Watch the interview of Elizabeth Warren and the two other officials in Kyiv, they are being asked if US help is worth it, the reply is: "No american has died, and for each dollar sent to Ukraine Russia is weakened, so every penny help to Ukraine is totally worth it". I was shocked at the reply, it was not in a TV debate or podcast, it wa…
Watch the interview of Elizabeth Warren and the two other officials in Kyiv, they are being asked if US help is worth it, the reply is: "No american has died, and for each dollar sent to Ukraine Russia is weakened, so every penny help to Ukraine is totally worth it". I was shocked at the reply, it was not in a TV debate or podcast, it was an interview in the middle of Kyiv, but it shows what's going on in their heads and how they think about Ukrainians - disposable comodity. One beggs the question, how could Ukrainians accept this arrangement - losing their country, dying by the thousands, advancing western interests, all for the fantasy promisses of washington london berlin and paris....
Watch the interview of Elizabeth Warren and the two other officials in Kyiv, they are being asked if US help is worth it, the reply is: "No american has died, and for each dollar sent to Ukraine Russia is weakened, so every penny help to Ukraine is totally worth it". I was shocked at the reply, it was not in a TV debate or podcast, it was an interview in the middle of Kyiv, but it shows what's going on in their heads and how they think about Ukrainians - disposable comodity. One beggs the question, how could Ukrainians accept this arrangement - losing their country, dying by the thousands, advancing western interests, all for the fantasy promisses of washington london berlin and paris....