Although I really enjoyed your analysis of the Ukraine war a couple of years ago, you couldn't be more wrong this time:
1) The only ones really Intending and performing genocide were the Hamas Terrorists who committed their atrocities on October 7'th, i refer you to this website
Although I really enjoyed your analysis of the Ukraine war a couple of years ago, you couldn't be more wrong this time:
1) The only ones really Intending and performing genocide were the Hamas Terrorists who committed their atrocities on October 7'th, i refer you to this website
2) In 2005 Israel withdrew from Gaza completely, hoping to get the residents there a fresh start, that didn't happen as Hamas took over in 2007 killing its opposition, and since then targeted Israel with every rocket they could make.
3) They hid rockets under ground, in schools and near hospitals and mosques, and dug huge tunnels underground, which could resist any attempt to destroy them surgically.
4) The only way to get rid of these weapons which only were constructed as offensive weapons and not as defensive ones, is to have boots on the ground, to scan every house and every tree to find and destroy these weapons of mass destruction.
5) Hams is and was always using its civilians as shelter for its terrorist activities, they have always encourages people to be martyrs, and always adored death, while we in Israel adore life.
6) If you believe this war is only about territory and that sacrificing Israel would be the solution for your peace of mind, kindly remember 9/11, can you seriously say that the radical Islamist who made these attacks were after territory, or was it religious motivation against the west ?
Make no mistake John, all you need to do is read the Quran, if we lose this war, or have to stop it prematurely, the US and Europe is next for them.
I'm Nemanja Plotan, the creator behind WorldWatch Weekly, a newsletter dedicated to exploring topics such as Global Political Economy, Geopolitics, Geoeconomics, History, and Monetary and Fiscal policies.
Subscribers, both free and paid, will receive a warm welcome from me, complete with a treasure trove of free gifts in their inbox. Expect to find a complimentary short Handbook on International Relations, along with additional documents designed to enrich your understanding of our complex world.
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The people of Palestine have endured six decades of occupation and repression by the state of Israel. This campaign of Israeli repression long predated the founding of Hamas in 1987, and reflects a conscious choice by the Israeli people to advance the cause of Zionist expansion over the prospect of peace. It is perverse in the extreme to suggest that the Palestinians, a stateless people who have been systematically punished and immiserated by Israel, have a moral responsibility to ensure the safety and comfort of their occupiers.
The world MUST COME TO RECOGNIZE that Zionism = Satanism, plain and simple. The very fact that almost ALL of Israel's 'laws; ARE based upon the Talmud should make it imminently CLEAR that the Zionist state of Israel IS INDEED, and always has been, from it's very inception Satanic. Just reading a bit of the Talmud will make it clear that it was written by those who willingly serve Satan! This is not to say that all Jews or that all of those dwelling within Israel are this sort of psychopath. To be sure that IS NOT true. But, organizations such as Chabad and other ultra-Orthodox Jewish groups are, in effect, as evil as the Devil himself.
I'm Nemanja Plotan, the creator behind WorldWatch Weekly, a newsletter dedicated to exploring topics such as Global Political Economy, Geopolitics, Geoeconomics, History, and Monetary and Fiscal policies.
Subscribers, both free and paid, will receive a warm welcome from me, complete with a treasure trove of free gifts in their inbox. Expect to find a complimentary short Handbook on International Relations, along with additional documents designed to enrich your understanding of our complex world.
Join me on this enlightening journey by subscribing today!
Everything you have said is Zioraeli propaganda with no substance in fact or truth. Israel did not leave Gaza completely and it is ridiculous to claim it did. Israel crushes all of Palestine, which includes Gaza, under brutal military colonial occupation. Israel controls the lives of all Palestinians and in essence holds 6 million people hostage as it fights to maintain occupation, colonisation and apartheid.
And people wonder why the Palestinians have a Resistance militia. Ask the French and Poles why they created Resistance forces when they were occupied by the Germans?
Israel pulled illegal settlers out of Gaza and then settled them, still illegally, in other parts of Occupied Palestine. It did that so it could more easily, or so it thought, control the Palestinians inside what they quickly turned into a prison.
There is something truly sick in the comment, ' hoping to get the residents there a fresh start,.' If you think building an electric fence around an area and setting up naval forces on the sea side, with an order to shoot to kill any man, woman, child or dog which came near the fence is a FRESH START you have a very peculiar definition of fresh and start.
Hamas, by the way, was elected by all Palestinians and not just by those in the Gaza ghetto. Israel has had Gaza under siege, in essence turning it into a concentration camp, the world's biggest open-air prison as many called it, including a UK Prime Minister, from the time Hamas won the election. That election, despite being democratic as international observers attested, was overturned by Israel with the support of the US. So, Hamas was elected to nothing.
