As I’ve said previously, we in the US and the world at large would have been doing ourselves a huge favor if we had listened to the advice on all of the subjects that John Mearsheimer has weighed in on over the years. It’s a crying shame that we didn’t have the sense to heed his advice and follow the actions he’s advocated. Those who have had to bear the biggest brunt of the foolishness (and criminality) that we’ve engaged in are the poor US soldiers that we duped into serving their country and going to war in the name of patriotism, the average citizens in places like Iraq and Afghanistan, the soldiers who’ve been used as pawns on both sides of the conflict in Ukraine and the poor Palestinians who have been bullied to death by the Israeli government with the help of the US government. A US government, and the majority of its nationally elected officials, which has been disproportionately influenced by the Israeli lobby in the US. If you haven’t noticed, John Mearsheimer and Stephen Walt warned us starting years ago that the influence of the Israeli lobby “isn’t good for the US and it isn’t good for Israel in the long run”. These sets of predictable circumstances are all playing themselves out as we speak and as Dr. Mearsheimer states in so many words “rather than coming to our senses we continue to double down”. He’s exactly correct when he says “we have the Midas touch in reverse”. In the meantime, as he adroitly points out, all of these distractions have resulted in our taking our focus on trying to contain China, which is the real threat. So as a result of all of this the world is a much more unstable and dangerous place. The bottom line is that it’s a shame we haven’t taken John Mearsheimer’s advice.

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China is only a threat because the US propaganda machine has made it so.

The US cannot manufacture anything. Even it's weapons industry is dying so the have to support Taiwan against the Chinese.

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He would not pretend he knows the future. Listen to him in debates, he always says "my argument" or something to that effect. I still think he was wrong to advocate for Ukraine keeping their nuclear weapons. It might have prevented Russia invading but one does not know with certainty that Moscow and Kyiv might not be rubble now and many other countries might have gone nuclear too. The world is full of unknowns and alternative history is impossible.

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Thank you, Professor Mearsheimer, for your work and for communicating with a wider audience than the academic one!

Your analyses have been crucial to so many people’s understanding of these conflicts and the nature of power

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Thank you Professor Mearsheimer

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One last thought…

The notion of liberalism abroad being a detriment to liberalism at home has some parallels in what I’m trying to get across and advance. Those of us that have had the luxury of being able to contemplate such heady issues, who happen to be somewhat smart, reasonable and intellectually curious aren’t rewarded for our efforts very often in any meaningful way. It’s kind of a labor of love with very little in the way of reciprocity. But nonetheless I think from a philosophical standpoint one has to look at the extremes. The one extreme is represented most broadly by the Dalai Lama Lama’s notion of “compassion”. He said “think of others not just yourself” and that will “tend to bring you a much more fulfilling life”. (This same concept is covered in the Harvard Study on Happiness”). The other extreme is represented by what George Carlin relayed in his 1996 interview with Charlie Rose in which he said “he’s given up on humanity and he’s watching that which transpires just like he’d watch a freak show”. He went on to say that “by virtue of being in the United States he had a front row seat”.

So at the end of the day, for those of us who are observing what’s happening on the world’s stage with a rational and sober view have to come to grips with!the fact that we should either try to make a difference or basically give up.

It’s my contention that if you want to try to make a difference it’s best to do so by adopting John Mearsheimer’s technique of using a simple theory. As he’s said, “a theory is a simplification of reality”. “And if the theory is good, it enables one to wrap one’s mind around a very complicated world in order to make sense of it”. And he said, “if a theory is good it’s correct about 75% of the time”.

So basically I’ve extrapolated John’s notion of a theory to try to tackle the big picture of what we’re up against as a species and how we might best go about trying to overcome the seemingly overwhelming set of problems we’re facing.

So rather than give up, by way of what I think is a very good theory and prescription, I’m trying to make a positive difference.

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Kevin Flyn: I understand your point of view BUT it is too late.

We have mad people in our Govts.

The USA will never give up it's superior ideas based on 'sham' democracy.

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I was hopeful that Joe Biden would have enough sense to do the right thing, but unfortunately he’s been a disappointment. And our friend, The Donald, is much worse. So unfortunately in the upcoming presidential election we have a choice between horrendous and horrendously horrific.

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Hopefully Mearsheimer's views will percolate to a future president , or advisors of a future president. Of course , there are powerful domestic interest groups that will fight that ( the security apparatus aka deep state , the MIC , the Israel lobby to name the obvious ones ) .

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Kevin. You do have a choice.

1. Don't vote

2. Vote Jill Stein

Either way you are at the bottom of the pit.

IF Biden wins ...Trump won't accept the result.

IF Trump wins Biden won't accept the result.

You are going fast forward to a civil war!

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It is probably going to be my last comment about professor Mearsheimer. Basically, my conclusion is that he is a fraud. He uses twisted logic and omits facts in order to push his antisemitic agenda - all with a little smirk on his face, as he thinks his audience are morons.

Here are just a few points on this particular segment.

In order to push his claim that Israel is an apartheid state, Mearsheimer invents a term "Greater Israel". First of all, this entity does not exist. It is a figment of professor's imagination. But his audience and the moron interviewer with half-closed eyes don't understand it.

In this "Greater Israel" professor includes the State of Israel, the disputed territories of Judea and Samaria AKA "West Bank" and Gaza.

At some point in this discussion the fraudster said that Israel wanted to include Gaza into this "Greater Israel", while it is a known fact that Israel left Gaza in 2005.

Now, people in the disputed territories and Gaza cannot vote in Israeli elections as they are not Israeli citizens - but they do have their own elections. We all know that Gazan had ELECTED Hamas. Palestinians on the West Bank can also vote - when the election is called by their Palestinian Authority.

Thus, this claim of apartheid is the result of a shell game - a known fraud.

The fraudster also failed to mention that Israel, during the Six Day war, had also conquered the Sinai - which it also returned for a flimsy peace agreement with Egypt. And Israel was willing to sign most of the West Bank to Palestinians for peace agreement. We all know how it ended.

All this PROVES that Israel has no ambitions for "Greater Israel" and the claim of apartheid is false.

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Israel is not willing to give up West Bank for a peace agreement. Israel was forced to return Sinai to Egypt for a peace agreement because it lost to Egypt or it was afraid it could lose if the war continues. You don’t give up something if you are already winning. It is so obvious and common sense. Apply it in real life. If you are in a lawsuit, and there is a chance you could lose, you will try to settle. It’s better to lose a little than lose everything. But if you are so sure you will win or you have already won. You have no reason to settle.

Israel has no incentive to give up West Bank because it can win against the Palestinians there. Isn’t so common sense? 🤷‍♂️

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Apartheid is measured by a states actions - Yes Israel is apartheid. So if I get this straight, if not a Jew; one is Antisemitic and if they are they are a self hating Jew? Your comment is LOL

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Which actions?

