Direct result of the fundamental flaw of liberal democracy which is that politicians and policies are on the open market, just like prostitutes. With no exception, all the liberal democracies are really plutocracies.

Rich Jews in this case bought out the western leaders who in return are providing Israel with full support for their genocide. It’s all transactions.

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I would describe them as rich Zionists. Or Rich "Israeli Settler extremists". Many Jews, a near majority in the US, are horrified by the slaughter of Palestinians in Gaza by the IDF

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This is so true. Not every Jew or Jewish American backs Israel. And many who do back Israel do not approve of its treatment of Palestinians. A good example of a Jewish man who is extremely critical of Israel is Professor Norman Finkelstein. He is not rich, but he has a brilliant mind and is influential.

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I neither see nor hear "them." Dead silence!

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They certainly exist, and have for many years. I remember seeing stories about Jews who were refused the Right of Return because Israeli ministers objected to their pro-Palestinian, pro-peace stance.

It is, among other things, a religious nonsense to make Zionism a precondition for Judaism. If it were not possible to be a "proper" Jew except by supporting an ultra-nationalist historical view of Israeli lebensraum, then the entire diaspora could not be Jewish.

Given its casual disdain for the Ten Commandments, the current Israeli regime is much closer to the Sin of the Golden Calf. Meanwhile, obviously, coverage of objecting Jewish movements in the Western press is consistently redacted.

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I do not dispute anything you say, except that "today" I neither hear nor see any anti-Zionist Jews. "They" are as guilty today as were the gentiles who did nothing as the Gestapo herded Jews into the gas-chambers. Cowards.

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check out Jewish Voice for Peace. They are anti-Zionist and aren't afraid to say so.

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But not horrified by the Palestinian slaughter of the Jewish festival goers that started this latest exemplar of Palestinian war starting? I don’t actually know of any Jewish Americans who are horrified by the IDFs retaliatory actions. Of course, it’s the Israeli citizens who count in that calculus.

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You know history did not start on Oct 7, 2023, yes?

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Are you horrified by the implementation of the Hannibal protocol? I suspect you simply add Israelis killed by IDF to the count as Hamas victims. Nor do you consider IDF victims going back decades, including people such as Rachel Corrie and Tom Hurndall. The killing of Israelis in November '23 is the culmination of decades of Israeli abuse, land theft and economic war causing tens of thousands of deaths. Like it or not, causes have effects. The cost to Israel will be profound because it is throwing away all the good will it had left in the world in its quest for material gain. Greed, anger and stupidity is always a national tragedy.

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I wonder if the Balfour Declaration of 1917 horrifies "OverFlowError?" It should.

That declaration "declared," well before the end of WWI and its clear winner, that "Great" Britain would likely get the "mandate" for Palestine. This led, three decades later, to the beginning of the massacres and displacement of the Palestinians. And the decades of misery by Israelies against those people.

I find that horrifying.

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When you say “Palestinians”, you are referring now to Egyptians, Saudis, Jordanians etc., don’t take my word for it. Take Hamas’ word for it.


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Nice try.

Could you give my point about that Balfour Declaration a try, Overflow?


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Well there wasn't a Hannibal protocol. As the one single article that discussed it said, in the chaos of the evil attack by Hamas, some people in leadership considered if they should in specific cases employ the Hannibal protocol. That is all. The spin and BS that derived from that is all manipulation and lies from irrational Israel haters like yourself.

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I know plenty of them. Have a look at Jewish Voice for Peace. And there are a good many other Jewish organizations who support Israel's right to exist and be part of the community of nations, but are highly critical of its treatment of Palestinians.

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Unfortunately not enough Jews have condemned the Israeli state since 1947 for its bestial savagery and sadistic cruelty toward the Palestinians.

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I believe that most of the Jews across the globe had fallen for the propaganda and conspiracies carefully designed and orchestrated by some of the wealthiest and powerful people on the planet. It was particularly easy with the fresh memory of a genocide of Jews in Europe. The zionists were very successful in hiding their complicity in that genocide and even 75 years of atrocities in Palestine were not enough to open their eyes. A lot of Jews have finally come to face the reality since the latest genocide began on Oct 7. When this latest genocide started unfolding, it gave them a unique perspective called 'retrospect'. Retrospect is a bitch. It has shaken them to their core and has forced them to accept the fact that they have been duped for several generations. That's why we see an increasing number of Jews getting involved in the criticism or Israel and Zioniam. Most importantly, Jews can clearly see how Israel and its genocidal settler colonial ambitions actually make the Jews everywhere more insecure than not.

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Yes, well said. I think many Jews went along with Israel, no questions asked, no research done, because unconsciously and sometimes consciously, they liked the idea that there was somewhere, supposedly, in the world, to which they could retreat, no questions asked, if Jews were threatened.

And because they asked no questions they could remain ignorant of the fact that Israel was the most dangerous place a Jew could live and it was also the greatest threat to Jews in this age.

After thousands of years of induced paranoia and supremacist teachings in Judaism, then more than a century of Zionist propaganda about how everyone hated Jews and wanted to kill them, even the fake Jews, the atheists would be rattled, albeit unconsciously, and like the idea that they had somewhere to run.

