It’s incredible how some people think it’s somehow acceptable to use the lives of others as pawns in a sick geopolitical games. Games which are driven by diagnosable mentally ill creeps (those with narcissistic personality disorder NPD) who use a form of tribalism (nationalism) to dupe young men into engaging in armed conflicts (war). I’m sure that if any intelligent beings from another galaxy came to earth and saw what was going on they’d think we were crazy. All of this foolishness is avoidable.

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Sep 6·edited Sep 6

I don't know what is it with the Western societies now but I believe that the Christian philosophy, like prof. Glenn Diesen suggested, can help end us end the circle of hate between West and Est and focus on the right things. I am sure competition exists but our actions have to be kept in certain human limits. If we don't behave like humans we will end up back in the stone age and continue our fight there, with stones.

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Sep 6·edited Sep 6

It seems bizarre to continue a war that in no way can benefit the US or Ukraine, or anyone else, and if anything it makes you feel Biden is really running the show, and is as mindless as his performance in his debate with Trump. Or perhaps this is America's war helter skelter style. Couple that with the genocide in Gaza and supporting a man so corrupt he belongs in jail and his ass is out as long as he continues to kill people, children, and we support him too, and let Gallant get away with calling them all animals. Yes the Israeli's are out and in an uproar, but not because of the deaths of the Palestinians, and their children, but because they want their hostages back. Yet Kamala can run on the same ticket, supporting the same agenda, and she is applauded and America is happy that a woman is running on the democratic ticket for president and she's black, well half black, because we are so liberal. And yes, the democrats had their convention, in shades of blue, and filled with stars and their representatives, like Obama and Nancy, and Biden, and so many are rich now, but not because they serviced their constituency, but for serving the rich.

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Thanks to Professor Mearsheimer for posting this interview. I don't follow Col. Davis' postings so it was a treat. Barring a catastrophic collapse of the Ukrainian army, I think this conflict will simmer for quite some time. In fact, it is the person of Zelensky who is barring the way, and the neo-nazis behind him. Putin and the US are probably banking on Zelensky's overthrow and his replacement with somebody else - Big Minh, remember him? Remember Bakhtiar?

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In the US, a farce called "elections" takes place every four years. Its importance lies not in the people, but in the way the ruling plutocracy reasserts itself in power.

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It is clear that the next stage of this war will be about provoking Russia/NATO (countries) intervention. I am saying this starting from the use of hypersonic missile/s (by Russia) to strike the Swedish AWACS instructors, which AWACS will be used for the strikes using F16+JASSM missiles (800km range). Everybody should speak about the massive wave of Ukrainians who will migrate from Eastern part to the Western part of Ukraine. They need shelter, food, medical services and heat during the winter (in 1.5-2 months from now). Ukraine doesn't have heat for the coming winter. It will be a humanitarian disaster. The mainstream media doesn't cover this because they don't care.

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Which eastern part of Ukraine? The part that was originally East Ukraine, now West Russia, or the part that was formerly centre-East Ukraine, now borderland East Ukraine? The denizens of the former will clearly stay put. The latter have a choice - I’d imagine a lot of them, and there are a lot of Russian speakers in the area, must be wondering if life under the Russian yoke could be worse than under Zelensky, particularly considering the suppression of the Russian language and the Orthodox Church, as well as likely reprisals against Russian speakers in the event that there is ever an end. So you could get movement in both directions.

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Sep 6·edited Sep 6

And I don't think you can blame the Ukrainians, or at least the majority of them, because they didn't have weapons. I am sure the majority of the Ukrainians don't like the interference of Russia in their internal politics but this is available for any country that is not a great power :) . Of the smaller countries only N.Korea believes that can be independent :) (according to its doctrine) and we know how that country looks.

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The Eastern part we are discussing now about is the one on the left side of Dnieper. Probably a large part of the population from this part, especially women and children will try to move to the other side of Dnieper. People migrated after the invasion. That was a group of people.

These things related to language and church are more related to the causes of the conflict. They are not so relevant from the humanitarian perspective. We analyze and try to understand the causes but this is one discussion.

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Hey, the Ukrainians have agency here. They could end the war whenever they want.

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Stupid people are doing stupid things and bad people bad things. It is what we can learn from this war.

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Everyone, including brilliant people, blunder. It's why we need rules to guide our behavior. Not that the rules will always be perfect. Putin blundered badly but in all fairness he was dealt a difficult hand.

Maybe next time he will deal with internal problems directly rather than blame them on others.

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I am not a Putin/Russia lover. But I can say, as a Romanian, that the only issue for me with regard to Russia is its involvement in Moldova internal affairs. The Moldavians are (the majority of them) Romanians that speak Romanian (with local accent). My only concern here is related to the behaviour and the way of thinking ij the West and to the humanitarian side.

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Sep 6·edited Sep 6

So, Russia needs first to take its hands of Moldova and after that we can talk as normal people. From my perspective, what happened in the past (including communism) is in the past. I don't want any war between my country and Russia but my country cannot be in good relations with Russia as long as they have interests in Moldova.

A large percent of people here, in Romania, perceive Russia the same as in the West. Because of mainstream media that is misinforming the population.

There are also people who believe or at least say (mostly populists) that communism was a good thing for the country and starting from this they developed/show an attachment for Russia. Others, younger, became contaminated by these populists, but they show a lack of empathy towards civilians dying in Ukraine.

So, there are two extreme way of thinking here.

Probably there are also people who don't care, but how many don't have access to TV.

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