Wow.. I really would like to know why you venture out of your alt reality? Why not just stay there where you get to create your own facts? And you probably loom large (& even smart!) in that land of make-believe.. just stay there in topsy-turvy land where Mearsheimer is a crackpot and you’re a sage 😆
Wow.. I really would like to know why you venture out of your alt reality? Why not just stay there where you get to create your own facts? And you probably loom large (& even smart!) in that land of make-believe.. just stay there in topsy-turvy land where Mearsheimer is a crackpot and you’re a sage 😆
‘If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it’, according to Göbbels, which you’re clearly trying to emulate by posting your drivel three times.. as Mearsheimer would say, yours is not a serious argument.. nor are you a serious person. I hope you haven’t paid to read Mearsheimer’s substack.. even more fantastical would be if you had read any of his books. That would require an intellectual capability that you clearly do not possess. But keep on using profanity and name calling to further expose your impoverished mind.
Wow.. I really would like to know why you venture out of your alt reality? Why not just stay there where you get to create your own facts? And you probably loom large (& even smart!) in that land of make-believe.. just stay there in topsy-turvy land where Mearsheimer is a crackpot and you’re a sage 😆
Shit draws Flies John. Flies from Moscow.
Fauxbrews are one of my favorite fake ruSSian profiles!
It's a box full of poisoned chocolates filled with novichok, polonium, 9mm, and crazies!
These scum are losing their stupid war and they know it and are terrified.
Maybe pack your bags and take all you stole to Switzerland lol
‘If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it’, according to Göbbels, which you’re clearly trying to emulate by posting your drivel three times.. as Mearsheimer would say, yours is not a serious argument.. nor are you a serious person. I hope you haven’t paid to read Mearsheimer’s substack.. even more fantastical would be if you had read any of his books. That would require an intellectual capability that you clearly do not possess. But keep on using profanity and name calling to further expose your impoverished mind.
Shit draws Flies John. Flies from Moscow.
Fauxbrews are one of my favorite fake ruSSian profiles!
It's a box full of poisoned chocolates filled with novichok, polonium, 9mm, and crazies!
These scum are losing their stupid war and they know it and are terrified.
Maybe pack your bags and take all you stole to Switzerland lol
Shit draws Flies John. Flies from Moscow.
Fauxbrews are one of my favorite fake ruSSian profiles!
It's a box full of poisoned chocolates filled with novichok, polonium, 9mm, and crazies!
These scum are losing their stupid war and they know it and are terrified.
Maybe pack your bags and take all you stole to Switzerland lol