Blinken should resign and save his face and the very tiny respect his has left instead of continuing to speak lies and make himself a laughing stock every time he opens his mouth. But then the zinos will cut off his bribe money.

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Most definitely a neocon SOB!

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Blinken is more of a liberal interventionist than a true neo-con, though the differences between those ideologies are few and far between.

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No, it’s not hard to imagine that the “United” “states” is acting like this. It has been a bloodsucking demon from Lincoln on.

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With regard to the professor’s quip about “up to your eyeballs in alligators” - the quote as I learned it many years ago (and it’s one of my favorites) is, “when you’re up to your as* in alligators, it’s hard to remember that your original objective was to drain the swamp!” As usual, he and the Judge covered a lot of ground in an entertaining, “plain English “ manner. Always greatly appreciated!

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Biden = Helpless & Hapless as he is a Demented Ignorant Fool! Not said lightly or easily.

The well documented catastrophe of his drugged up fueled rant for the State of the Union deranged screeching rant went around the world for all to see

The laughing stock of the world as Obama is still pulling what strings he has left to pull, with all Obama's old staff stuck onto Biden for Obama's third term to destroy the country with the open border, per Soros and Saul Alinsky's old plan.

"A financial crack-up is probably the only thing short of all-out war that will get the public’s attention at this point. I wouldn’t be at all surprised if it happened next week. Historians of the future, stir-frying crickets and fiddle heads over their campfires will marvel at America’s terminal act of gluttony: managing to eat itself alive." https://kunstler.com/clusterfuck-nation/consequences-minus-truth/?

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The little boy spoke with the matter-of-factness of an adult.

Faisal al-Khaldi talked of the moment Israeli soldiers entered his family’s home in the Sheikh Radwan neighbourhood of Gaza City, as he was preparing to go to school.

“My mum was pregnant,” he told an Alaraby TV reporter who was interviewing him. “When we were going to school they (Israeli soldiers) came into the living room and then shot my mother in her stomach. She was pregnant in the seventh month.”

“Where was your father?”

“He was asleep,” the boy said.

“And then he woke up?”

“He was killed with my mother in the same week.”

“On the same day?


“In front of you? Did you see it happen?”

“Yes, in front of me.”

“What did you see? What happened?

“They took them to the corridor and shot them in front of me.


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It’s ironic that not too long ago they were persecuted by the Nazi. They’ve become what they feared.

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The mainstream media in the west never covers the war like this because it would humanize the Palestinians and put Israel’s brutality in concrete terms for their audience.

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What contempt Israeli's have for these people, and know doubt they grew up on a diet of hate. The hypocrisy of them getting this land is beyond words. Too bad the Palestinians are not black, since if they were no bombs would ever be sent by the US to annihilate them, since they would face tremendous backlash back home, and lose votes. Strange coming from an administration who let millions of undocumented aliens into the country under the pretext they care and the old fool even apologized for calling a murderer an illegal who took the life of a young woman with a life full of caring ahead of her.

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Yes and what is even more vile is reading comments on sites like Instapundit and PowerLine. Neocons that have been cheering war and empire since 9/11. People - one assumes Boomer Republicans — cheering on the killing. “Kill them all!” “Nits make lice.” It’s horrifying. May God forgive them. It is hard for me to do so.

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God has got his work cut out for him on a world wide level so let him be, and ignore these heartless people.

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I'm listening right now to your conversation on the Duran channel. There, you just claimed that Russia never would have allowed Georgia and Ukraine to join NATO. This is wrong! In a 2005 interview with German newspaper Handelsblatt, foreign minister Lawrow explicitly gave green lights for both nations to join NATO. Something must have happened between 2005 and 2008 and my suspicion is that it has to do with Medwedew becoming president shortly before the war in Georgia broke out. I'd like your opinion on that statement by Lawrow:

Question: Does the right to sovereignty for Georgia and Ukraine also mean that Russia has nothing against their accession to the EU and NATO?

Lavrov: That is their choice. We respect the right of every state - including our neighbors - to choose their own partners and to decide for themselves which organization they want to join. We assume that they will think about how they will develop their politics and economy and which partners and allies they will rely on.

Frage: Bedeutet das Recht auf Souveränität etwa für Georgien und die Ukraine auch, dass Russland nichts gegen deren Beitritt zur EU und zur Nato hätte?

Lawrow: Das ist deren Wahl. Wir achten das Recht jedes Staates – unsere Nachbarn eingeschlossen –, sich seine Partner selbst zu wählen, selbst zu entscheiden, welcher Organisation sie beitreten wollen. Wir gehen davon aus, dass sie für sich überlegen, wie sie ihre Politik und Wirtschaft entwickeln und auf welche Partner und Verbündete sie setzen.

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Professor, in your recent interview with Mercouris and Diesen, you cited an article in the financial times which was saying that 1.2m Ukrainian men are outside of the country, unwilling to fight against the Russians. You seemed a little surprised, perhaps. You should not be. The Ukrainian elite has been preying on its people since independence. Corruption and self dealing seems to be everywhere on every level. There is no justice in the courts. Ukrainians love their country, I think that's true, and prefer it to working as gastarbeiters in Europe, but they don't want to die if there will be no change in the way the country is ruled. As soon as the war ends, I think they will go back to rebuild, even if their home ends up on the Russian side, but it's not surprising that so many don't want to fight.

