Even the jewish Old Testament (OT) , their Torah, is fallacious. Israeli Archeologist agrees with all other Archeologists that there was NEVER an "Exodus", as the OT Torah claims, of Hebrews, as "slaves" to Egypt. Ancient Egypt kept an extremely accurate history and no where in its history is there any mention of millions of Hebrews, The…
Even the jewish Old Testament (OT) , their Torah, is fallacious. Israeli Archeologist agrees with all other Archeologists that there was NEVER an "Exodus", as the OT Torah claims, of Hebrews, as "slaves" to Egypt. Ancient Egypt kept an extremely accurate history and no where in its history is there any mention of millions of Hebrews, There is absolutely Zero evidence of 2 million "Hebrews" living in the Desert, as the Torah (OT) claims.
Archeology says that the Hebrews originated in the land of Canaan and came out of the hills when Canaan was destroyed by Egypt.
Also---the fallacious Torah claims that David and Solomon had a vast Empire--but archeology finds only a small village.
The Torah (OT) was made up in 625 BC by the scribes of Judean King Josiah who produced it as a document aimed at unifying Northern Israel with Judea--in order to "Make Israel Great Again". There is zero evidence that the Old Testament bible is true. We Americans have been hood-winked.
Even the jewish Old Testament (OT) , their Torah, is fallacious. Israeli Archeologist agrees with all other Archeologists that there was NEVER an "Exodus", as the OT Torah claims, of Hebrews, as "slaves" to Egypt. Ancient Egypt kept an extremely accurate history and no where in its history is there any mention of millions of Hebrews, There is absolutely Zero evidence of 2 million "Hebrews" living in the Desert, as the Torah (OT) claims.
Archeology says that the Hebrews originated in the land of Canaan and came out of the hills when Canaan was destroyed by Egypt.
Also---the fallacious Torah claims that David and Solomon had a vast Empire--but archeology finds only a small village.
The Torah (OT) was made up in 625 BC by the scribes of Judean King Josiah who produced it as a document aimed at unifying Northern Israel with Judea--in order to "Make Israel Great Again". There is zero evidence that the Old Testament bible is true. We Americans have been hood-winked.