It's quite astonishing to see that even if he posts Jeff Sachs speech on what a "deep dark son of b***h" Netanyahu is, Trump could not get free from the Zionists firm grasp over the institution.

In reality it seems Trump as any American president is just a mere vessel for perpetuation of the Zionist Oligarchs plans, as is any west loving folk of any nation a mere pawn under the control of US foreign policy.

In other words Zelensky serves US, as US serves Israel.

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Evangelicals are a third of the Republican base. The idea that a republican president could be antizionist is absurd.

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Trump likes the low hanging fruit and quick fixes. Like Biden he is hostage to Netanyahooo's atrocities.

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The ONLY good Hamas is a DEAD Hamas. Let’s hope Israel and the U.S. finish the job.

Donald Trump: “Shalom Hamas” means Hello and Goodbye – You can choose. Release all of the Hostages now, not later, and immediately return all of the dead bodies of the people you murdered, or it is OVER for you. Only sick and twisted people keep bodies, and you are sick and twisted! I am sending Israel everything it needs to finish the job, not a single Hamas member will be safe if you don’t do as I say. I have just met with your former Hostages whose lives you have destroyed. This is your last warning! For the leadership, now is the time to leave Gaza, while you still have a chance. Also, to the People of Gaza: A beautiful Future awaits, but not if you hold Hostages. If you do, you are DEAD! Make a SMART decision. RELEASE THE HOSTAGES NOW, OR THERE WILL BE HELL TO PAY LATER!”


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There is nothing "hard" in the Rapist in Chief Trump's body, let alone in his 110 IQ mind, but again, this fixation on the little lies and the lies and smoke and mirrors.

ZioNaziAzovLensky is deep in the Jewish Tradition of Hell on Earth. Mossad has the photos and his back, for now. Epstein and Trump and underage girls and golden showers, that too.

Hardball? Whew.

Trump is so deeply embedded in the Jewish State of Murdering Raping Starving Maiming Occupied Palestine that his is of course, ready for a late stage circumcision.


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donald j trump is not a peacemaker. He's a mob boss in a world bulging with mob bosses posing as politicians, especially Benji Netanyahu who needs to hold onto power to avoid legal repercussions for his past actions. dj trump, the non-peacemaker, (but great divider) has declared war on the American constitution.

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Oh, shut up, you're spewing a rhetoric that has plagued this country during Trump's presidential win in 2016, and even after when he wasn't, and now, with a bunch of democrats sitting on their ass holding up signs of disapproval of his win and his agenda. I'm sick of you anti-Trumpers especially after four years of a senile Biden who totally supported the Israeli genocide in words and weapons, and a war in Ukraine in that killed over 600 thousand Ukrainians and all to bring an end to Putin and no doubt Russia, and perhaps the whole world in the process.

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I am (happily) not an American, I reside in Canada the land of my birth. The current president is an enemy of my people. He has sold out Ukraine, wants to commercialize Gaza and he pulled the wool over the eyes of the American voters, although they knew already that he's a traitor to the US and lied about a stolen election. The party of donkeys is only slightly less bad than the party of elephants. America is screwed.

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He hasn't sold out Ukraine, and if anything he's trying to protect the remaining young male population that has been used as human fodder to bring down Putin, in service of America's needs. Remember how America implemented operation cyclone to bring down Russia, starting in the 70's and used the Mujahideen in Afghanistan to carry that one out? He's an enemy of Canada? You would be on much firmer ground if you attacked him for assisting Israel in a genocide and saying things even too provocative to repeat. He didn't pull the wool over the eyes of the American's, but he won because the democrats kicked them in the ass with their so called democratic agenda, a party ruled over by neocons. At one time they were supportive of the working class, but big money talks and they really listen, as do republicans. I don't blame him for thinking the election was stolen since the democrats during his tenure lied, and impeached him in a democrat controlled House, and spun the lie of Russia-gate through four years, as well as turning the Jan six riot into an insurrection. Even had a Jan 6 comm which was unconstitutional. Trump does say a lot of provocative things, but be patient and if you are I'm sure Canada will be just fine.