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My compleat thought on the matter - of various "apartheid actions" what they are and who supports them: In a nutshell it is about differential treatment and disenfranchisement what constitutes it is below but is by no means exhaustive:

A thought From CANADA from a person of NO particular consequence, that seriously wonders about Elite American views of Israel. It seems Israel, Israel Lobbies, America Elite & American/European share the values of what America was like in the 1830s with the Indian Removal Act; that seems pretty poor by any measurement by a country and countries who pose as "so-called" defenders of Freedom & Democracy they all make this person very ill, like many NOT of their ilk. 

Are people so simple minded or just Dumb or is it just about $$$$$ of the Donor Class and Recipient Class and Nepotism between the two? Maybe the Americans need another Revolution from a third party with a Lobby Group to Ban Lobby Groups.

Apartheid and Zionism Is The Same, Just Different Shades of the Same Thing. Ethnic Cleansing or Displacement of "a people" "IS" Just Another Form of Apartheid and Denying "a people" of being "a people" or coin "a people" as HUMAN ANIMALS is RACISM in its Purest Forms - But Somehow Israel the Israel Lobbies and their Supporters get a Pass? How does that work? Sounds like Andrew Jackson and the Indian Removal ACT of the 1830s who wants to VOTE for THAT in any way shape or form and be able to sleep at night? What kind of Despicable Humans if one could call them that would support this? Einstein knew the truth in his December 1948 letter to the NEW YORK TIMES, that if written today they would not  get published, that does not say too much for the "Times" anymore does it?

Zionism is a type of apartheid state, Judaism is a type of religion or people or both. Every person and every People with a few exceptions has a right to exist, but a country - I mean any country - does not have such a right.

Israel and the Israel lobbies often conflate the two, that being Anti-Zionist and Anti-Semitic as being the same, they are not. This is NOT some abstract thought, it is a FACT.

An apartheid state (1.0) is generally defined as Old South Africa but can include other countries, political parties, state actors or individuals of the historic past or present; this can also include the apartheid definitions in 2.0 and 3.0 below. Any state, state actor, corporation or individual that assists in the aforementioned is guilty of the same Crime Against Humanity with no Statute of Limitation; 

An apartheid state (2.0) is any country, state, territories within its controlled borders or region or outside its controlled borders and region that;

(a) forcibly restrains or imprisons any person unequally based on gender, orientation, religion, natural disability, mobile disability, ethnic origin, race, creed, colour or,  social status & poverty or;

(b) prevents or discourages any person from voting based on gender, orientation, religion, natural disability, mobile disability, ethnic origin, race, creed or colour or, social status & poverty or;

(c) for any person that lives in such a described geographically area to be treated differently in any way civilly, criminally, politically or from being any member of the military or civil emergency services or to be denied pensions of any kind based on gender, orientation, religion, natural disability, mobile disability, ethnic origin,       race, creed, colour or, social status & poverty or;

(d) Any state, state actor, corporation or individual that assists in the aforementioned is guilty of the same Crime Against Humanity with no Statute of Limitation;

An apartheid state (3.0) is any country, state, territories within its controlled borders or region or outside its controlled borders and region, is;

(a) the elimination of "a people'' through ethnic cleansing by displacing or the threat of being ethnically cleansed by displacing, or;

(b) the elimination of "a people'' through killing or the threat of being killed, or;

(c) the elimination of "a people'' through removing or the threat of being removed, or;

(d) the elimination of "a people'' through starving, or the threat of being starved or;

(e) the elimination of "a people'' through the denying, elimination or destroying of housing, sewer, water or electricity, or the threat of being denied,housing,        sewer, water or electricity, sewer, or;

(f) the elimination of "a people'' through the denying, elimination or destroying of healthcare, healthcare workers, aid workers and their supplies or the threat of     being denied, destroyed or to have the elimination of healthcare, healthcare workers, aid workers and their supplies, or;

(g) the elimination of "a people'' that prevents or discourages them from voting for any person or state that controls them, and;

(h) any state, state actor, corporation or individual that assists in the aforementioned is also guilty of the same Crime Against Humanity with no Statute of Limitation.

Any apartheid state (4.0) as defined in (1.0) to (3.0); is considered Genocide in the Second Degree, but this does NOT absolved that political party, state, state actors or individuals from being guilty of Genocide in the First Degree at a later or before date in life or death or any state, state actor, corporation or individual that assists in the aforementioned is guilty of the same Crime Against Humanity with no Statute of Limitation or limits on the amount of times any can be held accountable as evidence evolves.

ALL countries at some point were like this including the United States, Canada, Australia, All of South America and All of Africa. The Berlin Conference is a good example of this apartheid just different shades of it; read the links. 

Berlin Conference - Wikipedia > Leopold II of Belgium - Wikipedia > Atrocities in the Congo Free State - Wikipedia > Colonial Belgian Congo: A Slave Father Gazing at His Daughter’s Severed Hand and Foot, 1904

Lets not forget the United States 1830s legislated apartheid behaviour, if one does not include slavery, with the Indian Removal Act - Wikipedia and American Indian unable to vote; Washington Post 2020/11/01 Native Americans Right To Vote History 

Any Group, Individual, Country or Policy that promotes Anti-Zionism as being the same as Anti-Semitic is also HATE SPEECH as it promotes apartheid behaviour that is nothing but HATE it is not a matter of OPINION it is a FACT. Conflating the two endangers Jews globally as being complicit in what the State of Israel does.

Einstein coined similar points in his December 1948 letter to the New York Times; the state Israel isn't a democracy and further to that it has never been as popularized in propaganda and the media today. Israel is a form of apartheid theocracy like Iran. 

Voting does not make a democracy unless ALL people under a country's control can vote for the people controlling them and they are ALL treated equally. Israel isn't a democracy and never has been; that is propaganda. Israel is a kina theocracy like Iran, but only for the Jewish born, atheist or not so it is apartheid if that Jewish argument is used. 

I think that was also a point of the 1948 letter in the link below. Again that means NO discrimination based on gender, orientation, religion, natural disability, mobile disability, ethnic origin, race, creed or colour. 

Israel using its neighbours as a Measuring Stick isn't even a real argument as the best of what the world has to offer is the "real'' Measuring Stick, as exemplified with Denmark or some other Nordic country are good examples of this Global Measuring Stick.


Else humanity will never move forward.

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Israel is the first decolonization project - where people re-establish nation state in their ancestral land.

As such, it's difficult for people like you, who just copy--n-paste all kind of bs thinking that it proves their point, to understand.

Since you had mentioned Andrew Jackson, the analogy here would be to say that Jews are the Cherokees of the Middle East, except that their expulsion happened 2,000 years ago vs. 200 for the Cherokees.

Now, try imagining Cherokee people re-establishing their state in Georgia. Do you think all peanut farmers would be happy?

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LOL - The Torah is not a Land Deed and the Government of Israel or a rabbi is not a Realtor. Israel is just another apartheid type country. Any person can convert and become a Jew so your Cherokee spin is just that bunk. I think the truth simply is not what you want to hear, so you and your kind typically turns ugly and disparaging towards another, as if to provoke a untoward response.

