If you do not know enough to differentiate then there is probably little to be said, but here goes.
The situation between Ukraine and Russia has nothing in common with that between Israel and Palestine.
Ukraine is an independent country with a large population of ethnic Russians who were being attacked by the Government and the Russians sought to protect them. Ukraine entered into a military alliance with the US/Nato who have clearly stated their plan to break up Russia, i.e. destroy it. Ukraine had great power behind it and was a clear and present danger to the Russians.
The Russians have sought to avoid civilian casualties and made many efforts to firstly not begin the war and then to end it.
The Russians do not seek to exterminate the Ukrainians, they just seek to defend and protect their borders by ensuring Ukraine remains neutral. That is not unreasonable.
Palestine is a country crushed under colonial rule and occupation which ranks as one of the most sadistic, savage and bestial in modern history. Israel has total power over the Palestinians, occupies all of their country, continues to dispossess them, has a stated goal to exterminate or expel them and is committing genocide against the native people of the land it has stolen.
The Palestinians are powerless beyond their limited ability to fight their evil oppressors and to continue their resistance. Israel is massively armed and backed by the US and other Western nations and is the one responsible for all violence.
There would be no Hamas, no Palestinian Resistance, no October 7 if Israel had not been founded in genocidal ethnic cleansing, rape, theft and murder in 1947/48 and had then spent nearly 80 years subjecting the Palestinians to a level of sadistic cruelty which makes even the Nazis look benign.
So, in Ukraine we have a State which has formed a military alliance with others who wish to destroy Russia. Imagine how the Americans would act if Mexico or Canada entered into a military alliance with China? The Russians want a neutral Ukraine and do not want to annexe Ukraine.
And in Palestine, we have an occupying State, Israel with clearly articulated goals of extermination or expulsion of the native people and eradication of their country, their nationhood, culture, history and existence.
We have also seen Israel actively target civilians, nearly half of them children, resort to rape of men, women and children, torture, abuse and continued dispossession throughout all of Occupied Palestine not just Gaza.
The war in Ukraine is unfortunate and caused by Ukrainian, American and Nato stupidity and arrogance.
The war Israel wages against Palestine is nearly a century old and is a crime of enormous proportions, caused by arrogance, bigotry and Israeli, Zionist, American stupidity.
They have stupidity and arrogance in common but nothing else.
Your history attaches much more autonomy to Ukraine that it hasn’t had since 2014. Victoria Nuland and John McCain were on hand for the crime, and Nuland actually told the neo-Nazis who their next leader would be.
I was doing a comparison with Palestine against Israel. Yes, I agree with you that Ukraine is a US puppet being used to attempt to destroy Russia.
As Israel is a US puppet being used to attempt to destroy Iran and Taiwan is on the path to being used in the same way to destroy China.
Only a fool keeps doing the same things and expecting a different result. The Americans have been doing the same things and failing in bloody misery (for others mainly) for decades. When do they learn?
Palestine is a country crushed under colonial rule.....lIsrael occupies all of their country.....has a stated goal to exterminate or expel them and is committing genocide against the native people of the land it has stolen.”
Wrong on all counts. What you call Palestine is not a “country”, never has been or considered historically, culturally or politically. To say that Israel “occupies” it in any sense is nonsense. Even in Gaza. Israel completely left Gaza in 2005 after a brief period of military occupation and administration because of the ‘Palestinians’ then recent terroristic provocations in prior years. You have no proof for the statement that has a “stated goal” to “exterminate” them, though there are clear statements from Hamas’ ‘government’ (it’s in its own political charter) to exterminate both the nation of Israel and Jews in general. None of ‘its’ land is “stolen”. The Jews were present there before the Philistines (from which the word Palestinian derives) moved in. There were very few ‘native’ Palestinians in the lead up to 1947-48 events, as the folks who call themselves Palestinians now, were then, Jordanians, Lebanese, Syrians, and near surround itinerant Arabs. And you should ask yourself why so many of those itinerant Arabs in 1948 welcomed in the Arab armies to the newly minted nation of Israel to destroy it; and then consider why any of those Arabs should be ceded back any of that ancestral land. Many of the British nationals who welcomed King George’s military occupation of the colonies in colonial America lost “property” in the wake of the revolutionary war. We don’t now call them “dispossessed “, do we? Neither are those Arabs who welcomed in the Arab armies in 1948 before their defeat by the nascent Israel armed forces. Starting wars have serious consequences for the people who start them and catastrophic consequences for those who start and LOSE them. Much less 4-6 of them depending on how one accounts for them as “wars.” Mearsheimer is excellent on the history of NATO and Ukraine. His footing in the ME and Israel is far less sure.
