The most stunning evidence supporting what JM says here is financial.

How does a country with Third World longevity , West-leading child poverty, and debts of $36 trillion find the money to give Israel $$400 billion and weaponry ? The US blew $8 trillion on Iraq/Afghan because of Israel and oil.

Yet Israel’s foreign reserves per cap dwarf those of the US and even exceed Norway! This is crazy and although Israel cadged the money under false pretences, it is time to stop all aid of any kind to the brutal scofflaw.

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>>"How does a country with Third World longevity , West-leading child poverty, and debts of $36 trillion find the money to give Israel $$400 billion and weaponry ?"

It's called Modern Monetary Theory (MMT). Due to US Dollar hegemony and its military, for all real intents and purposes, the $36 trillion debt is irrelevant. Don't be surprised if this debt doubles in the next one or two decades. The US can keep on printing money (changing numbers on a computer screen) as long as its global hegemony remains in place. The minute this status quo is changed, all bets are off...

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Which is why the destruction of the petrodollar is seen as so dangerous. It led to Saddam Hussein's downfall after being a useful tyrant for the US for a long time. Russia, China and their group are working now to replace the petrodollar.

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Yes, also Libya. The US needs to maintain US Dollar hegemony at all costs - and will go to any length (it seems) to do so. BRICS is working on alternatives, though they are moving too slowly (IMHO). Who knows how things will unfold...

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Saddam was the wrong target. Iran has always been more dangerous

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Since Iran has not attacked anyone for more than a century it can hardly be dangerous. Israel on the other hand has been attacking others since it invented itself nearly 80 years ago. The rabid, rogue state in the Middle East is Israel, not Iran.

And if you want to talk dangerous, the reason why most people in the world consider the US the greatest threat to world peace is because it has been constantly waging war since it invented itself in the 18th century.

Israel says Iran is a threat and the US complies with the lies because Iran is a strong country with an ancient culture and a lot of brilliant people and stands between Israel dominating and dictating to the Middle East.

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Iraq war was a mistake because it made Iran stronger geopolitically. We supported Iraq during their 10 year war vs Iran

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Well, the Iraqis started the war with Iran after being given the go-ahead by the US so it was another proxy US war. The Iraqis goofed when they attacked Kuwait because the Americans had not given the go-ahead for that one. Saddam Hussein thought they had because when he floated it past the American ambassador she did not say no and in that Middle Eastern way, he thought that was yes. It wasn't and a lot of people died for nothing really. Well, lots of people have died for nothing and are still dying today in American created wars.

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The nuclear deal with Iran was dumb and reckless. Iran has been a theocracy since 1979. Nuclear deterrence does not work against religious wing-nuts

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The only reason Iran is a theocracy is because the meddling Americans interfered and put in their stooge, Shah, and that eventually led to radicalism, which is what happens and the rest of it was history.

As to criticising Iran as a theocracy, does that mean you criticise Israel for being a theocratic state which gives superior rights to one religion, Jews?

From what I have read Jews in Iran have more freedom and political representation than Christians or Muslims do in what is called Israel.

The religious right-wing nuts are the Israelis and you are correct, nothing works with them because they are insane. The Iranians are an ancient and cultured people who have not attacked anyone for more than a century. The are far smarter than the Israelis which is why they have held a measured course in the face of Ziorael aggression.

If Iran has nuclear weapons and it probably does, then blame Israel for playing regional thug, constantly attacking others and assassinating Iranian scientists.

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We can’t print money forever. This can’t go on forever. Modern monetary theory is garbage and intellectual dishonesty

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Why do you say that MMT is garbage and intellectual dishonesty? Any reasons, justifications, or evidence for your opinion?

In terms of printing money forever, all Governments (and all nations) print money (for multiple reasons) - the US just does more of it than any other country - and can get away with it due to US Imperialism and global hegemony.

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Printing money is inflationary and weakens the dollar. Look at Argentina and Venezuela. Look at the Weimar Republic. Look at Chile under Allende. The theory is garbage

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Here are some more links:

(1) https://www.investopedia.com/modern-monetary-theory-mmt-4588060

(2) https://www.vox.com/future-perfect/2019/4/16/18251646/modern-monetary-theory-new-moment-explained

There are many videos on YouTube that explain this in further detail - it does take a while to wrap one's head around it as it is non-intuitive.

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MMT was fabricated to justify fiscal irresponsibility such as Medicare for all or universal basic income.

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It’s non intuitive because it is nonsensical

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It seems to me that your knowledge of economics, finance, and central banks is weak/deficient.

Here's just one example: Argentina, Venezuela & Weimar Republic did not have a global hegemony on their currency. No other country other than the US has this. This is what makes the US different. Until you understand this one crucial fact/difference, how inflation works, and how central banks really work (you won't get this info from MSM or economic textbooks), you will likely continue to believe the false narratives you have been led to believe.

I could recommend some MMT sources/videos/documentation to you (if you are interested).

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How do you explain inflation since 2021? And Biden didn’t inherit 9 percent inflation on January 20, 2021

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How do you explain inflation during the 1970s and early 80s? The global hegemony currency theory falls apart. Global hegemony doesn’t matter for inflation because inflation is domestic not global

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Nonsense but don't distort it.

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I have to be nuanced about nonsense?

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I agree with Mearsheimer on this. However, in his book he doesn’t give the Jewish element of the lobby enough credit: 40% of Biden’s cabinet is Jewish, and Jews comprise many senior positions throughout key government departments. It’s not just organisations like AIPAC that matter in the lobby (which is all Mearsheimer has examined) , it’s also the Jewish members of the government who should be considered.

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When you say Jews you mean Zionists? Because that’s what half or more of the congress is made of, Zionist Jews or Christians who are the cancer of humanity bringing us to the brink of WWIII.

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I’m referring to Cabinet - the highest political organ of state - of which 10/25 of its members are Jewish: Alejandro Mayorkas, Merrick Garland, Janet Yellen, Antony Blinken, Avril Haines, Rachel Levine, Anne Neuberger, Wendy Sherman, Jeffrey Zients, and Eric Lander. All in all, that’s 40% of the cabinet. If you consider the fact that many are married to Jews (“Jews by association”), such as Karmala Harris, that may go up. Here’s a good article from TOI on this topic: https://www.timesofisrael.com/all-the-jews-biden-has-tapped-for-top-roles-in-his-new-administration/

As Richard Nixon said, there is nothing necessarily sinister about Jews working overtime in the government to steer Israel in a pro-Israel direction: from their perspective , given the Holocaust, protecting Israel is a chief priority. However, as an american, one must ask whether it’s good having a fifth column in the government.

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One could also ask what is the value in supposedly protecting followers of Judaism because of the experience of European Jews nearly a century ago?

American Jews were never at risk. In fact most Jews were never at risk in WWII so why the paranoia today? Why should Americans have their Government and country dictated to by a minority religion because of something some followers experienced in the now distant past?

And since in WWII, tens of millions suffered a holocaust experience, most of them not Jews, why the emphasis on Jews? The reality is that the Zionists and Jews have milked the Jewish holocaust experience in WWII for their own power agendas.

Yes many Jews suffered in WWII, horribly. But so did many Christians and Muslims persecuted because of their race, Slavs and Gypsies, or for other political reasons.

What makes the suffering of Jews greater than the suffering of others? What makes the suffering of 6 million Jews, as claimed, more important than the suffering of tens of millions of non-Jews?

What makes the suffering of European Jews nearly a century ago more important than the ghastly holocaust Jews are now inflicting on men, women and children in Occupied Palestine today. Indeed, the Palestinians have suffered the longest holocaust in modern history with nearly a century of sadistic, savage and bestial abuse from their colonial rulers.

Will that even greater holocaust be used to allow them to infiltrate the corridors of power in the US, waving their victim flag of suffering as others have done? I very much doubt it.

It is never good to have a Fifth Column in any Government.

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Factual mistake - in fact, MOST Jews were at risk in WWII as around 70% of Jews afaik lived in Europe and especially in Eastern Europe, in former Austria Hungary and Russian empire. Which is what makes the “experience “ as you call it (hate that word) special. And proportionally looks like the Jews suffered the largest loss, no matter which number you use, the sacred 6 mln or more realistic 4.6. Second are belorussians btw.

Hence, this event IS special, and it’s the seminal event for the portion of international law that deals with genocide, deservedly so.