When you believe you are superior then 'running' to someone else's country is a mere technicality. For many this is where they picked up another Judaic fantasy from a religion in which they did not believe, that Palestine never existed and it was really Israel and Israel has always belonged to the Jews - because the God in which I do not believe said so.

When something meets an inner need, particularly an unconscious need, humans are very good at blocking out any questions and desire to truly understand a situation. Many Jews supported Israel because they did not know the truth of it and did not want to know the truth of it.

A lot of people who call themselves Jews, but are not, only do so because they like the bit about Jews being superior as humans which Judaism has taught for thousands of years. It makes them feel special and superior. So, while rejecting the religion and its God, they still cling to some convenient teachings, a. Jews (in which I do not believer) are the only true humans and superior and smarter than everyone else, and b. the Jewish God (in which I do not believe) gave us, me, Palestine.

And the Zionist propaganda has been constant and powerful, from 1897 and even more powerful from 1945. Jews, real and fake, are brainwashed from birth to believe the propaganda. Which is why Jews generally, with some noble and notable exceptions, have never questioned or challenged the Zionist Israeli State and have been prepared to accept any atrocity done in their name. We humans are never more immoral than when we are self-serving.

And that is why today, more Jews are changing their minds about the Israeli State. Not from any moral perspective, too late for that, but because self-serving needs are saying, Zionist Israel threatens you by its existence and its actions.

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Lollll. This nutter is a comedian.

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JVP is a little light of hope for humanity. I hope that I can be like them in the face of injustice being committed by my own countrymen who happen to be Muslims as well.

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If someone subjects others to savage abuse for years and they finally turn around and fight back, who is to blame? The abuser is to blame.

When you talk about the Palestinian slaughter of the Jewish festival goers, remember, most were slaughtered by the Israeli army who sent Hellfire Missiles into the fleeing festival crowd and Kibbutz homes. Israeli survivors stated that, and, as we know, the Palestinian Resistance does not have Hellfire Missiles or the helicopters to deliver them and so are incapable of incinerating people, cars, homes, as happened.

We also know most of the atrocity claims made by Israel about October 7 were quickly debunked as absolute lies. Perhaps you missed it.

And as someone said months ago, if the Jews in the Warsaw Ghetto had broken out and found a bunch of Germans dancing and singing outside their concentration camp they probably would have attacked them as well.

We know the Palestinian Resistance/Hamas wanted hostages because that is the only language their colonial rulers have ever deigned to speak. Taking military hostages was the goal and it made sense.

However, civilians, mostly young men in their twenties, broke out of the Gaza concentration camp after the fighters and some of them attacked Israeli civilians. There was a video in the days following where an Israeli soldier said exactly that.

Since those young men had been subjected to sadistic cruelty and bestial savagery by the Israelis from the time they were born, kept on a low calorie diet by decree of the Israeli military colonial regime which affects brain function, and bombed every couple of years so Israel could cull younger generations and test its weapons for the market, we can assume that some of them were less than mentally healthy. Blame Israel.

None of it would have happened if Israel had not inflicted one of the most sadistically cruel and bestially savage military colonial occupations in history, on the Palestinians, denying them justice, freedom and human and civil rights.

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Considering the fact that all adults Israelis have already served or will serve in IDF, I wouldn't be surprised if hamas fighters considered all of those party-goers as military personnel.

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From what I have read the Palestinian Resistance/Hamas fighters literally targeted military personnel. While it is correct that virtually all adult Israelis are legitimate targets because they served or still serve at times in the military, the fighters would have known the difference and clear military personnel make far more valuable hostages.

It would appear that civilians broke out of Gaza after the fighters, generally young men in their twenties and they attacked civilians. An Israeli soldier was on video stating this in the days following October 7. Which would be logical.

As someone said in an article which is probably now hard to find, if Jews in the Warsaw Ghetto had broken out and found Germans dancing outside they probably would have tried to kill them as well.

And since the young men had been subjected to the most sadistic and savage abuse from the time they were born, by the Israelis, one would expect a few of them to be less than mentally healthy. They had grown up in a prison, a concentration camp, where the colonial rulers, the Israelis, kept them on a diet, limiting food, just enough to keep them alive as one Israeli politician said, but probably not enough to ensure optimal physiological development for babies and children which is critical to healthy brain function.

And these young men would have experienced regular bombings, every couple of years, where friends, family, homes, worlds, lives were torn apart by the bombs the Israelis were testing on them and which they hoped would cull younger generations, otherwise known as Mowing the Grass. The Palestinians being no more than weeds to their colonial rulers.

So, perhaps not surprising if these damaged young men did commit some atrocities. In a court of law their abuser would be held as responsible.

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If you treat a group of people like animals for 75 years, you will get animals.

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My god the lies you're spreading. Sick.

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Interesting. Could you please identify by name all of the “Rich Jews” who you say “bought out …western leaders”, as well as those leaders names and how much those pesky little “Rich Jews” paid those leaders?

Are you knowledgeable? Or just a an ordinary, run of the mill, uninformed antisemite?

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Let me recommend Measheimer's book on the Israeli lobby.

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Jews should not be equated with Israel. There are a great many Jews who have nothing much to do with Israel.

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Also, Mearsheimer recognizes the Israel lobby's influence in the U.S., but he would hardly equate it with all or most Jewish Americans. There is a tremendous variation of opinion among Jews. Many are non-Zionism, some even anti-Zionism. Judaism and Zionism overlap, but they are hardly the same thing. Many Zionists aren't religious. Many secular Jews, particularly on the left, are highly critical of Israel.