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so interesting to see what kind of audience mearshimer has. sort of nuts most of them, exactly what mearshimer deserves. good, very satisfying to see this

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It speaks volumes that you’re attempting to smear Mearsheimer with guilt-by-association tactics rather than providing substantive counter arguments to his views.

If you want to look at a statement that’s genuinely nuts, please listen to Tony Blinken talking out of both sides of his mouth in order to massage Biden’s self-contradictory Gaza policy.

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i actually am on the same side on the israel policy, that is, i want a cease fire immediately, an end to sending arms to israel, etc. it is very strange to me though that mearshimer should take this position. for him might is right. ukraine should quietly acquiesce to being a colony of the more powerful russia. so therefore palestinians should just accept their fate and let israel push them out of gaza (and also out of the west bank a little later). why is he upset at israel after giving putin his ok.

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You’re making the mistake that about 99% of Mearsheimer’s critics always make (and never bother to correct.)

John does *not* believe and never has believed that might makes right. Rather, it is his view that the strong *will* do what what they shall and the weak will suffer what they must. This is a factual claim about the way international politics works. It is *not* a claim that this is the way the world *should* work. John’s view is that our views of international politics should be grounded in factual reality, not wishful thinking.

John is furthermore well-aware that the U.S. has a tremendous amount of unexercised leverage over Israel due to the military and economic assistance the U.S. provides to Israel. He wants to see the U.S. exercise that leverage because it would be the best course of action for all parties involved (including Israel.) John has recently written loses on this blog about how Realists should deal with moral issues such as Gaza. I encourage you to read his post and dispel yourself of the notion that he believes might makes right.

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Mar 16
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it is interesting how the people who see the US as the ultimate evil on the planet are so naive about russia. russia stretches across 11 time zones, count them,, 11! do you think god dropped these 11 time zones in moscow's lap? or else, think about how eager lithuania etc, and now finland and sweden joined up with nato. and yet they have no right to security, only russia has a right to security.

and you mearshimers big and little do work on not just what is the case but what should be the case. the evil US should be opposed, but the innocent russia of empire enlarging is a victim

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mearshimer doesn't acknowledge as you say, he claims that russia is fighting a defensive war. ukrainians don't see it this way. but they are just pawns, ignorant pawns, what sdo they know. ukrainians think the russians are carrying out a genocide against them. but again, what do they know compared to mearshimer. they just happen to be experiencing it. russia has been turning ukrainians into their colony for centuries, but i am sure that just proves that russia is the victim of US hegemony.

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If you feel that way leave, as you said the fewer nuts around the better.

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I will believe you are sincere in your feelings about your country of origin when you tell me you jumped on a plane, perhaps along with a son, and headed straight for Ukraine and were willing to put your life and perhaps that of a son on the line for your country of origin which you left. Otherwise shut up about killing other people and their children. Four hundred thousand dead Ukrainians and you want more death, more destruction, and are totally ignorant of how that country and it's people are being used by the US to bring down Putin, uncaring as to how many Ukrainian lives are lost. Read!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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you obviously believe putin and mearshimer know better what is good for ukrainians than do ukrainians themselves. ukrainians do not want to be a colony of russia. this is hard for the chomsky and mearshimer folks to believe but it is the case. for ukrainians the US is not the source of all evil and putin and russia are not the innocent victims of this evil US. why do you i have to jump a plane for any of this to be true???

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Absolutely! Since 400 thousand Ukrainians are dead, and Zelensky and the US don't give a good god damn, yeah. Another war, more dead. Wake up and realize that the US is using Ukraine to bring down Putin, that's all and they don't give a damn about their lives. Now try caring about those who are still alive. Russia isn't going to make it a colony, but they don't want NATO in it's back yard, Read more nsakun if you really care about your people.

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Mar 16
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how much time have you spent in ukraine among ukrainians? you are incredibly patronizing like your co thinker fran. ukrainians think (of course not 100 % ) that they are choosing for themselves. i guess you should go enlighten them and tell them their poor brains are not good enough to figure things out. and that you know what is actually the case, the case that they are too stupid to figure out

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Birds of a feather, flock together. Welcome to the flock!

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If George Washington returned, he'd put him in the slammer for that: https://youtu.be/T5YgJx8VGRA

On top of 1000 executions

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America will experience more of God's wrath as we turn on Israel.

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Do you think Jesus would implement a genocide? No of course not, Israel is implementing a genocide, and if Jesus could return, he would really be pissed at them.

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He was from Palestine after all.

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Sadly Christian morality has no place in the cutthroat world of international politics. The Book of Exodus commands an eye for an eye. This is the morality of international politics, though I wish it were not so.

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Unfortunately I agree.

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I saw a news clip where an American Christian protestor for Israel thought the Israelis were Christians. The only way to fix things in the long term is to ensure people are educated so they're less manipulated.

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It is you who have wrath and a heart full of hate, and thankfully I don't believe in the vengeful god that you do.

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