You can't except that a people that were subject to a genocide in the 1940's under Hitler is implementing one of their own, well, sorry but that is what Israel is doing. You provide information so distorted in order to reassure yourself. The total death toll has not been determined since many of the dead lie under the rubble, and no doub…
You can't except that a people that were subject to a genocide in the 1940's under Hitler is implementing one of their own, well, sorry but that is what Israel is doing. You provide information so distorted in order to reassure yourself. The total death toll has not been determined since many of the dead lie under the rubble, and no doubt most are children, and women. Hospitals usually determine the overall death toll, but Israel destroyed those. However tens of thousands of deaths have been accounted for and mostly women and children, babies, sad. "Second, the IDF does not target Palestinian civilians, unlike Hamas indiscriminately firing thousands of rockets at Israeli population centers." Have you seen the rubble Gaza has become? Have you not heard of the thousands killed in hospitals Israel has bombed? You are totally divorced from reality. If there is anyone who needs perspective, and granted more difficult for you, but it is you. Sorry but I can't help you avoid the reality of what Israel is doing and in so doing will pay a heavy price on many levels.
Jews are not a people and most Jews, real and fake, in what is called Israel and Occupied Palestine were never subjected to genocide under Hitler.
A lot of the Israeli colonists are from Russia and places which were never occupied by the Germans. Many of the recent Jewish colonists are from the US, UK, Canada, even Australia and none of them experienced genocide under Hitler.
Jews are not a people? I'm confused by what you say since I know that about 150 thousand holocaust survivors entered Israel when it became a state in 1948. There were many, some 500 thousand who entered the country from the twenties through the 1930's. Also, the Zionist movement established in the 1800's wanted a state of their own referencing the prejudice they were subject to. There were millions of Jews who lived in Russia and many of them were killed by Hitler. We're talking about a war and Hitler didn't stay put in Germany, and Poland also suffered, both Jews and non Jews died in camps set up in Poland, AUSCHWITZ! Of course immigration to Israel continued through the years.
Well, if Jews were a people then every religion would make a people. They do not, so why would Jews.
And to be a people there must be a common language and history and there is not. Jews comprise all races and hundreds of nationalities. What they share is the religion and that is no different to any other religion.
Put an American, French, Ethiopian, Scottish, Indian, Israeli Jew in a room and they have nothing in common but the religion. They all speak different languages except the American and Scots and no-one understands Scots speaking English anyway.
More European Jews, fleeing holocaust went to the US than to Israel and about as many went to Australia as went to what is called Israel. Plenty went to Canada and the UK.
Yes, I know the history of Jewish colonists in Palestine. It started in the 1830's and really took off when Zionism was invented in the 1890's.
Yes the Zionists, atheists and political fascists exploiting Jews wanted a state of their own but not for Jews. They just provided money and labour.
How did Hitler kill millions of Jews in Russia when the German invasion failed? Tens of millions of non-Jews died in Russia because of the German invasion so why single out Jews?
Jews have no right to claim a grain of sand on planet earth just like any other religion. No religion has a right to a homeland or self determination. Israel was founded on lies as you know.
And since most Israelis are not Jews or not real Jews, it is farcical for Israel to claim it represents Judaism and its followers. Nearly a quarter of Israelis are Muslims or Christians and many of the rest are atheist/secular which means they are not followers of Judaism and therefore not Jews. Not real ones anyway.
Although there are no Israelis because Israel passed a law in 2018 saying there is no Israeli nationality, just Jewish. So Israel does not really exist. And since Israel has no declared borders it all remains Palestine.
Well, I guess to settle your issue with this question perhaps you should look into the genetics of it all, since DNA testing will identify you as Jewish whether you're a religious Jew, or not.
By all means give me a scientifically, genetically, medically substantiated explanation as to how any religion could create DNA specific to followers. Over to you.
It's a people of a land genetically connected who adopted certain religious beliefs. Don't blame me since I never knew someone who was Jewish who said they were something else even if they didn't practice the Jewish faith, like an aunt who probably never saw the inside of a synagogue.
