If ya cannot see that this 'serpent,' mentioned in the Kabballah, is Satan, then there's apparently no critical thinking left at all in you. Want some more proof? Go take a look at Israel's Supreme Court building in Jerusalem. There you shall see loads of both pagan and ANTI-CHRISTIAN symbols. See reference here: https://vigilantcitizen.com/sinistersites/sinister-sites-israel-supreme-court/

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Kabballah - is not the same as the conservative Jews. Kabbalist's are the ultra orthodox Jews and they are clearly not bible believing or Torah following Jews. They are cultists like you described above (THEY indeed worship satan) and they are mystics and do NOT follow the Tanakh at all. I am talking specifically of the Jews that desire to follow after Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.

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Neither human beliefs and fantasies about God or Satan have any part to play in the colonial war waged by Zionist Israel against Palestine.

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when discussing these events currently happening it must be approached from a biblical world view. A secular will make no sense, but there IS a God who is involved in these events. He is bringing His people back to Israel to deal with them as He has promised. It is called Daniel's 70th week.

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I fully respect the fact that believers hold to such theories but, even believers must bear in mind that most of the world does not hold such beliefs.

And if rational intelligence is applied, why would any God be so petty and so human as to want to 'bring' followers of a religion back to someone else's country in the modern age, just because a few followers camped there in ancient times? Such a belief is utterly ridiculous. First God plays realtor then God plays genocidal stage director. And people wonder why religions have declined.

The belief you cite has to be one of the most psychotic and indeed evil beliefs ever created by human beings, i.e. that some ghastly war is needed, total slaughter, Armageddon, so a few fanatics can be lifted to eternal glory while everyone else dies and then spends eternity being punished for not being a fanatical believer. If anyone wants to look into the face of evil then you will find it in what you call Daniel's 70th week.

No God, no conscious intelligence would ever be so petty, so ridiculously human and so actively evil.

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The vast majority of humanity is not a fundamentalist Christian or Jew and does not actually care what ancient Gods supposedly said or did.

If a God exists, and I suspect such an entity or conscious intelligence does, then S/HE will not be on the side of anyone but on the side of all humanity. To that end the Creator would be looking to humanity to end the evil which is the Zionist Israeli State and in the process, to learn valuable lessons about what not to be and what not to do.

Everyone will reach salvation and their choice of religion, or lack of it, will play no part.

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A true and living God is not on anyone's side but He stands alone on His own precepts, laws, and His promises. The land is His alone and He chooses whom He will place there

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Such a trivial God would not exist. Yes there are laws in this universe, yes there appears to be conscious intelligence at work, but the sort of rubbish, evil rubbish, spouted to supposedly have come from God is infantile, immature and simply cruel.

It is beyond reason that any God is playing Big Daddy in such a vengeful, thuggish and cruel way. Such Gods are invented by mere mortals and when you talk about promises, you are talking about things invented by humans and projected onto God.

God does not play realtor, only humans are so petty.

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Palestinian parents write the names of their children on different parts of their body so, if torn apart by Israel/US bombs, as thousands have been, they can be identified. A hand or leg with a name, a lump of flesh with a name, will mean the child is not lost totally in death.

This practice is not new because Israel has bombed Gaza many times since it turned it into a prison in 2007. It is new to the rest of Occupied Palestine which Israel is now bombing.

But, if anyone thinks that such a practice does not represent some of the greatest evil in human history they are in a deep state of denial. This is happening because Israel with the support, by omission or commission, of too many nations, is slaughtering children in order to destroy the Palestinian people.


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There's no such country as "Occupied Palestine."

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Commission of Inquiry finds that the Israeli occupation is unlawful under international law

20 October 2022

New York (20 October 2022) -- There are reasonable grounds to conclude that the Israeli occupation of Palestinian territory is now unlawful under international law due to its permanence and the Israeli Government’s de-facto annexation policies, according to the first report to the General Assembly issued today by the United Nations Independent International Commission of Inquiry on the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem, and Israel.

Underlining that under international humanitarian law the occupation of territory in wartime is a temporary situation and does not deprive the occupied Power of its statehood nor its sovereignty, the three-person Commission called on the General Assembly to request an urgent Advisory Opinion from the International Court of Justice on the legal consequences of Israel’s continued refusal to end its occupation of the Occupied Palestinian Territory.

“Recent statements by the Secretary-General and numerous member States have clearly indicated that any attempt at unilateral annexation of a State’s territory by another State is a violation of international law and is null and void; 143 member States including Israel last week voted in favour of a General Assembly resolution reaffirming this”, stated Navi Pillay, Chair of the Commission. “Unless universally applied, including to the situation in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, this core principle of the United Nations Charter will become meaningless”, she added.

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According to international law, logic and reason there is. The Israelis might call it Disputed Territories but the world calls it Occupied Palestine. Israel has never declared its borders and the only ones it could declare and hope to defend, maybe, in a court of law, remain the 1947 UN recommendation mandate. Let's test it.

And if you are saying that all of Palestine is actually Israel then perhaps you can explain how 6 million Palestinians are present in what you call Israel and why they are denied human and civil rights and are ruled by a colonial military regime????