So I can’t agree with your premise with regards of Jews. However, that doesn’t make what Israel is doing in Palestine today less genocidy or apartheidy. Past suffering doesn’t excuse current sadism

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The current estimate of Russian deaths during WWII is 27 million, revised up by the USSR from 20 million. 8.6 and change million were military deaths. Some were probably Jewish, but not enough to make the above statement that Jews suffered the greatest losses as accurate. So the highest losses during WWII were in Russia--not among Jews whose total world population at the time was 15.3 million, with only 9.5 million in Europe. Conservatively, and the numbers are probably significantly higher, the lowest number for Russian civilian deaths is 12 million--three times the deaths for Jews during WWII. That is not to minimize the significance of Jewish deaths in Europe--half the population is a huge number. An unknown number had converted out of Judaism but were treated as Jews. During WWII a bit above 60% of the world's population of Jews lived in Europe--not 70%.

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A) relative, as in %

B) Russian number is total DEMOGRAPHIC losses. Basically its losses plus excess deaths and drop in birth rates. You can’t compare it directly to holocaust numbers as these are specifically people murdered

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It is ironic although perhaps just human nature that after Jewish experiences in Europe in WWII that many Jews, particularly in the US, would place themselves at risk by seeking to manipulate and dominate the political and Government systems.

At this point in time the most dangerous place for a Jew is Israel and the greatest danger for American Jews is their lobby groups, manipulating the US to support Israel.

We humans are clearly slow learners and some of us learn nothing at all.

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The figure of European Jews is closer to around half but since such figures are rarely objectively obtained and most information on them in the times is heavily reworked it is impossible to say.

There was a lot of Europe that the Germans did not occupy. And since the Germans did not occupy all European countries and large numbers of Jews were in Russia for example, then most Jews were not at risk in WWII.

Also, since the cited figure for Jews who died in WWII is not objectively verified we can regard it with caution. Particularly since this figure of 6 million Jews dying in Europe was mooted by the Zionists in the late 19th century, around 50 years before Hitler or Nazis existed, we have no idea of the true figure.

Of course, as with the Palestinian Christians and Muslims, 100 Jews killed for their religion is too many, but accuracy does matter. There were countless advertisements and newspaper headlines from 1900 onwards warning that 6 million Jews would die in Europe if Zionist plans to colonise, and they used the word colonise, Palestine were not supported.

And since tens of millions died in holocaust experiences in WWII and the Jewish experience of holocaust in those times has been used to try to justify the horrors committed in Palestine, it actually does matter how many died. Not that we are likely to find out.

Unfortunately the 6 million figure is seared into too many brains, Jewish and non-Jewish and has allowed Zionists and Jews to be excused from committing the same sorts of atrocities as the Germans did. It is somewhat ironic that the Ziorael goal at this point is to eradicate around 6 million Palestinian Christians and Muslims.

And I agree with you totally that what matters is today and past suffering can never excuse current sadism.

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Also, since the cited figure for Jews who died in WWII is not objectively verified we can regard it with caution.

That’s just factually wrong. There have been meticulous studies into the subject from various angles. Generally it settles on 4.6 mln or about that. 6 mln was established immediately after the war in good faith, they just didn’t have better data back then, and stuck in public psyche.

Holocaust is a term specifically used for Jewish genocide, not for anything else in academic literature. If we are talking seriously, you can’t use it colloquially. And so on and so forth

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I must say I agree with every thing you just said. So well said.

On a slightly different note, I think this “tribe” needs to think about their history and ask themselves why it is that everywhere they go they become resented and expelled. If I get rejected by 109, chances are the problem is me and not all the women. I say this because if the tribe does not learn to accept the fact that they are American first (and American only), they will face the exact same consequences as their ancestors.

No one wants a fifth column who destroys the country

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Unfortunately tribalism is difficult for an individual to eradicate and even more so when it is supported and promoted by religious teachings and the power of the tribe.

And yes, any group which sets itself apart and refuses to fully assimilate into the broader community, will in certain circumstances be an easy target. This applies to all religions who act in this way. I am not seeking to justify their persecution but to say it creates problems.

Judaic teachings that followers are superior as humans and must remain 'outside' the community of lesser mortals, just makes it worse. I lived in Antwerp for a few years in the Nineties and in a suburb near to where Hasidic Jews have lived for more than 600 years.

They are orthodox and keep themselves to themselves while working in and benefiting from the broader community. They have a tradition of wearing their finest clothes, and many of them are very wealthy, and promenading down the main street. This is actually done to demonstrate to other Jews their wealth and position, but, as you might imagine, it does not go down well with the local Belgians who are also subjected to the display. When I lived there the Chief Rabbi drove a Rolls Royce with gold handles. Now, all well and good but, hardly going to win hearts and minds in the broader community.

To be fair, when Indian Jains moved into the diamond industry, which is the backbone of Antwerp, they did similar things. So, it is hardly a Jewish thing solely. It does however make those in the group an easy target. But, when you are totally immersed in your own society and beliefs then taking the feelings of others into account is not going to happen.

We see this writ large in the truly sadistic and bestial treatment of Christians and Muslims in Occupied Palestine today and for the last century.

Most Jews have managed to move beyond backward religious teachings but many have not. As a religious culture, Jews are brainwashed from birth to believe they are superior and threatened. That is a powerful message which is delivered and received unconsciously even more than consciously.

Most humans like to believe they are special and that is why many of those who have dropped Judaism and are no longer Jews, still say they are Jews because that way they can retain their place in the superior 'tribe.' Most of it is not conscious and that makes it even more difficult to reason with them.

Same with the belief in being a victim. This is an extremely useful belief and in fact has become very common in the past half century on too many counts, because it basically removes any responsibility you might take for your behaviour and sets you above most of the rest of humanity who have never, will never, can never suffer as your 'tribe'has done.

None of it is reasonable, sensible, kind, compassionate or psychologically healthy.

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Yes, the continuous rabid support of the majority of American Jews for Israel is unique and the core problem. There is no other comparable level of ethnic/religious support for a foreign country in US politics. Many groups who were less removed from the homelands served against their mother countries in both world wars and made no bones about it. Evangelical dispensationalists are annoying but useful idiots at best.

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And that is why Judaism and its followers must take a major part of responsibility for the horror that is Israel because it is their creature and they funded, supported and encouraged it, either wilfully in full knowledge of its horrific crimes over nearly a century, or in ignorance which is even worse.

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Yesterday was the anniversary of the dropping of the A bomb on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, should you have forgotten. The cancers and damage to DNA have continued for four generations. And counting.

I don't think the infiltrations of the corridors of power began after the "Holocaust". Supreme Court Justice Brandeis (and friends) were instrumental in requiring the U.S. demand the U.K. support the establishment of a "Jewish Homeland" as a pre-condition of the U.S. entering WORLD WAR I. (Resulting in the Balfour Declaration.) The Holocaust Industry just put that on overdrive.

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The Zionists have been hard at work since the 1890's and most succesfull infiltrating the US.

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Whoa! This started way before the so-called Holocaust. It is pretty odd, and not circumstantial, given that the Jewish census is only 2.5% of the US population. It isn't only the government that contains 40% Jews. You can find this in most institutions of influence, including academia, banking, media, on and on. I know this sounds anti-Semitic but I'm not. I just look at Census figures. It's interesting that there are two privileged groups in the U.S. who are considered to be victims of racism: "Whites" and "Jews". Of course, "Jewish", according to the Census, refers only to religion. It's very hard to find how many people who identify as Jewish are citizens or residents of the U.S. By "race", they are categorized as "White" or "Caucasian". But I think many, if not most, "Jews" are not religious at all. They practice certain rituals that were originally religious but they practice them as cultural and political rituals. I would add that Richard Nixon was a hand puppet (let your imagination take you where it will) for Henry Kissinger who was a war criminal and should have spent most of his adult life in prison.

Current historical research is pointing to Mossad as at least partner to the CIA, FBI, and Jewish Mafia (who purportedly controlled the Italian Mafia when they felt the need to) as the real assassins of JFK. The argument is pretty convincing. LBJ was Jewish on his mother's side so in my book that makes him Jewish as well. He certainly was rabidly Zionist, dating back to the 1930's. Without his financial and military support (not requested by Israel, by the way), the 1967 attack on Israel and Syria would never have succeeded.