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All of what you say is true. And mostly recognized by people who have spent even a modicum of time reading up on the ME wars and American Jews with or without close connections to Isreal/American relations. There is a massive diversity of thought on this among American Jews. But there is, I think, an added truth. Professions of anti-Zionism often are used to mask antisemitism. And there’s way to much of that particular behavior evident in the virulent opposition to Israel’s reaction to October 7, especially so on college campus in their student bodies and, even more sadly and concerningly, among their faculty. I rather suspect you’ve seen that first hand at some point in your career.

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Professions of anti-Zionism are often used by Zionist agencies and interests to smear anyone expressing pro-Palestinian views. I watched the 2017 and 2019 UK elections being gerrymandered by smearing peace activists as anti-semites. This wholesale operation involved Zionist factions such as Labour Friends of Israel, the MSM and a concerted hasbara media operation with direct Israeli support. That remains today as anti-war university faculty are harassed for their views: https://www.bristolpost.co.uk/news/uk-world-news/bristol-university-professor-sacked-over-9080436

I suspect you know this.

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I taught at one of the large Cal. State University campuses for thirty-three years (two on leave). I never saw any open antisemitism among students or faculty. Big university campuses are among the most tolerant places to work. The students are mostly pretty open-minded.

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If criticism of Zionist Israel is interpreted as anti-semitism, a hatred of Judaism and Jews, then those who make the claim are saying the religion and its followers support Ziorael's atrocities and approve of:

occupation, colonisation, genocide, ethnic cleansing, rape, torture, murder, theft, sadistic cruelty, bestial savagery, the denial of human rights and justice and the murder of children to such a degree that Israel is the greatest intentional mass murderer of children in history.

Surely anyone who does that must truly hate Jews?

If Jews do not want to be tainted by the Zionist State they must categorically reject it and work to have it dismantled.

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Until Judaism rejects and renounces the Zionist Israeli state categorically and Jews stop funding its atrocities, then Judaism and its followers will be blamed for the evil that is Israel. Unfortunately too many Jews, for too long, have aided, abetted, supported, promoted, funded and enabled the evil that is Israel.

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Can you spell "AIPAC"?

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Head of AIPAC is an evangelical Christian, I heard.

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Yes, the nutter fundos are more Jewish than the Jewish. They have an agenda of wanting Armageddon when everyone will die, including all Jews and only they will float up to heaven and eternal glory. They are crazy enough to work with the shitraelis and the shitraelis are happy to take their time and money.

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Oh FFS. So you think “The Jews” control the world? Or just all media companies? Or Hollywood? Or American Finance? Or our Colleges and Universities? Or Congress? You’re very amusing. I guess you’re one of the run of the mill variant. Now do IACI.

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Pretty much, yes.

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lol. Ok. You shall know them by their fruits. October 7. I bet you’re the life of the party. In Rafah.

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Unfortunately I have never been.

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Followers of Judaism do not control the world but too many of them have infiltrated Governments and the corridors of power to push their own agendas. Too many Zionists, Jews and Israelis pretending to be Americans with dual citizenship in the corridors of power in the US and none of them are working for Americans. They are in fact committing treason because they work for a foreign State against the interests of Americans.

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I'd recommend Ron Unz's "The Myth of American Meritocracy" as a starting point. I don't imagine the situation has improved in the decades since it was written.

But then, I suspect you might dismiss him as an "anti-Semitic Jew", as he had the honesty to report what his investigations actually found, rather than what he had expected to find.

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You may want to review the Tucker Massie's interview. He gets into who is buying whom to support Israel.

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Google AIPAC sweetie

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There will be peace in the ME when the Palestinians (and their Arab and Persian supporters) learn to love their children more than they hate the Jews.

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Using children as leverage and excuse for genocide, how charming of you

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Yes, the old moan, THEY MADE ME DO IT. Not my fault. I am an eternal victim. I am a superior human. I can never be wrong.

That toddler I shot through the head and heart while she was playing made me do it.

That pregnant woman I shot through the belly, made me do it.

That prisoner I raped with a broom handle made me do it.

That kid who copped the White Phosphorus and had all her skin burned off, made me do it.

The people who burned to death in the plastic tent, made me do it.

The doctors and patients I tortured and executed made me do it.

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That has to be one of the most evil statements ever made in history. It is disgusting that some people are deranged enough to think it is clever or acceptable.

When Golda Meir, former Israeli Prime Minister, said in her oral autobiography, A Land of Our Own.

“……we will perhaps in time be able to forgive the Arabs for killing our sons, but it will be harder for us to forgive them for having forced us to kill their sons. Peace will come when the Arabs will love their children more than they hate us.”

A lot of people who should have known better thought that was so wise, so clever, so profound, when in truth it was simply so evil, so sick, so cruel. But this is the mindset of the Zioraelis, they are the victims, forced to kill the children of the Palestinians because the Palestinians hate their colonial occupiers. Get your head around that!

If the Nazi commander who routed the Warsaw Ghetto had said:

“….. we will perhaps in time be able to forgive the Jews for killing our sons, but it will be harder for us to forgive them for having forced us to kill their sons.” he would have been considered to be a deranged lunatic.

