Yeah I believe he’s wrong he’s China. From a realist perspective, I don’t believe China poses a long term threat to America given that Chinas population will drop to 800 million by 2100 - many of whom being old. Furthermore , china is geographically soo far from America soo will have no desire to fight america in the western hemisphere.
Yeah I believe he’s wrong he’s China. From a realist perspective, I don’t believe China poses a long term threat to America given that Chinas population will drop to 800 million by 2100 - many of whom being old. Furthermore , china is geographically soo far from America soo will have no desire to fight america in the western hemisphere.
Yeah I believe he’s wrong he’s China. From a realist perspective, I don’t believe China poses a long term threat to America given that Chinas population will drop to 800 million by 2100 - many of whom being old. Furthermore , china is geographically soo far from America soo will have no desire to fight america in the western hemisphere.
Thanks for your comment. My response to your comment is the same as that to Kouros below.
You have a typo in your first sentence.
Sadly this app doesn’t allow you to edit comments for some reason
Yes, it does-- click on those three dots underneath your comment, to the right. An option to edit will be shown. Indispensable!
I edit mine all the time.