So refreshing to see how these media people are being politely lectured on the reality behind the Ukraine war and not having someone who will endorse their mainstream media false propaganda.

Thank you John!

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Here again John Mearsheimer is exactly correct in everything he’s had to say in this interview.

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Mearsheimer : "He [Zelenskyy] took Ukraine to war."

Almost everything you said during this interview sounded very sensible. And then at the very end you made the above statement.

Can you or somebody explain the reasoning/evidence to support such a claim ?

("He went along with the Biden administration and with the European elites" does not equal or support "He took Ukraine to war".)

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You are literally right.

I can't speak for him, but have seen other videos by Prof. Mearsheimer, and I think what he meant was that Zelensky had the option to reach an agreement with Russian at the beginning of the war. Renounce NATO membership etc.

So I think it is factually correct to say that Zelensky chose to fight, even if he didn't initiate any aggression.

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Many commentators are now scapegoating Zelenskyy as the only obstacle to peace when the deep state and Europe want to continue the war and escalate it, no less.

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Mearsheimer for all his learning appears to be naive on the Ukraine-Russia war. What Putin did not want on his border was a vibrant liberal democracy which would highlight his economic and social failures. NATO would not be necessary if Russia was a normal democratic state. He also appears to be unaware of Russia's failures in the conflict. Any agreement with Putin is also worthless as he will simply do as he pleases when the opportunity arises which is one reason Europe, especially the Baltic states and Poland, are more supportive of Ukraine.

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The US has no interest to be served by spelling out a military commitment to Ukrainian security.

Zelensky’s make-up letter of yesterday again ties the mineral rights deal to security agreements: it won’t fly. If Ukraine makes peace on Russia’s terms and the US moves in to extract their mineral wealth, the presence of US interests on the ground will be a damn good security guarantee all by itself. In doing so, however, they not only prostitute their land, but make themselves a US vassal in the bargain: no bargain at all, imo.

They could have kept the four oblasts if they had kept the Minsk Accords. They negotiated those accords in bad faith and continued to slaughter their own Russian-speaking citizens. They might have accepted Russia’s peace proposals in December of 2021 without more loss of life and lands; they sneeringly refused, barking from between US legs. They had a deal to end the conflict all but signed in Turkey during the spring of 2022, and let BoJo, of all the clownish Brit midwits, talk them out of good sense.

Yes, they were used by traitors in the US State Dept and in intelligence to soak up Russian arms and lives; they were played for fools. Time to stop playing the fool.

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Prof Mearsheimer, why do you say that Trump won't be "trapped" into the minerals deal/security guarantees? It is the US who wants this deal, this is not a trap set by Ukraine/GB/France. Ukraine is in fact asking for security guarantees. So there is no evidence whatsoever that this is a trap set up by Ukraine to lock the US into security guarantees, indirectly.

Additionally you say that Trump and Vance are tired of being castigated by Western powers for talking to Russia. My god, Trump/Vance just took office, they do tire quickly, don't they!

You keep on saying that the US is going to cut a deal with the Russians. Don't they need to have some influence with Ukraine for that to happen? They don't seem to be nurturing that...

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Bottom line.

600 million Europeans need the help of 340 million Americans to "defend" themselves against 140 million Russians'

Something is wrong with that picture.

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It's probably about nukes but it is also 2 way:

Nuclear warheads by country

US 5044

Rus 5580

Fra 290

UK 225

Also it is not just about defending Europe, it is also about defending the US and its territories but Europe are front line states.

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"Europe are front line states"... that have shifted the cost and manpower burden of their defense to the US and its taxpayers. I can understand the US coming to their aid and offering minor support, but not being the main player and cost bearer.

There are about 40 US military bases in Europe. The US is operating at a 37 trillion dollar deficit. It's time for the US to cut some expenses and letting Europeans staff and maintain those bases would be a step in that direction.

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Wonderful: NO subtitles for deaf people!

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That is indeed unfortunate! Are you certain this is inoperable? I’ve had the entire tympanus and the small bones of both ears replaced, due to chronic infection eating them away (ow). It’s not like normal hearing, but it’s a lot better than profound silence.

I know what you mean about the quiet. I’m convinced most people with normal hearing are completely insane from the noise. I grew up in a cottony world, and put my aids in only when necessary.

Good luck, and if you are new to deafness, please do me the kindness of asking me anything at all about my experience with hearing loss.

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Camera work was straight on and close in, so I got through it pretty well without the subs. Indian TV, whatcha gonna do?

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Are you deaf?

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I have moderate to severe loss across the human range in both ears, yes, but I am not yet as profoundly deaf as I may become.

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Unfortunately I cannot wear hearing aids because I get infections from them. HUGE hole in my right ear.

Looked into implants put a bit scary drilling a hole behind the ear. 4 months recovery and might not work.

Beginning to enjoy the peace and quiet!

Hope you will be OK

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Let’s say I had more respect for you before seeing this video. One would question if your bank account suddenly got larger.

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Can you say with any certainty that we just witnessed an attempted hostile takeover of five eyes alliance or if keys to kingdom were passed?

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