There will never be peace while shitrael exists because the State, society and culture are psychopathically insane.

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The distortion here is very worrisome.

Comparing the choices of the Nazi German forces who killed the Jews in the Warsaw Ghetto with the choice of IDF under attack from Egypt and Syria on Yom Kippur 1973?

Israel could have been overrun from the Golan and also in the Sinai if not lucky and with extraordinary brave soldiers like Avigdor Kahalani (https://www.nli.org.il/en/a-topic/987007263445405171)

and Ariel Sharon.

You think the Germans outside the Warsaw Ghetto were in danger from the Jews?

(Stalin however, stopped the advance of the Red Army to give the Germans time to finish off the Warsaw Ghetto, another of his extraordinary ruthless acts of inhumanity).

I have read a lot of history.

From what I can see in your posts here, you quote history a lot with a lot of details, but completely twisted and usually with true history speaking clearly against what you try to make readers believe

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Facts and logic are not distortion.

Why did the Jews in the Warsaw Ghetto end up fighting the Germans?

Because the Germans occupied their land and created the ghetto and were killing them anyway.

Why did the Muslims and Christians in the Gaza ghetto end up fighting the Israelis?

Because the Israelis occupy their land, created the ghetto and were killing them anyway.

Same thing exactly. And if you think the Israeli occupiers were brave then can we hear you saying the German occupiers were brave? Same thing.

Israel started the Yom Kippur war, by attacking Jordan, Egypt and Syria in 1967, as part of its plan, it always uses war, to take more of Palestine as well as parts of Syria and Egypt. In 1967, Israel launched attacks on Jordan and Syria, unleashing the June War, that resulted in the Israeli occupation of what remained of historic as well as the Egyptian Sinai desert, and the Golan Heights from Syria.  The war in 1973 was a valid attempt by the Egyptians and Syrians to get their land back and to try to halt the thug state of hate which zionists and Jews had planted in Palestine.

Israel happened to win that war but it was totally responsible for it as another land grab.

BOLLOCKS ISRAEL COULD HAVE BEEN OVERRUN AND IF ONLY IT HAD BEEN. So much blood, murder, rape, torture, misery would have been averted.

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You said: You think the Germans outside the Warsaw Ghetto were in danger from the Jews?

No, the Germans just wanted to maintain occupation and punish anyone who resisted.

Same for Occupied Palestine and Gaza, the Israelis just want to maintain occupation and punish anyone who resists as they have been doing for 76 years.

The Germans also wanted to kill as many Jews as they could and the Israelis want to kill as many Muslims and Christians as they can. Same thing.

Your comment about Stalin is off-topic and unproven, but irrelevant even if true.

I have also read a lot of history. The difference between us is I stick with facts and apply common sense, reason and logic. I also apply principles of justice, rule of law, democracy, human rights and common human decency which immediately puts one on the side of the Jews in the Warsaw Ghetto and the Christians and Muslims in the Gaza and ghetto and throughout Occupied Palestine for the same reasons.

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You’ve been triggered. Relax Ros. It’s very nearly a New Year. Make a resolution. Read some good histories of the ME. And seek some self-examination therapy! Best of luck in the coming year.

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It is New Year already where I live. I have read some excellent histories of the ME by many historians, including some Israelis and I have read countless documents from Israeli and international human rights groups which provides me with the facts I present and you cannot refute.

As to self-examination advice, ironic coming from someone who clearly never self-examines because no sane, self-aware individual with integrity and a capacity for intelligence and reason could ever defend the atrocity which is the Israeli State and the sadistic cruelty and bestial savagery it has committed since it invented itself. Best of luck to you also but you will need it more than I will since I am not fighting a losing battle for cruelty and injustice.

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Start with the Jewish Lobby AIPAC and go from there. Even Soros, although he claims to be godless. So godless that he was thrown out of Hungary.

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Miriam Adelson for one. $ 100 million to Trump with the suggestion Israel be allowed to annex the West Bank. That will happen next

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Ah yes. It is only “Rich Jews” who contribute to US political candidates you think (apparently). One of your co- conspiracy theorists darkly opines they control the world, finance, banking, education, cultural monuments, media, Hollywood. The whole kit and caboodle. Note to self: send a note to that imposter, Musk to let him know.

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The alternative is that the Western elites are setting Global Judaism up for the Shoah 2.0; and this time there won't be a Muslim Middle East to protect many of them.

Perhaps 'the truth' lies somewhere inbetween.

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rich beyond your imagination Jews Not even remotly. Even by bloodline.

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A stereotype. Most of America's wealthiest families are not Jewish.

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What I do not understand is if, as you suggest, Jews are controlling States, Governments, politicians, why Israel is the rogue terrorist state that it is?

Generally when people seek to control others they want power, which requires stability, and money, which requires stability and Israel is instability writ large. How can Jews benefit from a rogue terrorist state which commits some of the worst atrocities in human history, including being the greatest intentional mass murderer of children?

Yes, a lot of them are making money out of the weapons market, boosted by Israeli terrorism, but, at the same time, the rogue state of Zionist Israel is creating a potential backlash against Jews. How can that contribute to power, profit or any kind of stable benefit?

