Thank you Professor Meirsheimer for continuing to give interviews. As a U.S. moderate, despite the bad news it is refreshing to get accurate assessments and context using facts and logic.

I recently received tremendous insight from your 2015 talk which pleaded about changing course with Ukraine and what would happen if they went down US gudied Primrose Path. Please keep spreading facts and correct historical context.

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Former president Zelensky (his term in office expired without a peep from the Western MSM) will never accept the offer because if he did he will be murdered by the Azov troopers. But the Putin plan, which is an updated version of the Istanbul agreement, accepted by and then rejected by Zelensky, is a powerful diplomatic maneuver designed for the audience in Turkey, China, India, South Africa and even Italy (+ a few more). Putin now is free to demand total surrender of the Banderites and the installation of a REAL Ukrainian regime after a new constitution. The West will have to forgo its shopping list, as stated by Lindsey Graham. And as for Zelensky he will go down in history alongside Nguyen van Thieu, Somoza, Lon Nol, Papa Doc Duvalier, and other tyrants who believed in Uncle Sam.

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Professor Meirsheimer, Will you please give us your assessment of Putin's terms for ending the conflict (today 6-14-24) which I'm sure the peace-loving Presidents Blinken/Sullivan will torpedo.

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i guess you expect meershimer to be as pro putin as you are. and i think you will not be disappointed. the basic message from meershimer has been give putin what he wants because he is the stronger one. very nice. i think also do not try to stop rapists because they are stronger than their victims.

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If this is all you do for FISU, I suggest you go to the front lines where you are desperately needed.

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well, did meershimer agree that putin should get what he is asking for? i am guessing he did. what does that have to do with me going to the front lines? maybe you should go to moscow and offer your diplomatic services together meershimer. am not in the habit of telling people where to go but since you have been so kind

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Unfortunately, Professor, ruminating does not guarantee digestion.

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is meershimer pushing putin's new so-called peace offer?

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They said no Putin's new peace offer (bellow video from CRUX). This war is becoming something normal and the illiberal countries are at the same time more connected (economically, financially etc).


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I wish you guys would take the time to quickly review my “course”… It would be well worth your time.

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