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trump doesn't give a potato about Ukraine's young men. And he's a criminal, running a crinimal enterprise. He's a traitor to the US.

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What Is Dichotomous Thinking?

Example. "Trump doesn't give a potato about Ukraine's young men. And he's a criminal, running a crinimal enterprise. He's a traitor to the US."

Thankyou for your comment Gnostic the first since it allowed me to provide an excellent example of black and white thinking or dichotomous thinking as it is sometimes called. Yes, yes, he is all bad, Amen!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Amen!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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I'm not a black and white thinker. People who make snap judgments about the character of someone else based on one position they have taken are using fallacious logic to form their "conclusion."

I agree that the party of donkeys are sellouts to the oligarchs who fund them.

But it wasn't the party of donkeys that illegally and criminally invaded Iraq in 2003, while simultaneously fighting the Taliban in Afghanistan. Putin has used the Iraq invasion as an excuse for his own criminal invasion of Ukraine.

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Trump wants to end one war but continue to support another where Palestinians are being ethnically cleansed. It’s not that he doesn’t want war. He’s picking his war. All the previous US presidents did the same. He’s a bootlicker to Putin, Netanyahu, the religious right, his billionaire grifter friends and the defense industry.

In the end his supporters will realize he’s no different than all the other tyrants that held that office before him. He will enrich the billionaire class at the expense of the working class, human rights and the environment. Same shit different name.

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What do you mean he's bootlicking Putin? If you kept up with the news you would know that is not his intention in Ukraine. Your hate for the man blinds you to truth. His backing Netanyahu is something to be definitely critical of, and more so that you have a lobby that has so much control over American policy when it comes to Israel, and both parties are going along with that. You are the one who is not listening, not reading and have created a distorted perspective for yourself. You obviously didn't even listen to Mearsheimer.

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I respect professor Mearsheimer but that doesn’t mean I agree with him on everything. I hope Ukraine war and every other war ends for the sake of the people. I don’t like either one of those assholes. Both Trump and Putin are tyrants and Zelenskyy was a useful idiot for the West. I don’t give two shits about the pro Israeli lobby. If Trump has any guts he should stand up to the lobby but he won’t. He’s a businessman with extensive Israeli and Arab investments. Instead of crying hate every time you hear something that counters you point of of view why don’t you go educate yourself and by that I mean don’t just listen to one person or read one article but actually read books and articles from various sources. Those with views you agree with and those you don’t. Then instead of telling others they’re hateful you’ll actually have something intelligent and insightful to talk about.

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You hate Trump and Putin, obvious, but where is Biden in regard to the war in Ukraine which started during his administration and Trump was hanging out in mar-a-la-go for four years? It was Biden who started feeding deadly weapons to Netanyahu to carry out a genocide. In regard to AIPAC it matters not whether you give two shits about it since the lobby has a very detrimental affect on all Americans, and at the moment dictates support for Israel's genocidal policy against the Palestinians. I have every right to counter your argument since it is highly biased with a distorted, and very narrow perspective on the truth.

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Biden is genocidal asshole! There’s a reason they labeled him genocide Joe. You don’t have the right to continue a conversation I’m ending. Nothing but ignorant entitled asshole in the US.

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You can end it, and hope you do, but you will not have the last word. I don't allow abusive people like yourself to every have the last word.