Israel is a liability for Judaism and Jews and some Jews see that reality. Indeed, some saw it before Israel was even invented and some have seen it since Zionism was invented in 1897. Not enough of course but the facts of history make it clear that some Jews and non-Jews, correctly predicted the outcomes of an evil Israel. The Zionist state is a clear and present danger for the Middle East and every Arab/Muslim country, as well as for Judaism and Jews, and the West in general and the United States in particular.

So why is it happening? That is the question for which no answer is provided.

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Why have Arabs/Palestinians started all the wars with Israel?

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For the same reason the French and Poles went to war with their German occupiers. Arab allies tried to help the Palestinians for the same reason that the Allies went to help the French, Poles and others occupied by the Germans.

Oh, and the Palestinians and Arabs did not start any wars. All wars were started by Zionists and Jews, first by invasion of Palestine and genocidal slaughter and theft and then by Israel because it wanted to use war as an excuse to take more of Palestine, just as it is doing now in Palestine and in Lebanon and Syria.

The history is clear, all wars were started by Israel. Do some research.

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You mean you don’t add them? I get it. You’re happy wherever and whenever Jews are massacred. And especially happy if you can blame the IDF for them. You’re a swell guy. Someone who says ‘causes have effects’ and then complains when Jews in the IDF kick the snot out of Hamas and their supporters post Oct7 either has a ironic sense of humor or a want of understanding that ‘actions do indeed have consequences’.

Look. Try this. Show me some well conducted surveys of Gazans post Oct 7 of their support or opposition to the Ocy7 attack.

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Jews occupied much of what is now the State of Isreal long before the present day Palestinians (the olden day Philistines) came in to play. I’m not much troubled by the Balfour Declaration. The state of Isreal has had UN recognition since 1949. Since the modern state of Isreal declared its independence in 1948, Arabs of varying descriptions, but always for the so-called ‘Palestinians’, have planned and started a series of wars against the Jewish people of Isreal. As I’ve noted in this thread before, without any contradiction, starting a war by or on behalf of a People has serious consequences. Starting and losing a war has catastrophic consequences for that People. Starting and losing 4-6 wars (depending on one’s historical outlook) has world historical, geopolitical consequences that have now rendered the so-called Palestinians diaspora. They will in future generations become Egyptians, Lebanese, Syrians, Jordanians, Iraqis and various North African Arabs. Stating and losing wars has ended the Palestinians as a People. The only ‘’national’ character that distinguishes them is inveterate Jew hate. Hamas and October 7 perfectly express that character. Hamas as a political organization must be eradicated like the Nazi Party was in post war Germany. This should be obvious to any sensible non-antisemitic person.

So, my response is: no, history started long before October 7. But the Palestinians have long been a defeated people. And will almost certainly stay that way as they slowly become diaspora in the surrounding world geography. It would take generations of reeducation of them to ween them from the Jew hate that has moderated their nature and character. It’s a sad story. They need only look in a mirror for its telling.

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Since the ancient Egyptians wrote, carved in stone, notes about the Palestinians and Palestine more than 5000 years ago, thousands of years before Philistines or Romans even existed, let us put to bed this Zio bullshit that the Palestinians were Philistines.

The State of Israel is illegal. And since the UN is now talking about kicking it out, we can conclude that recognition in 1949 counted for nothing. I suppose they thought the Ziojewish thugs might clean up their act and become civilized, but of course they didn't.

The Palestinians are an occupied people but they are not defeated and now they have the world on their side. Sure Governments may toe the shitraeli line for the moment but the public ultimately calls the shots and they are fighting for a free and independent Palestine and the dismantling of shitrael.

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Are you implying something about Elon who supports Uncle Donald and Michael Bloomberg who supports Uncle Joe?

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Filthy rich is the proper term here. This is not a choice of God. Some of those creeps don’t even believe in God, others have a Christian background, in that case a subset of Judaism. It’s a good thing the Catholic Romans spent so little tax payer money to get this all Kosher.

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Professor, you are absolutely correct in your assessment. I would add Canada to the complicity list of Western nations. Canada’s government should know better, considering Canadian Generals were in command of UN peacekeepers in Rwanda and Bosnia-Herzegovina. They have seen this movie before but still “crickets”. Unfortunately the Israeli government has led Western governments by the nose with their propaganda. Fortunately, social media has exposed the reality of ethnic cleansing to those of us who are paying attention to media like the Intercept, Al Jessera and following Palestinians posting on IG and TikTok. Even those outlets are manipulating their algorithms to bury reality.

Protestors here in Canada have been over policed to the point of police officers initiating physical violence against them and journalists when the protest is very peaceful and then trumped up charges by ambitious narrow minded prosecutors. But of course Canada is “all in” because naming what Israel as genocide points back to our own genocidal history with our many Indigenous peoples.

Those of us with moral-ethical compasses need to continue to speak up. It’s the least we can do!!

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We are a small country, captive of corporations and powerful diaspora groups, that holds the neighbour bully's coat....the bully that sometimes lets Canada do the dirty work like proudly lead the NATO mission that bombed Libya back to the Stoneage.

Merry Christmas!

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Thank you Professor Mearsheimer for all of your wisdom and truth this year.

Unfortunately, though history will indeed treat these savages and their savage acts unkindly, it will come too late to matter to the victims, and even the perpetrators, as if they cared.