I would love someone like you to explain to me how a military colonial ruler can subject the native people of the land it has taken by force, to a sadistic, savage and bestial rule for nearly 80 years and be surprised when they resist.
Yes, sure, I know Israelis think Palestinians are subhuman, some sort of weird cockroach animal, but that is deranged. The Palestinians are human beings who have suffered the longest holocaust in modern history and one of the most murderous and cruel military colonial occupations in all of history. They have no rights, no vote, no hope so why would they not fight the Israelis to the death, theirs or their oppressors?
Any understanding of history and human nature makes it clear that unless Israel exterminated 16 million Palestinians on planet earth, the resistance will never end, it will just become more determined, more violent, until Palestine and its people are free.
I mean, think about it, the French and Polish Resistance did that despite German atrocities in reprisal so why would not the Palestinians?
Israel DID NOT leave Gaza in 2005. It removed illegal Jewish settlers and planted them still illegally in other parts of Occupied Palestine. It removed illegal military bases and then surrounded Gaza with warships on the sea side and an electric fence on the land side and proceeded to shoot any man, woman, child, dog which came near the fence. IT IS A PRISON.
And as Amira Hass, Haaretz corrected the same lies from israelis recently, ISRAEL DID NOT LEAVE GAZA. It is the Israeli colonial rulers who issue ID cards to every single Palestinian including those in Gaza. They are handed to the stooge PA to distribute but every single Palestinian is recorded and ID's by their military colonial rulers, ISRAEL.
And if Israel did not control Gaza how could it, as it stated and did, cut off all power, water, food, medicine, internet, phones etc., in the Gaza concentration camp? I await your explanation with keen interst.
Israel was, is and always will be an illegal colonial enterprise in Palestine,.
More than 100 Palestinians were killed and dozens injured, Saturday morning, after Israeli occupation forces bombed the “Al-Tabi’een” school, which houses displaced people in the Al-Daraj neighbourhood east of Gaza City.Local sources reported that the occupation warplanes bombed the school while Palestinians were performing the dawn prayer, and they were specifically targeted after the Takbeer of the dawn prayer. Eyewitness reports say limbs – arms, hands, feet and heads of those performing prayers were scattered around the school’s prayer hall in what is described as one of the worst massacres committed by the Israeli army yet.
For your education. Amira Hass, Haaretz, correcting Israelis repeating the same disinformation you have done.
Feb 12, 2024 5:37 pm IST
S., who lives in a Gaza border community, asked me several questions that I've heard from others, too. With his knowledge, I'm publishing an initial reply here to his letter. He wrote:
"I'm a regular reader of Haaretz and of your articles. As a resident of a Gaza border community, I'm trying to understand your take on what has happened in the Gaza Strip since the disengagement. Why, in your opinion, did the strongest resistance emerge from the place where Israel canceled the occupation?
PLEASE NOTE. The Israeli occupation was not canceled. Israel continued its highhanded control of the lives of the Gaza Strip's residents and Gaza's development options.
"For years, people have been shouting that all the major problems stem from the occupation. And here a small experiment to cancel the occupation was conducted. The Palestinians could have built themselves a model mini-state there. Instead, they preferred to invest the money in a war against Israel. Do you have an explanation for that?"
Shalom Reader S.,
PLEASE NOTE. First of all, the Israeli occupation was not canceled. Israel continued its highhanded control of the lives of the Gaza Strip's residents and Gaza's development options, well after Israel dismantled the settlements and army bases located there. Second, as per the Oslo Accords, to which Israel is a signatory, the Gaza Strip is not a separate entity but an integral part of the Palestinian territory occupied in 1967.
According to the Palestinians, and according to international opinion, this territory was supposed to become the Palestinian state. The facts that Israel severed the Gazan population from the West Bank's and that Israelis have continued to treat an isolated Gaza, which is 365 square kilometers in size and lacks resources, as a separate entity, are in themselves evidence of Israeli control over it – and of Israeli chutzpah to boot.