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Putin interview with "Le Figaro", May 2017:

>>I have already spoken to three US Presidents. They come and go, but politics stay the same at all times. Do you know why? Because of the powerful bureaucracy. When a person is elected, they may have some ideas. Then people with briefcases arrive, well dressed, wearing dark suits, just like mine, except for the red tie, since they wear black or dark blue ones. These people start explaining how things are done. And instantly, everything changes. This is what happens with every administration. <<


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According to Rep. Thomas Massie, he is the ONLY member of Congress AND Senate who does not have an AIPAC “handler”…crazy

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Playing hardball with Zelensky and kissing the asshole of the forcibly occupiers of Palestine, the beloved historical motherland of Palestinian people - should the sentence be put in reverse version, it is better perspective, too. And it should be the European barbarian savages number one priority, as they are the people who dumped their own shit on Palestine, putting the entire population of the Palestinian people in refugee camps (in their own country) with land, sea, and air blockades since 1948, and bombing them relentlessly for submission. Hence, before talking about Russia or for that matter the Ukraine conflict, the major, disastrous, most inhumane, mass murderous, mass child murderous conflict is - heinous, barbaric, naked European savages aka Jews cult lethal terrorist outfit carried out the most vicious, ruthless, bloody the mother of all genocides in Palestine. This is a major cancer that - uncivilized, uncultured, filthy European barbarian Christian savages versus uncivilized, uncultured, filthy Jews cult (sidekick of the Christian barbarians) European barbarian savages went into the each other jugular and the mass killing of each other a turf war turned by vested interest into the Holocaust biz with filthy motives). This is the normal lifestyle or practices of uncivilized, uncultured, filthy European barbarian savages - as they consequently practice - Protests versus Catholic wars all the time, killing each other going into one another's jugular. Hence, are the circumstances of the European barbarian savages lifestyle - the most inhumane, barbaric and still to become human, the best bet for Europe is - Russia take over the entire continent and bring human civilization to achieve some sort of human culture to Europe. If one analyzes the barbaric European past, look upon their dreadful list of crimes against humanity carried out throughout their history - such as; the most dreadful colonization of a highly advanced, cultured nation and loot, plunder, pillage, ransack, mega-robberies of wealth of those colonized nation to enrich themselves and also build barbaric, obscene Christian churches with those wealths to practice wholesale pedophilia for their priests and abuse and rape children and women, the most inhumane slave trade practiced for hundreds of years, bringing families, including men, women, children, infants, babies, and pregnant mother in iron neck chains and iron anklet chains; opium wars, opium trade, divide and rule; scorch earth policy practiced starving the entire populations of colonized nation intention of death and destruction. Belgium king Leopold amputated limbs of Congo and neighboring African nations in millions of people who refused to work on the European barbarian savages’ rubber plantations and this list is a never ending one.

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The question of genocide and ethnic cleansing will define Trump's presidency. And I think, what happens with regards to Ukraine is not so straightforward as most seem to think. What happens with the economy of the US, people might find themselves yearning for the "golden days" of "Genocide Joe". Not that I think that the US economy is salvageable; it displays all the pathologies described by Prof Bas van Bavel in "The Invisible Hand? How Market Economies have Emerged and Declined since AD 500". That Russia and China train every year four times as many engineers as the US is another notable issue. Some have doubts that the US can compensate this shortfall by producing ever more lawyers.

There are big problem with the immense mountains of nonsense and simply extremely wrong figures that Trump spouts. (And this is ignoring his style: a quality host would have defused the situation with Zelensky in the Oval Office). Some guests of "The Judge" think, that Trump is being given poor advice. This is no excuse! Every manager even of a minor concern must be able to form an opinion about information they receive from accounting, engineering, marketing, etc. If he isn't, he is in the wrong place; Uber are always looking for drivers.

Trump, to boot, has an extraordinarily poor business record. This would make him unsuitable for most leadership positions, unless one looks for somebody with experience in dealing with bankruptcy. On the other hand, I also would have given my vote rather to him over Ms Harris. Both are symptoms of a failed system.

Interesting is the behaviour of the European "leaders" who quarrel about everything apart from the question of Ukraine. This indicates, that they are not following the position of the US, but rather the one of the US Deep State. This is logical and manifests the existence of a US Deep State in a meaningful way.

What those European "leaders" is concerned: their approval rating is in the 20%s - and lower! Their disapproval is in the 60s and 70s.


