On 16 January 2025, I had an excellent discussion with Paul Buitink, who runs the popular Dutch podcast — “Reinvent Money” — and Wierd Duk, one of Holland’s most influential journalists, who writes for De Telegraaf.
I see another Zionist who has not read the UN Convention on Genocide - key sentence…..’in whole or in part’. It does not say ‘ wiping out a nation or a people’. Consider……. if a timeout had been taken in the middle of the Nazi Holocaust (say early1944), would it have been a serious argument to have said that it was not a genocide because not enough Jews had yet been killed? Further consider…….. it’s May 1945, the war has ended; would it have been a serious argument to have said that it was not a Genocide, because not all the Jews in the world have been killed (not even all the Jews in Europe actually).
Oh, and Israel is not ‘insisting on confining’ anything to Gaza (where have you been for the last 15 months?). Palestinians (hundreds of them) have been killed on the illegally occupied WB during this genocide, plus thousands seriously injured.
This horror is not a war, it’s absolutely a genocide, and I predict that the ICJ (despite the enormous pressure from the Israeli occupied congress), will determine it to be so.
I will not bother to respond to your tired tropes & Zionist talking points, except to point out that you forgot all about ‘beheaded babies’ and ‘mass rapes’.
It does rather seem today, that Israel ‘f…..d around and found out’. Just a very short summary of where we are.
None of Israel’s stated war aims had been achieved. The IDF could not release the hostages, and Hamas is not defeated. The IDF could not push Hezbollah back across the Litani, and much of Hezbollahs offensive missile capability is intact. Why has Israel signed the ceasefire? Because of two things……. it knows that the Gaza war is done, it couldn’t defeat Hamas, and it couldn’t get its hostages. Secondly, Trump gave Israel the cover it needed to sign, without having to fess up to the former (‘We didn’t want to, but Trump made us).
Israel has been shown to be an airforce masquerading as a country - their land combat capability has to now be of serious concern to Israeli citizens. They couldn’t take a tiny sliver of land in Gaza, nor could they take anything significant in Lebanon. Totally dependant on a few thousand influential & wealthy citizens of another country 5,000 miles away. That dependency is now cruelly exposed- military, economic, and diplomatic. If any one of those pillars of support is pulled away, Israel is done.
Israel is despised cross the entire globe, inc by the general publics in western countries. It is diplomatically dead. Its high officials are under indictment by the ICC, and the state itself is under investigation for Genocide. Anyone who has ever served in the IDF needs to be extremely circumspect about travelling outside of the country.
The Palestinian issue is now centre stage globally. I don’t think it will go away in a hurry. Hamas are heroes throughout the Arab and Muslim world, throughout the global south, and I actually suspect throughout quite a bit of the west.
To me it seems that Israel bet the farm, rolled the dice, and lost - prob lost everything. It remains an important colony of the USA, but decolonisation is a long, grinding process, and always succeeds in the end.
Yes, this guy seems to be our resident ziobot, trolling the internet to inject what he’s learned from his HASBARA handbook. Not only are his ‘facts’ manufactured (HASBARA teaches you how to twist facts) but critical thinking is nonexistent..
If it’s genocide, why was Israel increasing the number of permits for Gaza Arabs to work in Israel, before those Arabs used the intel gathered from their time in the Negev to butcher their employers on Oct 7.
If it’s genocide, why has the population of Palestinian Arabs increased by MILLIONS since 1967?
I could go on, and on, and on, but Jew-haters are doomed and not worth arguing with.
Then by your own logic, the Nazis didn’t commit genocide of the Jews.. otherwise, why are/were there still Jews in Europe after the act? Turns out, you can’t really kill off everyone (even if your sicko of a god tells you to by way of Amalek) because: a) it’s too damn hard and b) no one really likes it so you try to avoid looking like Satan.. one more tidbit for you, ‘genocide’ requires certain legal requirements which the legal folks have concluded applies in the case of the zios against the civilian population of Palestine. If genocide gets your knickers in a twist, feel free to call it mass murder, crimes against humanity, ethnic cleaning, satanic ritualistic slaughter, vampiric sadistic bloodletting.. I’m sure any of the above would sit better with you and your ilk..