I can't quote what I've written in hundreds and perhaps thousands of articles. So I'll be brief: Prime Minister Ariel Sharon neither consulted with the leadership of the Palestinian Authority about the disengagement, nor did he coordinate its implementation with that limited self-rule government, which in 2005 was not split yet between Fatah and Hamas. Sharon followed a gradual track that Israel outlined from the early 1990s, while doing a good job of concealing its severity and significance during the Oslo process: creating a regime of prohibitions and restrictions on the Palestinians' freedom of movement, while creating Palestinian enclaves. On January 15, 1991 Israel began this comprehensive policy, and its immediate result, which worsened over the years, was cutting off the population of Gaza from the West Bank and from the world.
Sharon continued his predecessors' work. The draconian siege imposed by Prime Minister Ehud Olmert on Gaza in 2007 was a quantitative change, but not a change in essence. This consistent policy indicates the forethought behind the action: not an experiment to cancel the occupation, but one of the ways to prevent the establishment of the Palestinian state based on the plan that the Palestine Liberation Organization and the international community saw before their eyes.
PLEASE NOTE. The continued Israeli domination over the Gaza Strip, up until October 7, was manifested in several ways.
The first is its total control of the Palestinian population registry, which includes Gaza's residents. It is Israel that decides who is permitted to carry the ID card of a resident of Gaza or the West Bank. Every detail – including place of residence – registered in the ID card, which the PA technically issues, requires Israeli approval. Even natives of Gaza, whose residency status Israel revoked before 1994, cannot renew it without Israel's approval.
The severance from the West Bank (and from Israel) critically damaged the capabilities for economic development in the Gaza Strip. In any case, Gaza has been in a state of economic deterioration or stagnation since 1967 due to deliberate steps that Israel adopted. Israel controls not only the border crossings but also Gaza's aerial and maritime space, which means it doesn't permit Gazans to exercise their right to freedom of movement via the sea and air.
Israel also uses this control to restrict the Palestinian fishing industry, prevent Palestinians from using the gas reserves discovered in Gazan waters and control the wireless frequencies necessary for technological development. By controlling imports and exports, it restricts the ability and feasibility of domestic production. Israel continues to control income from customs payments. Egypt – whether for fear that the Gazans will settle there, political opposition to severing Gaza from the West Bank or obedience to Israeli dictates – hasn't opened the Rafah border to free movement of Palestinians and foreigners.
Whether deliberately or inadvertently, Sharon's unilateral move weakened the PA, which adhered to the negotiations route. Thus, he awarded a prize to the Hamas movement, which claimed that only the "armed struggle" that it practiced during the Second Intifada, while improving its military capabilities – could force the Israeli army to withdraw, not negotiations and a signed agreement.
That's what many Palestinians thought and still think. It's no wonder that several months after the disengagement, in January 2006, Hamas won a majority of the seats in the election for the Palestinian parliament (but not a majority of the votes of the electorate).
First we have to answer the question as to why Israel did everything possible to thwart the establishment of the small Palestinian state in the Gaza Strip and the West Bank. Then we can move on to trying to explain why the residents of the besieged and cut-off "mini-state" that it shaped in Gaza felt like lifetime prisoners, at a time when their brothers in the West Bank live under the violent rule of the expanding settlement enterprise. And afterwards, at the first opportunity, we'll talk about the illusion or about the delusion or about the armed struggle project.
The first mention we have of the country of Palestine and the people who were Palestinians comes from ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs more than 5000 years old. Palestine was ancient when Judaism was invented.
We then have thousands of years of records, reports, drawings, paintings, then photos of Palestine, the country and its people.
This deranged claim Palestine never existed is so childish it can only be ignored.
Name of the country which exported Jaffa oranges to the world in the 19th century. PALESTINE.
Name of the country Zionists and Jews invaded in 1947 in a genocidal slaughter. PALESTINE.
Name of the country the UN recommended with no legal validity, be partitioned in 1947. PALESTINE.
Name of the country where major battles were fought in WWI and WWII. PALESTINE.
Name of the country Zionists were advertising for Jewish colonists in 1890's. PALESTINE.
Name of the country Jews were planning to set up a colony in 1830. PALESTINE.
Name of the 6 million native people crushed under Israeli military colonial rule and denied all human and civil rights. PALESTINIANS.
If you do not know enough to differentiate then there is probably little to be said, but here goes.