It is not a people of a land genetically connected. Judaism was invented in what is now Iraq. Some Hebrew tribes wandered into Palestine and set up camp 3000 years ago. The Egyptians made a note when the tribe of Judah appeared in Palestine. Carved it in stone.
At that point the Egyptians had been writing, carving in stone, about Palestine and Palestinians for 2000 years. Palestine and its people were ancient when Judaism was invented.
Jews were never native to Palestine and like all religions have spread around the world. The only thing Jews share is the religion.
The religious beliefs were invented in Iraq, then part of Mesopotamia. There is no Judaic connection to Palestine in any real sense. Yes some Jews lived there for a time but so what? Christians ruled Istanbul and a lot of Turkey for more than a thousand years but have no right to it. Muslims ruled India for 600 years but have no right to it.
You can be a lapsed or non-practising religious, including Jew. You cannot be an atheist/secular Jew, Christian or member of any religion. That is impossible.
Since Zionist/Jewish agendas have corrupted the entire DNA testing process on ancestry sites it is all meaningless. And it is genetically and scientifically impossible for a religion to create a genetic marker.
I have studied it. I know that what they call Jewish DNA appears in Muslims, Hindus, Christians and atheists. Ergo, there is no Jewish DNA. How could there be?
It is impossible when a religion is invented to magically create a genetic marker. All that can happen with high rates of intermarriage is that some genetic markers are passed down but rates of genetic deformity increase and the group dies out.
All religions in some form have practised high rates of intermarriage and none of it makes a people. What it does is create mental and physical deformity.
Every human alive today is descended from the same relatively small group of distant ancestors. There are not even racial differences of import let alone religious.
At a thousand years we each have more than a million ancestors. At conception we get, randomly or at least in unknown ways, some of millions of possible DNA markers.
Spend time with German Jews and they look like Germans. English Jews look English. Spanish Jews look Spanish. Indian Jews look Indians. It is a serious joke for anyone to believe that DNA testing can identify a Jew.
I mean, how could a genetic marker pop up when someone converted to Judaism? It is scientifically ridiculous.
Thanks, my point exactly. It is an ancestry site looking to make money from gullible people. There is no Jewish DNA. It is scientifically impossible. There are genetic links to some Jewish groups but that applies to all religions.
All of the ancestry sites are funded and promoted by the Zionist agenda seeking to make people believe that magically, Jews are a people. They are not.
It is a scam. I know my family ancestry and have done two tests and one completely missed my Greek ancestry and the other picked up the Greek and missed other things. There is no Greek ancestry either. DNA does not do nationalities or religions. It can make connections with areas where some people connected to you have lived but it cannot be accurate beyond 6 generations.
The value of these DNA tests is finding a first, second, third cousin who has information which is of use to you. The substance of the tests also depends hugely on how many people from a particular group have done the test. If you have certain ancestors and less than 1 percent have done the test you won't get far. If millions of people do the test you will.
Being of Jewish decent is no different then being of Italian, Swedish or Polish, or of Russian descent and the reason is the same and true for all people. People are Polish because they were born, or their ancestors were born, in that country as were their parents and their heritage can go back many generations over long periods of times,, and so they share similarities in terms of their genes which are identified as being characteristic of Polish people. This can't be dismissed as nonsense. It's science. Many people on Ancestry have a genetic test which not only reveals their ethnic background, but links them to individuals whom they are related, first cousins, second, third,. etc. It's a reality whether you want to except it or not, and your refusal to except it does not mean it is not so.
Jews are a religion. There is no descent. Italians, Poles, Swedes are nationality and in fact there is no genetic descent for them either.
My ancestry contains 20 different religions over 400 years, probably more. You are saying there is DNA for each one. Ridiculous.
Drop Judaism or convert to another religion and you are not a Jew. Convert to Judaism and you are. No different to any other religion.
