Very insightful talk. I, too, find this Russophobia that has been plaguing the U.S. for way too long quite perplexing. I don’t understand the U.S.’s obsession with being the only show in town.. and its hubristic stance on the world scene. I think (hope) the next generation or two will abandon this approach, for the sake of the U.S. itself and the rest of the world as it has become a very hostile and dangerous place to be in..

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The Gaza-Israel border was peaceful on October 6. On October 7, Hamas terrorists violated this peace with one of the most barbaric attacks in history -- killing 300 young people at a music festival and 1200 overall, shooting families asleep in their beds, raping in the most brutal way -- cutting off breasts of women and tossing them around like balls, shooting women in the vagina, and kidnapping 300 innocent people and holding them hostage in the most vile conditions.

Did Hamas show any remorse? No, they promise to "do October 7 again and again" until they accomplish their goal of killing the Jews and destroying Israel.

Israel is surgically destroying Hamas, building by building, block by block, city by city. Unfortunately, these cowards hide behind civilians, placing their tunnel network beneath schools, apartment buildings, hospitals and mosques. The civilian death toll is 100% the responsibility of Hamas, not Israel.

This war can end any time that Hamas releases all hostages and the leaders surrender. Until then, Israel MUST continue the operation to destroy Hamas and completely demilitarize Gaza. Only then will peace have a chance and Palestinians and Israelis can have a chance to live in peace.

Mearsheimer is a useful idiot to the antiSemites and Napolitano comes across as a dolt in this interview.

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Hamas has the right to defend the Palestinians from the evil occupiers.

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Like all Israeli and western talking points you try your best to de-historicise the whole thing. History for you simply starts on Oct. 7. And you exclude and excise the Palestinians from the picture. You say ‘the Gaza-Israel border was peaceful on October 6’.. the only population you care about is the Israeli one. For them, things were peaceful, they were living and raving in a kumbaya fashion and just going on their lives peacefully. Do you think the Palestinians were having the time of their lives being under siege? No, minor detail, doesn’t need consideration. You will realise that even Blinken and Biden other AIPAC stooges have moved on from describing the atrocities of Oct. 7 but you seem to think your hasbara talking points still have steam. Sadly for you, they don’t.

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How pathetic that someone with a Jewish name can be so horrific in their commentary. I wish you had been living at Be'eri kibbutz or attending the music festival on October 7. Shame on you.

In 2005, Israel 100% vacated Gaza. In 2007 Hamas was elected to govern Gaza. They could have turned Gaza into a beautiful, peaceful, amazing country on the Mediterrarean, with excellent education for its children, a tech center in cooperation with Israel, beautiful beach resorts, that would have attracted vistors from around the world. Instead, they took an estimated $7 billion in aid and built an enormous military compound, with 350 miles of underground tunnels and weapon systems with a single purpose: destroying Israel. In their first years in control, they launched thousands of missiles at Israeli cities trying to kill as many civilians as possible. THAT is the definition of genocide. And this is why Israel and Egypt have had to seal the border -- knowing that if they didn't, October 7 atrocities would have been the norm.

The Palestinians have had 75 years of opportunity to live in peace next to Israel -- but have refused every one of them. This entire nonsense of calling descendants of 1948 "refugees" and refusing peace because they have a "right of return" to Israel has been the excuse keeping Palestinians in their sorry state. No Arab country even cares for them knowing they squander every opportunity for peace. That's why many are moving forward without them, and are encouraging Israel behind the scenes to finish the job against Hamas.

People like you make me sick.

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Nice try demonizing Hamas by saying it killed 300 innocent civilians. Too bad, only a few are bothered by it anymore because Israel has already killed more than 20,000 women and children. Of the more than 12,000 children that died, their heads were either crushed by rubble caused by bombs dropped by the IDF and marked Made in the USA, or were blown away by IDF snipers.

15 of the 17 judges of the highest court in the world, of which include an American judge, have unanimously concluded that Israel is plausibly committing genocide. Note that it was no longer a question that Israel has murdered more than 20,000 women and children. What they are now saying is a plausible genocide. Genocide is not just murder. It is a crime of all crimes.

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Every Palestinian death is the fault of Hamas. If Israel had wanted to end this war in one hour, they could have gone in and done a Dresden type bombing. But instead, they carefully go through the territory, warning people to vacate buildings and put their own soldiers at risk to take out terrorists. Cowardly Hamas hides their weapons among civilians because they don't give a shit about innocent civilians. They are a merely a tool. Did they use ANY of their $billions to build shelters for civilians -- of couse not, because they need them as a human shield. This is the definition of a war crime.