This country has been controlled by what I call the Jewish Mafia for many, many decades. Mearsheimer is too polite. Too careful. Too congenial. How many more decades will it take for non-Jews to understand this? I think the younger generation of American Jews already does.

The question is: How do we take our country back? American Jews stepping up and defending basic democratic institutions and policies is a good first step. But most of them (as is true of most of us goyim) lack the backbone to be jeered at, ostracized, castigated, etc. by their own social groups, communities, families, parents and siblings. That need to conform is what allowed this situation to develop to the degree that it has in their parents' and grandparents' generations.

The truth about Biden is that he is not only stupidly pro-Zionist (because someone told him that's the way to be elected when he was young) but also suffering from dementia. He should not be making any foreign policy decisions. The stakes are simply too high. I'm not voting her, but at this point I think Kamala Harris, since she's VP, should be running the country because he has been incompetent (I use this in the legal sense) for several years now. And as a result at least 200,000 people in Gaza have died. An additional 10,000 Palestinians in the West Bank have been put in detention without charge or legal rights and abused in unspeakable ways, and another 600 have been outright murdered. And I'm sure Israel is dropping limited nuclear weapons, as they did in before 2009 when uranium was found in their soil, on Gaza, as the US did in Iraq for their benefit. In fact, they're talking about dropping limited nuclear bombs on Lebanon. This has to stop now.

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Correction! OMG. The 1967 attack on PALESTINE and Syria. Not the 1957 attack on Israel and Syria.

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Zionists and Jews. All Zionists are not Jews and all Jews are not Zionists but you can bet all Jews in Government, politics and media are doing the work of Zionist Israel or they would not be there.

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Roslyn l just made a similar arguement. In order to be Jewish you don't need to be white - Ethiopeans, Morrocans and Sammy Davis Jr. come to mind.

But to become an Isreali citizen - the whiter the better. They are the most racist country l know of.

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To be "Jewish" you don't even have to be Jewish. You can convert. And then you will be included in an ethnic group you don't actually belong to. There's a huge difference between Ashkenazi and other Jewish groups.

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Jews are not an ethnic group anymore than any religion is.

Put a Jew from Ethiopia, Canada, US, Scotland, India, England, France in a room and they have nothing in common but the religion. And many Jews despise Israelis so there is nothing united or ethnic about it.

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I agree, except that I think most members of the Native American Church are Native American. Non-Natives can join but only on the periphery. And I'm pretty sure most Jains are ethnically Jain. But for the most part religions are not very closely aligned with culture although I do agree with the Dalai Lama when he said Western converts to Buddhist aren't really Buddhist culturally but he'll take their money because the Tibetans really need it. My father was raised Shinto Buddhist but converted to Christianity as a young adult. Culturally he was still Buddhist. No question about it. I do not believe religions travel cross-culturally very well. So a lot of Buddhist "teachers" in the West are hardly Buddhist. But I'm glad they're trying.

I'm not sure all Jews practice the same religion even. If the people in Israel are Jewish, they sure aren't very good Jews. Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor? Thou shalt not covet they neighbor's land??? Thou shalt not kill? They are not following most Jewish laws, in truth. There are something like 160+ laws they're supposed to follow, ESPECIALLY if they live in the Holy Land, which they most definitely are not following.

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Well elitism will always breed racism. And it takes an impressive amount of brainwashing or denial to support the bestial atrocities of the Israeli State which takes the lead in terms of savagery in this age if not in many others.

We know they are bombing, shooting, starving, torturing, murdering men, women and children at a rate greater than any other modern conflict.


But that figure assumes that Israel’s current slaughter and starvation policies come to an immediate halt, and that international organisations are able to bring in emergency aid. There are precisely no signs that Israel is going to allow any of that to happen — or that Western states are going to put any pressure on Israel to do so.

The medical researchers suggest a less conservative estimate could ultimately put the death toll in Gaza nearer 600,000, or a quarter of the population. Again, that assumes Israel reverses course immediately.

Remember too that for every person killed, several others are maimed or badly wounded. According to the current figures, more than 91,000 Palestinians are reported injured, many of them missing limbs. But again, that is likely to be a massive undercount too.

Harrowing as these figures are, they are just numbers. But Gaza’s dead are not numbers. They were human beings, half of them children, whose lives have been snuffed out, their potential erased forever, their loved ones left with an all-consuming grief. Many victims died alone in extreme pain, or endured unimaginable suffering.

None of their lives should be reduced to cold statistics on a graph. But if that is where we are, and sadly it is, then at the very least we need to point out that the headline figures are a lie, that Israel’s barbarism is being grossly minimised, and that we are being lulled into a false sense complacency.

Jonathan Cook is an award-winning British journalist.

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And Whoopi Goldberg. Don't forget our beloved Whoopi who said Jews were not a race. And she was right. And castigated and abused for telling the truth.

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Jews are not a race because no religion is a race and Jews are a religion.

Anyone who claims to be secular/atheist and rejects the religion is not a Jew. There is no such thing as an atheist/religious. The label is totally oxymoronic.

Those who reject the religion and still pretend to be Jews only do so because they like the idea, the Judaic teaching ironically, that Jews are superior human beings. So they say they are Jews so they can pretend to themselves they are superior but they reject and despise the religion. Ridiculous.

And if atheist/secular Jews, as are many in Israel, reject the religion then why on earth are they in Palestine and supporting a mythical religious State of Israel?

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I was referring to the multiple times Whoopi Goldberg has been attacked on "The View" for saying the Holocaust was not racist because Jews are not a different race. She ended up apologizing, which was very disappointing. She was right and she's smart enough to know it.

The Zionists twisted the definition of a Jew quite intentionally. Israeli Jews do not hold Israeli citizenship. They are considered JEWISH citizens. It's bizarre. And supposedly all Jews in the world (no definition given) are Israeli citizens. Hardly! And of course Jews come from a very wide variety of cultures so it's not a culture, either. The whole conversation is silly. I am so tired of it. I'm not criticizing you--I'm just so exhausted by all of this. One way for a certain group to make everyone pay attention to them 24/7. Just like a youngest sibling who doesn't feel like an equal to his or her older siblings. I just wish they would grow up.

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Christian Zionists for sure (but not all Christians, and certainly not Catholics).

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Zionism is not a fundamental of Bible believing Christians. http://issuesoutline.org/heirs_of_god_promise_spiritual_israel_not_physical_israel.htm

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Rfk is a zionist and a catholic

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And his father and uncle were probably killed by MOSSAD. I feel sorry for him. (But I won't vote for him either.) It is physically impossible for Sirhan Sirhan to have killed his father. The trajectory of the bullet came from behind him and up.

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Plenty of evidence as you cite in regard to the murders of John and Bobby Kennedy.

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Horrific. The evidence is horrific. It is unethical to remain silent while this is going on.

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Fundamentalist Christian Zionists. The fundo is what makes the difference. Fanatics.

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Zionism is primarily derived from the theology of Judaism. See Amalek War in the Book of Samuel and Deuteronomy 12:2. Like Zionists, Torah Judaism clearly celebrate genocide.

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However, just as religions divide into different forms, there is also the Zionism invented in the late 19th century by atheists, who actually despised real Jews, who were just bent on power as a State in the Middle east.

They have exploited Jewish teachings and gullible Jews in the name of their own lust for power. Israel is a classic example of psychological and social dysfunction to psychotic and pathological levels. If Israel were an individual it would have been committed long ago to protect itself and everyone else. There is no reasoning with the mentally ill or insane and that is why only the US, with its power to cut off weapons and money can bring the Zioraelis to account and perhaps some of them, to their senses. Except the brainwashed are powerful in the US Government and clearly calling the shots.

And we have to remember that all religions in their ancient past were bloodthirsty, barbaric and vicious. It is not fair to take the worst of judaic teaching and hold all Jews accountable just as it is not fair to do the same to Christians, Muslims, Hindus or any religion.

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And if you ask me, all religions did and do the same.

At some level all people know what is ethical, fair and equitable but now they've been corrupted by religious and political leaders who get confused or now feel enabled to wrought the same.

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Totally agree and anyone, Jew or non-Jew, who applies those principles of what is ethical, fair and equitable must categorically reject, renounced and condemn Zionist Israel. Israel was founded and has functioned in hatred, genocide, ethnic cleansing, rape, torture, murder, theft, dispossession and bigotry. If any other colonial State had done what Israel does to the Palestinians they would have been dismantled decades ago.