Yes people can have ancestry in a country going back generations but that does not apply to religions.
It is not science it is nonsense. It is impossible for any religion to create a genetic marker through birth or conversion. Scientifically impossible.
Jews make up all races and hundreds of nationalities throughout history. They are not a people, they are not genetically united and they have nothing in common but the religion. Just like any other religion.
If Jews had this genetic unity then why do Ashkenazi despise Separdhim and African Jews? Because there is no genetic connection, there is no unity and it is just a religion.
It is not about me accepting it, it is about what is scientifically, medically, biologically and physiologically impossible and Jewish genes are as impossible as Christian genes.
p.s. I already said ancestry tests can link you back 6 generations or 150 years but are not reliable beyond that. This is why what you call Jewish DNA appears in Christians, Muslims, Hindus, Jains, Buddhists, atheists BECAUSE THERE IS NOTHING JEWISH ABOUT IT.
Not sure why it is so important to you to believe this fantasy.
And then there is the data showing a decrease of 600,000 Jews in European censuses taken in 1939 and then 1949? Lies, damned lies and statistics.
We have no idea how many Jews died in WWII and there is some evidence that the figures used include every single Jew who died in Europe over the period, of any cause.
We do know tens of millions died in holocaust experiences in WWII and most of them were not Jews.
Also of note is that the Zionists were warning of 6 million Jews dead in Europe if their plans to colonise Palestine were not supported, from 1900 onwards, long before Hitler.
Nothing about this issue can be trusted because it is subject to Zionist/Israeli/Jewish agendas and censored and that includes Statista.
Roslyn why is this so important? Everyone I know who is Jewish that had a DNA test were identified as being Jewish. My cousin is married to a woman who was always told my her Jewish mother that her father was Italian. When she took her DNA test she was 100 percent Jewish. Why her mother lied I now know, but won't go into here. Yeah he was Jewish. In reference to who died in the holocaust, well, although many Jews died those that were non-Jews, like the Poles, and Gypsies were kind of ignored in that regard. The Zionist got the land of Palestine solely due to a colonial mindset that said Arabs don't count. When the Ottoman empire fell, Palestine, a part of greater Syria in the Ottoman empire was given to them, and with their colonial mindset saw it as a land without a people. No it wasn't.
It is important because it is just more lies to pretend that followers of Judaism magically make a people. The Zionists invented that to justify their State in Palestine. Of course it matters. Jews are not a people.
Do you know how DNA is handed down? If you did you would know it is absolutely impossible for it to be religious.
Also, never underestimate the ability of vested agendas to corrupt any process, including ancestry DNA testing. It is a joke. Genetically such tests might or can create connections going back six generations. That is 150 years. At a thousand years we each have a million ancestors so it is impossible to identify such connections.
People think ancestry tests identify nationalities which is as ridiculous as believing they identify religions. Genetics is a new and deeply flawed science.
As to those you know who had the DNA test, I would humbly make the point that the same DNA would turn up in followers of other religions and atheists as well. The Zio agendas have it stacked.
You cannot be 100% Jewish. That is ridiculous. Such a claim would make any intelligent person know something was wrong. It is total rubbish.
Jews comprise all so-called races and hundreds of nationalities so it is utterly impossible for there to be a Jewish gene. It is a scam.
Go and talk to Jews, real and fake in what is called Israel. You can tell the German ones, the Ethiopian ones, the Iraqi ones, the French, Spanish, Italian - they look nothing alike. Ashkenazi and Sephardim, totally different.
I mean how do you get the same genes in a totally black Ethiopian and a blue-eyed blonde from Germany? You don't. You can't.
Yes, agree Gypsies and others, are overlooked. More Gypsies died on a per capita basis than followers of Judaism and tens of millions of Christians and Muslims died.
Palestine has always been a separate country. It was not part of greater Syria except that the areas were occupied by the Ottomans. Palestine has an ancient and specific history.