If it is genocide why are the Israelis not attacking the Pallies on the west bank or the Pallies in Jordan? If the definition of a genocide is wiping out a nation or a people why are they insisting on confining this to Gaza and why oh why are they being killed while fighting what is clearly a war? These are not unarmed civilians, they are hostage taking terrorists led by murderous leaders who have no problem hiding arms under schools and hospitals. If Gaza is a state, then the state of Gaza took hostages and is holding hostages. If they wanted the war to end they should release the hostages and surrender the criminals. Clearly they don't want an end to the war. F around and find out.
At least you didn't call me Hitler; well done, but you avoid the questions I asked. Answer the reasonable questions if only for your own intellectual honesty. One more question for you: If there is no God, and therefor no judgment and therefore no consequences why should you use a term like holocaust ? It is a trigger, a wolf-whistle, a trope like BLM trying to pretend that history changed when you were born. I ask, is there any place on earth that you know of that has a history not bathed in blood? Show one place on earth that was settled without death, destruction and what you call genocide. Show one!
" I ask, is there any place on earth that you know of that has a history not bathed in blood? ... one place on earth that was settled without death, destruction and what you call genocide"
Years ago, I listened a podcast on the Russian conquest of Siberia, and the guest historian, a Westerner, argued that it was surprisingly peaceful, not at all like the conquest of the American West. Much later I wanted to review the matter, but failed to find that website. I then went to Amazon.com and saw that the highest rated books on the same subject tell another story.
But there is another aspect of your query that irritates me: Let's say there's an area that has been settled by humans for 10,000 years. Two points: 1) Of much of its past we would be necessarily ignorant o. 2) Even if it was a place of peaceful coexistence for 99,9% of its history, and had just one bloody episode, you could say "it was settled in blood" and be correct technically.
The ZionNazis (since we’re giving cute nomenclatures to both sides) are committing war crimes in the West Bank. Are you now our official ziobot resident now? Or have you just emerged from under a rock (called IsraHell, of course..)??
You are an excitable little girl, I like passion but you are going to do better, Throwing insults does not constitute an argument. War crimes... war is a crime in and of its nature so lets get real, what is there fair and just in killing a human? What I am interested in, maliciously teasing it out of this discussion: on what do you base your accusation of war crimes? Inarticulate as I am I ask; who decides what a war crime is? There is so much emotion and passion, slinging of words as you open your message with: "Nazi" and your closing... ÏsraelHell.
Diana, what you don't realize is: girls fight with their mouths but implicit to men is the threat of violence. This is the real world where the Pallies knew they were provoking a response. they F'd around and found out. As I explained to some other woman, if you live in a rough neighborhood where everybody is armed to the teeth as in the ME, what do you expect when you punch the tough guy in the mouth. The Pallies punched the MMA thug in the mouth and you get exited? Wake up, smell the coffee. The Pallies thought the police would come like the last time; instead they got curb-stomped. Living in America with no viable enemies it is perfectly understandable to indulge magical thinking. In Africa where I live, where 1 in 3 women are raped this year, where disease and poverty are endemic, we look at you and think, they have to invent causes like Covid, BLM, Me Too to give meaning to life.
Give yourself space to think,,, What makes it a war crime, why is it okay to bomb Serbia, Iraq, Afghanistan, Vietnam, Yemen, Granada, Libya and not share the joy with Gaza? Get real and realize that war is part of mans nature, deep in his bones', part of his DNA. If what Israel is doing in Gaza is wrong, I ask why? On what basis do you judge. What is your north star, what is your objective measure...?
Is that what they teach boys like you at Hasbara school? To string words that add up to sentences, tumble into paragraphs and then result in drivel? No discernible theme nor logic.. just verbal diarrhea.. The Israeli Diaper Force are taught to kill little children and declare victory.. the zionazis spend all these billions on propaganda and then someone like you rolls off the machine like a giant steaming turd to ostensibly set the record straight and teach us all how to frame their crimes.. no wonder y’all are hated.. the logic and psychopathy of a Ted Bundy.. this shit stain will stick with you for generations to come and all you can do is cry and lament why most of the human population hates you. Or is your comeback that you enjoy being hated? ‘Cause you’re special? Nay, C-H-O-S-E-N 😂
p.s. with your sorry logic, you justified the extermination of the inferior Jews at the hands of the superior Germans (typical schoolboy error). As fight is inherent in humankind’s nature.. I guess the Jews fucked around and found out..
