This strategy only works if the state being created is governed by rational realists. It kind of falls apart when one side is willing to have its state bombed into oblivion and its people massacred simply to kill the other side. (Well, unless you don't actually give a crap if 10M Jews are massacred, incinerated or pushed off their land -…
This strategy only works if the state being created is governed by rational realists. It kind of falls apart when one side is willing to have its state bombed into oblivion and its people massacred simply to kill the other side. (Well, unless you don't actually give a crap if 10M Jews are massacred, incinerated or pushed off their land -- again.)
A 2 state requires both sides to be willing to live with the other as a neighbor. Absent that, it can also work if each is so afraid of the other they dare not antagonize them (that's MAD). Neither of those situations exist in Israel/Gaza/WB/Lebanon.
Thus, from a realist perspective, Israel will need to have military control over Gaza for the foreseeable future.
This strategy only works if the state being created is governed by rational realists. It kind of falls apart when one side is willing to have its state bombed into oblivion and its people massacred simply to kill the other side. (Well, unless you don't actually give a crap if 10M Jews are massacred, incinerated or pushed off their land -- again.)
A 2 state requires both sides to be willing to live with the other as a neighbor. Absent that, it can also work if each is so afraid of the other they dare not antagonize them (that's MAD). Neither of those situations exist in Israel/Gaza/WB/Lebanon.
Thus, from a realist perspective, Israel will need to have military control over Gaza for the foreseeable future.