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You cannot because they have God the Creator on their side. The Lord God said through Isaac shall His salvation come and not through Ishmael.

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I DISAGREE 100%. Why do I say this? Because the Zionist State of Israel does NOT worship the same God as do Christians, but instead DOES worship Satan. There's a place in the Kabballah that states [ I know, because I read it myself ] (paraphrased... it says) 'The more one studies the Kabballah the more he shall be willing to kiss the serpent.' If ya cannot see that this 'serpent,' mentioned in the Kabballah, is Satan, then there's apparently no critical thinking left at all in you. Want some more proof? Go take a look at Israel's Supreme Court building in Jerusalem. There you shall see loads of both pagan and ANTI-CHRISTIAN symbols. See reference here: https://vigilantcitizen.com/sinistersites/sinister-sites-israel-supreme-court/

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Kabballah - is not the same as the conservative Jews. Kabbalist's are the ultra orthodox Jews and they are clearly not bible believing or Torah following Jews. They are cultists like you described above (THEY indeed worship satan) and they are mystics and do NOT follow the Tanakh at all. I am talking specifically of the Jews that desire to follow after Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.

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Neither human beliefs and fantasies about God or Satan have any part to play in the colonial war waged by Zionist Israel against Palestine.

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when discussing these events currently happening it must be approached from a biblical world view. A secular will make no sense, but there IS a God who is involved in these events. He is bringing His people back to Israel to deal with them as He has promised. It is called Daniel's 70th week.

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I fully respect the fact that believers hold to such theories but, even believers must bear in mind that most of the world does not hold such beliefs.

And if rational intelligence is applied, why would any God be so petty and so human as to want to 'bring' followers of a religion back to someone else's country in the modern age, just because a few followers camped there in ancient times? Such a belief is utterly ridiculous. First God plays realtor then God plays genocidal stage director. And people wonder why religions have declined.

The belief you cite has to be one of the most psychotic and indeed evil beliefs ever created by human beings, i.e. that some ghastly war is needed, total slaughter, Armageddon, so a few fanatics can be lifted to eternal glory while everyone else dies and then spends eternity being punished for not being a fanatical believer. If anyone wants to look into the face of evil then you will find it in what you call Daniel's 70th week.

No God, no conscious intelligence would ever be so petty, so ridiculously human and so actively evil.

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The vast majority of humanity is not a fundamentalist Christian or Jew and does not actually care what ancient Gods supposedly said or did.

If a God exists, and I suspect such an entity or conscious intelligence does, then S/HE will not be on the side of anyone but on the side of all humanity. To that end the Creator would be looking to humanity to end the evil which is the Zionist Israeli State and in the process, to learn valuable lessons about what not to be and what not to do.

Everyone will reach salvation and their choice of religion, or lack of it, will play no part.

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A true and living God is not on anyone's side but He stands alone on His own precepts, laws, and His promises. The land is His alone and He chooses whom He will place there

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Such a trivial God would not exist. Yes there are laws in this universe, yes there appears to be conscious intelligence at work, but the sort of rubbish, evil rubbish, spouted to supposedly have come from God is infantile, immature and simply cruel.

It is beyond reason that any God is playing Big Daddy in such a vengeful, thuggish and cruel way. Such Gods are invented by mere mortals and when you talk about promises, you are talking about things invented by humans and projected onto God.

God does not play realtor, only humans are so petty.

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