You can't except that a people that were subject to a genocide in the 1940's under Hitler is implementing one of their own, well, sorry but that is what Israel is doing. You provide information so distorted in order to reassure yourself. The total death toll has not been determined since many of the dead lie under the rubble, and no doubt most are children, and women. Hospitals usually determine the overall death toll, but Israel destroyed those. However tens of thousands of deaths have been accounted for and mostly women and children, babies, sad. "Second, the IDF does not target Palestinian civilians, unlike Hamas indiscriminately firing thousands of rockets at Israeli population centers." Have you seen the rubble Gaza has become? Have you not heard of the thousands killed in hospitals Israel has bombed? You are totally divorced from reality. If there is anyone who needs perspective, and granted more difficult for you, but it is you. Sorry but I can't help you avoid the reality of what Israel is doing and in so doing will pay a heavy price on many levels.
Jews are not a people and most Jews, real and fake, in what is called Israel and Occupied Palestine were never subjected to genocide under Hitler.
A lot of the Israeli colonists are from Russia and places which were never occupied by the Germans. Many of the recent Jewish colonists are from the US, UK, Canada, even Australia and none of them experienced genocide under Hitler.
Otherwise I totally agree with your sttements.
Jews are not a people? I'm confused by what you say since I know that about 150 thousand holocaust survivors entered Israel when it became a state in 1948. There were many, some 500 thousand who entered the country from the twenties through the 1930's. Also, the Zionist movement established in the 1800's wanted a state of their own referencing the prejudice they were subject to. There were millions of Jews who lived in Russia and many of them were killed by Hitler. We're talking about a war and Hitler didn't stay put in Germany, and Poland also suffered, both Jews and non Jews died in camps set up in Poland, AUSCHWITZ! Of course immigration to Israel continued through the years.
Well, if Jews were a people then every religion would make a people. They do not, so why would Jews.
And to be a people there must be a common language and history and there is not. Jews comprise all races and hundreds of nationalities. What they share is the religion and that is no different to any other religion.
Put an American, French, Ethiopian, Scottish, Indian, Israeli Jew in a room and they have nothing in common but the religion. They all speak different languages except the American and Scots and no-one understands Scots speaking English anyway.
More European Jews, fleeing holocaust went to the US than to Israel and about as many went to Australia as went to what is called Israel. Plenty went to Canada and the UK.
Yes, I know the history of Jewish colonists in Palestine. It started in the 1830's and really took off when Zionism was invented in the 1890's.
Yes the Zionists, atheists and political fascists exploiting Jews wanted a state of their own but not for Jews. They just provided money and labour.
How did Hitler kill millions of Jews in Russia when the German invasion failed? Tens of millions of non-Jews died in Russia because of the German invasion so why single out Jews?
Jews have no right to claim a grain of sand on planet earth just like any other religion. No religion has a right to a homeland or self determination. Israel was founded on lies as you know.
And since most Israelis are not Jews or not real Jews, it is farcical for Israel to claim it represents Judaism and its followers. Nearly a quarter of Israelis are Muslims or Christians and many of the rest are atheist/secular which means they are not followers of Judaism and therefore not Jews. Not real ones anyway.
Although there are no Israelis because Israel passed a law in 2018 saying there is no Israeli nationality, just Jewish. So Israel does not really exist. And since Israel has no declared borders it all remains Palestine.
On top of this: Israeli's flleeing from the holocaust were not allowed entry into the USA!
Well, I guess to settle your issue with this question perhaps you should look into the genetics of it all, since DNA testing will identify you as Jewish whether you're a religious Jew, or not.
By all means give me a scientifically, genetically, medically substantiated explanation as to how any religion could create DNA specific to followers. Over to you.
It's a people of a land genetically connected who adopted certain religious beliefs. Don't blame me since I never knew someone who was Jewish who said they were something else even if they didn't practice the Jewish faith, like an aunt who probably never saw the inside of a synagogue.
