Greatly appreciated Professor John Mearsheimer continuing to speak out weekly. He inspired me to research the facts going back to 2008 regarding Ukraine and warnings when US foreign policy towards Ukraine and George shifted to a potential conflict with Russia. I'm hopeful more people will come across weekly updates and be encouraged to research some facts with Realism (vs ego and bias) in their minds. While I have varying views from the Judge, it is great to see him giving a platform for people to speak and accept correction easily from his guests who he acknowledges as experts in the field.

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Proefessor Mearsheimer plays an important role in this world: making us think. IMO the Putin presidency would not survive a frozen conflict. VVP must win, humiliate the West and construct a new security structure with Nato-europe- the USA. We are almost half way there. Almost every europeans leader who supported the insane policies of 2022 will be in the ash heap of history by the end of this year: Sunak, Truss, Johnson, in the UK Macron and co in France nd so on. Only in the parasitical EU commission do they hang on, against all democratic norms. NO we must wake up. We are in an oligarchy.

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John has been clear, repeatedly, that there is no "Jewish" lobby, but there is an Israel Lobby.

You will find the book brilliant AND very sympathetic to how Jews are being set up by the bad politics of Israel and the Israel Lobby.

Let's get this right after all these years. AIPAC and all lobbies need to be put on the same leash to allow the American people a fair shot at electing their own, including people who do not support the direction of our foreign policy around the globe, including Israel.

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"it's amazing how brazen the donor class has been since Oct 7th"

This is 100% antisemitic code: "those darn rich, Jews are pulling the strings again"

John, I have the utmost respect for you on Ukraine and foreign policy generally, but your trafficking in anti-Jewish tropes is a real turn off. I don't mind opposition to Israel's conduct in the war. I agree that Israel is doing its best to pull us into its war just like Ukraine is. I think there's a realist case that the US has little interest in who controls the Gaza strip, although I also think there's a case that Muslims overrunning the only Western-aligned democracy in the Middle East would be a strategic defeat for the West. However, that is a far debate, and I'm open to either position. I certainly doubt the value of going to war with Iran on Israel's behalf. But when you say that the Jewish donors are working behind the scenes to undercut America for the benefit of Israel... that's just the same old divided loyalty trope that's gone on for decades, and you should stop.

You say you could never have imagined Jews getting the President of Harvard fired? Harvard and Columbia and many ivies disgraced themselves in the eyes of much of the American people and many of their alumni. That's why their presidents quit. I could never imagine someone as unqualified as Claudine Gay ascending to the throne of queen of academia in the first place. Did Jews arrange that too? Or was it some other nefarious shadow group? Maybe the Illuminati or the Freemasons? Because there's no question she was never qualified for the job.

Your analysis is great, but please stop with the antisemitic stuff.

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You must attest to having read The Israel Lobby before you call Professor Mearsheimer out for using anti-Semitic tropes.


I will gift a copy to you if you wish to DM me.

You really do have to know what the professor thinks and how he thinks about the Israel lobby before commenting in this way, because his dedication to understanding the subject is immense, his knowledge of the subject is comprehensive, and quite likely to improve the reader's own. Of course he was immediately smeared as an anti-Semite the instant he and his co-author Stephen Walt published the first article about the Lobby in 2006, and has endured the label with good humor and aplomb ever since. Never once, in all the criticism, has a single assertion of the book been disproven or seriously countered; only characterized, and that maliciously. He and Walt wrote nothing that is not supported by hard evidence in the book, and he says nothing in the video above that he does not know for a fact to be true. I do not believe the truth to be anti-Semitic, do you?

Where I live in the southern US, the majority of the big university donors are Southern Baptists, and no one finds it odd that they influence big decisions at the schools they support, or that their influence tends to favor their beliefs and preferred projects. And they have a LOT to say about who presides and how presidents act, and brother, their top interest is typically the football program. I would happily trade the Ivy League any dozen Southern Baptist football fanatics for a single rich Jewish person, even if they never donate a dime to anything.

Politics, in my opinion, is another matter altogether, because representative government can't work when representation is for sale. I do not find the Israel Lobby more nefarious than the Food, Pharma, or Energy lobbies. I think the Israel Lobby is wrongly convinced that the interests of the US and Israel are closely aligned, but wrong is not evil. And any political lobbyist or other external influencer knows it is more effective to operate unseen; being secretive does not equate to being underhanded. Now that the dorsal fin is plainly visible, though, I think the lobby should just step forward and make their best case in the open. Who knows how many they might persuade? I agree with the professor that the lobby is not acting in the best interests of the Israeli people. Perhaps it is time for the Lobby and its supporters to entertain a conversation about that.