I want to add that I think we need to stop calling this Israel ‘s genocide. It is financed, armed, and enabled by the United States. The powerful censorship and propaganda apparatus of Zionism has taken over American campuses, media and public discourse. America must own this as more than complicity, it is in fact a partnership. Let history acknowledge that as well.

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You’re right on with that. This is partially the West’s or the US’s failing, but only insofar as it has let itself be taken over by the Jewish mafia (Mossad, AIPAC, ADL, Chabad groups).

The same dirty thieves who assassinated Yitzhak Rabin for trying to find a two-state solution used Monica Lewinsky as a pawn to get Bill Clinton (who also pushed the two-state solution) to step down.

We are dealing with devilish people who absolutely have no morals.

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Clinton wasn't seeking a 2-State solution. For one, he knew the terms & that what he was offering wasn't an autonomous state. Secondly, he was savvy enough to know the history of Israel & how they operated. He wanted the Palestinians to accept *something*, some scraps of dignity, that he could take credit for even knowing Israel would later take it away. Why else would he blame Arafat?

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Bill Clinton pushed for a compromise between Israel and Palestine, which would have become a two-state solution. Perhaps he only did that cynically, true.

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The Palestinians have NEVER been offered a real state. Bantustans yes, prison cantons controlled by the Israeli military but never a real state. And the shitraelis have always said and demonstrated they would NEVER ALLOW A PALESTINIAN STATE. It was all a sick game played by the shitraelis and the Americans.

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Have you actually read what the Palestinians would have gotten out of it?

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Sera - Truth

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I'm afraid you all have too much faith in blind 'history'. Only a righteous, God ordained history/Sovereign/ people will judge our history/human ungodly inhumanity.

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Thank you Professor Mearshiemer for your unwavering moral compass

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“History will not treat them kindly.” — Perhaps not —  but, in the meantime, Palestinians are killed….

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Dec 24Edited

Some kind of Nuremberg trials are appropriate for the likes of Netanyahu, Biden, Blinken, Sullivan, and the like

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Corporate America owns our government and our people through purchasing elections. Someone has financial gain in mind as the slaughter in Gaza continues.

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Thank you Prof. Mearsheimer for reminding us of the organizations who rightly judge Israel as an apartheid state. And let us add to the list B'Tselem, the highly respected Israeli human rights organization that documents Israel's vicious occupation crimes and has officially declared its own nation-state to be guilty of apartheid.

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to have moral Bankruptcy. One must first have, the moral ground to stand on. the Western proxy nations have none. Never had

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We are all part of the moral 'fabric' of the universe, whether we abuse & deny it or not.

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If it makes your boat float, sure, so why do we have freewill than. if we are all part of the cosmic fabric? the hive mind is a human thing, not of cosmic source.

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Yes. Thank you for this. The moral depravity of our elites is appalling. How can people remain silent in the face of the deliberate, systematic murder of children? Worse, how can they SUPPORT such ghastly crimes? Whatever moral standing we may have had (perhaps not much, after Vietnam, Central America, Libya, Iraq, Afghanistan...) has now vanished.

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Thank you Sir for everything you do. I lack the words for describing how appreciated it is. I know millions of others agree.

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I wrote about the long slow destruction of Americas soul here.

“I view these instances as a sickening rot on our nation’s soul, something that must be cut out, violently if need be, in order to keep the whole healthy.”


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Lord ba'al children don't have souls

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I agree, because while the living dead are physically alive, they are accountable souls.

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Thank God for Substack and columns like John Mearsheimer's. In the past three years we have learned a dispiriting lesson about not just the main stream media but many unofficial media platforms as well: they will not tolerate dissent when it comes to their "values." I used to publish in Quillette but find it unreadable today. Here is what I wrote to its Canadian editor a few months ago (he never replied):

"Quillette was once iconoclastic. Today it is genteel. A site that boasted its openness to plural perspectives and arguments, has failed the two most important tests of our later lifetimes: the wars in Ukraine and Gaza. About both, Quillette is a duplicate of The Atlantic. This is not a compliment. The problem lies not in Quillette's editors’ support of Nato or of Israel. Principled arguments can be made for both. (I have made arguments for both.) It is the journal’s failure to open its “pages” to disputing analyses. You guys cleave to one viewpoint. Everything else is obviously intolerable.

.... It is not your lack of courage that I tax you for. It is your lack of imagination. In years to come, when the smoke clears, and distance becomes possible, these wars and the slaughter they involved will look very different. Wars always do. It would have been good, at the time, for Quillette to have prepared for this."

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Thank you, Professor Mearsheimer. I appreciate your willingness to say these things. Telling the truth about certain things isn't popular.

I wonder if perhaps this is particularly relevant for this time of year.

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Indeed. Compare the media on the Magdeburg crime! 5 dead and many wounded, also seriously. Commiseration from European politicians who cover behind silence as far as Gaza and the West Bank are concerned. Shameful.

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What about the activities in Jenin and the PA vs different Palestinian jihadist groups?

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This is indeed the case. At every turn in the history of the State of Israel the West has failed to stop Israel’s aggression. “Israel has a right to defend itself.” “We see no evidence of genocide,” “The ICC has no jurisdiction and is biased in its judgment.” In fact the West is biased in favor of Israel. One can clearly see the hypocrisy in comparison with the Kurds. The Kurds allied with the U.S. in its war against Iraq and against ISIS. Now the Kurds are facing an onslaught from Turkey and the U.S. may well abandon them. Apparently the Jews have a right to establish and defend their nation (on land they did not own), but the Kurds do not have such rights on their own land.