Is there something wrong with cutting a pasting something? Or is it some religious law like a Torah that all communication has to be manually written out every single time? Again LOL.

P.S. (1) If there is ever new for campaign contributions barring foreign connected Lobby groups like AIPAC it all over for Israel as they will no longer have $$$ leverage over elected officials.

(2) One day the United Nations, ICC and ICJ as WE know it will be dissolved as being dysfunctional just as the league of nations was after WW2 and a New United Nations will be formed without the Security Council permanent members of having single Veto Votes. Perhaps if there is still 5 permanent Security Council members it would take all 5 to veto a resolution over the other 10 if there is still 15 members. Or simply dispense with any kind of veto and it simply takes 2/3 majority to pass like the General Assembly. Or maybe a General Assembly Vote that passes by 80% of 193 for anything can overrule the Security Council. Maybe Taiwan can become a member and Israel boycotted then?

Maybe The U.N. just moves it whole operation to Geneva?

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Wow! So, all your pals Pals have to do is convert to Judaism, become Israeli citizens, vote Ham Ass into the government, and that's it - peace on Earth, Islam galore.

Why had no one thought of this before?

You are so smart!

On the other hand, there may be something you didn't quite count in. What is it?

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The Israeli government controls everything that goes into and out of Palestine (from the River to the Sea). It treats non-Israeli citizens with contempt for their human rights. You are the fraud.

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If "Israeli government controls everything that goes into and out of Palestine", then everybody is affected - Arabs and Jews.

How is this apartheid, moron?

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Apartheid is about unequal treatment of two types of people under the same citizenship or ruling state. The line for US citizens while another line for non-citizens say Canadian Citizens is not apartheid because the Canadian is a tourist. The tourist has its own sovereign country or ruling state which is Canada. I can’t believe you thought it like that. hahaha. That’s so embarrassingly stupid.

Here let me help you with an example. One example of apartheid is you have two public restrooms. One restroom is dirty and filthy while another restroom is clean and beautiful. The clean and beautiful restroom has a label that says, “for whites only.” The dirty and filthy public restroom has a label that says, “For Blacks only.”

Another example which applies to Israel: Jews can vote. Palestinians are not allowed to vote. Do you get it now?

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Moron, Arabs in Gaza are not Israeli citizens. And so are Arabs in Ramallah or Nablus.

They vote in their elections and shit in their toilets. There are no Jews there, and Jews don't vote in their elections.

Arab citizens of Israel do vote in Israeli elections, and cannot vote in Gaza or in Palestinian elections. Arab Israelis can and do shit in Israeli toilets.

Do you understand this, imbecile?

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Are you Stupid everything in Gaza and the West Bank is controlled by the TAX AUTHORITY in Israel all the money is measured in Shackles !!!!

YOU sound like Medieval Europe an what they did to the Jews through taxation they had a choice to convert and become citizens as my ancestors did. Many fled Italy my family tree can be trace back to King Edward III on many branches. Do I have a claim on the land of England now? Or on the Land of Palestine Now ? Absolutely not; YOU are a FOOL . Does my friend have a claim on Scotland because all her ancestors came from there; of course not.

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There used to be apartheid in Gaza when Israeli jews live alongside the palestinian people. Like in the West Bank, the palestinian people don’t have the same rights as the Israeli citizens. The palestinians in the West Bank are prosecuted in military courts while the Israeli settlers in civilian courts. They cannot use some roads. Only Israelis can use them. The Palestinians are subject to checkpoints when they move around while the Israelis are not. Those are more examples of unequal treatment of Palestinians in the West Bank, thus an apartheid.

When Israeli jews left Gaza, it ceased to be an apartheid state because of obvious reasons. It can govern itself like hold its own elections. But then, Israel put a blockade around it making it an open air prison. Sure, the palestinians in Gaza are independent — but only inside Gaza. The freedom stops there. No palestinians can leave Gaza without permission from Israel. No Palestinians from other parts of the world can enter Gaza without permission from Israel. At one point, Israel forbids chocolates from importing into Gaza. There are no airports in Gaza. No palestinian in Gaza can just pack their bags and leave that place without permission from Israel.

Basically, Gaza became an occupied territory by Israel. So, your example of a line for US citizens separate from non-US citizens, say Canadians, as an apartheid, is moronic because the Canadians can always choose not to go to that line by simply not going to the US. The Palestinians in the West Bank don’t have a choice. When Israel says this is your line, that’s where you can only go.

Aren’t you learning new things? Maybe the more you learn things the less you’d throw the word moron around. I noticed that you always throw this word to all the people you reply to.

Maybe the more you get educated, the less this will happen. LOL

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More and more stupidity.

Like - "Palestinians in Gaza cannot leave without Israel's permission '. What about Egypt, imbecile? There is a border there.

And so on... Life is too short to keep answering all this stupidity...

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The apartheid in Israel is in the West Bank — not Gaza. The more you mention the word moron, the more it reveals about you. Keep it coming. LOL.

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Apartheid is about unequal treatment of two types of people by the ruling state governing these two types of people. Look it up, the definition. Apartheid has nothing to do about going in and out per se except that one group of people is treated differently when they go in and out.

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Morons like you constantly redefine common term in order to fit their twisted reality.

When I come from overseas to any US airports, there is a sign - this way for US citizens, this way for non-US citizens. So, according to you, this is apartheid?

And, then, of course, here is Wikipedia quote - "apartheid .. was a system of institutionalised racial segregation". There is no racial segregation in Israel, however, non-citizens don't have the same rights as citizens. Like EVERYWHERE....

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Settler growth in the West Bank is clear cut evidence that Israel has ambition to annex it. Lookup the Bantustans that apartheid S africa created to gerrymander black people into ( "countries" like Ciskei and Transkei ).

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I'm inclined to agree, but what does one do when another party refuses to negotiate? Personally, a part of me hopes those settlements and residents are under Palestinian authority and protection, as all citizens should be, as part of a two state arrangement. Know that is an unrealistic scenario, but it is what I want if a single liberal state isn't possible.

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Maybe, maybe not.

There were Jewish "settlements" in Gaza. Israel had uprooted them when needed.

If there is a comprehensive peace deal - Israel will move residents of these Jewish towns from Judea and Samaria.

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Hmm based on what? The Torah is not a Land Deed and Rabbis and the Israeli Government are not a Realtor!

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Based on historic facts.

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How far back do you want to go should go back? Maybe to Africa and claim the mineral deposits as ours too? Or just when "Yahweh'' so-called chose us or you? Are we only a Jew from our mothers side then like you or did you convert to being a Jew? What a JOKE


GO TO THE USA and quite displacing people; they are a Zionist country their president is even a self proclaimed Zionist and Trump's daughter is Jewish so you're covered no matter who is in charged; so how can you go wrong!!!!!

No big wait list for Jews to get a American passport unlike someone from Mexico or South America so again you are covered there.


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I have been married to my dear husband for 43yrs. He is NOT dissimilar to Meersheimer.

Which is why I write about him now.

Some of you won't understand the anger in John because it is focussed on reality. I have never seen Jonh Meersheimer so angry.