Which dictionary? The one produced in Israel? I guess all the qualified international entities to describe it as a genocide are looking at the wrong dictionary and need to borrow yours..
what is the reason "America should ally w/Russia against China"?? this is complete and utter mad hatter stuff. Biden might not have been compos mentis, but this is absurdistan 2.0
lol, yeah, I guess you can understand it in the context of the divide and conquer strategy. Zbigniew Brzezinski famously wrote in The Grand Chessboard that the biggest threat to the US is an "alliance of the aggrieved", the fact that our enemies may unite against us if we piss them off too much. The US under Nixon sought to normalise relations with China in the 70s during the Cold War because we needed China's help in containing the Soviet Union and we didn't want to be fighting both Russia and China at the same time. But then the Soviet Union collapsed and so we didn't need China anymore and continued to try to "contain" China. But now China and Russia have united, there are those who want to turn them against each other once again. As Yanis Varoufakis explained at the Thinkers Forum, US foreign policy elites are divided between those who want to finish off Russia, to bring about its collapse and balkanisation, and those who want to end hostility to Russia and instead focus on the "real" threat of China. What's clear is that America's sole strategic goal for the last 70 years has been predicated on one thing: making sure no other global power becomes too powerful, such that they usurp US dominance. We successfully turned Ukraine and Russia against each other for the purpose of bleeding Russia, now it seems some want to turn Russia against China. Which will never happen. All of these people are insane.
Thank you, Professor Mearsheimer, for your brilliant analysis and alsook for your courage to call the Israeli genocide by its name. It is sad that mr Wierd Duk is not interested in the facts on the genocide issue. He rather dwells with his Zionist opinions. But herewith, as an influential Dutch journalist, he makes himself a complice of the terrible crimes committed.
Agreed, I found Mr Duk's conduct to be strange. He is clearly not shy about expressing controversial opinions regarding the war in Ukraine, but on the genocide it's as if he reciting headlines from Israeli propaganda. It was telling that he was a lot less engaged in that portion of the discussion, and made it explicit that he was in disagreement without actually explaining or defending his own position. It's a sign of dishonesty. He acted like a paranoid person who thinks he is being watched.
By the way, in case you were not aware of him already, Thomas Karat is a Dutch man who hosts the SaltCubeAnalytics show on YouTube (and Substack). I don't know if he calls himself a journalist or not, but he is clever and has conducted great interviews on the genocide and the long history preceding it.
yeah its confusing. at times he makes a lot of sense, and at other times his brand of "offensive realism" just doesn't take into consideration objective analysis of power relations. I dislike how he thinks that US foreign policy is almost entirely controlled by Israel and Israel is the one pulling all the strings. And as for the US he just throws his hands up in the air and says 'there's nothing America can do, it's all Israel's fault.' Totally absurd.
On the surface, yes, but then again it could be good for Wierd Duk's audience to have his malicious views challenged. 'Debate him for the onlookers'. Duk though, he's hardly trying here... extremely lazy zionist talking points. Just completely racist and dumb.
I love the way you write you have a gift; I live in a world where my daddy taught me. "live in peace, don't cause shit." Now you tell me sweet date, if you had a brain in your head: you live in a neighborhood that is thug ridden. on every corner there are really rough people; would you go and deliberately stick your index finger in the eye of the biggest thug on the street? would you knowing that he is touchy, insult his mother and feel up his girlfriend? Truth is that is what the Pallies did. They wanted a reaction, they provoked a response. The trouble is it is not the usual response they got.
They were used to the policeman pulling the bully off after they got a bloody nose. This time the police were in Ukraine; the gangster curb-stomped the Pallies head and then came back to kick his ribs in.
If it was me I would have loaded the whole of Gaza onto boats and then offered them to the likes of you to take them into your country, into your home and neighborhoods. In the real world you prefer to stand at a distance and carp. Offer to sponsor a Pally family in your home... No?
