This is why your book needs to have a second, updated edition for a contemporary audience.

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I second this. Much has changed in the last 15 years both in the US and in the world.

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Dr. Mearsheimer,

I think you need to stop being apologetic about your recognition of “Israeli” atrocities. As you have seen, every accusation hurled by the Lobby at Palestinians is actually an Israeli confession. Whether that be the fact that Israel has been maiming and killing Palestinian children and unborn babies, or the fact that the IDF has committed more war crimes than can be counted over the decades, it is important for you to stop appealing to western sensibilities when discussing the crimes of the Zionist vassal state.

I admire your work but I cringe at the sight of you struggling to contort your views to avoid triggering the Zionist solidarity radar in those you speak to.

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when we brought war to korea

where was israel

when we policed up vietnam

where was israel

this friendship only works one way

a friendship where only we pay

sounds like no friendship that i know

looks like blackmailing by a foe

when we screwed up the bay of pigs

where was israel

when we bullied small grenada

where was israel

we yanks sacrifice our own seed

to defend nations we don’t need

we’re losing ground on the home front

while we shield strangers from the brunt

when we turned on saddam hussein

where was israel

when we meddled in bosnia

where was israel

and doesn’t it seem very odd

no news on epstein and mossad

is it blackmail and extortion

gives power beyond proportion

when we bombed over kosovo

where was israel

when we destroyed iraq again

where was israel

this country is no kind of friend

yet that’s just what leaders pretend

we genuflect to this small state

whose chutzpah and greed we can’t sate

when our troops are in a foxhole

where was israel

when yanks are dying for their state

where was israel

no they deserve our enmity

for attacking our liberty

both in new york on nine one one

and USS shot by their guns

The Worlds Most Dangerous Poet

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According to Israel EVERY JEW is Scared - that is the unfortunate answer to your poem. which by the is well done, by the way - I wrote a poem many years a ago. it was similarity but it was regarding some WWI Canadian soldiers who were shot by firing squad on order of Alexander Haig.


The Canadians where suffering what later became known as shell shock now called PTSD from the near contend bombardment of very heavy Artillery.

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Sorry my comments or notes are never short:

Mr. M's and Mr. W's Book The Israel Lobby Group and U.S. Foreign Policy is a seminal piece of work that I have read of it so far. I have some more Ideas on their wonderful book below, I will explain below.

If not already: I wish it was a talking book with both authors reading due to my reading and learning disabilities. I guess talking videos would be the best scripted from the book and/or expanded from it. Your book, if made into a PBS video mini series would be a absolute seminal piece that would be as illuminating as another global sensation as the seminal 6 part PBS series Joseph Campbell and The Power of Myth with Bill Moyers - I have the entire box set on DVD along with other philosophical DVDs from PBS that more recently help evolve some of my own practical theories on a few things. https://billmoyers.com/series/joseph-campbell-and-the-power-of-myth-1988/

If PBS is not interested maybe Aljazeera documentary unit in the U.S. would be interested?

Having this ISRAEL LOBBY explained is great work of cotemporary literature of truth available at https://archive.org/details/the-israel-lobby-and-u.-s.-foreign-policy has been monumentous to persons like myself to enlarge for easier reading and understanding.

There is another book I have been trying to get through that further strips away The Power of Lobby in Realism is The Palestine Laboratory that is easy to read like your book at https://archive.org/details/antony-loewenstein-the-palestine-laboratory-how-israel-exports-the-technology-of/page/n1/mode/2up MAYBE this author could be part of the aforementioned documentary as well including Jimmy Carter if he is up to it with rearguards to his book.

Jimmy Carters compleat book is not available to read for free yet maybe you can ask to make it available like yours is at https://archive.org/details/antony-loewenstein-the-palestine-laboratory-how-israel-exports-the-technology-of/page/n1/mode/2up

There is an old publication I remember the cover of as a child. It has some good old history in it they maybe if re analysis might make a interesting rewrite by Mr. M and Mr. W to sort out the fact and fiction of it is Lighting Over The Treasury Building. https://archive.org/details/elsom-lightning-over-the-treasury-building/mode/2up

The pictures I remember as a child https://omnichristianbookclub.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/07/Book-Lightning-over-treas-front-416x649.jpg and https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1696130455i/151242122.jpg

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Just disconnect your mind from Empire narratives. You’ll feel much better. 👍

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I have been reading your work and watching your videos on youtube . I must say your skill to anticipate and analyze are astonishing.

I have just finished a book with the title

REALPOLITIK: A History by JOHN BEW. I have heard you repeatedly using the term, however, after reading the book i came to the conclusion that realpolitik somehow became a matter of relatively used by every politician to describe a policy that usually ends with failure. I would like to know what comes to your mind when you think about realpoliti

I know you are busy man Dr.Mearsheimer but

I hope you can answer my question :

Can you please provide me with your definition of the realpolitik you suggest ?

How does work?

What are the fundamentals?

How to distinguish it from power politics?

And one final question, more of a request, can you please write a book about your style of realpolitik one that can be used in the 21th century.

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A well-functioning democracy does not need lobbies. If people in government need to know something, there are ways to find out directly - they don't need lobbyists visiting them. In fact, I think a necessary condition for saving American democracy is to completely separate private money from public office. A democratic system has to work for all citizens and take into account the interests of all equally.

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Terrific podcast! So informative and I particularly valued your thoughts about how this may evolve in the future. Thank you all.

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Keep up your important work opposing the Israel Lobby. It is a daunting task, as their power and wealth controls, intimidates, or influences so many politicians, and much of the media. Sadly those forces need money, so money too often prevails over what is right and just. I pray we can change that.

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Amazing how much wrong in the world right now has the word ‘Islam’ in it. “Radical” Islam is behind the horrors in the Middle East (Iran, Hamas, Hezbollah, Houtihis), the crime waves across Europe from the millions of Muslim migrants who refuse to assimilate and are more interested in taking over societies, our US universities, protests on our streets, and even in the US Congress. And what about the radical Islamists sneaking over the southern border and waiting for their opportunity to strike?

THAT is what I’d like to hear you discussing, rather than constantly beating up a tiny country surrounded by huge enemies looking to defeat it.

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Wake up man. Stop spouting Empire propaganda. Start getting your information from independent sources with integrity - rather than boomer nonsense media. Good luck!

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Refute anything I wrote. Europe is enacting laws. The Middle East is a mess. Muslims are leading every university demonstration and city protest.


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