What you have to say is so obvious it’s crazy. And if it were just crazy it might be acceptable but the net effect of not following your advice has been the loss of thousands of lives. Thousands of people maimed for life. And therefore not following your advice on all of the issues you’ve weighed in on amounts what should be considered to be a cardinal sin.
All makes perfect sense, especially the Russia & Ukraine conflict. Now I know why we’ve been bashing Russia for so long. There’s always a long-term state-planned narrative preceding wars we plan to execute. While living in Europe I was insulted by the negative talk about America’s foreign meddling. How naive we all were about our country’s true intentions. I was such a proud patriot. Now I’m a patriot who is suspicious of every government action foreign & domestic.
The Ukraine supporters in the US don't care about winning or losing the war. They care about prolonging it. That's why Congress is "future-proofing" financial support for Ukraine and why Biden is about to sign a ten year security agreement with Ukraine. It's pretty obvious they have no intention of leaving Ukraine irrespective of who objects, even if it's the American public—even in an election year.
Always appreciate Mearsheimers knowledge of these issues. Thankful to the few voices of reason like his. Austin is “in charge” because neoliberalism presents itself as tolerant on issues of race and identity but serves corporate power and militarism; as with colonization black faces in high places look very humanistic for the empire. Neoliberalism is also a mindless frightening ideology that venerates the military and values of violence & force.
Couldn't make it past the first six seconds of video it was so far off-base. "Detached from reality." Anyone looking at things in such black and white terms is rarely worth listening to although I'm sure Professor Mearsheimer made some good arguments as to why many countries have chosen bad policies.
Princess Ileana of Romania recommended the Americans in 1958 to be more realistic in their view about the world. She moved to America and became a nun known as Mother Alexandra.
The whishful thinking in my opinion is everywhere and it is caused by indoctrination.
Indeed. Just like Obama, they do foreign policy for domestic consumption and to satisfy their radical Left constituency. It has almost nothing to do with reality or our interests. They will start a real war that the Americans won't have to watch just on TV if they keep it up. The world hates us, we have lost so much standing and prestige due our interventionism, ideological nonsense and nonstop political bullying.
YouTube is Censoring links in replies to comments. I had a basic discussion with another YouTuber about it. He stated he can cut an past the same Ubyssey link but I can not. He stated he uses Google Chrome and I use FireFox with Ubuntu 22.04.4 and that must be the problem.
I/we were wrong, I posted with Real Time Bill Maher - Over Time then a few days later I edited the comment and it took the cut and paste of four links, one of which was for your book. Here is the link YouTube Name @creedjo4018
He also stated he has been hearing MORE censorship since October 7th
If we followed your line of reasoning we would not have defended Europe in the Second World War and all of Eurasia would be a Nazi state today. If anything, we have not provided enough and timely aid leading to the stalemate that resulted from the slow reaction of the United States let alone telegraphing our slowness to react when Russia seized Crimea. If we follow your lead our next war will be boots on the ground supporting Poland or the Baltics. So glad neither of you are actually active in our military and national security.
The Swamp no longer sees reality, it only sees money and blood.
Great quote I will 100% be stealing this. Thanks mate.
Professor Mearsheimer is the voice of sanity in an ocean of madness.
What you have to say is so obvious it’s crazy. And if it were just crazy it might be acceptable but the net effect of not following your advice has been the loss of thousands of lives. Thousands of people maimed for life. And therefore not following your advice on all of the issues you’ve weighed in on amounts what should be considered to be a cardinal sin.
All makes perfect sense, especially the Russia & Ukraine conflict. Now I know why we’ve been bashing Russia for so long. There’s always a long-term state-planned narrative preceding wars we plan to execute. While living in Europe I was insulted by the negative talk about America’s foreign meddling. How naive we all were about our country’s true intentions. I was such a proud patriot. Now I’m a patriot who is suspicious of every government action foreign & domestic.
The Ukraine supporters in the US don't care about winning or losing the war. They care about prolonging it. That's why Congress is "future-proofing" financial support for Ukraine and why Biden is about to sign a ten year security agreement with Ukraine. It's pretty obvious they have no intention of leaving Ukraine irrespective of who objects, even if it's the American public—even in an election year.
Always appreciate Mearsheimers knowledge of these issues. Thankful to the few voices of reason like his. Austin is “in charge” because neoliberalism presents itself as tolerant on issues of race and identity but serves corporate power and militarism; as with colonization black faces in high places look very humanistic for the empire. Neoliberalism is also a mindless frightening ideology that venerates the military and values of violence & force.
Great interview.
I wonder to what extent it's simply based on shoveling money at the military industrial complex.
LLM-derived breakdowns and summaries of that discussion:
Couldn't make it past the first six seconds of video it was so far off-base. "Detached from reality." Anyone looking at things in such black and white terms is rarely worth listening to although I'm sure Professor Mearsheimer made some good arguments as to why many countries have chosen bad policies.
So important to share your reason and senseable views on Ukraine’s war. If only…there is madness about in the world. Disheartening
to listen to the video of Biden proudly expounding his limited grasp, truly someone who will not listen to other viewpoints.
when i hear the israel-first crowd
braying brazenly in their lying
they are sick for being so proud
of the the genocide they're trying
i wonder if their defenders
so very deceitful and shrill
are defending the offenders
because jew donors pay their bills
The Worlds Most Dangerous Poet
Princess Ileana of Romania recommended the Americans in 1958 to be more realistic in their view about the world. She moved to America and became a nun known as Mother Alexandra.
The whishful thinking in my opinion is everywhere and it is caused by indoctrination.
Indeed. Just like Obama, they do foreign policy for domestic consumption and to satisfy their radical Left constituency. It has almost nothing to do with reality or our interests. They will start a real war that the Americans won't have to watch just on TV if they keep it up. The world hates us, we have lost so much standing and prestige due our interventionism, ideological nonsense and nonstop political bullying.
YouTube is Censoring links in replies to comments. I had a basic discussion with another YouTuber about it. He stated he can cut an past the same Ubyssey link but I can not. He stated he uses Google Chrome and I use FireFox with Ubuntu 22.04.4 and that must be the problem.
I/we were wrong, I posted with Real Time Bill Maher - Over Time then a few days later I edited the comment and it took the cut and paste of four links, one of which was for your book. Here is the link YouTube Name @creedjo4018
He also stated he has been hearing MORE censorship since October 7th
The Bill Maher link in question - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rbefQGDFF-k
If we followed your line of reasoning we would not have defended Europe in the Second World War and all of Eurasia would be a Nazi state today. If anything, we have not provided enough and timely aid leading to the stalemate that resulted from the slow reaction of the United States let alone telegraphing our slowness to react when Russia seized Crimea. If we follow your lead our next war will be boots on the ground supporting Poland or the Baltics. So glad neither of you are actually active in our military and national security.
why do you want to die in a nuclear war?
Why not? We all die. It’s inevitable. Being vaporized in nuclear fission might be an awesome way to go.
Please layout for us, how Mearsheirmer's analysis would leave Eurasia a Nazi state!