
Why keep calling the unipolar/ multipolar Western entity liberal? It never was. What’s wrong with Imperial/ capitalist/gangster? All real adjectives. But liberal? Please!



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I mean look up liberal in the Oxford dictionary.

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Of course all the commentators simply steer around 9/11 is if we there is some kind of consensus about what happened on Sept. 11, 2001. "Then along comes Afghanistan" says Mearsheimer. The blindspot negates the authority afforded Mearsheimer and his colleagues Without a decent evidence-based interpretation of 9/11, all the kinds of interpretation of the twenty-first century outlined in this discussion, are seriously flawed. After 9/11 the people involved in the Project for the New American Century basically took over. The lies and crimes of 9/11 are being mirrored in the failure to investigate 10/7. Once again the exploitation of the fears of engineered Islamic terrorism are being instrumentalized.

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Comparing the the USA's ability to wield soft power now with its abilities regarding that during the Cold War should take into account just how much both the United States and the Liberal World Order changed in the later phase of the Cold War with the shift away from Bretton Woods (it had been degrading for decades, of course) which began transnationalize economic, fiscal, and monetary public polies in a way that had not been happening before, this made the international affairs, by definition, imposing. This made the system's hegemon more imperialist, because it sat at the center of an imposing system, and this eventually made it ham fisted as well.

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Liberalism (ala Locke) is a set of procedures. It is value-neutral.

Mill elevates a single value: maximal individual autonomy.

The order we live in is Millian, not Lockean. It is not liberal in an Enlightenment sense at all. Domestically, Locke's value-neutral state was always an illusion -- no state can be value neutral since every society elevates something as sacred. Mill realized that and used it to advance his own "highest good", which was decidedly libertine. Similarly, global liberalism was also an illusion -- it was always about US hegemony. We used liberalism to highlight our differences from the commies, but the global order was only liberal (procedural) because it was useful in keeping a diverse coalition together.

Once the Cold War ended, while Fukuyama was heralding the end of history, wiser men were hardening "liberalism" to a more authoritarian form which would continue to do what it always did: serve US interests.

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Outstanding roundtable. Thoroughly depressing but very interesting.

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Who wants to know?

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Polly Samson.

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Who keeps liking your comments?

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Me, obviously.

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Well I’ll be buggered, does that mean you’ve got a sense of humor?

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Found this roundtable really interesting and insightful. Cheers

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Upgraded. Support the good guys.

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IF it is possible on all these 'talking heads' videos......maybe you could spend one day a week just taking questions.

I am so tired of hearing you speak over and over again from your Academic point of view.

I have questions.

The first podcast that allow multiple questions will win.

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