Ukraine is a Moribund Nation whose Flower (i.e. young men) have been Slaughtered *on an industrial scale.* The time has come to Make Peace, regardless of the cost. The reason is simple:

Ultimately a Nation is its people. & if the people are LOST (via Slaughter, Emigration, etc.), then the Nation is likewise lost & Dies a Brutal Death. Such an outcome is happening right now, before our very eyes, in the Ukrainian Nation. 'Make Peace, You FOOLs!' is the only meaningful slogan left.

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The behavior of the US regarding Ukraine has been disgusting. I am ethnically Ukrainian and I have to stop myself from thinking about what half a million dead men means. Each of those men would have had children, who in turn would have had children. Millions of Ukrainian lives over generations will never come to be. This is unspeakably evil.

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Most seem to overlook the fact that the Ukraine war is not for national sovereignty or citizen's rights regarding land and resources but for Blackrock and other international investors (too numerous to mention) who already own all that. Even the Ukranian soldiers are, often unwilling, mercenaries for those investors.

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The Munk School is a really deep dark den of academic intrigue coming out of Peter Munk's Barrick Gold. George G.W. Bush was a big player in Barrick in its African dealings and in using the company to keep the price of gold down in the era after US dollar was taken off the gold standard. John Baird, Canada's Foreign Affairs Minister under PM Stephen Harper, played with Munk Centre like a toy to promote all his Zionist projects. When I was following closely, the Munks debates were designed to promote the agendas of Peter Munk and his partners in crime. Barrick Gold and the Munk Centre were to the Canadian Conservative government much like SNC Lavelin is to the Canadian Liberal Party now. Trudeau fired his Attorney General, Jody Raybouild Wilson when she tried to enforce Canadian criminal law on SNC.

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How can Mearsheimer be so right on his analysis of the Israel/Gaza war but yet so wrong on the Ukraine/Russia war? It may be in the US interest to dump Ukraine and make nice with Putin in order to confront China with Russia on our side, but is it in Ukraine's interest to surrender sovereignty as well as all territory to Russia? Ukraine may lose the war to Russia in the long term because of population difference, but currently it is not losing - it is a stalemate. Mearsheimer is getting his information on Ukraine's losses from the Russian sources - his information is not true. It is stalement, but Russia has lost a lot more - men as well as equipment. If Congress approves the next aid package, Russia will be in really bad shape. If Putin dies (which will happen soon), Ukraine will be able to negotiate from a position of strength. Ukraine needs to hang in there till that time.

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I watched the debate at the time and couldn't believe you and Stephen Walt didn't win in a landslide... Still can't, to be honest, and I am not naturally cospiratorial

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Debating seems like a good approach, although a nice long paper beats listening.

Look forward to listening but the following jumped out at me:

"Mass casualties, a country in ruin, and billions of dollars in western aid has done little to advance the goals of either side."

Mass casualties - check

A country in ruin - Not sure I agree with this. The portions fought over certainly are but Kyiv isn't in ruins.

Little to advance goals of either side - One does not know how things will ultimately work out but

(1) Ukraine sure seems like a nation now; war can contribute to this as painful as it is. Even if ultimately totally conquered, they will likely rise again.

(2) Will ultimately be much more tightly integrated with EU even if a "rump state." Personally, I'd rather be a rump state within Europe than be part of an oppressive state. Being part of Europe was clearly the reason for the Maidan Revolution. It was not to make Ukraine safe for Nazi's as many here seem to believe.

In the end, one never knows the future course of history, and who knows, maybe Russia's paranoia could have been assuaged with other actions, but the arguments that the war has been worth it are pretty good even if Ukraine goes down in defeat eventually as chances are it will be an "indigestible shrimp."

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