Fascinating and helpful to understand what is happening. Because of your wise discussions I have marveled

because of what we have always been told about Putin and mentioned to friends that Putin and Iran are behaving

with great restraint….only to be met with loud vociferous denials, such as “I don’t care what you say or Putin is evil!”

If I suggest they might like to listen to you they sneer at ‘social media’.

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They sneer, but buy hook like and sinker their favorite "news" shows" that substantiate what they want to hear and what they need to believe is true. Many if not most people are only comfortable with a black and white perspective.

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Thanks for trying to open minds, I too try.

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It appears that the MSM is a hodgepodge of misinformation and propaganda. I believe that if the truth is not being told, then the goings on by the powers that be must be very nefarious. The professor is one of my favorite speakers.✌️

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"Reality cannot be ignored, except at a price; and the longer the ignorance is persisted in, the higher and more terrible becomes the price that must be paid."

-Aldous Huxley

(Religion and Time, 1943)

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In "1984," the crowd in a bar cheered a important victory over Eurasia.

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Professor Mearsheimer, thank you for your work!

Unfortunately, I think that many many people do not know or reject the idea that the four Ivy League presidents were taken down by AIPAC. I’m talking about regular middle Americans, liberal to thinkers, educated people who are involved with their daily lives, their work and their families. They have no idea, and if you mention it to them, they say you are listening to conspiracy theories

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I just responded to Robert Reich’s substack post by saying that unfortunately there are quite a few democratic voters who are going to stay at home on Election Day because of the fact that Kamala can’t make her way over onto the right side of history when it comes to the brutalization of the Palestinians in Gaza. I’m sure I’m not making any friends in the democratic party’s machine but I guess that’s what democracy should be all about. It’s a crying shame how often and how consistently we in the US have been on the wrong side of history since the end of the Cold War. As I’ve mentioned many times, I’ve come up with a “course” which among many other things is a masterclass in world leadership and international diplomacy. It seems as though almost all of our political leaders need to go back to school and study things like my course. They seem to have lost their sense of that which is not only basic human decency but also what’s in the interest of the United States and humanity. One of the unspoken principals of realism is its inherent observance and respect for both power and the views of others. We’ve lost that respect and that in large part is why we’re facing many dark clouds on the horizon. These dark clouds are coming from all directions. One would think that with such powerful dark clouds on the horizon one would trim their sails, batten down the hatches and take stock in at least some amount of self reflection but instead we’re throwing caution to the wind, doubling down and going full throttle ahead.

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I was so sickened when Harris talked about hostage taking in Israel . She repeated the lie that Hamas raped the hostages. According to the NYT and other reputable sources, that accusation has been soundly disproven. The US declared independence from Britian in 1776. In 2024, the US must declare independence from AIPAC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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If these two named countries (one is forcibly occupying someone else's country, and not a country as such, and it has never been in the annals of human history) carry any propaganda campaign against - rule-of-law, rule-based-order, and international law and also international norms contrary to human values, the human race, human dignity, human decency, and human values that we uphold dearly - of course, it is lopsided and naked attempt. We call these acts or actions in the most profound manner - King has no clothes! Not even a fig leaf to cover their assets.

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I thank you very much for your work. You are teaching people to think,

in this crucial moment for Mankind. https://substack.com/@albertoleongmezh/p-148230353

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Mishmasheimer is like a trainwreck. You can't help but stare in horrified fascination. At least he is right about propaganda being bullshit and what matters are the bullets. And speaking of bullets! How is Hamas doing lately? Or Hezbollah. To me it's rather obvious Israel is definitely not losing as in winning.

Why front for the enemies of the republic? Is russian oily blood money that lucrative? Apparently.

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It's a curious thing, but as Zionazis become ever more fash, they also start to sound like the 'tarded white-supremacists, shaven head, poor education, and swastica tatts an' all.

There must be a 'Fascism for Losers' beginners guide (With pictures for the advanced students).

Did you get yours from Amazon? Or Stormfront?

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Love it!

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Sure thing, Loser.

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Still resisting valiantly bless their noble souls. They could do with a few billion in military aid from Israel’s lapdog the American taxpayer.

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Thank you!

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Russians losing over 1000 men per day. Whom they gonna fight with if NATO enter the war in Ukraine? Its conscripts have shown they are totally useless.

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Watched on Judging Freedom 👍

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Fuck Judaism!!!

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Judaism celebrates Genocide. Jews smell horrific today. Israeli Jews are nasty smelly shi fucks who steal children's lives. Fuck the foul smelling genocidal Jewish Supremacist fucks. Fuck Judaism! Fuck the genocidal ideology of the stinky Jews. Fuck Abrahamism! Fuck Genocidal Jew shits. Fuck Judaism! Jews celebrate genocide. See Dueteronomy 12:2. Judaism is a fascist supremacist shit hole theology. The Jew-Nazi is Nazi-Jews. Kick the fucking genocidal whore Jews out of Canaan! Fuck Judaism! Jews who kill children are genocidal fuck holes. Fuck the Jews and their shitty pro-genocide theology! Eat shit, killer Jews!

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Thank you!

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