The world failed to call the Zionists and Jews to account in 1948 and have helped create the horror that it is.

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Yaweh, the G-d of the Jews was a very violent, selfish one that made all sorts of rules about what to eat or not, what to wear or not, when to pray and how. Mainly, though, he urged his followers to wreak havoc everywhere they went. And they did and didn't stay long. ie Wandering Jews. They never achieved a stable state of their of their own. But now after 100s or thousands of years they want to claim the land back, the land where Palestinians have lived for 1000 years. They are Europeans and haven't we heard the joke about Jews playing the victim card. Most for generations haven't lived in Palestine. I think because of their money corrupting our American governments they now feel free and deserving of everything they want.

I don't think they deserve it. Also they are willing to use American and other countries weapons and wealth to bring about the very real prospect WW3.

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The Israelis and their supporters are mentally ill. How could any sane human support the sadistic savagery of the Israeli State?

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Yes, because most of those Jews are Zionist Israelis first and Americans second. Their loyalty is not to the US but to Ziorael and they cannot be trusted to act in the best interests of Americans. If there were 40% Muslims or Hindus on Biden's cabinet there would be outrage. Jews are no different. In fact they are probably more tribal as a religion than any other. Why should Americans die for a foreign State and a religion which is a substantial MINORITY in their country and the world?

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The US did just fine without any Jews in cabinet.

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Indeed, the US has always stood by Israel’s side regardless of what percentage of cabinet is Jewish - thanks largely to AIPAC and other (predominantly) Jewish organisations. However, one mustn’t underestimate the Jewish influence throughout the country more generally: 50% of Democratic Party donations come from American Jews, while 25% of Republican Party donations come from

American Jews - this was the case ever since the 1970s at least.

Furthermore, Jewish influence in the popular media has always been quite strong. This influence has always been critical for ensuring American policy makers move in pro-Israel directions. It’s not a conspiracy and just a fact that Jews have disproportionate influence over the media. According to Joel Stein of the Los Angeles Times: “News Corp. President Peter Chernin (Jewish), Paramount Pictures Chairman Brad Grey (Jewish), Walt Disney Co. Chief Executive Robert Iger (Jewish), Sony Pictures Chairman Michael Lynton (surprise, Dutch Jew), Warner Bros. Chairman Barry Meyer (Jewish), CBS Corp. Chief Executive Leslie Moonves (so Jewish his great uncle was the first prime minister of Israel), MGM Chairman Harry Sloan (Jewish) and NBC Universal Chief Executive Jeff Zucker (mega-Jewish). If either of the Weinstein brothers had signed, this group would have not only the power to shut down all film production but to form a minyan with enough Fiji water on hand to fill a mikvah.” https://www.latimes.com/archives/la-xpm-2008-dec-19-oe-stein19-story.html

Jewish members of cabinet is just one measure of Jewish influence over the American policy makers, but not necessarily the only one. I feel like Mearsheimer overlooks this influence, despite the evidence

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Brad Grey passed away in 2018 but get your point. You are not wrong

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Yeah, that's what I mean.

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Oh, I forgot to mention that I am Jewish.

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Are you in the Cabinet?

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When was the last cabinet sans Jewish identifying folks?

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1861. Actually I have no idea lol

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George, l blame Henry Kissinger. LOL

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I didn't know that about Biden's cabinet. Thanks for pointing that out!

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A large component of the Israel lobby is Christian Zionism or 50 million evangelical Christians who support a Jewish homeland in the Levant. They often travel to Israel. Netanyahu always meets with Christian leaders whenever he is in Washington DC

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OK, so how about AIPAC is told to file as a foreign lobbyist, how about it's donating ability by ANY means is capped at something reasonable like say, $10,000.00 per candidate.

And NO person holding dual citizenship with ANY country whatsoever can ever hold office in the US govt right down to the US post office mail carriers..

Why Congress should be able to create two such a simple rules in a day. Or not.

As they are clearly owned lock, stock, and barrel recently displayed for all the world to see by their mindless, repetitive clapping when Bibi came to town. So now what???

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How about we do the same for the government of Qatar? They are the largest foreign funder of US colleges in the entire country.

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A very interesting idea, perhaps all foreign funding of education should end. Another source of influence in universities and colleges is the massive amount of funding they receive from the Fed govt AND big pharm.

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WHO in your Govt. is going to do this?

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Yes, that is my question; what is to be done, and by whom.

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"The Biden administration has a deep-seated interest in a stable Middle East." Really?

Then why did it blow up Libya; launch, back, and finance a dirty war in Syria; occupy Syrian territory to steal Syria's oil; invade and occupy Iraq on a pretext, and invade and occupy Afghanistan for 20 years. The U.S. is not interested in stability in the Middle East or anywhere else on the globe that it deems to be unfriendly. That much is clear.

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what they mean by a stable Middle East is a middle East where all countries do what the Americans tell them to do. That kind of stable.

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Aug 7Edited

Correct. The interest is in keeping the ME on the edge of instability, as a means to influence the flow of oil.

On the other hand, the US imperial position objectively cannot now afford a full scale war with Iran in which it has to do most of the work.

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You forgot Libya, Egypt, Jordan, Yemen, Lebanon. They continue to lay siege to Syria. They most definitely want an instable Middle East.

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Yes, for sure the lobby is powerful. But why are the individuals in the lobby so obsessed? Yes, the legacy of the Holocaust, the message of which they have internalized only as “Never again to US!” But we talk openly about “radical Islam”. I think we should also start talking about “radical Judaism”, the kind espoused by rabbi Dov Lior and his 105 fellow messianic rabbis in the West Bank. Apparently Netanyahu listens to them and what they advocate doing to gentiles, if necessary, like if they don’t get their way, are things which would receive jail time or even the death penalty in any normal society. We scrutinize the Quoran and critique it. Time to do that to the Talmud. There is no justification for gentiles to exempt a religion from scrutiny if that religion is bent on destroying the whole planet and everything in it with nuclear war.

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Never again meant and means Never Again for everyone so quite why Jews would think it only applies to Jews but can be done to non-Jews is a question followers of Judaism need to answer.

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Aug 6
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Anti-semitism is a hatred of Judaism and its followers, Jews.

Criticising Israel's actions, and defending it with facts, cannot be anti-semitic because Ziorael is pure anti-semitism in concept and function. To condemn the atrocities of Israel is to defend Judaism and real Jews.

Those who support Israel and its claim that it represents Judaism and Jews are the anti-semites. For they are maintaining that Israel's atrocities - occupation, colonisation, apartheid, genocide, ethnic cleansing, rape, torture, murder, theft, savagery, bestiality, sadistic abuse of the Palestinians are Judaic qualities, beliefs and intents. There is nothing more anti-semitic than saying Zionist Israel acts in the name of Judaism and Jews.

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Well said Roslyn Ross! Too many people conflate Zionism with Judaism. There are many Christian Zionists that want the same thing that Israeli Zionists and Jewish Zionists want. Zionism AND Israel are the problem. Not Jews, not Judaism.

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And it is against the law for ministers to preach politics. Did you know that? Why hasn't the IRS stripped these churches of their tax-exempt status?

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With all due respect, your point is certainly the mainstream progressive one. But I’m now starting to question that definition. My question is whether it is really “hatred” or just disapproval of something that maybe should be disapproved of by a normal healthy society. This line of reasoning is just too dangerous. It leads to the edge of a cliff. But I no longer think that it is just Zionism that is the problem with Israel. I feel that Judaism is not a very pro-social or universally beneficial religion. But really I don’t think any of the Abrahamic religions with their dogmas and cherry-picked paragraphs by various sects are benefiting humanity in the 21st century.

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I merely cited the given definition of anti-semitism. However that definition, in the US anyway, has now been expanded to include any criticism of Israel no matter how valid.

I would continue to make the point that anyone who promotes the view that Israel as a brutal occupier, coloniser, apartheid state committing genocide, ethnic cleansing, rape, torture, theft and murder represents Judaism and Jews, is being anti-semitic.

Judaism is like any religion, just more tribal and psychologically dysfunctional. There are many different Jews including a lot of sane ones of conscience. But there are too many who support the Israeli State and its crimes.

All religions have their flaws which is why they must not be allowed to dominate or dictate in the halls of Government.