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I wish the U.S. could simply return to a foreign policy where we show respect for other countries, nations, and regions in the world. Of course, any government should protect their borders and citizens. Let each region determine their own leaders and courses of action.

In the Middle East, I would like to see the U.S. support the Arab League plan for Gaza. Israel has shown, by the latest Gaza campaign, that they've morally lost their way and have come to enjoy killing to assert their authority and control over land and people...which definitely excludes allowing regions to develop their destinies.

Unfortunately, Israel is likely Trump's Achilles heel.

Hamas is no better. Until the day that they can meet Israel with equal military power, they should desist from stupidity like Oct. 7 from which no astute person can see less than 100,000 civilians in Gaza killed. So, too, perceptive people wonder if Oct. 7 wasn't a collaborative effort between IDF factions and Hamas in any case. How did Hamas command centers, later swept and cleared by IDF during their latest campaign, obtain documents left behind showing such restricted security clearance that even normal IDF security did not have them?

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Thanks for your great work John!

We've shared the link on our daily report.

A Skeptic War Reports


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Uh , Trump going behind Netenyahu; and speaking directly with Hamas; (without notifying Mossad); I think @John J. Mearsheimer is not seeing the biggest picture. Not much different than Trump speaking directly to Putin; without notifying EU or Zelensky. Don’t listen to Trump’s rhetoric; whether typed or spoken; just watch actions; which are excellent for Palestine. Look how long the ceasefire has lasted; and still relatively few atrocities vs Biden; even though phase 1 expired. Trump wants total peace in this region, by Easter. The word Easter carries lots of dog whistles; or outright human voice. Not just whistle; obvious putting hammer down on Netenyahu/ zionism. Lots of the aid that Musk is terminating is zionist; look at WHO is resisting this aid cuts. Zionists groups. B’nai B’rith types that are these aid groups . For example; Sharon : https://campaignlegal.org/staff/sharon-metro

The judges trying to block DOGE cuts to USAID, etc; many of these judges are zionist; and this is no coincidence. The same types that gave the election to Bush Jr; who gave PNAC its wars. All of this is their strategy; and yet is anti US. Actually inversely related. Trump , IMO, is moderating away from total Z. The DOGE cuts = lots of $ funneling gone, towards Z causes. So Trump is trying to not let Isreael go bankrupt, via UST secretary deals this week. overall, I think Trump is doing excellent. Lots of forces and counter forces to deal with; including the threats of assassination from Mossad. What Trump is doing; may seem “anti Israel” because Israel usually gets 100% support from US. But Israel, like Ukraine; is on a losing trajectory; long term . A compromise peace deal is actually in Israel’s best interest. Trump’s rhetoric = “art of deal” only. But Trump has all the cards; so “deal” is gonna happen. But Trump wants to appease Zionists, etc. Trump forcing Netenyahu to ceasefire; or speaking directly with Hamas; this is not “kissing Netenyahu’s ass” at all.

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We have shared, and longstanding interest with Netanyahu, and he’s also valuable ally. Zelensky is a user, and in for a lot of personal gain. Trump also knows the rediculous things he’s done with Biden, and his family.

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Netanyahu is a valuable ally, a man who is implementing a genocide, a man who wants war with Iran and is willing to risk the possibility of a world war to achieve his ends, a man who propagandized for us to go to war with Iraq on the lie he was developing a nuclear weapon, but he wasn't and he knew it, a man who was responsible for the death of Rabin and a two state solution, a man that Rabin's wife accused of his murder. God, what do your friends look like?

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Oh please. The Palestinians have sabotaged every opportunity for peace, rejecting every proposal since before 1948 because their leadership refuses to accept Israel’s right to exist. They demand a state not alongside Israel, but instead of it, clinging to the fantasy of flooding Israel with millions of so-called refugees to destroy it demographically. Hamas, which has ruled Gaza since 2007, openly prioritizes terrorism over governance, diverting billions in aid to rockets and tunnels rather than schools and hospitals. Meanwhile, Israel, despite enduring endless attacks, has made repeated efforts toward peace, including withdrawing from Gaza in 2005—only to be rewarded with more rockets. The Arab world is moving on, normalizing ties with Israel while the Palestinians remain stuck in self-imposed victimhood, refusing to accept reality. The obstacle to peace isn’t Israel—it’s Palestinian rejectionism.