I am a practical person I also look to the future before making a decision.

Unfortunately I am an artist with emotions sometimes uncrontrollable.(spelling)

I get fearsomely angry and yet I can be the most supportive friend you will ever have. Therefore I am not a person who could rule the world.

I saw a different side of John Meersheimer tonight interviewed by the Judge. He (like my own husband) has had enough!

Like my husband there is only so much one can take.

We are confronted by MADNESS in every sphere. We do NOT want war. We do not want our earth to disappear. We don't want mad politicians (owned by money) and lastly we want truth.

IF the Mainstream Media do not understand what they are doing to the world every single one of them should be prosecuted Get out of your 'ivory towers' and really think what you are doing!

The destruction of the world is imminent.

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Renee Girard once wrote the following on Clausewitz and I think it applies equally well to Mearsheimer: "This constant denial is interesting. Clausewitz was possessed, like all the great writers, by resentment. It was because he wanted to be more rational than the strategists who preceded him that he suddenly put his finger on an aspect of reality that is absolutely irrational. Then he retreated and tried to shut his eyes."

This war is ghastly, but within Mearsheimer's own theory of international relations (anarchy + security competitions favoring the strong), Israel's actions are "justifiable". Like Clausewitz, Mearsheimer puts his finger on an aspect of reality that is absolutely irrational, then he retreats and tries to shut his eyes

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tweeter haiku


there's no lie too big to swallow

blinkers on you blindly follow

why do you put israel first

your fake outrage is well-rehearsed


the chosen ones don't mean us well

dragging us into their hell

no upside from this so-called friend

bad relationship needs to end


The Worlds Most Dangerous Poet

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Zionism is a type of Apartheid State, Judaism is a type of religion or people or both.

Every person and every People with a few exceptions has a right to exist, but a country - I mean any country - does not have such a right.

Any Group, Individual, Country or Policy that promotes Anti-Zionism as being the same as Anti-Semitism is also HATE SPEECH as it promotes Apartheid Behaviour that is nothing but HATE it is not a matter of OPINION it is a FACT. Conflating the two endangers Jews globally as being complicit in what the State of Israel does.

Israel using its neighbours as a Measuring Stick isn't even a real argument either as the best of what the "world" has to offer is the "real'' Measuring Stick, as exemplified with Denmark or some other Nordic country are good examples of this Global Measuring Stick.

Voting does not make a democracy unless ALL people under a country's control can vote for the people controlling them and they are ALL treated equally. Israel isn't a democracy and never has been; that is propaganda.

Israel is a kina theocracy like Iran, but only for the Jewish born, atheist or not so it is apartheid if that Jewish argument is used.. might as well say Whites Only or Blacks Only or Asians Only or Catholics Only as with the Doctrine of Discovery; that is the very definition of racism are Americans really that dumb?

Israel is about displacement not about the Holocaust or some Land Deed claim called the Torah, which is a clear misinterpretation of it.

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Interested in your thoughts about where the Jews of Iraq, Iran, Morocco, Yemen, etc. were supposed to go after they were expelled from or brutalized in their home countries.

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To put into context maybe this Youtube from a Iraqi Jew who is a also a veteran IDF soldier from 1967. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lfDhaWlqXf8&t=68s he is a professor. There is also a interesting article https://www.middleeasteye.net/opinion/israel-south-africa-home-white-colonialists. I don't really agree that middle Eastern Jews where brutalized prior to 1948 as you state in the way that you stated it.

Israel must evolve into a pluralistic one state country. We now live in the 21st Century not the 1830s that was reflective of the Indian Removal Act. It seems your argument is for a Palestinian Removal Act is that what you are indicating? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Indian_Removal_Act

Further to what you are saying: Sir here is a extract from a short paper on Apartheid I was working on;

"Zionism is a type of apartheid state, Judaism is a type of religion or people or both. Every person and every People with a few exceptions has a right to exist, but a country - I mean any country - does not have such a right."

Thanks for your question -

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I’ll take a look. But, maybe you can comment on the thriving Jewish population of Yemen, or how about the ones in Baghdad. How about the ones in Iran? You will not win the argument that Jews were expelled from these places. I was thinking about visiting some synagogues in Sana’a, but I’ve decided that’s not a good idea.

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Regarding Yemem: Israel needed to populate their new country with Jews so it was called operation Magic Carpet Ride - they spoke the native language of Yeman and where also discriminated against by the European Jews at the time as lower caste from my understanding. I would see if you could find any interviews with them from those times.

P.S. No one should have to leave Israel proper and Palestinians must have a right of return.





Widespread speculation persists that the infants were given or sold to childless Holocaust survivors in a covert systematic operation.[7] Conclusions reached by three separate official commissions set up to investigate the issue unanimously found that the majority of the children were buried, having died from diseases.[7]

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu described the issue as "an open wound that continues to bleed" for the many families not knowing what happened to the children who disappeared.[2]

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I was thinking about visiting Mecca but I decided that’s not a good idea. Oh, wait, I’m not allowed. Oops.

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Neither am I, but using Mecca as measuring stick isn't even a real argument for travel or to use Saudi and the surrounding countries as a measuring stick for anything. The Tube bellow is interesting but it not playing very well.


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I support a single state with protections of liberal rights and Jewish sanctuary. I see no indications that Palestinians would support such an approach. Maybe it is out there but it sure does not appear to have much support in Gaza or West Bank. As a result, it is a long-term "dream" goal. In the absence of that being realistic, the next best solution is a two-state solution. I don't think that would work either. We just have to try and keep a lid on things until Palestinian views toward Israel change.

Israel will have to brutally subvert the orthodox that do not want Paletinians but if the day ever comes where it is necessary for peace, I think they will do so.

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And the world spins on...thank you for your thoughts, a pity it appears so little will come of the ICC ruling other than probably the Hamas team being arrested by some nation at some point :(

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What nonsense. A Muslim prosecutor from Pakistan accuses Israel of war crimes, while Napolitano and Mearsheimer support this claim enthusiastically. The only war crimes and attempted genocide occurred on October 7, committed by Hamas, who also deliberately endangers civilians by placing them in harm’s way.

Netanyahu’s only fault is that he has not yet completed the task of eradicating Hamas.

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May 25·edited May 25

Are you ignorant enough to believe the sole purpose of Netanyahu who has always favored a one state solution, and cultivated Hamas because they did as well, is solely going after Hamas and therefore willing to kill many thousands and thousands and thousands of Palestinians, even those so small they needed to be held in their mother's arms?

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It’s nice to see articulate people like you pushing back…

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Yeah, but his prejudicial hate won't allow him to ever see the truth.