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I'm reading a book, picked up by chance, about what early Christians did to Classical Roman and Greek historical sites in order to dominate culturally. That's why all those statues' faces are pitted so grotesquely. I always wondered. The early Christians were pretty viciously destructive. Israel is doing the same thing. They stated when Bush II left office that they were going to do this to Syria's archeological sites so that Arabs wouldn't have anything to be proud about. They never hid their intentions. Most Westerners do not know about the history of the Islamic Empire or how amazing it was, how much the West owes to Islamic scientists and scholars, nor do they know how much still stands as evidence of that fact. The US did the same thing in Iraq.

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As an example: how can you pick out beautiful, life-affirming passages from the same religion as Dov Lior can pull out paragraphs that say one of his disciples should kill Rabin, or that it is okay to rape and murder goyim all this if it is “good for the Jews” in the long run (according to his mind and interpretation). It is the same religion. That is why I think religions have no place in the modern world. It alludes to a higher power (god) but it is humans picking and choosing what passages to apply.

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All religions have fanatics like Dov Lior. A civilized society manages and regulates the worst of them. Unfortunately Israel has been allowed to get away with savagery, bestiality, sadism, bigotry and colonial barbarism for too long. It is the horror that it is because it was not stopped long ago, not just by Jews whom it claimed to represent, but by other nations.

Because the major religions are so ancient they all contain backward, barbaric and violent teachings. Hinduism and Buddhism are no different. They all reflect the primitive beliefs and attitudes of the times, particularly in regard to women.

Religions will always have a place but they need to evolve and be relevant in modern times and different ages. What worked thousands of years ago for primitive tribal groups, whether Jewish, Muslim, Christian, Hindu or whatever is not acceptable or relevant today.

And of course the problem with all religions is that they are invented by humans, mere mortals, mostly male. Having said that, any study of a number makes it clear they also contain great wisdom and important spiritual teachings - the same teachings at core, which is not surprising for these are the best of human values and not specific to religion.

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The 16th Century Protestant Reformation was about the people ending the tyrannical, counterfeit Christianity of the established Catholic "church". People were persecuted and mind-controlled by that system of "fake news" of the Middle Ages until after invention of the printing press eventually allowed people to copy and read the Bible for themselves. Knowledge of the Bible is the basis for true liberty that led to the Renaissance and the truly progressive, classical liberalism of Western Civilization. Knowledge of the Bible is the basis for the American form of government.

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I wonder what surrealist Salvador Dali would have said about this because the situation is so bizarre, dangerous and apocalyptic. But Dali was also known as Avida Dollars, so I think he would join Prof. Mearsheimer in blaming the lobby. But as Shakespeare wrote in Julius Caesar, the fault is in in ourselves. We have lived in a deluded world, and the dark forces at work in Israel have worked tirelessly to seize the centers of important decision making in the US.

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On the two state solution, Biden would have to move 7-8 hundred thousand squatters from the West Bank. Maybe they would agree to move to Scranton.

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How about Michigan :)

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No way is Biden serious about a cease fire. IF he was serious he could STOP THE WEAPONS WE ARE SENDING TO ISRAEL AND THE FUNDS AND THE DAILY PLEDGES OF SUPPORT NO RED LINES....Biden could orchestrate a cease fire by stopping the weapons and encouraging our allies to do likewise....I am utterly astounded you say he is serious.

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Israel would use barrel bombs if they had to and deaths would be in the hundreds of thousands.

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The deaths are in the hundreds of thousands. An article in the Lancet medical journal has estimated closer to 200,000 dead with 500,000 at imminent risk because Israel is starving them and making hygiene impossible.

As Israel continues to bomb water facilities and to deny food, medicine and clean water that number will increase. There may well be a million dead Palestinians in the Gaza concentration camp before Israel is stopped.

Quite how they think murdering 2.3 million in Gaza helps them when they would have to eradicate 4 million in the rest of Occupied Palestine, 2 million non-Jews living in what is called Israel and 8 million Palestinians in the Diaspora to end the fight to free Palestine.

But we are not dealing with sensible, sane or rational people.

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This is exactly correct, and it’s why you’ve been correct about everything you’ve weighed in on. The Biden administration, along with the majority of congress, is a bunch of spineless cowards who are allowing the tail to wag the dog. This short sighted, wrong headed set of policies will most likely prove to make a bad situation much worse and, in a similar fashion other in Ukraine, it could result in nuclear holocaust. It’s truly a shame that our leaders didn’t listen to your advice.

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He has not been "right" on every issue he has weighed in on as one does not know "alternative history." We simply have no way of knowing if he was right or wrong. That does not mean that I do not admire his work. I do but listen to him when he talks. He says "my argument" which shows he acknowledges he does not know future developments. Sometimes things work out, sometimes they don't but even when they don't work in the short-term, there may be future developments that show it was all for the best in the end.

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No-one gets it all right, ever. But if you research what Mearsheimer says he always gets his facts right and might sometimes be wrong on interpretation. He is like the rest of us merely human. The facts are what matter. Sift through them and make up your own mind at to potential outcomes.

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Yes, why, and how? As I have often wondered myself. Blackmail has so often been used against individuals. How do you blackmail a powerful country? A spy video of Lincoln and Teddy Roosevelt in a threesome with Martha Washington? Even the Jewish population in America has been turning away from the genocide. I fear the truth might be scary.

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Money and criminal behaviour do the trick with most. The ZIJ agenda would have the goods on every politician and Presidential candidate. If you don't do as you are told you are destroyed, or worse, you and your family do not survive. This is how the Israelis and their supporters work.

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The answer as you say is very clear John, it’s the lobby. But it also exposes a more putrid demonstrated conclusion, which is that us humans are willing to be fat & happy regardless of the cost or consequences to others. All the powerful politicians in the US & UK are fully willing to simply accept & eat the lobby donations & continue to allow Israel to commit whatever horrendous crimes they want. In short, if we are paid well, we will approve any crime unconditionally. The hypocrisy is blatant. After such behavior, we promote concepts like diversity, equity, inclusion, fairness, justice, equality, liberty etc. What’s the difference between the hardcore criminals we put in our prisons & us? Our tax dollars are funding these crimes. It’s appalling that no one can put a stop to this. How is it possible that the lobby funds are so massive that no one else can come together & counter the lobby? Why are the other world entities not coming together to create & fund a counter-lobby, to fight for the right thing & correct course? This direction we are currently taking definitely will not result in anything good for anyone.

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So war it will be. Just what the UK wants too. Just re-read Neville Shute’s On the Beach. Everyone should read it because that’s where we are heading.

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Such BS. The reason there is no ceasefire is because Sinwar and Hamas refuse. A deal was on the table that allowed them to release all the hostages, surrender, and leaders be given safe passage to a foreign country, as Arafat was allowed to do to Tunis.

It is outrageous that there are still over 100 innocent kidnapped Israelis and other nationalities being held hostage, including children. I never hear you talking about their plight.

As for Israel targeting Palestinian leaders, wasn't this precisely what the Biden administration had been asking Israel to do? Stop large-scale operations and use targeted operations to cut off the head of the snake. If you recall, prior to these latest assassinations, 12 Israeli Druze children were killed by an Iranian bomb. What have you said about that?

You are a broken record with no credibility.

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Two points.

One; historically Israel does not appear to be Deal capable. One example:


And two; they were NOT Israeli Druze children who were killed by a Israeli Dome missile, they were Syrian Druze children. Which is why when members of the Israeli govt showed up at their funeral, the families chased them away yelling you are responsible for this, get out.

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It’s appalling that your focus is on whether the victims were Israeli or Syrian, rather than on the horror of Iran bombing a school and killing all those children.

For 80 years, the Palestinians have been offered their own state and have refused. Why? Because they want all the land for themselves. They reject the existence of the State of Israel. Their corrupt leaders have led them down this destructive path. Until they recognize Israel’s right to exist, agree to a peaceful state alongside Israel, and stop insisting on the “right of return” for the millions of descendants of the 1948 refugees to the State of Israel instead of to a new State of Palestine, they will remain in this unfortunate situation.

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Talk is cheap. Lies are even cheaper.

I don’t want to be insulting, but it’s axiomatic that if Israel states something about negotiations, treaties, deals or agreements, then it needs to be corroborated by independent, reliable, intelligent people. One of these hosts this Substack, and I assume that’s why you’re reading it. .