Most Hamas senior figures are in Israeli gaols and have been for years. Of course, as is the way of humans, new leaders arose in the Gaza prison and given its effectiveness in helping the Palestinian prisoners endure the suffering inflicted by Israel, Hamas not only endured, but thrived. Hamas is of course part of the Palestinian Resistance and a critical part of the Palestinian just fight for freedom.
The Palestinian Resistance/Hamas can never be destroyed and will exist until Palestine is free. There are 16 million Palestinians in the world, half in the Diaspora, and Resistance will continue as long as some exist. Since Israel cannot even exterminate the 6 million it holds under colonial rule, we can safely assume it cannot get rid of the other 10 million.
p.s. The Jewish Terrorist Gangs, Irgun, Stern were renowned for hiding their weapons in kindergartens because they knew the British would not attack such places. The British had ethics of course and the Israelis do not so it says the Palestinian Resistance would be truly stupid to hide weapons in places critical for public support since they know the Israelis will bomb anything. As we have seen, the Israelis stop at nothing: Hospitals, ambulances, schools, UN facilities, medical centres, universities, churches, mosques...... absolutely nothing.
One would presume all of those places are the last choice for weapons storage.
You do need to remember that Israel occupies and colonises all of Palestine and not the other way around. All Palestinian weapons are Defensive and all Israeli weapons are offensive. The Israeli Occupation Force is about maintaining occupation, colonisation and apartheid.
Even the Israeli LEHI group adopted the exact same methodology against the brits by bombing of the king Solomon hotel in protest against the British occupation of mandatory Palestine
Yes, many are unaware that Zionist/Jewish violence is older than the Israeli State and began before 1947 with the atrocities committed by Jewish terrorist gangs, Irgun, Stern, Hagannah. The irony is a number of former terrorists went on to become Israeli Prime Ministers and they accuse the Palestinian Resistance of being terrorists.
Jewish terrorists were fighting to invade, occupy and colonise Palestine, someone else's country while those the Israelis call Palestinian terrorists are fighting to free themselves from occupation and colonisation. The Palestinian Christians and Muslims have right on their side and the European Jewish terrorists never did.
Hi John,
Although I really enjoyed your analysis of the Ukraine war a couple of years ago, you couldn't be more wrong this time:
1) The only ones really Intending and performing genocide were the Hamas Terrorists who committed their atrocities on October 7'th, i refer you to this website
2) In 2005 Israel withdrew from Gaza completely, hoping to get the residents there a fresh start, that didn't happen as Hamas took over in 2007 killing its opposition, and since then targeted Israel with every rocket they could make.
3) They hid rockets under ground, in schools and near hospitals and mosques, and dug huge tunnels underground, which could resist any attempt to destroy them surgically.
4) The only way to get rid of these weapons which only were constructed as offensive weapons and not as defensive ones, is to have boots on the ground, to scan every house and every tree to find and destroy these weapons of mass destruction.
5) Hams is and was always using its civilians as shelter for its terrorist activities, they have always encourages people to be martyrs, and always adored death, while we in Israel adore life.
6) If you believe this war is only about territory and that sacrificing Israel would be the solution for your peace of mind, kindly remember 9/11, can you seriously say that the radical Islamist who made these attacks were after territory, or was it religious motivation against the west ?
Make no mistake John, all you need to do is read the Quran, if we lose this war, or have to stop it prematurely, the US and Europe is next for them.
Hello there,
I'm Nemanja Plotan, the creator behind WorldWatch Weekly, a newsletter dedicated to exploring topics such as Global Political Economy, Geopolitics, Geoeconomics, History, and Monetary and Fiscal policies.
Subscribers, both free and paid, will receive a warm welcome from me, complete with a treasure trove of free gifts in their inbox. Expect to find a complimentary short Handbook on International Relations, along with additional documents designed to enrich your understanding of our complex world.
Join me on this enlightening journey by subscribing today!
Warm regards,
Nemanja Plotan
WorldWatch Weekly
The people of Palestine have endured six decades of occupation and repression by the state of Israel. This campaign of Israeli repression long predated the founding of Hamas in 1987, and reflects a conscious choice by the Israeli people to advance the cause of Zionist expansion over the prospect of peace. It is perverse in the extreme to suggest that the Palestinians, a stateless people who have been systematically punished and immiserated by Israel, have a moral responsibility to ensure the safety and comfort of their occupiers.