The situation between Ukraine and Russia has nothing in common with that between Israel and Palestine.
Ukraine is an independent country with a large population of ethnic Russians who were being attacked by the Government and the Russians sought to protect them. Ukraine entered into a military alliance with the US/Nato who have clearly stated their plan to break up Russia, i.e. destroy it. Ukraine had great power behind it and was a clear and present danger to the Russians.
The Russians have sought to avoid civilian casualties and made many efforts to firstly not begin the war and then to end it.
The Russians do not seek to exterminate the Ukrainians, they just seek to defend and protect their borders by ensuring Ukraine remains neutral. That is not unreasonable.
Palestine is a country crushed under colonial rule and occupation which ranks as one of the most sadistic, savage and bestial in modern history. Israel has total power over the Palestinians, occupies all of their country, continues to dispossess them, has a stated goal to exterminate or expel them and is committing genocide against the native people of the land it has stolen.
The Palestinians are powerless beyond their limited ability to fight their evil oppressors and to continue their resistance. Israel is massively armed and backed by the US and other Western nations and is the one responsible for all violence.
There would be no Hamas, no Palestinian Resistance, no October 7 if Israel had not been founded in genocidal ethnic cleansing, rape, theft and murder in 1947/48 and had then spent nearly 80 years subjecting the Palestinians to a level of sadistic cruelty which makes even the Nazis look benign.
So, in Ukraine we have a State which has formed a military alliance with others who wish to destroy Russia. Imagine how the Americans would act if Mexico or Canada entered into a military alliance with China? The Russians want a neutral Ukraine and do not want to annexe Ukraine.
And in Palestine, we have an occupying State, Israel with clearly articulated goals of extermination or expulsion of the native people and eradication of their country, their nationhood, culture, history and existence.
We have also seen Israel actively target civilians, nearly half of them children, resort to rape of men, women and children, torture, abuse and continued dispossession throughout all of Occupied Palestine not just Gaza.
The war in Ukraine is unfortunate and caused by Ukrainian, American and Nato stupidity and arrogance.
The war Israel wages against Palestine is nearly a century old and is a crime of enormous proportions, caused by arrogance, bigotry and Israeli, Zionist, American stupidity.
They have stupidity and arrogance in common but nothing else.
Your history attaches much more autonomy to Ukraine that it hasn’t had since 2014. Victoria Nuland and John McCain were on hand for the crime, and Nuland actually told the neo-Nazis who their next leader would be.
I was doing a comparison with Palestine against Israel. Yes, I agree with you that Ukraine is a US puppet being used to attempt to destroy Russia.
As Israel is a US puppet being used to attempt to destroy Iran and Taiwan is on the path to being used in the same way to destroy China.
Only a fool keeps doing the same things and expecting a different result. The Americans have been doing the same things and failing in bloody misery (for others mainly) for decades. When do they learn?
Palestine is a country crushed under colonial rule.....lIsrael occupies all of their country.....has a stated goal to exterminate or expel them and is committing genocide against the native people of the land it has stolen.”
Wrong on all counts. What you call Palestine is not a “country”, never has been or considered historically, culturally or politically. To say that Israel “occupies” it in any sense is nonsense. Even in Gaza. Israel completely left Gaza in 2005 after a brief period of military occupation and administration because of the ‘Palestinians’ then recent terroristic provocations in prior years. You have no proof for the statement that has a “stated goal” to “exterminate” them, though there are clear statements from Hamas’ ‘government’ (it’s in its own political charter) to exterminate both the nation of Israel and Jews in general. None of ‘its’ land is “stolen”. The Jews were present there before the Philistines (from which the word Palestinian derives) moved in. There were very few ‘native’ Palestinians in the lead up to 1947-48 events, as the folks who call themselves Palestinians now, were then, Jordanians, Lebanese, Syrians, and near surround itinerant Arabs. And you should ask yourself why so many of those itinerant Arabs in 1948 welcomed in the Arab armies to the newly minted nation of Israel to destroy it; and then consider why any of those Arabs should be ceded back any of that ancestral land. Many of the British nationals who welcomed King George’s military occupation of the colonies in colonial America lost “property” in the wake of the revolutionary war. We don’t now call them “dispossessed “, do we? Neither are those Arabs who welcomed in the Arab armies in 1948 before their defeat by the nascent Israel armed forces. Starting wars have serious consequences for the people who start them and catastrophic consequences for those who start and LOSE them. Much less 4-6 of them depending on how one accounts for them as “wars.” Mearsheimer is excellent on the history of NATO and Ukraine. His footing in the ME and Israel is far less sure.