Over to you.

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Hello John. Great piece, thank you.

However, as a South African not living in South Africa, I am deeply disturbed that the South African government sees fit to call Israel out for committing genocide while knowingly it has been acting out a series of "crimes of humanity" against South Africans currently living in South Africa. The ANC (African National Congress) is the ruling political party in South Africa; through another systematically implemented kind of anti-apartheid racism call BEE (Black Economic Empowerment), they have destroyed the lives of many South Africans, killing our hopes and dreams for a better future. No, they have not committed genocide, but what they have done is bleed out the prosperity of millions of people through a smart but evil grand theft (which has been named "State Capture").

The ANC-led South African government itself needs to appear before the International Criminal Court for crimes committed against South Africa that excludes genocide. So, I find it rather intriguing that they so eloquently brought the case against Israel. Two-faced snakes, the many-headed beast of an organisation. And the world watches on while South Africans are crippled in South Africa, caught in the worst socioeconomic condition the country has been since formation. It's weird how the world works these days.

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You have serious issues to deal with, but you, your family, your friends, your community, are not bombed to bits every day, left to try to survive in what used to be your home but is now rubble, and do it without food, water, medicine, life's essentials. 24,000 dead and 60,000 wounded since October 7th. There is a difference, and even with your justified grievances, you should be able to offer solidarity to the Palestinian people, which your government is doing in spades.

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There has been solidarity for Palestinian people for a long time. It didn't stop Hamas. And it didn't stop Israel. What does our solidarity help? Who does it help?

What about Syria and other wars that just die out in the media? What makes Palestine so special? Is it because Syrians aren't the chosen race?

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Why would it stop Hamas which is called a terrorist group by Israel, in the same way the Germans considered the Polish and French Resistance to be terrorists, needs must, but is in fact a highly effective political group and has been one as a prisoner support facility in the Gaza concentration camp.

Hamas is part of the Palestinian Resistance and a critical part. Hamas will not be stopped until the occupation ends and Palestine is free. Nothing stops Israel except boycotts and sanctions.

I agree what about Syria, and one could say Iraq, Libya, Afghanistan, Yemen to name just a few of too many.

Syria is involved in a civil war fomented and promoted by the US of course with the help of Israel.

What makes Palestine so special? A couple of things.

The Palestinians are crushed under the most venal and murderous military colonial occupation in modern history and have suffered the longest holocaust of 75 years. Palestine and its people deserve to be free.

What makes it worse is that Israel claims to be a Western democracy but acts like some fascist, Middle Eastern tyranny which is of course exactly what it is, just worse.

Israel is a danger not so much to Palestine for they have numbers, time and right on their side and will survive, but to the Middle East in particular and the world in general.

Israel is a psychotic and dangerous rogue state which must be stopped in the name of justice, rule of law, democracy, human rights and common human decency. And it must be stopped as much for Israelis and Jews, whom it debases, as it must be stopped for everyone else.

While Syria is yet another tragedy, it does not represent the evil and suffering experienced by the Palestinians for more than 75 years. When Israel is hauled into line and called to account then so is the US and wars like Syria can be addressed.

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No-one who is informed disputes that the targeting of white farmers is criminal in South Africa but it is not genocide and it does not even come close to the war crimes and human rights atrocities which Israel has committed for 75 years and commits even more so today.

The attacks on farmers may well have secret links to political agendas but often they are home-grown, local and individual. It is a very different matter to a Government policy of genocide as practised by Israel. So, good on SA for doing what it has done.

In addition, if such things were only to be done by nations without fault then they would never be done and could never be done. If the US had the guts to do it, then who would be saying they could not because of their slaughters in Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, to name just three of too many?

So, yes, you are right the ANC Government has dirty hands but please name me one Government which does not have dirty hands. Just one would do.

p.s. One could argue the failings of South African Governments post apartheid is a result of the things the apartheid Governments got wrong. If the focus had been on educating everyone and improving standards of living for blacks, then SA would have been a better place before apartheid was torn down. Unfortunately repression and abuse breeds extremists. It takes time to repair the damage done by apartheid, particularly in cultures which have remained inherently tribal. But then repression represses evolution.

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I think you are getting lost in your own thoughts.

My point is simple: many other governments could have made the case against Israel, it didn't have to be the super-dirty South African government.

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Of course many other Government could have and should have made the case against Israel but they did not. South Africa did it and no doubt for a myriad of reasons. However, do not underestimate the sympathy from South Africans for the Palestinians who remain crushed under violent apartheid and bigotry.

And as realists, there are plenty of super-dirty Governments and SA is far from the worst of them. One could not argue that the US is 'clean' for example and yet it tries to sell itself as a defender of freedom and democracy. The UK has become so degraded it is not much better and too many gutless US allies toe the line. I think hypocrisy is worse actually.

if the South Africans feel good about themselves for taking this action then so they should.

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Thank you for your moral integrity

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Hello there,

I'm Nemanja Plotan, the creator behind WorldWatch Weekly, a newsletter dedicated to exploring topics such as Global Political Economy, Geopolitics, Geoeconomics, History, and Monetary and Fiscal policies.

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