The world MUST COME TO RECOGNIZE that Zionism = Satanism, plain and simple. The very fact that almost ALL of Israel's 'laws; ARE based upon the Talmud should make it imminently CLEAR that the Zionist state of Israel IS INDEED, and always has been, from it's very inception Satanic. Just reading a bit of the Talmud will make it clear that it was written by those who willingly serve Satan! This is not to say that all Jews or that all of those dwelling within Israel are this sort of psychopath. To be sure that IS NOT true. But, organizations such as Chabad and other ultra-Orthodox Jewish groups are, in effect, as evil as the Devil himself.
Hello there,
I'm Nemanja Plotan, the creator behind WorldWatch Weekly, a newsletter dedicated to exploring topics such as Global Political Economy, Geopolitics, Geoeconomics, History, and Monetary and Fiscal policies.
Subscribers, both free and paid, will receive a warm welcome from me, complete with a treasure trove of free gifts in their inbox. Expect to find a complimentary short Handbook on International Relations, along with additional documents designed to enrich your understanding of our complex world.
Join me on this enlightening journey by subscribing today!
Warm regards,
Nemanja Plotan
WorldWatch Weekly
Everything you have said is Zioraeli propaganda with no substance in fact or truth. Israel did not leave Gaza completely and it is ridiculous to claim it did. Israel crushes all of Palestine, which includes Gaza, under brutal military colonial occupation. Israel controls the lives of all Palestinians and in essence holds 6 million people hostage as it fights to maintain occupation, colonisation and apartheid.
And people wonder why the Palestinians have a Resistance militia. Ask the French and Poles why they created Resistance forces when they were occupied by the Germans?
Israel pulled illegal settlers out of Gaza and then settled them, still illegally, in other parts of Occupied Palestine. It did that so it could more easily, or so it thought, control the Palestinians inside what they quickly turned into a prison.
There is something truly sick in the comment, ' hoping to get the residents there a fresh start,.' If you think building an electric fence around an area and setting up naval forces on the sea side, with an order to shoot to kill any man, woman, child or dog which came near the fence is a FRESH START you have a very peculiar definition of fresh and start.
Hamas, by the way, was elected by all Palestinians and not just by those in the Gaza ghetto. Israel has had Gaza under siege, in essence turning it into a concentration camp, the world's biggest open-air prison as many called it, including a UK Prime Minister, from the time Hamas won the election. That election, despite being democratic as international observers attested, was overturned by Israel with the support of the US. So, Hamas was elected to nothing.
Most Hamas senior figures are in Israeli gaols and have been for years. Of course, as is the way of humans, new leaders arose in the Gaza prison and given its effectiveness in helping the Palestinian prisoners endure the suffering inflicted by Israel, Hamas not only endured, but thrived. Hamas is of course part of the Palestinian Resistance and a critical part of the Palestinian just fight for freedom.
The Palestinian Resistance/Hamas can never be destroyed and will exist until Palestine is free. There are 16 million Palestinians in the world, half in the Diaspora, and Resistance will continue as long as some exist. Since Israel cannot even exterminate the 6 million it holds under colonial rule, we can safely assume it cannot get rid of the other 10 million.
p.s. The Jewish Terrorist Gangs, Irgun, Stern were renowned for hiding their weapons in kindergartens because they knew the British would not attack such places. The British had ethics of course and the Israelis do not so it says the Palestinian Resistance would be truly stupid to hide weapons in places critical for public support since they know the Israelis will bomb anything. As we have seen, the Israelis stop at nothing: Hospitals, ambulances, schools, UN facilities, medical centres, universities, churches, mosques...... absolutely nothing.
One would presume all of those places are the last choice for weapons storage.
You do need to remember that Israel occupies and colonises all of Palestine and not the other way around. All Palestinian weapons are Defensive and all Israeli weapons are offensive. The Israeli Occupation Force is about maintaining occupation, colonisation and apartheid.
Even the Israeli LEHI group adopted the exact same methodology against the brits by bombing of the king Solomon hotel in protest against the British occupation of mandatory Palestine
Yes, many are unaware that Zionist/Jewish violence is older than the Israeli State and began before 1947 with the atrocities committed by Jewish terrorist gangs, Irgun, Stern, Hagannah. The irony is a number of former terrorists went on to become Israeli Prime Ministers and they accuse the Palestinian Resistance of being terrorists.
Jewish terrorists were fighting to invade, occupy and colonise Palestine, someone else's country while those the Israelis call Palestinian terrorists are fighting to free themselves from occupation and colonisation. The Palestinian Christians and Muslims have right on their side and the European Jewish terrorists never did.
Did you vote for Bush/Cheney?? Because the last time John was right about anything was 20 years ago.