Maybe you’ve never tried to negotiate with Israelis. I have. The ‘deal’ that they offer Palestinians inevitably comes with some back door conditions which negate the whole thing. For example: “We’ll grant a full ceasefire in exchange for the hostages,(but we’ll start bombing again if Hamas sneezes too loud because Israel has a right to defend itself)”. Sorry for the exaggeration, but my point is serious. This is a pretty sophisticated crowd here. You’ll save everyone time if you stick to verified truth.

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In 2005, Israel vacated Gaza, and by 2007, Hamas had taken control. Over the past 19 years, billions of dollars in aid have been sent to the region. If this money had been invested in infrastructure, schools, Mediterranean resorts, desalinization facilities, and other developments, Gaza might be a very different place today.

However, instead of fostering peaceful relations, Hamas has fired missiles at Israeli towns, aiming to maximize civilian casualties. They have used the aid to construct 350 miles of fortified tunnels and to smuggle weapons, rather than to improve the lives of Palestinian civilians, whom they use as human shields.

Those who claim to care about the Palestinian people often do not take action that supports their well-being. True support would involve siding with Israel to dismantle Hamas, thereby giving the people of Gaza a chance to live peaceful, normal lives.

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Honestly Richard, I can’t believe people still repeat this nonsense. I really don’t mean to be rude, but is it really necessary to clutter up this space with such uninformed ideas? Forget about ’resorts’, simple fishermen are commonly killed for going too far from shore in rowboats.

Read about the Great March of Return in 2018 to understand what happens when oppressed people protest peacefully. If I “left” your home the way Israel “left” Gaza, you would have nothing left So do the Gazans, who by the way, are among the most literate, and scholarly communities in the Middle East.

Ok, I’m done with this, but please go educate yourself. There’s nothing worse than thinking you know about something this important, when in fact you’ve swallowed a lot of lies, and are washing them down with the tears of innocents.

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Sera, you sound like a nice, but terribly naive person. Hamas is a horrible, murderous, terrorist group that has made life difficult for Israelis, but miserable for Palestinians. Israel was forced to restrict borders because Hamas used them to smuggle in weapons that were used to shoot at Israeli citizens. The best opportunity for the region is to rid it of Hamas, Islamic Jihad and every other murderous group that stands in the way of peace.

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In 2005 Israel removed illegal military bases and illegal Jewish colonists from Gaza and turned it into a concentration camp which it bombed regularly and kept on a diet just enough to remain alive but not prevent malnutrition.

The Israelis tested their weapons on the prisoners in Gaza, nearly half of them children. How is that leaving?

And as Amira Hass wrote in Haaretz, correcting the same misinformation you present in Israelis, ISRAEL NEVER LEFT GAZA.

In fact Israel issues ID cards for every single Palestinians, INCLUDING ALL THOSE IN GAZA. The lackey PA distributes them but Israel as the colonial ruler processes every single one.


If Israel wanted Palestinians to live peaceful, normal lives it would get out of Occupied Palestine and go back to the only borders it could ever attempt to defend in a court of law, the UN recommendation of 1947.

Hamas will only be dismantled when Israel ends the occupation. There is no other way. Kill every Hamas member and supporter, millions of Palestinians and another Hamas will arise. Kill all them and another will come to take their place. And another and another and another until Palestine is free and the occupation ends.

The Palestinians have every right to fight for freedom in their homeland and with 16 million of them in the world, half in the Diaspora they will.

Israelis lie constantly. None of this is even about Hamas. That is Zizzy propaganda spew. It is purely to exterminate or expel every last non-Jew, apart perhaps from a few useful slaves, from Palestine and to eradicate the name, country, people, history and culture of Palestine from the planet.

It won't work but that is and was always the plan.

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No, it is not a concentration camp. It is land controlled by Palestinians, and they have had the opportunity to develop it as they wish. However, they have chosen to use the land as a missile launching pad against Israelis. The Hamas charter calls for Israel's destruction, and given Hamas and the Palestinians' history of violence, the responsibility has been on them to demonstrate their intentions to live peacefully. Because they have done the opposite, Israel responded as any country would to a dangerous threat on its immediate border—they closed it. Unfortunately, they didn't close it securely enough, as evidenced by the large amounts of weapons and materials smuggled through the Egyptian border to create tunnels. Imagine if all that energy and money had been used to improve their society. The only good Hamas is a dead Hamas.

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The children were playing in a soccer field they were not in a school. You appear to have conflated them with the Palestinian school children in Gaza who were killed when the Israeli's bombed their school a week prior.

The rest of your text is fiction.

From Seymore Hersh: "To begin with, Benjamin Netanyahu "was always opposed to the 1993 Oslo Accords," the insider said. The agreement envisaged the gradual implementation of the so-called "two-state solution" for Israel and Palestine. It was signed by Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin and Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) negotiator Mahmoud Abbas in September 1993.

Under the agreements, Tel Aviv accepted the PLO as the representative of the Palestinians, and the PLO recognized Israel’s right to exist in peace. The document stipulated the establishment of the Palestinian Authority (PA), which would assume governing responsibilities in the West Bank and Gaza Strip.

At the time, Netanyahu was out of office: he served as a prime minister between 1996 and 1999 and won the Israeli prime ministership for the second time in 2009. When Bibi returned to office in 2009, he "chose to support Hamas" as an alternative to the Palestinian Authority, "and gave them money and established them in Gaza,” according to the insider.

Furthermore, an arrangement with Qatar was made under which hundreds of millions of dollars were directed to the Hamas leadership with Israeli approval, per the source."


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The errant missile was part of a barrage aimed at Israeli civilians. What is your point? Are you suggesting that innocent Israelis deserved to die?

Regarding Palestinian intentions, Bill Clinton blamed Yasser Arafat for the breakdown of the Camp David peace deal, which was the closest attempt at achieving peace. Arafat walked away from negotiations that his own team had agreed to, and even the Saudis called him a criminal.

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As a recovering Zionist, may I suggest you read some of Norman Finkelstein's scrupulously vetted work? It is not light reading, but the chronologies and cites are powerful....just saying...and the Saudis, until recently, were often supportive of Israel, like Egypt and Jordan. Remember, there is not such thing as an "innocent" Israeli - they are all soldiers.

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Norman Finkelstein is a quack! I hope you're joking. I'd suggest you watch recent debates between him and Douglas Murray and Alan Dershowitz, moderated by Piers Morgan.

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I concur with Roslyn Ross's response just below. Give it up Richard, you are backing the wrong horse.

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I'm backing the winning horse. That's why the Saudis are looking to follow the UAE, Bahrain, Morocco, and others with normalization agreements. Despite being among the wealthiest countries in the world with unlimited oil wealth, they don't give any aid to the Palestinians—because they know the Palestinians are rejectionists stuck in an ideology of hatred, led by some of the most corrupt leaders in the world.

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Bollocks. The missile was Israeli.

Why would the Palestinians or their allies kill occupied people - children, in Syria? Zizzy false flag.

Are you a comedian in your spare time? Citing Bill Clinton as a credible source.

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Obviously, you are not credible. In fact you sound daffy. If you can't argue with facts and resort to this hysterical nonsense, then I suggest you go away. I have as much interest in addressing your falsehoods as I do in visiting in insane asylum.

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Your Torah Judaism/Zionist position is repugnant. Richard Jaffee is a Jew for Genocide. Right, Richard?

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Cretins like you should be eliminated.

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Well you just admitted you are for genocide. What gives you the right to decide who is a cretin? Then again I guess the brainwashed are incapable of handling facts.

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Golan is Syrian land grab by Israel in 1973 after I participated in U.S. logistics effort to save it.

The strike was accident or collateral damage from air defenses.

Unlike dropping 2000 bombs on residence in Gaza.

Otherwise you are wrong!

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No, it was an errant bomb, one of many aimed at Israeli citizens, not missile defense.

The only 2,000-pound bombs are those used to destroy the deep tunnels Hamas has built to move their terrorists around Gaza. Israel warns civilians to leave the area before dismantling them.

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Would you like to rethink your claim that the 2,000 pound bombs are not used against civilians?

July 16, 2024 report.

Israeli forces dropped eight tons of bombs on an area Israel labeled as a “humanitarian safe zone” in Gaza on Saturday, wielding explosives built to maximize destruction on an area sheltering hundreds of thousands of Palestinians who have been forced to flee Israel’s genocidal campaign again and again.

