Indeed. Just like Obama, they do foreign policy for domestic consumption and to satisfy their radical Left constituency. It has almost nothing to do with reality or our interests. They will start a real war that the Americans won't have to watch just on TV if they keep it up. The world hates us, we have lost so much standing and prestige…
Indeed. Just like Obama, they do foreign policy for domestic consumption and to satisfy their radical Left constituency. It has almost nothing to do with reality or our interests. They will start a real war that the Americans won't have to watch just on TV if they keep it up. The world hates us, we have lost so much standing and prestige due our interventionism, ideological nonsense and nonstop political bullying.
Indeed. Just like Obama, they do foreign policy for domestic consumption and to satisfy their radical Left constituency. It has almost nothing to do with reality or our interests. They will start a real war that the Americans won't have to watch just on TV if they keep it up. The world hates us, we have lost so much standing and prestige due our interventionism, ideological nonsense and nonstop political bullying.