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May 26·edited May 26

How many Israelis/Jews have been living in Gaza since 2005? I’ll make it easy for you: ZERO. Gaza has not been “occupied.” The Palestinians could have shaped Gaza into anything they desired. Israel would have welcomed them as peaceful neighbors, potentially leading to a Palestinian state comprising Gaza and much of the West Bank. However, within hours of Israeli forces forcibly relocating Jews out of Gaza, Palestinian terrorists began launching missiles at Israeli towns. Their intention was clear: the destruction of Jews and Israel. Instead of investing in education, desalination plants, or Mediterranean resorts for its citizens, Hamas diverted billions of dollars of aid into a massive military infrastructure with tunnels, missile factories, and weapons. The barbarity of these attacks on October 7 underscored their ongoing intention: the elimination of the state of Israel.

The only good Hamas is a dead Hamas.

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Occupying means just that- there is many ways to occupancy a person or state or territory by lets say MAKING UP THE RULES of APARTHEID. and yes Hamas is Rotten but the Israeli Government deserves the same.



My compleat thought on the matter - of various "apartheid actions" what they are and who supports them: In a nutshell it is about differential treatment and disenfranchisement what constitutes it is below but is by no means exhaustive: ....................................................

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Occupied??? Israeli Arabs make up 21% of the Israeli population and serve as doctors, lawyers, tech entrpereneurs, and even in the Parliament.

Polls have consitently showed that most Israeli Arabs would prefer to remain Israeli citizens rather than become citizens of a Palestinian state if one were to be established. According to a 2021 survey, 93% prefer Israeli rule over Palestinian Authority or Hamas governance.

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Richard, there was a Palestinian state, and the majority of the vast populace were Palestinians. It had been their homeland for many many many hundreds of years. The Jews and Christians living there constituted a very small minority, actually more Christians then Jews. However with a colonial mindset in play during WWI Balfour said sure to the Zionist who wanted a homeland of their own, and they were happy and said great, a land without a people for a people without a land. Arabs really didn't count, and therefore hard to see, or even think about, which was quite common in the day, and Israel continues to operate with that same colonial mindset to this day. The League of Nations gone the UN divvies up the land in 1948 and by that time maybe a few hundred thousand Jews live there but three or four times as many Arabs, however the Jews get 56% of the land. Well, I guess you could say they really made the Palestinians  pay for the sins of Europe. Then comes the NAKba and some 70 to 80 thousand Palestinians are killed by the Jews, or, Israelis,  and 7 or 8 hundred thousand are expelled from their homeland and the property they leave behind is stolen, taken! If you ever watch films on the NAKba the highly prejudicial mindset of the "Israelis" is on full display as is their contempt, and that colonial mindset that gave the land of another to them continues to this day. Please I'm not going to be your teacher so go and look up how Gaza turned into a concentration camp and became the home of the Palestinians, a place they cannot enter or leave without permission, and are not allowed access to the sea, so spare me they could have turned it into a little piece of heaven which you suggest. You have a very limited and skewed understanding,  so I suggest you do some research on your own, before you spew your invective, and proclaim the people, young and old, of Gaza should be slaughtered. Also include the destruction of the West Bank and the displacement, death, and incarceration of the Palestinians there, and not under the control of Hamas. I do not support what Hamas did, and I certainly will not support a retaliatory response of genocide. 

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Before 1948, the region known today as Israel and the Palestinian territories was part of the Ottoman Empire and later a British Mandate. Here’s a concise explanation of the historical context:

### Pre-1948 History

1. **Ottoman Empire (1517-1917):** The area was part of the Ottoman Empire and did not exist as a separate, distinct political entity known as Palestine. Instead, it was divided into several administrative regions.

2. **British Mandate (1917-1948):** After World War I, the League of Nations granted Britain control over the region, known as the British Mandate for Palestine. The mandate included modern-day Israel and Jordan. The purpose was to prepare the area for eventual independence.

### Post-World War II Developments

1. **UN Partition Plan (1947):** The United Nations proposed a plan to partition the British Mandate of Palestine into separate Jewish and Arab states, with Jerusalem under international control. The plan allocated roughly equal land to both Jews and Arabs.

2. **Arab Rejection:** The Jewish community in Palestine accepted the UN Partition Plan, while the Arab leaders and surrounding Arab states rejected it. They opposed the establishment of a Jewish state and the partition of the land. Consequently, they did not declare a Palestinian state within the proposed borders.

3. **1948 Arab-Israeli War:** Following the declaration of the State of Israel on May 14, 1948, neighboring Arab states invaded the new state, leading to the first Arab-Israeli war. The war resulted in significant territorial changes, with Israel expanding its borders beyond the UN-proposed partition lines. Jordan occupied the West Bank and East Jerusalem, while Egypt took control of the Gaza Strip.

### No Independent Palestinian State

- **Post-1948 Situation:** There was no independent Palestinian state established. The areas known today as the West Bank and Gaza Strip came under Jordanian and Egyptian control, respectively.

- **Further Conflicts:** Subsequent wars and conflicts, including the Six-Day War in 1967, led to Israel capturing the West Bank, Gaza Strip, and East Jerusalem.

### Modern Developments

- **Peace Efforts:** Various peace processes and negotiations have occurred since then, including the Oslo Accords, which aimed to establish a framework for Palestinian self-governance and a path toward a two-state solution. However, a final agreement has yet to be reached.

In summary, before 1948, there was no sovereign country named Palestine. The opportunity for an independent Arab state in the region was offered through the UN Partition Plan, but it was rejected by the Arab leaders at the time, leading to continued conflict and lack of a Palestinian state.

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May 26·edited May 26

Read about the Nambia genocide finally acknowledged by Germany. Sometimes it takes a long time before people,. a country, who implement these atrocities have the ability to acknowledge what they have done. Although Ganze with his no food, no water, no fuel was up front initially about the genocide Israel was going to implement on Gaza.


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Well said and stated the Zionist one state plan was called Revisionist Zionism


This Revisionist idea was promoted by Yizhak Shamir a member to the Stern Gang, Bibi was his apprentice, I am NOT joking go look it up.

Yizhak Shamir also was part of a assassination group that killed Folke Bernadotte the first U.N. envoy to Israel.






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Thanks I really appreciate all this information.

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You are welcomed - One state solution still is the best way if everyone goes back to the 1967 Green Line. Those lands are set aside for Palestinians of all religions with the right of return. The settlers have to leave those Treaty Lands. The structure of the Israel government has to change and for Hamas and other militants to go or change as well. One pluralistic country of Palisrael with a new flag and a Constitution designed by the U.N. ; I commented extensity on this twice throughout this thread. But the criminals one both sides have to go as the ICC states.

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May 25·edited May 25

Your perception skewed by your own prejudicial hate disgusts me, and is so obviously reflected in the beginning of your statement, "A Muslim prosecutor from Pakistan accuses Israel of war crimes, ... " You then go on to totally dismiss and justify Israel's genocide in Gaza because of Oct 7. Go elsewhere with your propagandistic BS!

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You are right, Netanyahu’s only fault is he has not yet eradicated Hamas… and getting the hostages, and committing war crimes, and committing genocide, and getting ICC warrant of arrest, and getting more and more isolated from EU countries, and getting attacked by Hezbollah, and getting attacked by Iran, and getting less weapons from America, and getting protested by college students across America.

Did I miss something?