According to The Wall Street Journal, the Israeli military dropped eight 2,000-pound bombs during its attack on Al-Mawasi on Saturday, striking civilian areas including a market, a soup kitchen and a water source.

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Mr Jaffee, if this is about Hamas can you explain why the Israelis are bombing and shooting throughout all of Occupied Palestine?

Why have they armed the illegal Jewish settlers and told them to shoot Palestinians on sight?

Why have those same illegal Jewish settlers emptied a number of villages at gunpoint?

How is any of that related to Hamas? I shall be fascinated to hear your explanation.

Surviving until the next raid: Life in Nur Shams refugee camp under Israeli assault

Since October 7 Israel’s crackdown on the West Bank town of Tulkarem has intensified. Raids are almost daily, have been more destructive and lethal, and have transformed the lives of more than 8,000 Palestinians living in the city’s refugee camps.


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How can anyone support genocide, assassination, murder, rape, torture, starvation, bombing of anyone let alone children? Not only do the Israelis murder targets they kill their children and grandchildren. No sane human can countenance that.


Four months after Israel bombed and killed three of his sons, two grandchildren, his sister and around 10 other relatives, charismatic Palestinian Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh, was assassinated by Israel on Wednesday July 31 in Tehran where he was attending the inauguration of the new Iranian president Masoud Pezeshkian.

Israel was established in violation all laws on the robbed Palestinian lands by US,UK, and Europe to serve as their killing machine to destabilize Middle East Thus history of Israel is history of massacres and genocides of Palestinians.

“How can mediation succeed when one party assassinates the negotiator on other side?” rightly asked Qatari Prime Minister Sheikh Mohammed bin Abdulrahman Al Thani, who has hosted the peace negotiations.

Describing Israel as a nihilist state Scottish author, human rights campaigner, journalist, and former diplomat. Craig Murray said ‘the apartheid state appears to have no objective other than violence and an urge for desolation. For me it is now axiomatic that there is no two state solution and that apartheid Israel must be completely dismantled as an entity. I believe that more and more people around the entire globe believe that now. And if we have to dismantle our own political and media classes to get there, so be it.

He added that Israel has also taken a policy decision that the mass rape of detainees by soldiers — and, somewhat strangely, homosexual rape in particular — is acceptable in war and not to be punished.

Ironically Israel has also underlined its genocidal intent in Gaza by proving that it has the technical ability to carry out targeted attacks, and that the flattening of entire cities with 2,000lb bombs and the massacre of tens of thousands of innocents has been a policy choice.


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I have concluded that Israel has destroyed its right to exist. It will take a generation or two -- but there is no commonality that a two state solution is possible. The pending war may make this moot point.

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Anyone with a modicum of intelligence and the ability to read the histories of Zionism and Israel and to access the facts of Israel's ghastly treatment of the Palestinians for nearly 80 years can reach no other conclusion but that Israeli society and culture is mentally ill. Sick, psychotic, pathologically insane. They are brainwashed from birth to hate the Palestinians whom they really do believe are not humans, but more like insects to be crushed, and they are devoid of humanity and the ability to relate as normal human beings to other human beings.

This sad, sick, evil society must be dismantled for the sake of Israelis as much as anyone else. It is toxic, dangerous, cruel and barbaric and has no place in a modern world. It never did but because of supporters like you it has just gotten worse.

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I would also make the point as a military colonial state, all Israelis are responsible for the crimes of colonisation and most serve in the army at some point, or are reservists and so are not innocent.

If the Jews in the Warsaw Ghetto were justified in attacking their German occupiers, and if they could have hit German civilians they would have done, then the Christians and Muslims in Occupied Palestine, particularly the Gaza concentration camp, are justified in attacking their occupiers and oppressors.

In the best of worlds children are not involved but with Israeli soldiers actively targeting Palestinian children, including toddlers and babies, one could forgive the Palestinians for being less rigorous about where children might be when they attack.

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There is brainwashed and there is gullible and there is both.

Read up on the Zizzy AI systems which target men, minor figures, no proof of any guilt, only when they get home. In that sick way, it is called Where's Daddy. So when Daddy gets home they drop the bomb knowing that it will kill between 20 and 100 immediate and extended family, nearly half of them children.


Oh, and Israel warns civilians. Gotcha. So why does Israel then bomb them when they reach what Israel has said is a safe place? That has been happening since October. It is all recorded. FACTS.

And hey, if they are protecting civilians why are they destroying hospitals and executing doctors, nurses and patients? Why are they shooting children through the head? International doctors have said they have never seen so many kids, including toddlers shot through the head. That is not an accident.

How can you keep repeating such evil lies?

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So the Israelis know where those Hamas tunnels are and what is in them to justify the collateral damage, that is dead civilians.

The Israelis have hardened nukes to take out $3000 rockets in tunnels in S Lebanon.

You are dull.

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Israel does not mind Syrians being killed in land it occupies and pretends it owns.

The Palestinians have never been offered a State. Bantustans yes. Please provide evidence of where Palestinians were offered a State with East Jerusalem as their capital and exactly the same right to defend themselves, air, land and sea borders. IT NEVER HAPPENED.

All of the land does belong to Palestinians. Israel is and always was an illegal colonial enterprise. Name one savagely and murderously occupied and colonised people who did not want their oppressors dead and gone and their homeland back. Just one will do.

Israelis cannot spell the word peace. If they wanted peace they would not be occupying all of Palestine and would not be denying the Palestinians justice freedom and human and civil rights and they WOULD NOT have subjected them to one of the most sadistic, bestial and truly evil military colonial occupations in history.

You do not get peace by abusing, torturing, raping, dispossessing the native people of the land you have colonised. Israelis have never wanted to peace because with peace how can they keep exterminating and expelling the Palestinians.

Ziorael will be gone in a decade. It has destroyed itself. The world will cheer its dismantling for the same reasons they cheered the end of Nazi Germany and the Israelis have only themselves to blame.

It takes a high level of stupidity to steal someone else's country and them subject them to levels of bestial abuse for nearly a century which make the Germans look benign, and expect them to sit back and take it without resistance.

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Free the 9000 plus Palestinian hostages. Why won't Bibi Baby-basher just accept safe passage to New Jersey ? You're a nastily rabid Jewish Supremacist, obs. Snort!

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The Golan Heights is Syria. Those children's parents stated that they are not Israeli citizens, but proud Syrian people. They rejected Netanyahu and the ensuing lies. It was simply a rocket piece that careened off an Iron Dome defense from Hezbollah missiles. Netanyahu does not care about the hostages, except what they can contribute to Greater Israel. He is a scourge to righteous Judaism. He will destroy his own people -- just watch.

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And yet the facts make it clear that Israel has rejected any true ceasefire. Sorry, why would Hamas go to another country when, as part of the Palestinian Resistance they need to stay in their homeland to fight the evil colonial occupiers and oppressors.

So, you think it is outrageous that there are still over 100 kidnapped Israelis? None of them are innocent because most Israelis serve in the military and most of the hostages are military or ex military. Sure, a few of the foreign slaves Israel imports to do their dirty work got caught up in it but most were and are legitimate targets for a Resistance force.

What is outrageous is that Israel holds 6 million Palestinians hostage under a savage and barbaric military colonial rule. What is even more outrageous is that Israel has more than 10,000 men, women and children held hostage in its prisons whom it tortures, rapes, abuses.

Are you seriously saying the lives of 100 military personnel, Jews, is more important than 6 million Palestinians?

You should be ashamed of yourself supporting colonial genocide and sadistic bestiality. For heaven's sake, we just had the Knesset saying ramming a broom handle up the anus of a Palestinian was acceptable and we had Israeli mobs in the street demanding soldiers who had committed rape, be freed. They are raping men, women and children and have been doing it for years.

How can any sane, reasonable human of conscience support such atrocities?

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Hamas is internationally recognized as a terrorist organization by numerous countries, including the United States, the European Union, Canada, and others. This designation is based on its long history of carrying out attacks against civilians, including suicide bombings, rocket attacks, and kidnappings. These acts are intended to instill fear and disrupt peace efforts.

Israel has the right to defend itself against acts of terrorism. When Hamas launches rockets into Israeli territory, targeting civilian populations, Israel is compelled to respond to protect its citizens. The aim is to neutralize threats and prevent further violence.

Israel faces the challenge of conducting military operations in densely populated areas like Gaza, where Hamas often operates within civilian infrastructure, using human shields and placing military targets in civilian areas. Despite these tactics, Israel strives to minimize civilian casualties through warnings and targeted strikes.