Before you tell me about the American patriots throwing off the yoke of British oppression, tell me about how they wiped out the Indians. Get real. While I am pressing buttons: tell me please, where did Abraham come from when he invaded the land? Go and look up where Ur is and while we are asking questions, if the Pallies are the original people of the land that the Israelis are displacing; what happened to the Hittites, Jebusites and why oh why do historians tell us the Pallies came from Cyprus; who did they kill to get the land? Poor Tamara, you see, you have been sold a dud. You, history poor, have swallowed a lie, hook, line ,and sinker. Go anywhere in the world and find me a place where one civilization has not replaced another. Ask yourself, Why is there a Greek name like Mariupol now in Russia formally Ukraine, formally, formally, formally... where you find the suffix 'Pol' attached to a name, you see Greek occupation... replaced by the Turks... What I try to explain to you is this: nobody owns land, land is a commodity that is exchanged for blood.
Tamara I live in a real world where fathers warn their sons, 'Don't go looking for trouble or you will find it." this father and son wisdom thing may not resonate with you so I put it to you. If your 16 year old daughter said to you, I have the right to walk half naked through a gang area displaying my bod to everyone on the street, would you say to her, way to go girl, you have the right and I back you... or would you advise caution? The Pallies wanted trouble and found it. We live in a world of the letter of the law and then there is reality. We might think that reality is suspended but as with 36 t in debt...
Gaza and the obstruction of aid. We see it with our own eyes, we receive frantic messages asking for help. That bloke was regurgitating Israel's propaganda that defies belief.
There is reality and then there is dreamland. The former is enduring and the latter like Facebook and Instagram. One like gold and the other like Dutch gilders, or Spanish $ Or The mighty Pound Stirling or the Almighty $. What amuses me is to see people imagine that MMT is going to work or that some Convention in Geneva will change the nature of man.
Look at the world and see all the straight lines defining countries borders, Egypt, Sudan, Syria, Libya.... All lines on maps that mean nothing. I say repetitively; show me one place on earth that was occupied by anything other than by war and I will stop talking. Look at what has just happened in Syria, The straight lines disappeared over a weekend. I know that according to the rules it should not happen but it did.
I know that when Trump says "we need Greenland and the Panama Canal and we will take it;" people need a cope... they say no, the Geneva convention says... it is a cope, not reality.
Dr. Mearscheiner, I have two questions. 1) you say that Trump can’t stop the war in Ukraine unless he’s willing to leave Ukraine’s land in Russia’s hands and upset NATO/EU, but as someone who likes Putin and dislikes Europe and NATO, wouldn’t Trump be quite willing to do that? 2) if Putin started his war because of NATO’s 2008 decision to take in Ukraine, what is Putin hoping to achieve in the war?
In so many words, John Mearsheimer said that there are a myriad of geopolitical problems facing the human race as a species. I would add that we’re facing a whole host of problems beyond those that are simply within the realm of geopolitics.
And I would argue that the “course” I’ve developed is the best way to try to either overcome those problems or manage them so that they become increasingly more manageable.
I'll watch the video, hope the title is not the content! Then I'll edit this comment eventually.
But a part from talks, discussions, posts, comments, one thing we could do: Do the same as they do!! Promote the boycotting of American products and culture, their media, their Socials and everything belong to that State or it's behind the scene: warmongers/imperialists as Balckrock,Vanguard at al. Sell US stocks, ETF... sell dollars. Stop traveling there, the World is beautiful why going to the bad Empire then? Boycotting is legal, no one is going to go for you if you don't buy their stuff.
The only way to shutdown the United Criminals of America is economically... that's why they're so afraid of China!
Mr Mearsheimer I do NOT watch you any more.
I suspect you are Chinaphobe.
John is an academic and yet describes Gaza as Genocide. One look at the dictionary and you see he is misguided.
He is correct on that. It is Genocide.
I see another Zionist who has not read the UN Convention on Genocide - key sentence…..’in whole or in part’. It does not say ‘ wiping out a nation or a people’. Consider……. if a timeout had been taken in the middle of the Nazi Holocaust (say early1944), would it have been a serious argument to have said that it was not a genocide because not enough Jews had yet been killed? Further consider…….. it’s May 1945, the war has ended; would it have been a serious argument to have said that it was not a Genocide, because not all the Jews in the world have been killed (not even all the Jews in Europe actually).
