The sad fact of the matter is that John Mearsheimer has laid out in exact detail what the US foreign policy should have been since the end of the Cold War. If we had listened to him and taken his advice the world would be a much better place. Given the amount of death, destruction and suffering that’s occurred all one can say is that it’s truly a shame. What’s incredible is that our leaders haven’t learned a thing and they keep forging onward and making the same huge mistakes. If one thinks about it, a huge amount of time, effort and logistics goes into continuing to make all of these huge mistakes. It seems as though at some point someone with some sense would put their foot down and put an end to all of this craziness.

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As a somewhat cynical American, these wars make certain parties quite wealthy through a broad spectrum of investments. We folks just muck along with our potholes and dirty subways -- business as usual. John is wise (his book on the Israel Lobby is readable and chock full of depressing realities) which disqualifies him for elective office. If not Ukraine or Iran, Kamala would send us to China. Donald Trump has a set of suffocating tariffs that may be as bad as bombs

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Life is rarely as simple as the Professor sometimes makes it out to be. He knows that.

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Jeff Boyd. It is simple.

The USA HAS to win without regard to human life.

YOU USA who has never experienced war!

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You’re exactly correct about the fact that the average American has not had to pay the price for all of the mistakes we’ve made. I should be clear about where I’m coming from. I am an American and I want to see America succeed! I want to see America lead by example rather than continuously meddling in the internal affairs of other people’s countries. The people that knew that the war in Vietnam was a bad deal in the 1960s and early 1970s were exactly correct. George Kennan was exactly correct when he advocated for minding our own business. And John Mearsheimer is exactly correct in everything that he’s weighed in on. So who should we listen to? Those who keep getting us into these humungous debacles or those who’ve consistently told us to avoid them? You’re exactly correct!

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There are lots of people in the US who have experienced war but a lot fewer since the end of Vietnam war.

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Don't give me that Vietnam shit. US chose to enter that war.

What I am talking about is seeing your friends and families bombed on your own turf!

Grow up.

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Lost limbs, spinal cord injuries with paralysis, deafness, myriad cancers from smoke inhalation and toxic water supplies. Parasites that are incurable, but lifelong treatments available. Infertility, psychoses. These are what are troops have brought home with them. No glory for sure, and questions about morality and mortality haunt them. Bombs are incredibly destructive, but war is a disease that affects generations. Bear in mind, many of our Arab and European immigrants have felt horrendous war. Nobody wins these conflicts.

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Famine is difficult to relate to but not tragedy and death.

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Why does not one see that there was a coup and the Russians were goaded or forced in to protect, as voted and requested by Russian speaking Ukrainian voters, those that pleaded for their help? Do Ukrainians not have the right to vote on their own destiny? The vote was under gunfire as well. Imagine Americans being forced to remain British without the French.

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It seems no one has much of a right to vote for anything of consequence much less their own destiny.

The world is run by the oligarchs and huge corporate interests.

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Eva Bartlett posted for years about Syria, Gaza and the Donbass massacres. She was frequently censored and when the SMO began, she was put on the SBU Kill List.

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Yes, I know. Unfortunately Sibel Edmonds can't get Eva straight from other female reporters.


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I wonder why so many come to Obama's defense when it comes to his role in  our Middle eastern wars which continued under his watch. Even Mersheimer couldn't leave out giving him a pat on the back, "He didn't send weapons to Ukraine." Yeah he didn't and Trump did, but it was Obama who assisted the coup in Ukraine using his undersecretary of state, neocon Nuland, to  decide who the next president of Ukraine should be. During his administration our  wars in the ME continued, and began with the dirty war in Syria, that is ongoing as we siphon off their oil and wheat. Then came Libya, a thriving country destroyed on a  lie. Clinton, Obama's Secretary of State  often gets  total blame for that,  but she and Obama were joined at the hip, although he bemoans it as a terrible mistake.They say Libya now has slave markets, and is destroyed. Gaddafi's death, sodomized by a sword, even gave Clinton a laugh. No wonder Assange said she was a very sick lady. Too bad Obama didn't have that insight, or maybe he did. Yes Trump wanted to get along with Russia, but it was difficult when the democrats undermined his ability to do so and forged the on going lie of Russia-gate in order to delegitimize his presidency, and no one held accountable to this day. When is Obama going to be given his due, since he was no liberal and during his administration it was hard to distinguish it from the previous one of war and more war. According to many even during his political days in Chicago no one saw him as a liberal either. Yet so many people find it necessary to underplay his role in our wars and always need to give him a pat on the back.

