Screw Palestine. They support baby beheading and burning. 75% support Hamas. They are not innocent. It's Karma time. Humane warfare is an oxymoron. This is the time for harsh measures. We did not care about civilians in WW1 or WW2. I should add Vietnam, Korea, Iraq, and more. Israel's survival demands a crushing blow. It's the Palestinians who set this up. They use civilians as Shields. Where is you sermon against them? Why isn't the world condemning Hamas?!

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Use facts fella, Israeli propaganda is not facts.

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Nice racist, pro apartheid point of view.

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Thank you for the valuable insights. It would have been nice to have heard mention the fact that Israel is facing an opponent that is adament about destroying the whole state of Israel and killing every single jew in it. The same goes for hezbollah in the North, Iran in the East and more generally every muslim on the street in the middle east. Hamas still enjoys support of the majority of gazans and an overwhelming majority of muslims on the west bank (or judea and samaria, whatever you want to call it). The middle east is a nasty neighbourhood, where the rules of polite discourse, reason and civility do not apply.

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The rules of "polite discourse, reason and civility" dictate that you honour your agreements, something the Israelis have consistently failed to do. This image of Israel as a well-intentioned, liberal, "polite and civil" bastion of enlightenment against barbarism is mostly nonsense, made for the consumption of the western public. At least half of the Jewish Israelis simply don't want Palestinians to exist, and want to establish Jewish law on all the biblical lands of Israel. And the Palestinians found this out a long time ago. They figured out that they are on their own in a simple fight for survival, and in a struggle for survival, "polite discourse" goes out of the window.

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John Meerscheimer is clear sighted, incredibly intelligent and has great common sense. We are very lucky to have someone willing to swim against mainstream media and tell it like it is.

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Uko Nazi losers - what a bunch of CIA turd biscuits from hell

Prof Mearsheimer tells it like it is.

US mainstream media is just a big psyop

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I found a very nice signed first ed of "The Israel Lobby" at a local used-book store.

"October 25, 2007. With best wishes to Ali."

You'll have to pry it from my cold, dead fingers.

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The USA is intellectually immature and should never have been allowed to take to the world stage. Everything in America is someone else’s fault. The idea that America controls the world but Israel controls America is just the usual paranoia of an increasingly psychopathic nation.

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Its over for the scumbag Uko nazis - time to drive them out

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Cry more sukha, I drink your tears.

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you definitely are a nazi jackass

enjoy getting denazifed POS

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you must be a OSIAMANAZI lol.

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John Meatwaver still shillin for the villain, Putins polyezniy durak.

John might want to be the biggest baddest mofo on the block but never learned the flip side: don't be a chump.

Currently you are not only a sucker you are world chumpion failing to notice the not mere coincidences if many parallels between hitler and putin. Same problems got the same playbook, big lie scapegoat youth program elite corps series of wars of conquest

r u stupid, a traitor , or on the take?

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And what are those parallels? Is he (hint) worse than your average US politician? Has he murdered as many people? Orphaned or killed as many children? Destroyed as many nations?

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You are as Irish as vodka and balalaika , comrade.

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I didn’t think you could back up your claims. Never mind, eh.

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