Oh, and Israel is not ‘insisting on confining’ anything to Gaza (where have you been for the last 15 months?). Palestinians (hundreds of them) have been killed on the illegally occupied WB during this genocide, plus thousands seriously injured.
This horror is not a war, it’s absolutely a genocide, and I predict that the ICJ (despite the enormous pressure from the Israeli occupied congress), will determine it to be so.
I will not bother to respond to your tired tropes & Zionist talking points, except to point out that you forgot all about ‘beheaded babies’ and ‘mass rapes’.
It does rather seem today, that Israel ‘f…..d around and found out’. Just a very short summary of where we are.
None of Israel’s stated war aims had been achieved. The IDF could not release the hostages, and Hamas is not defeated. The IDF could not push Hezbollah back across the Litani, and much of Hezbollahs offensive missile capability is intact. Why has Israel signed the ceasefire? Because of two things……. it knows that the Gaza war is done, it couldn’t defeat Hamas, and it couldn’t get its hostages. Secondly, Trump gave Israel the cover it needed to sign, without having to fess up to the former (‘We didn’t want to, but Trump made us).
Israel has been shown to be an airforce masquerading as a country - their land combat capability has to now be of serious concern to Israeli citizens. They couldn’t take a tiny sliver of land in Gaza, nor could they take anything significant in Lebanon. Totally dependant on a few thousand influential & wealthy citizens of another country 5,000 miles away. That dependency is now cruelly exposed- military, economic, and diplomatic. If any one of those pillars of support is pulled away, Israel is done.
Israel is despised cross the entire globe, inc by the general publics in western countries. It is diplomatically dead. Its high officials are under indictment by the ICC, and the state itself is under investigation for Genocide. Anyone who has ever served in the IDF needs to be extremely circumspect about travelling outside of the country.
The Palestinian issue is now centre stage globally. I don’t think it will go away in a hurry. Hamas are heroes throughout the Arab and Muslim world, throughout the global south, and I actually suspect throughout quite a bit of the west.
To me it seems that Israel bet the farm, rolled the dice, and lost - prob lost everything. It remains an important colony of the USA, but decolonisation is a long, grinding process, and always succeeds in the end.
Yes, this guy seems to be our resident ziobot, trolling the internet to inject what he’s learned from his HASBARA handbook. Not only are his ‘facts’ manufactured (HASBARA teaches you how to twist facts) but critical thinking is nonexistent..
If it’s genocide, why was Israel increasing the number of permits for Gaza Arabs to work in Israel, before those Arabs used the intel gathered from their time in the Negev to butcher their employers on Oct 7.
If it’s genocide, why has the population of Palestinian Arabs increased by MILLIONS since 1967?
I could go on, and on, and on, but Jew-haters are doomed and not worth arguing with.
Thanks for sparing us your ‘going on and on and on’.. you’ve said enough and now it’s time to kindly eff off..
Not until you answer my question:
If it’s genocide, why has the population of Palestinian Arabs increased by MILLIONS since 1967?
Then by your own logic, the Nazis didn’t commit genocide of the Jews.. otherwise, why are/were there still Jews in Europe after the act? Turns out, you can’t really kill off everyone (even if your sicko of a god tells you to by way of Amalek) because: a) it’s too damn hard and b) no one really likes it so you try to avoid looking like Satan.. one more tidbit for you, ‘genocide’ requires certain legal requirements which the legal folks have concluded applies in the case of the zios against the civilian population of Palestine. If genocide gets your knickers in a twist, feel free to call it mass murder, crimes against humanity, ethnic cleaning, satanic ritualistic slaughter, vampiric sadistic bloodletting.. I’m sure any of the above would sit better with you and your ilk..
If it is genocide why are the Israelis not attacking the Pallies on the west bank or the Pallies in Jordan? If the definition of a genocide is wiping out a nation or a people why are they insisting on confining this to Gaza and why oh why are they being killed while fighting what is clearly a war? These are not unarmed civilians, they are hostage taking terrorists led by murderous leaders who have no problem hiding arms under schools and hospitals. If Gaza is a state, then the state of Gaza took hostages and is holding hostages. If they wanted the war to end they should release the hostages and surrender the criminals. Clearly they don't want an end to the war. F around and find out.
