If only there were more people like yourself, with the knowledge and insight so desperately lacking this side of the pond, Professor.

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I really see little difference between what our goals were for Russia when we helped implement a coup in Ukraine in 2014 and what they are now, that is Putin has got to go, and we are more then willing to continue to implement a genocide of sorts in using Ukrainian lives to do it. Our capacity to implement death and destruction has a long record which is now on full display in helping Israel implement a genocide in Gaza.

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Can’t wait to listen to this one! Please don’t hold back & keep telling us how you really feel about Blinken! 😀

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Brilliant John. Thanks so much for all the time and effort you put into helping people better understand the facts and the reality about our present conditions and why they have arisen. You are a global treasure!

Always thinking about your friend Stephen F Cohen as well these days - may be rest in peace.

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Sadly missing in this discussion is mention of de-escalation and diplomacy. That’s the best outcome! But only possible if the Anglosphere, particularly the US, gets out of Eastern Europe.

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There is a long interview with Tucker Carlson out now - I just started watching it.

I hope John puts it up too.

Listeners to the Judge have heard most of what John has to say many times from many speakers.

Listeners to Tucker rarely get to hear this kind of honsty.

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I do agree with Mearsheimer on Ukraine, but I disagree on Israel.

Let's look at this segment. The prof claims that Israel had lost the last exchange with Iran, scratch it, the ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF IRAN.

Let's look at the dry balance: Israel had attacked a military headquarters at or near, does not matter, Iranian embassy, and killed numerous senior military personnel. Iran shot back - no damage, no casualties.

No question - as professor says, Iran would want to develop nuclear weapons. So, Israel had an itsy-bitsy strike and had destroyed a main radar near Iran's nuclear facilities. This radar is/was the key component of Iranian defense.

That was a clear message - "we can fuck you up any time we want".

So, who had won, professor?

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Same everytime Israel strikes out at innocent victims and opponents show their anger combined with measured control. Israel loses.

Palestinians used to send their children to throw rocks at Israel IDF troops. IDF fired back with rifles. Who won?

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Just stop and think for a minute about what you are saying.

"Palestinians used to send their children to throw rocks". SEND THEIR CHILDREN... in a harm's way.

And often these "children" throw not rocks, but Molotov cocktails. And then you are saying that it is Israel's fault....

BTW, UN qualifies everyone 19 and under as a "child". And these are now most of Hamas recruits...

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Gee, what is the explanation for all the dead Palestinian children now? Not rocks thrown. Oh, yeah, the genocide.

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It's the same explanation - islamists use their children as shields.

And, no, there is no "genocide".

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There is no genocide because you want to remain blind to the horrors Israel is implementing. The Germans did that too.

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your accusations are not supported by facts.

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I’d be interested to see your sources for those numbers and statements.

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Of course it is Israel's fault - can you imagine the situation you'd have to be in to allow your children to throw rocks?

Well obviously you can't.

You (and israel) lost the moral argument the moment those kids risked their lives.

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Such an intelligent commentator. Clearly exposes the Western Elites, as fools and arrogant clowns.

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