Meanwhile, the IJC concluded that Israel is NOT committing genocide. They didn't even call for a cease fire, knowing that Israel is defending itself and innocent Palestinian people from Hamas as best they can.

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It’s ironic that only one to two generations ago, they were the victims of Nazi persecution and now they are the new Nazi. They became what they feared.

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>The Gaza-Israel border was peaceful on October 6.

Were you born on October 6? LOL

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You have really exaggerated the attack by Hamas and are pushing propaganda. Shooting families in their beds? Raping? Cutting off breasts? This has been shown to be nothing but a lie. What you are doing is trying to justify a genocide perpetrated by the state of Israel on the people of Palestine. You are trying to justify killing children, women, young people who did not participate in this assault, and half the population in Gaza are too young to have even voted for Hamas. What Israel is doing is implementing a genocide which is against international law, Live with it! Mearsheimer is no idiot but you are a useful idiot for Israel. You say Israel is surgically destroying Hamas, well, I hope to god you are no surgeon. I guess you avoid looking at pictures because they would throw your perspective on things down the toilet where they belong. Israel has implemented total destruction, not only of homes, but hospitals, schools. making the whole of Gaza uninhabitable and I guess you haven't kept up with the number of deaths when you talk about their precision in going after Hamas. I guess it means nothing to you that most who have been slaughtered are women and children. You disgust me! Mersheimer is the useful idiot? No, but I can't even put into words what I think of you!

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Also lets not forget who cultivated Hamas through the years, Netanyahu. Look up and learn something, and also learn Israel was informed of the assault the year before and even had their plans, but ignored them. People monitoring Gaza reported suspicious activity, ignored. Egypt warned Israel 3 days before, but ignored, and they sure took their time getting the Israeli's the help they needed.

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Israeli intelligence provided a warning that this type of attack could happen, but discounted it unfortunately. But what are you saying -- that it's Israel's fault that Hamas committed this atrocity? That's weird reasoning.

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No, I am not supporting Hamas's assault. I am saying one would think even in terms of their response time Israel would have done better at protecting those that Hamas attacked. Those who survived the attack at the festival are suing Israel for their slow response time.

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Three times they discount information that says there will be an attack and even have the plans meant to be implemented, but their intelligence services ignore it. Too complicated to carry out. Not too bright are they, and from your last response either are you.

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Are you saying because they didn't defend themselves that Hamas atrocities are OK? What's the matter with you? Sick...

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By the way are you a troll? You sound like one.

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A stupid comment by someone who has nothing constructive to say.

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Just thought from your posts you sounded like someone trying to convince people that you and others are justified in giving a thumbs up to genocide since Israel has justification for carrying out one in Gaza. Let me ask do you think the people in Gaza, are animals like Gallant said?

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You can stick your head in the sand and ignore all of the evidence. The New York Times did an expose. Hamas terrorists themselves used GoPro to film their atrocities to broadcast to the world. It's one of the worst episodes of sexual violence ever seen. https://www.nytimes.com/2023/12/28/world/middleeast/oct-7-attacks-hamas-israel-sexual-violence.html

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I no longer reference the Times as a source of credible information since they along with others sold us on the war in Iraq with the claim they had weapons of mass destruction. They let Judith Miller use Chalabi as a source of information who was someone who wanted to see Saddam Hussein gone. Not exactly an independent, or reliable source. But then again the mainstream media in general was very helpful in pushing all the lies that allowed us to attack multiple countries in the Middle East. I would rather rely on people like Max Blumenthal and  Mearsheimer who are anathema to you since you have a vested interest in giving cover to Israel who is implementing a genocide which is against international law. It seems their targets are mostly women and children, since in the death tolls they constitute the largest number of casualties, or perhaps women and children are more vulnerable to a  genocidal assault. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d0gECjlpXF8

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So are you actually denying the atrocities of October 7 took place? That Hamas terrorists committed the barbarity that they themselves admit to and brag about and have their own videos of? I'm always amazed there really are dupes like you out there. That you rely on Blumenthal as a source says all. He is a widely condemned stooge that no one of standing pays attention to. He was a writer for The Nation, AlterNet, Al Akhbar, Mondoweiss, and Media Matters for America, and has contributed to Al Jazeera English, is a regular contributor to Russian state-owned Sputnik and RT, and the editor of The Grayzone website, which is known for its apologetic coverage of authoritarian regimes such as the Chinese, Russian, Syrian, and Venezuelan governments, including its denial of chemical attacks by the Syrian government and of human rights abuses against Uyghurs.