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1400 people killed is not a genocide. Please wipe your glasses

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Genocidal intent. Had Hamas and the participating rampaging Gazan civilians not been stopped and eventually pushed back, they would certainly have continued their destruction. Meanwhile, the claim that the IDF's fight against Hamas constitutes genocide, which is defined as the wiping out of a population, is easily refuted by looking at the population growth within Gaza since 2005 when Israel vacated. If Israel had wanted to finish off Hamas without considering the civilians, they could have done so within an hour and killed hundreds of thousands of people. Instead, they send text messages and leaflets warning civilians to get out of harm's way, and they put their own soldiers at risk by carefully moving through the territories as the cowardly terrorists hide behind their civilians.

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May 26·edited May 26

Richard you make the assumption that you are talking to an audience who is totally ignorant of current events, in Israel, and no doubt elsewhere. No accusations have been made that citizens of Gaza participated in the attack by Hamas on Oct 7, here or elsewhere. May I say you are totally ignorant of what is going on in Gaza and basically no one should take you seriously. You allow your hatred for the Palestinians, and total support for Israel to determine what the truth is, and are willing to go so far as to disregard facts, and manipulate information to support your perspective. But, hey, you could work for the mainstream media, who has the same immoral perspective on things.

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Rather than dismissing with a wave of your hand, address any points that I’ve made with facts that counter them (you won’t be able to). But, then again, the Palestinians have been making up their own bullshit for 75 years and you believe them.

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Oh, I see, you too are a victim, my victim, since I have challenged your prejudicial BS. Well I did have truth on my side which made it kind of easy. Maybe you should try it sometime.

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READ and learn.

Tell me something: Are you OK with a whole people being eradicated?

Secondly> Do you know (for instance) that at leat 3 times Israel has payed money and supported Hamas?

I wait for your reply after you have red and learned!

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John Mearsheimer should be viewed as a kind of spiritual leader. This isn’t because of the fact that he aspires to be a spiritual leader but more because of the fact that the policies that he’s advocated would have lead to a much more stable and peaceful world. One in which there would have been far fewer people killed and maimed as the result of incredibly short sighted and foolish policies and actions that we have undertaken. He’s been exactly correct about everything he’s weighed in on and instead of taking his good advice on all of these things we’ve engaged in what amounts to a series of cardinal sins. The pursuit of liberalism abroad has made bad situations worse in every instance and it’s weakened liberalism at home. It’s a double whammy that’s resulted in our taking our eye off the ball. As a result it’s much more likely that there’ll be rough sailing ahead rather than what could have been relatively smooth sailing.

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I don't know, It is about the other member countries I guess maybe a Old South Africa type boycott? failing that dissolve the UNITED NATIONS as was the old LEAGUE OF NATIONS dissolved as being dysfunctional after WW2. Here is what I wrote about before. Keep copy and paste or use as you like. This was write some time ago before recent rulings but after October 7; Ember Israel controls the U.N. through its single Veto Vote and the U.S. is controlled by $$$ from AIPAC

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/AIPAC read https://archive.org/details/the-israel-lobby-and-u.-s.-foreign-policy and https://archive.org/details/elsom-lightning-over-the-treasury-building/mode/2up


There has to be a binding Plan "A" first to facilitate the "Preliminary Plan" below first, failing that Plan "B"

This "Preliminary Plan" must encourage Hamas to quit with the condition they pack up and leave to another country for permanent political asylum somewhere else and NEVER RETURN if some country would take them. This "Preliminary Plan" MUST be binding in the U.N. Security Council and be supported by the ICC and ICJ and Israel must be forced to sign it with the condition of Plan "A" below. If Plan "A" is not achievable then proceed directly to Plan "B" and promote a Global Boycott of Israel without pause until Plan "A" is achieved. 

PLAN "B" below is for a New United Nations (N.U.N) to make the world workable again and implement Plan "A"

PLAN "A":After first recognizing the 1967 borders without settlements to the original Green Line of Resolution 242 for the first stage of a Palestinian State. 

Further to the aforementioned; A right way for Israel would be the concept of a G-7 and G-20 advocated peaceful co-existence and the U.N. creation of one bi-national Jewish-Arab commonwealth with a new flag from the River to the Sea for the 21st century and beyond, instead of the continuation of a Nationalistic Apartheid Theocratic State of those backwards times. Along with the banning of right and far right parties on both sides similar to Nazi Germany and other Fascists countries did to make coexistence possible and a their own National Day for Truth and Reconciliation day like CANADA and South Africa has. 

Search Albert Einstein's 1948 letter: > click on > achieve(dot)org.

Search "Jim Crow, Indian style": > How Native Americans were denied the right to vote for decades > click on > WashingtonPost(dot)com/history/2020/11/01/Native-Americans-Right-To-Vote-History           

Search Herzl's Troubled Dream: The Origins of Zionism: > click on >historytoday(dot)com

Another European Made Holocaust that No one talks about was in the Congo Basin alone, that in total alone was about 10 million, from the time frame of the Berlin Conference implantation to World War 1. This inflicted a Holocaust on Africa greater than WW2. But they were Black like those in 1950s Australia so nobody cared at the time and since has been lost due the passage of time. Should Not, Never Again Include those who are not "white" and/or Jewish too? Should this not also include all displaced indigenous peoples too?

Search (Wikipedia):> Click on > Berlin Conference > Leopold II of Belgium > Atrocities in the Congo Free State > Colonial Belgian Congo 

Search: A Slave Father Gazing at His Daughter's Severed Hand and Foot 1904: > Click on > RareHistoricalPhotos(dot)com/Father-hand-Belgian-Congo-1904

Search (YouTube): Click on >DeWereldMorgen .be: > Noam Chomsky: "What Belgium did in 1960 in Congo is one of the worst crimes of the (20th) century".

Legislated Ethnic Cleansing and Genocide"America Style" - President Andrew Jackson another American President guilty of Genocide. 

Search (Wikipedia): > Indian Removal Act 1830

Search (YouTube): Click on > Double Down News: > The One Video Israel Doesn't want You To See

Search (YouTube): Click on > Owen Jones: > Holocaust Survivor Tells Me: Israel Is Committing Genocide - w. Stephen Kapos

Search: click on > archive(dot)org > Antony Loewenstien: The Palestine Laboratory - How Israel Exports The Technology Of Occupation Around The World - its FREE

The Great Tragedy is humans, especially as the last example in the Australia film: Ablaze ablazethefilm(dot)com depicts indigenous people still in chains in the early 20th Century. Also depicted in a segment of the film were indigenous peoples in Western Australia who were originally paid, until the decision was made to have unpaid labour that could not leave the cattle farms.  This was in the 1950s. Humans still do not understand that all indigenous people are part of the environment and WE must integrate to them not them to us, and everyone needs the feeling of a homeland or place without persecution, violence and strife on any side. This extends to everywhere on the globe, including certain parts of Myanmar, China, India and the Kurdish regions and even Japan with the Ainu where the minorities are persecuted by the ruling clique and are asked to give up their culture or simply cleansed from their so-called borders. Wikipedia(dot)org Ainu people and Wikipedia(dot)org Ainu in Russia.

