Which countries are considered the most trustworthy globally and where does America rank?

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Thanks for posting this link. I had listened to the first part of the interview before, but did not have access to the expanded episode.

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Fantastic interview! Thank you

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Sure Professor Mearsheimer will be posting this soon. Best interview I've ever seen with Dr.

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Do East Ukrainians actually hate Russia when in 2014 they were neutral and didn’t want NATO membership before the US put Zelensky in power.

Honestly, since Ukraine was known for being the most corrupt European nation, which means that the population was under the control of oligarchs, which have fled into other European nations.

It would seem to me, Ukrainians (by Zelensky’s poll numbers even) hate Zelensky and the US even more than Russia. They don’t seem to like being kidnapped off the streets.

And if you can’t trust the US, as I believe Victoria Nuland would place NATO missiles in whatever was left of Ukraine just to spite Putin, there is also the very real cost of Russia blood on the battlefield.

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Again, John does not disappoint. Excellent points and I’m truly shocked that U.S. officials do not listen to people like him. One thing, though, when mentioning the New Historians in Israel, he doesn’t cite Ilan Pappe even though the latter has done the most detailed work on the topic. Might be just an oversight.

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Great work


It up

What made you step up the U Tube work


The last 6 months compared to 2022 and 2023 ?

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Deaf, is there a transcript?

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This interview left. me speechless.

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I great interview with intelligent and pointed questions. This is a masterclass on both journalism and international relations. The questions on Professor Mearsheimer’s military service and how it has informed his evolving, complex worldview was one example of how you fleshed out his understanding of present day events.

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Not really sure why anyone is up in arms regarding Andy Ogles comments - that clip will be played relentlessly until he is forced to resign and or up for re-election. No amount of balderdash can undo that one!

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No country on Earth should trust the US, and as a matter of fact, few do.

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Thanks for your work John!

A Skeptic War Reports


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Feb 26·edited Feb 26

I miss Mr. Weintraub, a great Western Civ professor from 1990 at the University of Chicago. You were teaching that year also and were considered a good pick for sleepout. I think Mr. Weintraub was the best professor I ever had. Would he have been considered a realist also? I remember he spoke about the Quakers, who took in himself and his sister who were saved from the Holocaust. He said that if you want to be a pacifist, then you need to accept that bad things can be done to you. I wish I would have been older and wiser when I took his course. He invited us for a discussion to his home at the end of the year which was a highlight for me. He was a great man.

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