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Richard you adopt a pro-Israeli position and it clouds your over all perspective. Realize that a colonial state after fighting a colonial war in Europe, handed over the land of Palestine, a land populated by a people who had lived there for many hundreds of years which only had a very small minority of Jews, but to the Zionist with the same colonial mindset saw it as a land without a people. It was never Britain's land to give, or for the Zionist to take, and when it took it they were quick to implement what could be viewed as a genocide, the Nakba, in 1948 where some 700 thousand Palestinians were forced from their homeland, and 70 or 80 thousand slaughtered. Israel is implementing a genocide and right now the US is complicit in it, as are most states in Europe. I don't justify what the US did to the American Indians and never will, and even at seven understood the "cowboys" were the bad guys. I'm still an American, but I will not lie about who and what we are, nor will I in anyway justify our complicity in the genocide being implemented in Gaza, or the West Bank. I do have a soul.

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In 1947, the UN proposed a partition plan giving both Jews and Arabs their own states. The Jews accepted; the Arabs rejected it outright. Instead of building their own nation, Arab leaders, backed by surrounding countries, launched a war to destroy the newly declared State of Israel. Arab armies encouraged local Arabs to flee, promising they could return after Israel was wiped out. But against all odds, tiny Israel won, and those who left were not allowed back. Meanwhile, most Arabs stayed and became Israeli citizens. Today, they make up 21% of Israel’s population, enjoying full rights, serving in parliament, and working as doctors, lawyers, and tech professionals. When polled, over 95% say they would rather remain Israeli than become citizens of a future Palestinian state—because despite the propaganda, they know where true democracy and opportunity exist.

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First line, yeah but the Jews were given more land, and land more fertile, more easily cultivated, not to mention it wasn't their land, and only the result of a colonial mindset that saw Arabs as less then which allowed Britain to hand it over and ultimately create a horror show some 100, or so years later. Arabs didn't launch a war, but the Israeli's did, and I referenced it before, the NAKBA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! When you have a country that has Palestinians locked in a cage needing permission to come and to go, with no real sense of a future, as well as implementing grotesque retaliatory responses at any type of rebellion which has happened repeatedly. well, what can you expect? No democracy there, no opportunity there. No Israel is not the victims of the Palestinians, but they were the victims of the Nazi's who implemented a genocide against them, and if I were Jewish I would never behave in such a manner, and people like Ilan Pappe make that very clear. America also has created many victims and that also is unacceptable to me.

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You clearly don’t know history. Many Jews were already living in the land, which was barren and undeveloped until they cultivated it, transforming it into fertile land through innovation like drip irrigation and water reclamation—techniques now used worldwide. The so-called Nakba (or “disaster”) is simply the Arabs’ term for their own failure to destroy Israel in a war they started. The real disaster is that the Palestinians refused their own state and have spent 78 years choosing violence and squalor over coexistence. They glorify terrorists, teach their children to hate, and reject every chance for peace. In Gaza, Israel fully withdrew in 2005, giving Palestinians the opportunity to build a thriving Mediterranean hub. Instead, Hamas used billions in aid to construct 350 miles of terror tunnels and stockpile weapons, turning Gaza into a fortified nightmare. Trump is right—it’s time to break this cycle. Since Palestinians refuse peace and squander every opportunity, they should be moved to Arab countries and let Israel, and the rest of the world, move forward.

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Netanyahu is not what I would call an ally. He has cost the US - Messrs. Mearsheimer, Sachs et al. agree here - trillions, probably double digit, of dollars and their reputation. I am unsure what Netanyahu might have given in return.

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I can’t find any interest other than keeping the weapon industry of US booming

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