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There is a good case that the SBC was a cabal influencing southern policy for decades. It had a dominant "market share" position geographically at the time. Jews have never had that in America or anywhere else other than Israel. I don't fault the "Israel lobby" concept at all, but I'm not convinced that John views it the same way you do, as simply another lobby group. I fault John for his repeated insinuation that Jews are secretly running the show. He never actually says this of course, but it comes through in a lot of his writing here. I would feel the same way if he insinuated that Catholics were unfit for office because they owed allegiance to the Vatican. Or that Muslims were unfit for US citizenship because their religion was incompatible with Western Civilization. These are just lines that should not be crossed or gone near. A single individual? Sure. That's fair game, but a loyalty test to a group is never OK with me. And he flirts with this alot.

I wish he would make the same case on the Israel war as he does in Ukraine: our national interests are limited in both cases and thus we should be wary of "going abroad in search of monsters to destroy." I think that case is very strong, consistent, logical, and doesn't traffic in anti-Jewish tropes or fuel ethnic conspiracy theories.

Thanks for the book recommendation. I put it on hold from my library.

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Had a feeling I could count on you for a good reply, thanks.

It can be difficult for men of my generation and John’s to detect and avoid nuances of expression that sound alarms in younger folks. Our sensitivity training was, basically, “Avoid the n-word.” For everything else, we’ve been on our own. You are making a thoughtful and cautious call, and I respect that.

All the same, I find no unkindness or ethnic bigotry in the man. He is careful to note, and often, that many American Jews are leading the way in criticism of the state of Israel’s behavior, and no doubt some among the rich and philanthropically inclined have their reservations as well, but it is difficult to tell. The lobby’s idea of being pro-Israel is to tolerate no criticism of the state whatsoever. You and I would likely agree that this has contributed over time to the empowerment of the Kahanist faction currently dictating terms to the governing coalition. Long term, that’s a very bad thing for the idea of a Jewish homeland. I sure wish the UN had given them New Jersey instead.

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It would be a good idea to learn a little about John’s position before accusing him of “trafficking in anti-Jewish tropes”. Here’s a short primer:

The Israel Lobby, John Mearsheimer and Stephen Walt, March, 2006.


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Dear John,

This is not a Dear John Letter directed at you but given the way things are going and the way in which we’re conducting ourselves it should be one directed at the human race as a species.

As you’re well aware, if we had been wise enough to have adopted your way of thinking about how the international power dynamic system works and followed your type of advice starting after world war 2, and then actually followed your advice itself over the past 3 to 4 decades, we in the United States and everyone around the globe would be much better off and much further ahead than we are today. Because of the fact that we’ve done pretty much the opposite of that which you’ve advised we’re in the current mess we’re in. This obviously has ramifications both within and outside of the US which could be summed up with your phrase “the pursuit of liberalism abroad has hurt liberalism at home”.

This in turn is the largely the result of having very poor leadership.

Its my contention that unless one gets to the root of the problem as to why we continue to choose bad leaders it’s analogous to a medical doctor describing a patients symptoms without actually diagnosing the disease and effectively treating the patient.

And unfortunately, when it comes to humanity, the patient is suffering from a wide range of maladies. There are scores of people who can describe these problems or maladies but very few, if any, have come up with an effective treatment.

That’s where my “course” comes in.

My “course” makes for a very good basis for a US and worldwide political platform. Since it has some spiritual elements imbedded in it, it makes for the basis for a non-religious religion which is based on rationality rather than superstition . And, believe it or not, it itself makes for the basis of the operating system for Artifitial Intelligence (AI) so that AI is aligned with that that which is in the long term, most beneficial interest of the human race as a species. It’s my contention that this “course” itself has to be both the governor and sole ultimate objective of AI in order to ensure that its objectives are aligned with human’s long term, most beneficial interests.

I hope to have my course finished and available to the public in the not too distant future.

The target audience for my course is AI itself, the world’s most powerful leaders, and anyone who is relatively smart, reasonable and intellectually curious.

Among many things, it’s a masterclass in world leadership and diplomacy and when it comes to international relations it builds on everything you’ve taught and have weighed in on.