It is not a people of a land genetically connected. Judaism was invented in what is now Iraq. Some Hebrew tribes wandered into Palestine and set up camp 3000 years ago. The Egyptians made a note when the tribe of Judah appeared in Palestine. Carved it in stone.
At that point the Egyptians had been writing, carving in stone, about Palestine and Palestinians for 2000 years. Palestine and its people were ancient when Judaism was invented.
Jews were never native to Palestine and like all religions have spread around the world. The only thing Jews share is the religion.
The religious beliefs were invented in Iraq, then part of Mesopotamia. There is no Judaic connection to Palestine in any real sense. Yes some Jews lived there for a time but so what? Christians ruled Istanbul and a lot of Turkey for more than a thousand years but have no right to it. Muslims ruled India for 600 years but have no right to it.
You can be a lapsed or non-practising religious, including Jew. You cannot be an atheist/secular Jew, Christian or member of any religion. That is impossible.
Since Zionist/Jewish agendas have corrupted the entire DNA testing process on ancestry sites it is all meaningless. And it is genetically and scientifically impossible for a religion to create a genetic marker.
I have studied it. I know that what they call Jewish DNA appears in Muslims, Hindus, Christians and atheists. Ergo, there is no Jewish DNA. How could there be?
It is impossible when a religion is invented to magically create a genetic marker. All that can happen with high rates of intermarriage is that some genetic markers are passed down but rates of genetic deformity increase and the group dies out.
All religions in some form have practised high rates of intermarriage and none of it makes a people. What it does is create mental and physical deformity.
Every human alive today is descended from the same relatively small group of distant ancestors. There are not even racial differences of import let alone religious.
At a thousand years we each have more than a million ancestors. At conception we get, randomly or at least in unknown ways, some of millions of possible DNA markers.
Spend time with German Jews and they look like Germans. English Jews look English. Spanish Jews look Spanish. Indian Jews look Indians. It is a serious joke for anyone to believe that DNA testing can identify a Jew.
I mean, how could a genetic marker pop up when someone converted to Judaism? It is scientifically ridiculous.
Thanks, my point exactly. It is an ancestry site looking to make money from gullible people. There is no Jewish DNA. It is scientifically impossible. There are genetic links to some Jewish groups but that applies to all religions.
All of the ancestry sites are funded and promoted by the Zionist agenda seeking to make people believe that magically, Jews are a people. They are not.
It is a scam. I know my family ancestry and have done two tests and one completely missed my Greek ancestry and the other picked up the Greek and missed other things. There is no Greek ancestry either. DNA does not do nationalities or religions. It can make connections with areas where some people connected to you have lived but it cannot be accurate beyond 6 generations.
The value of these DNA tests is finding a first, second, third cousin who has information which is of use to you. The substance of the tests also depends hugely on how many people from a particular group have done the test. If you have certain ancestors and less than 1 percent have done the test you won't get far. If millions of people do the test you will.
Being of Jewish decent is no different then being of Italian, Swedish or Polish, or of Russian descent and the reason is the same and true for all people. People are Polish because they were born, or their ancestors were born, in that country as were their parents and their heritage can go back many generations over long periods of times,, and so they share similarities in terms of their genes which are identified as being characteristic of Polish people. This can't be dismissed as nonsense. It's science. Many people on Ancestry have a genetic test which not only reveals their ethnic background, but links them to individuals whom they are related, first cousins, second, third,. etc. It's a reality whether you want to except it or not, and your refusal to except it does not mean it is not so.
Jews are a religion. There is no descent. Italians, Poles, Swedes are nationality and in fact there is no genetic descent for them either.
My ancestry contains 20 different religions over 400 years, probably more. You are saying there is DNA for each one. Ridiculous.
Drop Judaism or convert to another religion and you are not a Jew. Convert to Judaism and you are. No different to any other religion.
Yes people can have ancestry in a country going back generations but that does not apply to religions.
It is not science it is nonsense. It is impossible for any religion to create a genetic marker through birth or conversion. Scientifically impossible.