I would love someone like you to explain to me how a military colonial ruler can subject the native people of the land it has taken by force, to a sadistic, savage and bestial rule for nearly 80 years and be surprised when they resist.
Yes, sure, I know Israelis think Palestinians are subhuman, some sort of weird cockroach animal, but that is deranged. The Palestinians are human beings who have suffered the longest holocaust in modern history and one of the most murderous and cruel military colonial occupations in all of history. They have no rights, no vote, no hope so why would they not fight the Israelis to the death, theirs or their oppressors?
Any understanding of history and human nature makes it clear that unless Israel exterminated 16 million Palestinians on planet earth, the resistance will never end, it will just become more determined, more violent, until Palestine and its people are free.
I mean, think about it, the French and Polish Resistance did that despite German atrocities in reprisal so why would not the Palestinians?
To correct more lies.
Israel DID NOT leave Gaza in 2005. It removed illegal Jewish settlers and planted them still illegally in other parts of Occupied Palestine. It removed illegal military bases and then surrounded Gaza with warships on the sea side and an electric fence on the land side and proceeded to shoot any man, woman, child, dog which came near the fence. IT IS A PRISON.
And as Amira Hass, Haaretz corrected the same lies from israelis recently, ISRAEL DID NOT LEAVE GAZA. It is the Israeli colonial rulers who issue ID cards to every single Palestinian including those in Gaza. They are handed to the stooge PA to distribute but every single Palestinian is recorded and ID's by their military colonial rulers, ISRAEL.
And if Israel did not control Gaza how could it, as it stated and did, cut off all power, water, food, medicine, internet, phones etc., in the Gaza concentration camp? I await your explanation with keen interst.
Israel was, is and always will be an illegal colonial enterprise in Palestine,.
More than 100 Palestinians were killed and dozens injured, Saturday morning, after Israeli occupation forces bombed the “Al-Tabi’een” school, which houses displaced people in the Al-Daraj neighbourhood east of Gaza City.Local sources reported that the occupation warplanes bombed the school while Palestinians were performing the dawn prayer, and they were specifically targeted after the Takbeer of the dawn prayer. Eyewitness reports say limbs – arms, hands, feet and heads of those performing prayers were scattered around the school’s prayer hall in what is described as one of the worst massacres committed by the Israeli army yet.
For your education. Amira Hass, Haaretz, correcting Israelis repeating the same disinformation you have done.
Feb 12, 2024 5:37 pm IST
S., who lives in a Gaza border community, asked me several questions that I've heard from others, too. With his knowledge, I'm publishing an initial reply here to his letter. He wrote:
"I'm a regular reader of Haaretz and of your articles. As a resident of a Gaza border community, I'm trying to understand your take on what has happened in the Gaza Strip since the disengagement. Why, in your opinion, did the strongest resistance emerge from the place where Israel canceled the occupation?
PLEASE NOTE. The Israeli occupation was not canceled. Israel continued its highhanded control of the lives of the Gaza Strip's residents and Gaza's development options.
"For years, people have been shouting that all the major problems stem from the occupation. And here a small experiment to cancel the occupation was conducted. The Palestinians could have built themselves a model mini-state there. Instead, they preferred to invest the money in a war against Israel. Do you have an explanation for that?"
Shalom Reader S.,
PLEASE NOTE. First of all, the Israeli occupation was not canceled. Israel continued its highhanded control of the lives of the Gaza Strip's residents and Gaza's development options, well after Israel dismantled the settlements and army bases located there. Second, as per the Oslo Accords, to which Israel is a signatory, the Gaza Strip is not a separate entity but an integral part of the Palestinian territory occupied in 1967.
According to the Palestinians, and according to international opinion, this territory was supposed to become the Palestinian state. The facts that Israel severed the Gazan population from the West Bank's and that Israelis have continued to treat an isolated Gaza, which is 365 square kilometers in size and lacks resources, as a separate entity, are in themselves evidence of Israeli control over it – and of Israeli chutzpah to boot.