YouTube has a Return error when direct links are posted.

PLAN "B" is to implement PLAN "A" and for the betterment of the Current United Nations overall. The objective of Plan "B" is to dissolve the United Nations like the League of Nations was after WW2 as being ineffective to deal with post WW2 problems. The United Nations needs to be dissolved for the same reasons as ineffective to deal with lingering post WW2 and post Cold War problems. The New United Nations (N.U.N.) The N.U.N Security Council would not have any single Veto Vote from the permanent members. ALL Security Resolutions must pass by 2/3 of the current 15 member panel OR if there is a Veto Vote it must be "Unanimous" by all 5 permanent members or a Veto can not take place. Single Veto votes are abolished. 

The exception to the Security Council Requirement to pass any "binding resolution" is a N.U.N Super-majority of 80 percent or 4/5ths of the total member countries in (N.U.N.) General Assembly whether present or not. Currently this would be 4/5 of 193 making it 155 countries which would effectively Over-Rule ANY Security Council resolution or Veto if the General Assembly so wished including admitting new or abolishing current members.

Also the U.N. needs teeth of various kinds including compulsory military, police and civil services provided by Member Countries for deployment. Military, Police and Civil assets with command personnel provided to the U.N. by member states that are under command and control of the Secretary General and Staff of the U.N. with the power to arrest any person on the planet.

Else Humanity will NEVER move forward. 

P.S. NO HAMAS or OTHER ISLAMIST GROUPS, NO USELESS CORRUPT PALESTINIAN AUTHORITY, NO WEST BANK TYPE SETTLER ORGANIZATIONS or MOVEMENTS. NO Retroactive Destroying of Infrastructure or Buildings like when the Settlers left Gaza in the 1990s and early 2000s

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I think a single state solution as I previously wrote would have to be a re-set to the 1967 Green Line which is the entire West Bank without settlers of any-kind. The 1967 U.N. defined Green Line borders as defined in resolution 242 this would be for Indigenous Palestinians as defined by the U.N. of all religions with the right of return.

In Canada, United States and South America they call them Treaty Lands and Reserves no one can enter without permission and Only federal police can enter with cause. They have Indigenous police forces and government.

A AMC fictional series Dark Winds can give you some scope of the idea of what I mean. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dark_Winds. Israel would be no more rather Palisreal with a new flag and a Constitution and equal right for all.

Below is what I wrote before the recent ICC ruling.

It is just a thought and politician really think to any real benefit of the people, but there has been a few throughout history - we can only hope one comes along. In Canada he was called Tommy Douglas in the states they had FDR and Linden Johnson head he became leader of the Third party now called the NDP the guy was good but the party now seems to be flopping around.


There has to be a binding Plan "A" first to facilitate the "Preliminary Plan" below first, failing that Plan "B"

This "Preliminary Plan" must encourage Hamas to quit with the condition they pack up and leave to another country for permanent political asylum somewhere else and NEVER RETURN if some country would take them. This "Preliminary Plan" MUST be binding in the U.N. Security Council and be supported by the ICC and ICJ and Israel must be forced to sign it with the condition of Plan "A" below. If Plan "A" is not achievable then proceed directly to Plan "B" and promote a Global Boycott of Israel without pause until Plan "A" is achieved. 

PLAN "B" below is for a New United Nations (N.U.N) to make the world workable again and implement Plan "A"

PLAN "A":After first recognizing the 1967 borders without settlements to the original Green Line of Resolution 242 for the first stage of a Palestinian State. 

Further to the aforementioned; A right way for Israel would be the concept of a G-7 and G-20 advocated peaceful co-existence and the U.N. creation of one bi-national Jewish-Arab commonwealth with a new flag from the River to the Sea for the 21st century and beyond, instead of the continuation of a Nationalistic Apartheid Theocratic State of those backwards times. Along with the banning of right and far right parties on both sides similar to Nazi Germany and other Fascists countries did to make coexistence possible and a their own National Day for Truth and Reconciliation day like CANADA and South Africa has. 

Search Albert Einstein's 1948 letter: > click on > achieve(dot)org.

Search "Jim Crow, Indian style": > How Native Americans were denied the right to vote for decades > click on > WashingtonPost(dot)com/history/2020/11/01/Native-Americans-Right-To-Vote-History           

Search Herzl's Troubled Dream: The Origins of Zionism: > click on >historytoday(dot)com

Another European Made Holocaust that No one talks about was in the Congo Basin alone, that in total alone was about 10 million, from the time frame of the Berlin Conference implantation to World War 1. This inflicted a Holocaust on Africa greater than WW2. But they were Black like those in 1950s Australia so nobody cared at the time and since has been lost due the passage of time. Should Not, Never Again Include those who are not "white" and/or Jewish too? Should this not also include all displaced indigenous peoples too?

Search (Wikipedia):> Click on > Berlin Conference > Leopold II of Belgium > Atrocities in the Congo Free State > Colonial Belgian Congo 

Search: A Slave Father Gazing at His Daughter's Severed Hand and Foot 1904: > Click on > RareHistoricalPhotos(dot)com/Father-hand-Belgian-Congo-1904

Search (YouTube): Click on >DeWereldMorgen .be: > Noam Chomsky: "What Belgium did in 1960 in Congo is one of the worst crimes of the (20th) century".

Legislated Ethnic Cleansing and Genocide"America Style" - President Andrew Jackson another American President guilty of Genocide. 

Search (Wikipedia): > Indian Removal Act 1830

Search (YouTube): Click on > Double Down News: > The One Video Israel Doesn't want You To See

Search (YouTube): Click on > Owen Jones: > Holocaust Survivor Tells Me: Israel Is Committing Genocide - w. Stephen Kapos

Search: click on > archive(dot)org > Antony Loewenstien: The Palestine Laboratory - How Israel Exports The Technology Of Occupation Around The World - its FREE

The Great Tragedy is humans, especially as the last example in the Australia film: Ablaze ablazethefilm(dot)com depicts indigenous people still in chains in the early 20th Century. Also depicted in a segment of the film were indigenous peoples in Western Australia who were originally paid, until the decision was made to have unpaid labour that could not leave the cattle farms.  This was in the 1950s. Humans still do not understand that all indigenous people are part of the environment and WE must integrate to them not them to us, and everyone needs the feeling of a homeland or place without persecution, violence and strife on any side. This extends to everywhere on the globe, including certain parts of Myanmar, China, India and the Kurdish regions and even Japan with the Ainu where the minorities are persecuted by the ruling clique and are asked to give up their culture or simply cleansed from their so-called borders. Wikipedia(dot)org Ainu people and Wikipedia(dot)org Ainu in Russia.