Jews make up all races and hundreds of nationalities throughout history. They are not a people, they are not genetically united and they have nothing in common but the religion. Just like any other religion.
If Jews had this genetic unity then why do Ashkenazi despise Separdhim and African Jews? Because there is no genetic connection, there is no unity and it is just a religion.
It is not about me accepting it, it is about what is scientifically, medically, biologically and physiologically impossible and Jewish genes are as impossible as Christian genes.
p.s. I already said ancestry tests can link you back 6 generations or 150 years but are not reliable beyond that. This is why what you call Jewish DNA appears in Christians, Muslims, Hindus, Jains, Buddhists, atheists BECAUSE THERE IS NOTHING JEWISH ABOUT IT.
Not sure why it is so important to you to believe this fantasy.
Estimated pre-war Jewish population and estimated number of murdered Jews per country during the Holocaust from 1930 to 1945
And then there is the data showing a decrease of 600,000 Jews in European censuses taken in 1939 and then 1949? Lies, damned lies and statistics.
We have no idea how many Jews died in WWII and there is some evidence that the figures used include every single Jew who died in Europe over the period, of any cause.
We do know tens of millions died in holocaust experiences in WWII and most of them were not Jews.
Also of note is that the Zionists were warning of 6 million Jews dead in Europe if their plans to colonise Palestine were not supported, from 1900 onwards, long before Hitler.
Nothing about this issue can be trusted because it is subject to Zionist/Israeli/Jewish agendas and censored and that includes Statista.
What about the Polish people and Romanians?
Who died in WWII? Some were Jews, most were not.
Roslyn why is this so important? Everyone I know who is Jewish that had a DNA test were identified as being Jewish. My cousin is married to a woman who was always told my her Jewish mother that her father was Italian. When she took her DNA test she was 100 percent Jewish. Why her mother lied I now know, but won't go into here. Yeah he was Jewish. In reference to who died in the holocaust, well, although many Jews died those that were non-Jews, like the Poles, and Gypsies were kind of ignored in that regard. The Zionist got the land of Palestine solely due to a colonial mindset that said Arabs don't count. When the Ottoman empire fell, Palestine, a part of greater Syria in the Ottoman empire was given to them, and with their colonial mindset saw it as a land without a people. No it wasn't.
It is important because it is just more lies to pretend that followers of Judaism magically make a people. The Zionists invented that to justify their State in Palestine. Of course it matters. Jews are not a people.
Do you know how DNA is handed down? If you did you would know it is absolutely impossible for it to be religious.
Also, never underestimate the ability of vested agendas to corrupt any process, including ancestry DNA testing. It is a joke. Genetically such tests might or can create connections going back six generations. That is 150 years. At a thousand years we each have a million ancestors so it is impossible to identify such connections.
People think ancestry tests identify nationalities which is as ridiculous as believing they identify religions. Genetics is a new and deeply flawed science.
As to those you know who had the DNA test, I would humbly make the point that the same DNA would turn up in followers of other religions and atheists as well. The Zio agendas have it stacked.
You cannot be 100% Jewish. That is ridiculous. Such a claim would make any intelligent person know something was wrong. It is total rubbish.
Jews comprise all so-called races and hundreds of nationalities so it is utterly impossible for there to be a Jewish gene. It is a scam.
Go and talk to Jews, real and fake in what is called Israel. You can tell the German ones, the Ethiopian ones, the Iraqi ones, the French, Spanish, Italian - they look nothing alike. Ashkenazi and Sephardim, totally different.
I mean how do you get the same genes in a totally black Ethiopian and a blue-eyed blonde from Germany? You don't. You can't.
Yes, agree Gypsies and others, are overlooked. More Gypsies died on a per capita basis than followers of Judaism and tens of millions of Christians and Muslims died.
Palestine has always been a separate country. It was not part of greater Syria except that the areas were occupied by the Ottomans. Palestine has an ancient and specific history.