Go back in your cave.

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I am not denying what Hamas did, but there is no proof of a number of allegations you made during Hamas's Oct 7 assault, and no doubt many have already been shown to be untrue. However you are backing a genocide, the killing of children, and women in great numbers, the very thing that you proclaim appalls you, but I guess not true when it comes to those Palestinians, those animals. I referenced Blumenthal whom I admire and Mersherimer too, and you know what I love all those news sites you referenced, love Blumenthals's resume, and I love the name I'm going to give you, so fitting, so from now on your Genocide Dick.

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"there is no proof"..."no doubt many have already been shown to be untrue": ok, would you like to share your sources that indicate otherwise?

Genocide: the deliberate killing of a large number of people from a particular nation or ethnic group with the aim of destroying that nation or group.

- If Israel wanted to commit genocide, it would take them about an hour to destroy all of Gaza. Instead they warn Palestinian civilians to vacate buildings and put their own soldiers at risk when going after the terrorists. Hamas hides behind civiilians and uses them as shields. Any civiilian deaths are the fault of Hamas terrorists, not Israel.

And when debating with someone devoid of facts, I've found they fall into a pattern: deny, insult, vacate. You've denied the truth, you've attempted to insult me with elementary school name-calling, and next you're likely to vacate. Good bye.

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Oh, I forgot to bring this up Dick, Remember Nariah, oh, maybe in 1990, telling this story?

“While I was there, I saw the Iraqi soldiers coming into the hospital with guns and go into the room where 15 babies were in incubators. They took the babies out of the incubators, took the incubators and left the babies on the cold floor to die.”

Yep people like to tell lies and then their are people like you who like to spread them.

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You're a genocidal maniac and Zionist pig.

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Referring to 3:40 of the podcast: You are both way off concerning immigration. Are you following the real journalists on the ground who are witnessing events on the southern border? We are averaging 20,000 people per day; 600,000 per month! The dominant demographic is military age men, hardened and ready to fight. It is an invasion, not immigration. You talk about it as if it were a movement of struggling, good-willed future hard-working Americans. Your notion that this will lead to a stronger USA with a healthy population size is a fantasy. No. It is population replacement, funded by USA. Border Patrolmen are ushering these people in.

Bone up on this issue. It impacts world events. Listen to Michael Yon's podcast appearances and check out his X account. Laura Boomer, Clayton Morris, Emerald Robinson, Chris Martenson and Alex Jones are doing great work as well. Look them up, too. These are studs - true patriots who care. They are chronicling this around the clock.

Judge - your comment at 3:40. Move past these sanctimonious pronouncements against "xenophobia." It is not about hating foreigners. It is a matter of protection of the population. The invasion is by design of the Biden administration.

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Not a total waste of time to watch. I'm shocked!

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Shocked about what?

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Napolitano is either a dolt (as said below) or really wants to be viewed. There are a lot of "dolts" in the media so don't take that as an insult of him. I think Mearsheimer tends to understand the complexities but has to oversimplify things to fit the format.

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And why is he an idiot? Why are you shocked?

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When someone says idiot or resorts to

ad hominem attacks, it means they cannot say something informative.

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Was your post informative in any way?

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hahaha, you don’t get it, do you? I’m not surprised. Ok, let me spell it out. When you said about John in the video, “They are normally so stupid I can't watch them,” this is like you’re in a classroom having a discussion about quantum mechanics and when you were asked what you think, your response was, “The atoms look ugly. I can’t watch them.”

Wow, that is so insightful.

And me spelling it out to you is informative.

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They are normally so stupid I can't watch them. Just can't justify it from a time perspective as nothing remotely useful/insightful is said.

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You define them as stupid because you simply don't agree with their perspective on the topic under discussion. When you disagree with someone you should be able to provide an alternative perspective, but you don't you just damn them. Childish!

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It is not possible to do outside of written papers. Ultimately, things have to be simplified, arguments made that people can understand. It frequently results in basic propaganda.

Goebbels was a master of it and good attorneys are too but judges ususally control them. He believed in the power of simplifying complex issues into black-and-white narratives that were easy for the masses to digest, often exploiting truths, half-truths, and outright falsehoods as needed.

Al Jazeera understands how to produce good propoganda too but if one is willing to suspend bias, one can find truths in it that are not otherwise available as they are on the ground in Gaza.

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