Read some proper news NOT Mainstream Media!
At least you didn't call me Hitler; well done, but you avoid the questions I asked. Answer the reasonable questions if only for your own intellectual honesty. One more question for you: If there is no God, and therefor no judgment and therefore no consequences why should you use a term like holocaust ? It is a trigger, a wolf-whistle, a trope like BLM trying to pretend that history changed when you were born. I ask, is there any place on earth that you know of that has a history not bathed in blood? Show one place on earth that was settled without death, destruction and what you call genocide. Show one!
" I ask, is there any place on earth that you know of that has a history not bathed in blood? ... one place on earth that was settled without death, destruction and what you call genocide"
Years ago, I listened a podcast on the Russian conquest of Siberia, and the guest historian, a Westerner, argued that it was surprisingly peaceful, not at all like the conquest of the American West. Much later I wanted to review the matter, but failed to find that website. I then went to Amazon.com and saw that the highest rated books on the same subject tell another story.
But there is another aspect of your query that irritates me: Let's say there's an area that has been settled by humans for 10,000 years. Two points: 1) Of much of its past we would be necessarily ignorant o. 2) Even if it was a place of peaceful coexistence for 99,9% of its history, and had just one bloody episode, you could say "it was settled in blood" and be correct technically.
The ZionNazis (since we’re giving cute nomenclatures to both sides) are committing war crimes in the West Bank. Are you now our official ziobot resident now? Or have you just emerged from under a rock (called IsraHell, of course..)??
You are an excitable little girl, I like passion but you are going to do better, Throwing insults does not constitute an argument. War crimes... war is a crime in and of its nature so lets get real, what is there fair and just in killing a human? What I am interested in, maliciously teasing it out of this discussion: on what do you base your accusation of war crimes? Inarticulate as I am I ask; who decides what a war crime is? There is so much emotion and passion, slinging of words as you open your message with: "Nazi" and your closing... ÏsraelHell.
Diana, what you don't realize is: girls fight with their mouths but implicit to men is the threat of violence. This is the real world where the Pallies knew they were provoking a response. they F'd around and found out. As I explained to some other woman, if you live in a rough neighborhood where everybody is armed to the teeth as in the ME, what do you expect when you punch the tough guy in the mouth. The Pallies punched the MMA thug in the mouth and you get exited? Wake up, smell the coffee. The Pallies thought the police would come like the last time; instead they got curb-stomped. Living in America with no viable enemies it is perfectly understandable to indulge magical thinking. In Africa where I live, where 1 in 3 women are raped this year, where disease and poverty are endemic, we look at you and think, they have to invent causes like Covid, BLM, Me Too to give meaning to life.
Give yourself space to think,,, What makes it a war crime, why is it okay to bomb Serbia, Iraq, Afghanistan, Vietnam, Yemen, Granada, Libya and not share the joy with Gaza? Get real and realize that war is part of mans nature, deep in his bones', part of his DNA. If what Israel is doing in Gaza is wrong, I ask why? On what basis do you judge. What is your north star, what is your objective measure...?
Is that what they teach boys like you at Hasbara school? To string words that add up to sentences, tumble into paragraphs and then result in drivel? No discernible theme nor logic.. just verbal diarrhea.. The Israeli Diaper Force are taught to kill little children and declare victory.. the zionazis spend all these billions on propaganda and then someone like you rolls off the machine like a giant steaming turd to ostensibly set the record straight and teach us all how to frame their crimes.. no wonder y’all are hated.. the logic and psychopathy of a Ted Bundy.. this shit stain will stick with you for generations to come and all you can do is cry and lament why most of the human population hates you. Or is your comeback that you enjoy being hated? ‘Cause you’re special? Nay, C-H-O-S-E-N 😂
p.s. with your sorry logic, you justified the extermination of the inferior Jews at the hands of the superior Germans (typical schoolboy error). As fight is inherent in humankind’s nature.. I guess the Jews fucked around and found out..
