Are you serious? Do your homework. Roughly 750,000 Jews left Arab countries after the Nakba. If they were so happy living among Arabs and weren’t expelled why did they leave to go to Israel with nothing except their clothes and portable property, leaving behind houses and businesses. Because that is what happened. I saw the tent city out…
Are you serious? Do your homework. Roughly 750,000 Jews left Arab countries after the Nakba. If they were so happy living among Arabs and weren’t expelled why did they leave to go to Israel with nothing except their clothes and portable property, leaving behind houses and businesses. Because that is what happened. I saw the tent city outside Tel Aviv in the 59s where many of them lived before they got back on their feet with jobs and houses.
Are you serious? Do your homework. Roughly 750,000 Jews left Arab countries after the Nakba. If they were so happy living among Arabs and weren’t expelled why did they leave to go to Israel with nothing except their clothes and portable property, leaving behind houses and businesses. Because that is what happened. I saw the tent city outside Tel Aviv in the 59s where many of them lived before they got back on their feet with jobs and houses.
50s not 59s