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It's because the Kurds didn't have the Holocaust and Hollywood.

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If you are Swedish, I am even more happy that Norway split loose from the Union in 1905.

I advise you to read The White Papers from 1939, causing e.g. Irgun with its leader Menachem Begin to act as they did.

In my view truly not terrorist activities as it was against the British system which prevented Jews from escaping being placed in the Nazi extermination camps.

As for land, Jews always belonged to the region, Arabs didn’t. And the different Jewish agencies bought land, for refugees from hostile areas to settle on.

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Kurds have been abandoned before, and their plight used to justify further atrocities like the first Gulf War. They're a recurring patsy of US interest

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These groups, each with a well-documented history of such bias, remain silent on the slaughter of hundreds of thousands in Syria, the atrocities in Chechnya, and other genuine genocides, yet rush to condemn Israel in a defensive war.

John Spencer, a renowned expert on urban warfare, has highlighted the unprecedented challenges Israel faces against an enemy that uses tunnels to hide terrorists while employing civilians as human shields. Spencer notes that Israel has acted admirably under these circumstances, with every civilian death squarely on Hamas, which hides in schools, mosques, hospitals, and even uses ambulances to transport terrorists.

Imagine if, instead of building a 350-mile terror tunnel network, Hamas had used billions in aid to develop infrastructure, schools, desalination plants, or Mediterranean resorts. Instead, they turned Gaza into a militarized launching pad for murdering innocent Israelis.

As for John Mearsheimer and others like him, history will judge you harshly for siding with Hamas. Your stance is indefensible. Shame on you for supporting these terrorist murderers.


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Let’s not pretend that Likud doesn’t literally finance Hamas, just like they finance HTS in Syria.

Everything I need to know about Israel and how evil it is, I learnt from listening to rabbis, Israeli officials, IDF soldiers, and Israeli citizens talk about non-Jews and how they see them.

How many times does Yoav Gallant have to call them “human animals” or what about Netanyahu who references their devilish books to say “wipe out Amalek”. Everyone can look these speeches up themselves. People like the CUFI organizations won’t last forever ;)

Israelis act like they are Western and civilised, but they are putting on a show for countries like the US that they scam out of money to kill women, children, and babies.

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Rabbi Yaakov Shapiro does a brilliant job of exposing the warped and hateful ideology of Zionism, and how inherently anti-Semitic it is.


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I agree with you. Calling Hamas savages “animals“ is unfair to animals. Animals don’t do this to each other. Only sick fuck terrorists do these things. Israel must eradicate this vermin. Only then can Palestinian citizens be free and the potential for peace exist.

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“… rogue Israeli soldiers had killed some prisoners in the heat of the moment, soon after their capture. Before being captured, Mr. Offer said, some Palestinian fighters had fought on after pretending to surrender, while others had mutilated several Israeli corpses, enraging the Israelis who later subdued them.”


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So raping a sixteen-year old girl falls under the heat-of-the-moment?

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What may or may not have happened in one incident, in one town, by a rogue soldier in 1948 is not reflective of the IDF or the State of Israel. I’ll match any inappropriate things you find an Israeli soldier did (and likely later held accountable for) with the decades of horrific terrorist attacks by Palestinians blowing up buses, nightclubs, planes, car rammings, sidewalk knife attacks…and murdering young people attending a music festival and families in their homes.


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You are one sick dude

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Still trumpeting the Hasbara. Sickening.

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Ha ha ha ha ha ha he he he he hahah ahahah hahahah hahahha.

The poor innocent Zionists. Poor poor things. Never murdered anyone. The most innocent, humane, democratic people in the world.. All they wanted was a little piece of soil to live on after they were so brutally persecuted by those pesky Nazis in the only "genuine" genocide ever - you could swear the Zionists took out a trademark on it.

That's right, just blame Hamas.

Zionist transference at it's best - it's never ever their fault.

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What about changing Your name to ransom?

Seems more fitting to the content you publish- supporting terrorism ( taking of innocent bystanders as hostages if not killing them for the pleasure of it).

Have you watched some clips from Hamas on October 7th or from torture by Hamas of people incarcerated in Gaza?

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Only if you change your name to Kunt Steal Rage. Don't worry, we all have names and opinions - at least I don't expect you to change yours - pretty fitting though, don't you think? Now go support your genocide and leave me alone.

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I hope I never see your name and horrific falsifications of history again!

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Likewise. I have read several of your comments on this Substack and they are always rude, personally insulting and pretending that Zionists are innocent. Hasbara troll.

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What do you think "Zionist" means? It's the weirdest use of the term because Jews don't walk around calling ourselves Zionists. The Zionist movement advocated for Israel to be the Jewish homeland. Now it is. It's now called being Israeli. No Israeli walks around espousing 'Zionism'. It's just a part of the founding of Israel but that was done 76 years ago.

The only people obsessed with 'Zionism' are those who hate israel because it's predominantly Jewish. That is all. They use the word Zionist because it sounds less antisemitic than Jews, though these days many don't bother. They also say Zionist instead of Israeli. Though again, many don't bother. Zionist is a term that's now been coopted so that people can pin any atrocity in their imagination on Zionists and it doesn't need proof. It's an internalized belief system that doesn't need facts. Zionism is a customized boogeyman of anything you hate and fear.