Which dictionary? The one produced in Israel? I guess all the qualified international entities to describe it as a genocide are looking at the wrong dictionary and need to borrow yours..
what is the reason "America should ally w/Russia against China"?? this is complete and utter mad hatter stuff. Biden might not have been compos mentis, but this is absurdistan 2.0
lol, yeah, I guess you can understand it in the context of the divide and conquer strategy. Zbigniew Brzezinski famously wrote in The Grand Chessboard that the biggest threat to the US is an "alliance of the aggrieved", the fact that our enemies may unite against us if we piss them off too much. The US under Nixon sought to normalise relations with China in the 70s during the Cold War because we needed China's help in containing the Soviet Union and we didn't want to be fighting both Russia and China at the same time. But then the Soviet Union collapsed and so we didn't need China anymore and continued to try to "contain" China. But now China and Russia have united, there are those who want to turn them against each other once again. As Yanis Varoufakis explained at the Thinkers Forum, US foreign policy elites are divided between those who want to finish off Russia, to bring about its collapse and balkanisation, and those who want to end hostility to Russia and instead focus on the "real" threat of China. What's clear is that America's sole strategic goal for the last 70 years has been predicated on one thing: making sure no other global power becomes too powerful, such that they usurp US dominance. We successfully turned Ukraine and Russia against each other for the purpose of bleeding Russia, now it seems some want to turn Russia against China. Which will never happen. All of these people are insane.
absolutely. not only T, for he's merely a mouth piece for others further up the chain. as Caitlin Johnstone/Consortium News remarked: there will reportedly be no fewer than 13 billionaires with official roles in the new Trump administration. ouch.... - https://consortiumnews.com/2025/01/21/caitlin-johnstone-trump-is-the-empire-unmasked/
Dr. Mearsheimer, your neocon approach to China is repellent. I am horrified by it.
Excellent discussion, respectful, and eye opening. And very rare in today’s western world to hear truth about Israel.
Thank you, Professor Mearsheimer, for your brilliant analysis and alsook for your courage to call the Israeli genocide by its name. It is sad that mr Wierd Duk is not interested in the facts on the genocide issue. He rather dwells with his Zionist opinions. But herewith, as an influential Dutch journalist, he makes himself a complice of the terrible crimes committed.
Agreed, I found Mr Duk's conduct to be strange. He is clearly not shy about expressing controversial opinions regarding the war in Ukraine, but on the genocide it's as if he reciting headlines from Israeli propaganda. It was telling that he was a lot less engaged in that portion of the discussion, and made it explicit that he was in disagreement without actually explaining or defending his own position. It's a sign of dishonesty. He acted like a paranoid person who thinks he is being watched.
By the way, in case you were not aware of him already, Thomas Karat is a Dutch man who hosts the SaltCubeAnalytics show on YouTube (and Substack). I don't know if he calls himself a journalist or not, but he is clever and has conducted great interviews on the genocide and the long history preceding it.
Thank you. Please host more discussions like this. Very informative. And what a treat to hear opposing thoughts discussed respectfully by all.
Mearsheimer is an enigma. His version of rational "realpolitiek" is inconsistent and devoid of practical solutions.
yeah its confusing. at times he makes a lot of sense, and at other times his brand of "offensive realism" just doesn't take into consideration objective analysis of power relations. I dislike how he thinks that US foreign policy is almost entirely controlled by Israel and Israel is the one pulling all the strings. And as for the US he just throws his hands up in the air and says 'there's nothing America can do, it's all Israel's fault.' Totally absurd.
Wierd Duk is a Zionist supporting racist. A waste of your time.
On the surface, yes, but then again it could be good for Wierd Duk's audience to have his malicious views challenged. 'Debate him for the onlookers'. Duk though, he's hardly trying here... extremely lazy zionist talking points. Just completely racist and dumb.
Yeah,that’s what the Shit Kikes want!
I love the way you write you have a gift; I live in a world where my daddy taught me. "live in peace, don't cause shit." Now you tell me sweet date, if you had a brain in your head: you live in a neighborhood that is thug ridden. on every corner there are really rough people; would you go and deliberately stick your index finger in the eye of the biggest thug on the street? would you knowing that he is touchy, insult his mother and feel up his girlfriend? Truth is that is what the Pallies did. They wanted a reaction, they provoked a response. The trouble is it is not the usual response they got.