Historically, Israel has made numerous attempts to reach a peaceful resolution with the Palestinians, including offers for a two-state solution. However, Hamas's charter explicitly calls for the destruction of Israel, undermining peace negotiations and coexistence efforts.

Within Gaza, Hamas's governance has been marked by reports of human rights abuses, including political repression, execution of dissenters, and the imposition of strict laws that limit freedoms. The leadership has been accused of diverting international aid meant for civilian welfare towards military purposes, further exacerbating the humanitarian crisis in Gaza.

While Israel is criticized for its military actions, it maintains significant international support which recognizes the security threats Israel faces from terrorist organizations like Hamas, as well as the broader geopolitical context in the region.

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“1) the Biden administration desperately wants a ceasefire. . .

2) the Biden administration wants Israel to come up with a plan for administering Gaza once the shooting stops. . .

3) the Biden administration wants to move toward a two-state solution to put an end to the conflict between Israel and the Palestinians. . .

4) the Biden administration wants to avoid a war with Iran. . .

5) the Biden administration seeks to avoid a widening conflict between Lebanese Hezbollah and Israel. . .

6) the Biden administration has a deep-seated interest in a stable Middle East. . .”

Setting aside official public pronouncements and protestations as the unreliable indicators of actual government agendas they so often are, there’s not a whole lot of evidence supporting these assertions. Sure, these policies would be rational to pursue and beneficial for most of the planet’s population, but that’s not enough to assume they are what the Biden administration wants. Maybe some of them are, maybe all of them are, or maybe none of them are. Maybe the only reason the Biden administration is acting against these goals is the Israeli lobby, but how do we know that? Other than their public words and very briefly delaying the delivery of some weapons to no effect, where’s the evidence that the Biden administration truly wants these goals?

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Exactly right. I didn't like this article by Maersheimer. He does not provide evidence for any of his assertions (like you say). From the evidence that we do have, I surmise the following:

(1) Biden administration DOES NOT desperately want a ceasefire. If they did, we would have one. No actions the US has taken point to this "deperately wanting a ceasefire"

(2) Why would the Biden administration want Israel to come up with a plan for administrating Gaza? They are the ones that destroyed Gaza. How can they be trusted to administer it?

(3) Nothing the US has done in the last 50 years indicates that it is serious about a 2-state solution. Biden wanting a two-state solution seems patently FALSE.

(4) If the Biden administration is serious about avoiding a war with Iran, it needs to do a better job of controlling Israel.

(5) Same goes for Hezbollah. If the Biden administration is serious about avoiding a conflict with Hezbollah, it has not shown any initiative towards this goal.

(6) Stable Middle-East? No, the US requires a degree of instability in the region so that it can maintain its military presence and control the region effectively. Also, instability in the regions means that the other MENA countries cannot unite together in any effective way to provide a counter-force to US interests. I would say the opposite is true - the US needs well-managed INSTABILITY in the region.

This article does not make much sense. Maybe John Maersheimer is privy to information that is not available to the rest of us (since I see no existing evidence to support his assertions).

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Strange article . Wake up John. The WH USA Congress Biden and his staffers, Cabinet and donors really are evil, racist and beyind.

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It's a commonplace that to understand politics, you follow the money. Lobbyists are buyers, politicians sellers. Lobbies use "contributions" to reward friends and punish enemies. In return politicians fashion policies around lobbyist preferences. It's a simple business model. Both benefit. It's easy to understand why an industry hires lobbyists. State policies affect profitability. A simple model based on material interests explains the activity on both sides.

This is different. Who contributes to AIPAC? AIPAC isn't registered as a foreign agent, so it is not Israel directly funding it. Where then does the money come from? Partly it’s individuals and institutions motivated by identification with Israel rather than material benefit. They derive an emotional satisfaction akin to contributing to a church or a cause. It's an ideological act that's an expression of beliefs about what Israel is and represents.

That may make some AIPAC donors impervious to facts inconsistent with their motivating beliefs. But others, current or prospective, may be beginning to question what exactly they're emotionally invested in. There are reports of concern at pro-Israel organizations about the next generation's continued allegiance to beliefs not easily explained or justified under the pressure of disturbing facts. That could spell trouble for the lobby.

It will not disappear. AIPAC isn't the pharmaceuticals lobby, say, where support is solely about profit and loss. People taking statins aren't typically interested in contributing to the drug lobby because they identify with Pfizer. Israel does have considerable support among companies and institutions connected with the so-called defense sector. They will back AIPAC like any conventional lobbyist, for the usual material benefits. However some ideological donors may prove less steadfast than in the past. That won’t help much in resisting the lobby today. It might tomorrow.

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Quote: Politico is one of America’s leading mainstream media outlets on politics and public affairs and ten days ago it published a very lengthy account by two experienced American surgeons who had visited Gaza to provide medical assistance and were utterly horrified by what they encountered there. According to Dr. Mark Perlmutter, in just a couple of weeks he saw more carnage inflicted upon civilians than he had in the combined total of his previous thirty years of humanitarian visits to war-zones around the world. In particular, it was obvious that Israeli snipers were deliberately shooting young Palestinian children and toddlers, aiming precision shots at their hearts and at their heads.

We Volunteered at a Gaza Hospital. What We Saw Was Unspeakable.

American surgeons who witnessed the civilian carnage of the Israel-Hamas war

Mark Perlmutter and Feroze Sidhwa • Politico Magazine • July 19, 2024 • 4,900 Words

Given that Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and other top Israeli leaders have publicly identified the Palestinians with the tribe of Amalek, whom the Hebrew God has commanded must be exterminated down to the youngest newborn baby, such atrocities may be shocking but are hardly surprising.

Running nearly 5,000 words and profusely illustrated with photographs, the Politico story seems to have broken the cordon of silence maintained in network television and Perlmutter was interviewed for a substantial segment entitled “The Children of Gaza” broadcast on CBS News Sunday Morning, during which he repeated his story:

It’s obviously quite disturbing for American doctors to report that Israeli snipers are deliberately executing Palestinian toddlers with shots to the head and the heart, and the slight coverage of these facts in our mainstream media outlets is certainly welcome.

But for anyone who had closely followed the Middle East conflict over the decades, these facts were not particularly new. Even many years ago, Israelis had proudly produced numerous varieties of tee-shirts, which often carried the notorious slogan “One Shot, Two Kills,” glorifying the killing of pregnant women and young children by military snipers. I assume that the sheer volume of these current killings finally led some American media outlets to begin taking notice of this situation.

These stories hardly exhaust the roster of ongoing Israeli war-crimes. Despite the long history of oppression and poverty they have endured, the Palestinians are a highly educated population and over they years they had created an enviable medical infrastructure in their besieged Gaza enclave, with numerous excellent hospitals staffed by well-trained medical professionals.

The Israelis bitterly resented these achievements by a population whom they deeply despised and have now destroyed nearly all those hospitals while blocking any import of new medical supplies. Moreover, just a couple of days ago, the New York Times carried a story describing the widespread Israeli detention and brutal torture of leading Palestinian surgeons and other medical workers, with many of these civilians soon dying from their ill treatment.

Traditional Judaism includes a notorious Talmudic injunction that Jews should seek to kill “the best of the Gentiles” and since medical doctors constitute an elite of Gazan society, it makes perfect sense that they should be targeted for torture and death. Indeed, international organizations have reported that some 500 doctors and nurses in Gaza have already been killed, while another 300 are still being held in Israeli prisons.

Source: Lew Rockwell

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I was on a Kibbutz in 1969, walking around in the evening with a friend. We started speaking with one of the soldiers who guarded the perimeter. He bragged about just that hideous thing: “One shot, two kills”, with such nonchalance he might have been sharing a recipe for brownies. I’m not sure there was a beginning to the Israeli atrocities, they go back to the beginning. But I think the end may be near.

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Israel was founded in bigotry, hatred and a belief the native people of the land they colonised were subhuman. It was never going to end any other way.

Israelis are brainwashed from birth to fear, hate and want to kill the Palestinians and to destroy their country, nation, culture, history and existence. It was never going to end any other way.

When you raise children with such bigotry and hatred you damage them psychologically and emotionally and debase your society and culture.

There are a few exceptions, brave exceptions but they are a tiny minority in a soup of bigotry and hatred which is Israel.

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