PLAN "B" is to implement PLAN "A" and for the betterment of the Current United Nations overall. The objective of Plan "B" is to dissolve the United Nations like the League of Nations was after WW2 as being ineffective to deal with post WW2 problems. The United Nations needs to be dissolved for the same reasons as ineffective to deal with lingering post WW2 and post Cold War problems. The New United Nations (N.U.N.) The N.U.N Security Council would not have any single Veto Vote from the permanent members. ALL Security Resolutions must pass by 2/3 of the current 15 member panel OR if there is a Veto Vote it must be "Unanimous" by all 5 permanent members or a Veto can not take place. Single Veto votes are abolished. 

The exception to the Security Council Requirement to pass any "binding resolution" is a N.U.N Super-majority of 80 percent or 4/5ths of the total member countries in (N.U.N.) General Assembly whether present or not. Currently this would be 4/5 of 193 making it 155 countries which would effectively Over-Rule ANY Security Council resolution or Veto if the General Assembly so wished including admitting new or abolishing current members.

Also the U.N. needs teeth of various kinds including compulsory military, police and civil services provided by Member Countries for deployment. Military, Police and Civil assets with command personnel provided to the U.N. by member states that are under command and control of the Secretary General and Staff of the U.N. with the power to arrest any person on the planet.

Else Humanity will NEVER move forward. 

P.S. NO HAMAS or OTHER ISLAMIST GROUPS, NO USELESS CORRUPT PALESTINIAN AUTHORITY, NO WEST BANK TYPE SETTLER ORGANIZATIONS or MOVEMENTS. NO Retroactive Destroying of Infrastructure or Buildings like when the Settlers left Gaza in the 1990s and early 2000s

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Apartheid and Zionism Is The Same, Just Different Shades of the Same Thing.

Ethnic Cleansing or Displacement of "a people" "IS" Just Another Form of Apartheid and Denying "a people" of being "a people" or coin "a people" as HUMAN ANIMALS is RACISM in its Purest Forms - But Somehow Israel the Israel Lobbies and their Supporters get a Pass? How does that work? Sounds like Andrew Jackson and the Indian Removal ACT of the 1830s who wants to VOTE for THAT in any way shape or form and be able to sleep at night? What kind of Despicable Humans if one could call them that would support this? Einstein knew the truth in his December 1948 letter to the NEW YORK TIMES, that if written today they would not  get published, that does not say too much for the "Times" anymore does it?

Zionism is a type of apartheid state, Judaism is a type of religion or people or both. Every person and every People with a few exceptions has a right to exist, but a country - I mean any country - does not have such a right.

Israel and the Israel lobbies often conflate the two, that being Anti-Zionist and Anti-Semitic as being the same, they are not. This is NOT some abstract thought, it is a FACT.

An apartheid state (1.0) is generally defined as Old South Africa but can include other countries, political parties, state actors or individuals of the historic past or present; this can also include the apartheid definitions in 2.0 and 3.0 below. Any state, state actor, corporation or individual that assists in the aforementioned is guilty of the same Crime Against Humanity with no Statute of Limitation; 

An apartheid state (2.0) is any country, state, territories within its controlled borders or region or outside its controlled borders and region that;

(a) forcibly restrains or imprisons any person unequally based on gender, orientation, religion, natural disability, mobile disability, ethnic origin, race, creed, colour or,  social status & poverty or;

(b) prevents or discourages any person from voting based on gender, orientation, religion, natural disability, mobile disability, ethnic origin, race, creed or colour or, social status & poverty or;

(c) for any person that lives in such a described geographically area to be treated differently in any way civilly, criminally, politically or from being any member of the military or civil emergency services or to be denied pensions of any kind based on gender, orientation, religion, natural disability, mobile disability, ethnic origin, race, creed, colour or, social status & poverty or;

(d) Any state, state actor, corporation or individual that assists in the aforementioned is guilty of the same Crime Against Humanity with no Statute of Limitation;

An apartheid state (3.0) is any country, state, territories within its controlled borders or region or outside its controlled borders and region, is;

(a) the elimination of "a people'' through ethnic cleansing by displacing or the threat of being ethnically cleansed by displacing, or;

(b) the elimination of "a people'' through killing or the threat of being killed, or;

(c) the elimination of "a people'' through removing or the threat of being removed, or;

(d) the elimination of "a people'' through starving, or the threat of being starved or;

(e) the elimination of "a people'' through the denying, elimination or destroying of housing, sewer, water or electricity, or the threat of being denied,housing, sewer, water or electricity, sewer, or;

(f) the elimination of "a people'' through the denying, elimination or destroying of healthcare, healthcare workers, aid workers and their supplies or the threat of being denied, destroyed or to have the elimination of healthcare, healthcare workers, aid workers and their supplies, or;

(g) the elimination of "a people'' that prevents or discourages them from voting for any person or state that controls them, and;

(h) any state, state actor, corporation or individual that assists in the aforementioned is also guilty of the same Crime Against Humanity with no Statute of Limitation.

Any apartheid state (4.0) as defined in (1.0) to (3.0); is considered Genocide in the Second Degree, but this does NOT absolved that political party, state, state actors or individuals from being guilty of Genocide in the First Degree at a later or before date in life or death or any state, state actor, corporation or individual that assists in the aforementioned is guilty of the same Crime Against Humanity with no Statute of Limitation or limits on the amount of times any can be held accountable as evidence evolves.

ALL countries at some point were like this including the United States, Canada, Australia, All of South America and All of Africa. The Berlin Conference is a good example of this apartheid just different shades of it; read the links. 

Berlin Conference - Wikipedia > Leopold II of Belgium - Wikipedia > Atrocities in the Congo Free State - Wikipedia > Colonial Belgian Congo: A Slave Father Gazing at His Daughter’s Severed Hand and Foot, 1904

Lets not forget the United States 1830s legislated apartheid behaviour, if one does not include slavery, with the Indian Removal Act - Wikipedia and American Indian unable to vote; Washington Post 2020/11/01 Native Americans Right To Vote History 

Any Group, Individual, Country or Policy that promotes Anti-Zionism as being the same as Anti-Semitic is also HATE SPEECH as it promotes apartheid behaviour that is nothing but HATE it is not a matter of OPINION it is a FACT. Conflating the two endangers Jews globally as being complicit in what the State of Israel does.

Einstein coined similar points in his December 1948 letter to the New York Times; the state Israel isn't a democracy and further to that it has never been as popularized in propaganda and the media today. Israel is a form of apartheid theocracy like Iran. 

Voting does not make a democracy unless ALL people under a country's control can vote for the people controlling them and they are ALL treated equally. Israel isn't a democracy and never has been; that is propaganda. Israel is a kina theocracy like Iran, but only for the Jewish born, atheist or not so it is apartheid if that Jewish argument is used. 

I think that was also a point of the 1948 letter in the link below. Again that means NO discrimination based on gender, orientation, religion, natural disability, mobile disability, ethnic origin, race, creed or colour. 

Israel using its neighbours as a Measuring Stick isn't even a real argument as the best of what the world has to offer is the "real'' Measuring Stick, as exemplified with Denmark or some other Nordic country are good examples of this Global Measuring Stick.


Else humanity will never move forward.

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Calm in Gaza, not "common Gaza"

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