So it's essentially the 2nd iteration of nazi ideology. You aren't the first to fall for it. It's very seductive. But for those of us who know the history, visit Israel often and have family and friends there, the anti Zionist hysteria and slander is based on ignorance and arrogance- people who know nothing about Israel yet consider themselves experts thanks to the viral nature of anti israel social media influences and plethora of media pandering to the pro hamas terror narrative.

There isn't hate in Israel. Peace is prioritized. Western style rights for all is law. It's a beautiful country with a western style education system.

If you compare that to the Hamas fanatics who teach kindergarteners to kill Jews in.picrure books and have grade school text books infused with rank antisemitism, it becomes pretty obvious what Israel has been forced to endure on its borders since Israel gave Gaza to the Palestinians as a gesture of peace and gateway to a 2-state solution.

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Maybe try reading a history book. Jews were already living in the region. Mizrahi jews. Nearly a million Sephardic Jews were ethnically cleansed from arab-colonized lands in the middle east and north africa and were given refuge by their Jewish brethren in 1948. No land was 'stolen' except the West Bank which was Judea and Samaria- ancient Jewish land - by Jordan who renamed it the West Bank, burned the synagogues, killed and expelled the Jews, and renamed it the West Bank.

Over half of Israelis came from middle east and north africa. Palestine was a region of diverse peoples that was carved up after WW1 and during British occupation into Jordan- a far bigger area, and Israel. And yes- Israel is a tiny piece of land with 15 million diverse people and a democracy, surrounded by 400 million Arabs with negligible or zero Jewish population on huge travts of land.

So I understand. You have no liking or compassion for jews and you're pro ethnic cleansing and the destruction of one tiny Jewish state so it can become an Islamic Caliphate which is what Iran plans for it. At least be honest that you're driv÷n by basic nazi level hate

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Another one...(sigh) Look buddy. Let's not get caught up in the history. As I said in my comment, you have your opinion, I have mine. Fact is, 1200 Israelis got killed on 7 October and in response huge chunks of Gaza were levelled and more than 1200 people were killed, a lot more. It's not normal. There is something wrong with the equation, no matter how much you accuse me of being a Jew hater, and Knut accusing me of supporting terrorists. I said Zionists are always hiding behind their 'poor us' persecuted by the Nazis crap. That's 80 years ago. And then the added bit of the only democracy in the ME, God given land etc. - gimme a break. These you will always bring up to support your futile arguments with personal insults to augment the intense anger you harbour. Whatever, it's 2025, no amount of history is going to change the hate in that region. It is what it is.

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Your comments are spot on. And your displeasure with JM is understandable. But I’m not terribly critical of JM for his completely wrong take on the IDF’s handling of the war in Gaza. One must bear in mind the substantial and admirable perseverance of JM in his long and renowned understanding of the history of NATO, Russia and the Ukrainian conflict. He came under heavy and unremitting criticism for his entirely correct“take” on Ukraine. And he had that “take” long before the military conflict started. He correctly predicted what would and did happen given the West’s multiple failures of diplomacy and the West’s incorrigible arrogance from Neocon ideology. He took enormous professional criticism and even some social ostracism I believe.

I think that history informs his reaction to the war in Gaza. He’s understandably ‘gun shy’ on Isreal, the IDF and the Nazi Palestinian history on Jews and the state of Isreal. He had his turn in the barrel on Ukraine. He’s not really an “expert” on ME history as such, much less on genocide as an academic pursuit. He’s wrong on that but I have a hard time holding his feet to the fire. They are already scarred from Ukraine.

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What an epic labyrinth of villainy you weave. Impressive!

The good doctor is as right on Zionism's genocidal war crimes as he is on Ukraine war crimes.

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The “good doctor “?! lol. JM is an academic. In the real world, nobody calls academic phd’s “doctor”. In common parlance, it’s reserved for medical physicians. Nobody but Biden administration toadies who have to worry about keeping their jobs call Jill Biden “doctor” Biden. Nor need we call mearsheimer that descriptive. He’s a great historian but no expert on genocide. As for my “epic labyrinth of villainy”??? Oh man! I love that! What a beaut!oh ya, an epic labyrinth of villainy?? I’m all in’s lol. I bet you have a phd after your name too.

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Completely idiotic. In all these cases Jews are involved in catalysing the violence and Israel detractors are not happy about the mass murder in any of these places.

You are saying Jew mass murder in one place is an alibi for them in another? Just admit you are not so bright rabbi

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Oh how I’d like to include Graeme Bird among the Gazan statistics.

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Of course you would. You are a Jew. Killing children is your main passion but you want to kill anyone who opposes your child killing obsession. You may as well have told us what you had for lunch for all the relevance of your comment.

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Good bye, you evil piece of shit.

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Let’s get this right dummy. Semitism is an evil ideology. An ideology of child murder and general extermination. Semitism must be opposed every waking moment. You are the bad guys. Not me.

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Imagine if Mandela, Sissuko, Mbeko had built casinos in the bantustans and shanty towns instead of taking their country back.

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Dec 24
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Really? Let’s see your bio vs his and see who the charlatan/moron is: https://search.app/xkaNs65GGAwiotGo8

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