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The Spectator are a bunch of neocon imperialists and always have been

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Freddie makes me puke - always seems to me like he's doing a Wm. F. Buckley impersonation - but I'Il listen to it because I want to hear what Dr. M. has to say. Also, he sometimes puts Freddie in his place when the boy just gets too insufferably snotty.

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In the fall of 2022, Ukraine was doing quite well against the Russians. US General Milley advised now is the time to negotiate. The blob said no.

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At the core of US political considerations has to be the economy. Eg., there will be thought on how to defend the dollar's status as reserve currency in order for the US being able to continue run high deficits, or with what to re[place this economic model because it results in deindustrialization. One then may argue, that it it is good to conquer Ukraine for BlackRock, as this, through the beneficiaries of BlackRock benefits all Americans in some way. Etc.

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And it's this concern for Swift and the petrodollar that keeps us at Israel's door and squatting on Iraq and Syria's oil production. I believe BP has a contract with Israel for gas reserve potential offshore in Gaza. I remember when blood diamonds were boycotted. Will we ever boycott "blood oil"?

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I've seen a lot of Mr Mearsheimer's interviews, but I find ones like this, where the interviewer has a mainstream view, more interesting.

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Wish Measrsheimer would stop with the comments that there is no evidence Russia planned to incorporate Ukraine to greater Russia. Maybe he means it would be independent in the same fashion as Belarus? I can buy that.

Guess I'm foolish but I think Ukraine might win. Maybe some territory will be ceded but I do not see how Ukraine can agree to demilitarization. Here is a link to a twitter post that is probably close to the military situation.


Glad West ignored Putin's threat on NATO. Ukraine's decision to make.

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"Washington D.C., December 12, 2017 – U.S. Secretary of State James Baker’s famous “not one inch eastward” assurance about NATO expansion in his meeting with Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev on February 9, 1990, was part of a cascade of assurances about Soviet security given by Western leaders to Gorbachev and other Soviet officials throughout the process of German unification in 1990 and on into 1991, according to declassified U.S., Soviet, German, British and French documents posted today by the National Security Archive at George Washington University") Way back when, we promised no more NATO expansion and what did Billy Clinton do during his reign? He added 3 more countries to NATO and so it goes. If anyone can't be trusted it is the US. You are ill informed on what took place after the US supported the coup in Ukraine. Remember neocon Nuland, Obama's under secretary of state on the phone deciding who the next president of Ukraine should be? You are foolish in thinking Ukraine can win, and only wishful thinking on your part. and I don't know why that is.

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You grossly understate the confusion that existed at the time that was not in public domain.

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You don't have a comeback for anyone who disagrees except some silly statement, or simple denial. You don't even understand why the US is pushing this war, and it's not to service Ukraine, but US!

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By the way have you bought any bridges lately?

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This is how you inform yourself and although occurred a year ago Jeffery Sachs get it really right.


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I've watched him. I do not hold him in high esteem.

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Because you don't have the background to put what he says in context. It seems mainstream media is your main source of information, a source of propaganda that simply wants to indoctrinate the American people with America good and everyone else it considers bad has to be put in it's place, and if means death and destruction to their country, their people, so be it.

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I have the background to recognize a bad rug. Expect he has had some work done too.

Sorry; know that is rude but it is true.

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Jeff Boyd.

YOU obviously DO NOT listen.

Who the fuck wants Ukraine except the Americans.

Ukraine is filed with minerals/ etc which the Billionaires want.

Not only this.........filled with Nazis and yet the US supports them.

You need to read and listen.

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Written in 2017 by Glen Greenwald while still on the Intercept. Very interesting.


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Some inside Ukraine have been illegally planting franken crops by Monsanto that ruin other crops by pollination.

I don't blame the Russians for fighting.

Will they be burning the fields, too, to rid the country of the Monsanto Franken-Wheat and whatnot?

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I'm a shock trooper in a stupor yes I am.

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Dear Jeff : I'm afraid there is no guesswork about it. If you think the Ukes can/will win this war, you're foolish.

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I'm a teenage lobotomy.

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