They were used to the policeman pulling the bully off after they got a bloody nose. This time the police were in Ukraine; the gangster curb-stomped the Pallies head and then came back to kick his ribs in.
If it was me I would have loaded the whole of Gaza onto boats and then offered them to the likes of you to take them into your country, into your home and neighborhoods. In the real world you prefer to stand at a distance and carp. Offer to sponsor a Pally family in your home... No?
Before you tell me about the American patriots throwing off the yoke of British oppression, tell me about how they wiped out the Indians. Get real. While I am pressing buttons: tell me please, where did Abraham come from when he invaded the land? Go and look up where Ur is and while we are asking questions, if the Pallies are the original people of the land that the Israelis are displacing; what happened to the Hittites, Jebusites and why oh why do historians tell us the Pallies came from Cyprus; who did they kill to get the land? Poor Tamara, you see, you have been sold a dud. You, history poor, have swallowed a lie, hook, line ,and sinker. Go anywhere in the world and find me a place where one civilization has not replaced another. Ask yourself, Why is there a Greek name like Mariupol now in Russia formally Ukraine, formally, formally, formally... where you find the suffix 'Pol' attached to a name, you see Greek occupation... replaced by the Turks... What I try to explain to you is this: nobody owns land, land is a commodity that is exchanged for blood.
Tamara I live in a real world where fathers warn their sons, 'Don't go looking for trouble or you will find it." this father and son wisdom thing may not resonate with you so I put it to you. If your 16 year old daughter said to you, I have the right to walk half naked through a gang area displaying my bod to everyone on the street, would you say to her, way to go girl, you have the right and I back you... or would you advise caution? The Pallies wanted trouble and found it. We live in a world of the letter of the law and then there is reality. We might think that reality is suspended but as with 36 t in debt...
Gaza and the obstruction of aid. We see it with our own eyes, we receive frantic messages asking for help. That bloke was regurgitating Israel's propaganda that defies belief.
There is reality and then there is dreamland. The former is enduring and the latter like Facebook and Instagram. One like gold and the other like Dutch gilders, or Spanish $ Or The mighty Pound Stirling or the Almighty $. What amuses me is to see people imagine that MMT is going to work or that some Convention in Geneva will change the nature of man.
Look at the world and see all the straight lines defining countries borders, Egypt, Sudan, Syria, Libya.... All lines on maps that mean nothing. I say repetitively; show me one place on earth that was occupied by anything other than by war and I will stop talking. Look at what has just happened in Syria, The straight lines disappeared over a weekend. I know that according to the rules it should not happen but it did.
I know that when Trump says "we need Greenland and the Panama Canal and we will take it;" people need a cope... they say no, the Geneva convention says... it is a cope, not reality.
If that’s all Mearsheimer can come up with, he should become very quiet.
Dr. Mearscheiner, I have two questions. 1) you say that Trump can’t stop the war in Ukraine unless he’s willing to leave Ukraine’s land in Russia’s hands and upset NATO/EU, but as someone who likes Putin and dislikes Europe and NATO, wouldn’t Trump be quite willing to do that? 2) if Putin started his war because of NATO’s 2008 decision to take in Ukraine, what is Putin hoping to achieve in the war?
In so many words, John Mearsheimer said that there are a myriad of geopolitical problems facing the human race as a species. I would add that we’re facing a whole host of problems beyond those that are simply within the realm of geopolitics.
And I would argue that the “course” I’ve developed is the best way to try to either overcome those problems or manage them so that they become increasingly more manageable.
I'll watch the video, hope the title is not the content! Then I'll edit this comment eventually.
But a part from talks, discussions, posts, comments, one thing we could do: Do the same as they do!! Promote the boycotting of American products and culture, their media, their Socials and everything belong to that State or it's behind the scene: warmongers/imperialists as Balckrock,Vanguard at al. Sell US stocks, ETF... sell dollars. Stop traveling there, the World is beautiful why going to the bad Empire then? Boycotting is legal, no one is going to go for you if you don't buy their stuff.
The only way to shutdown the United Criminals of America is economically... that's why they're so afraid of China!