I can't quote what I've written in hundreds and perhaps thousands of articles. So I'll be brief: Prime Minister Ariel Sharon neither consulted with the leadership of the Palestinian Authority about the disengagement, nor did he coordinate its implementation with that limited self-rule government, which in 2005 was not split yet between Fatah and Hamas. Sharon followed a gradual track that Israel outlined from the early 1990s, while doing a good job of concealing its severity and significance during the Oslo process: creating a regime of prohibitions and restrictions on the Palestinians' freedom of movement, while creating Palestinian enclaves. On January 15, 1991 Israel began this comprehensive policy, and its immediate result, which worsened over the years, was cutting off the population of Gaza from the West Bank and from the world.
Sharon continued his predecessors' work. The draconian siege imposed by Prime Minister Ehud Olmert on Gaza in 2007 was a quantitative change, but not a change in essence. This consistent policy indicates the forethought behind the action: not an experiment to cancel the occupation, but one of the ways to prevent the establishment of the Palestinian state based on the plan that the Palestine Liberation Organization and the international community saw before their eyes.
PLEASE NOTE. The continued Israeli domination over the Gaza Strip, up until October 7, was manifested in several ways.
The first is its total control of the Palestinian population registry, which includes Gaza's residents. It is Israel that decides who is permitted to carry the ID card of a resident of Gaza or the West Bank. Every detail – including place of residence – registered in the ID card, which the PA technically issues, requires Israeli approval. Even natives of Gaza, whose residency status Israel revoked before 1994, cannot renew it without Israel's approval.
The severance from the West Bank (and from Israel) critically damaged the capabilities for economic development in the Gaza Strip. In any case, Gaza has been in a state of economic deterioration or stagnation since 1967 due to deliberate steps that Israel adopted. Israel controls not only the border crossings but also Gaza's aerial and maritime space, which means it doesn't permit Gazans to exercise their right to freedom of movement via the sea and air.
Israel also uses this control to restrict the Palestinian fishing industry, prevent Palestinians from using the gas reserves discovered in Gazan waters and control the wireless frequencies necessary for technological development. By controlling imports and exports, it restricts the ability and feasibility of domestic production. Israel continues to control income from customs payments. Egypt – whether for fear that the Gazans will settle there, political opposition to severing Gaza from the West Bank or obedience to Israeli dictates – hasn't opened the Rafah border to free movement of Palestinians and foreigners.
Whether deliberately or inadvertently, Sharon's unilateral move weakened the PA, which adhered to the negotiations route. Thus, he awarded a prize to the Hamas movement, which claimed that only the "armed struggle" that it practiced during the Second Intifada, while improving its military capabilities – could force the Israeli army to withdraw, not negotiations and a signed agreement.
That's what many Palestinians thought and still think. It's no wonder that several months after the disengagement, in January 2006, Hamas won a majority of the seats in the election for the Palestinian parliament (but not a majority of the votes of the electorate).
First we have to answer the question as to why Israel did everything possible to thwart the establishment of the small Palestinian state in the Gaza Strip and the West Bank. Then we can move on to trying to explain why the residents of the besieged and cut-off "mini-state" that it shaped in Gaza felt like lifetime prisoners, at a time when their brothers in the West Bank live under the violent rule of the expanding settlement enterprise. And afterwards, at the first opportunity, we'll talk about the illusion or about the delusion or about the armed struggle project.
God the ignorance and lies are so depressing.
The first mention we have of the country of Palestine and the people who were Palestinians comes from ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs more than 5000 years old. Palestine was ancient when Judaism was invented.
We then have thousands of years of records, reports, drawings, paintings, then photos of Palestine, the country and its people.
This deranged claim Palestine never existed is so childish it can only be ignored.
Name of the country which exported Jaffa oranges to the world in the 19th century. PALESTINE.
Name of the country Zionists and Jews invaded in 1947 in a genocidal slaughter. PALESTINE.
Name of the country the UN recommended with no legal validity, be partitioned in 1947. PALESTINE.
Name of the country where major battles were fought in WWI and WWII. PALESTINE.
Name of the country Zionists were advertising for Jewish colonists in 1890's. PALESTINE.
Name of the country Jews were planning to set up a colony in 1830. PALESTINE.
Name of the 6 million native people crushed under Israeli military colonial rule and denied all human and civil rights. PALESTINIANS.
I could you on but it is just too idiotic.