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Dear John Meirshiemer your assessment of realistic history and current events comforts me. Thank you for protecting the USA as best you can by getting the word out!! We love you! Oh, would you consider discussing the founders intentions? Just curiuos itd be a great show

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It must be depressing for John Mearsheimer to know that he’s been exactly correct about everything he’s weighed in on over the past few decades knowing that if only those in power were to have taken his advice it would have resulted in saving hundreds of thousands if not millions of people from having to endure the atrocities they’ve been subjected to. It is in this same way when looking at the even bigger picture, I feel somewhat depressed. I don’t feel depressed for myself. Instead, I feel depressed for humanity. I, like so many, have a sense that that which the future is going to hold for us is not going to be good and that is depressing. Just as we could have avoided the vast majority of the problems we’ve brought upon ourselves in the realm of geopolitics, we could have and still can avoid the bigger problems we’re going to be faced with in the near future due to what’s generally referred to as the metacrisis. This might sound a little presumptuous but, this is why I say John Mearsheimer is to IR as I am to humanity. John Mearsheimer’s theory of offensive realism is to IR as my “course” is to humanity. It just so happens that my “course” is a one stop shop as to how best to try to conduct ourselves going forward and it borrows heavily from John’s work since he’s been exactly spot on about that which is in his neck of the woods. Just as he’s been largely ignored, I will probably be largely ignored. It seems to be a pattern in which humans cannot see the forest for the trees. I feel good about the fact that I’ve laid out a compelling argument which is articulated in my “course”. At least I’ve given it the old college try. I hope it’ll gain traction.

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This time for sure! Only two more weeks before Odessa is taken!

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If Russia is perceived as having won the conflict in Ukraine, and if an agreement holds for two or three years, Putin will take the opportunity to step down. He'll know then that he's safe from a successor, protected by his wins against the West. After he steps down, the West will approach Russia and start a reopening of relations. This will mean Putin can live out the rest of his days in peace, hailed in Russia as the man who saved the country. And I think that this is why Putin will find a way to negotiate an end to the war in Ukraine.

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End to the war in Ukraine will come only when Russia feels safe at its Western border. I.e. there are no antagonistic regimes plotting revenge and stockpiling arms for another attack. Until then there is zero reason to stop the grinder.

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John Mearsheimer has pointed out the fact that “individuals cannot agree upon first principals”, “politics is a contact sport”, and “war or the threat of war will not be taken off the table anytime soon”.

Given the fact that these three observations are true it seems as thought it should be important to try to determine if there might be a way to try to overcome these types of things.

And that’s where my “course” comes in. Without getting into a dissertation as to what my course is all about, it can be summarized by saying that it addresses the three issues John has brought up in addition to addressing some even bigger picture items.

It’s my argument that if one were to come up with a systematic way of looking at things, which is built in a similar fashion to a compelling argument in a court case, which is also based on rationality, reasonableness and also takes into consideration the reality of human it would be something worth considering. If that same systematic way of looking at things made for a very good basis for a political platform, for a kind of non-religious religion, and also for the basis of the operating system for artificial intelligence, it would be something worth considering.

That’s what my “course” does. It’s a one stop shop.

It’s my argument that despite the fact that individuals cannot agree on first principles does not mean that there is not a best way forward for all things both big and small. That’s number one.

It’s my argument that if one is arguing about policy options from the standpoint of rationality it tends to make politics less of a sport. That’s number two.

And in my opinion, it’s not the threat of war that’s the problem it’s the actual engagement in war that’s the problem. In my opinion, job number one for the president and other top world leaders is to keep the common foot soldier out of harms way. This means that the top leaders should do everything they can to avoid war. That’s number three.

So if you combined the answers to the three questions that John Mearsheimer posed with the fact that my course makes for a very good political platform, it makes for a very good non-religious religion, and it makes for a very good operating system for artificial intelligence, it should be something that people should be interested in.

If people themselves are too stupid to see the value in my “course” it’s my hope that artificial intelligence itself might see its value. This is assuming that AI has our long term most beneficial interests in mind.

It’s my argument that in order for AI to have our long term most beneficial interests in mind it will have to use my “course” itself as its governor and sole ultimate objective.

If AI is commandeered by bad actors or if it itself becomes a bad actor it will make for big trouble for humans.

And that’s what makes my “course” so powerful.

It’s a one stop shop.

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Professor, you are a diamond in the rough.❤️ why is there no one in the powers that be that can see everything for what it is? World hegemony by the US is over. Can’t we all just get along? ❤️

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For anyone who’s interested in the truth about the upcoming presidential election’ please read the comment I just posted on Robert Reich’s SubStack. Thanks…

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We are very lucky to have access to Prof. Mearsheimer’s analysis. He tells it like it is on Ukraine, Israel/Gaza and the big donor debacle. In sharp contrast to main stream media.

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In my opinion the initial objective was to disconnect Germany from Russia but the war stakeholders remained stuck in Ukraine. They postponed probably the end for after the elections but the war escalates, cannot be kept to a certain level. I believe this because they knew that Russia will not let Ukraine to become a NATO country.

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Actually, not just disconnect, but make all of Germany's hi-end manufacturing uproot and flee across the Atlantic. American MO has been simple for decades: whenever there's trouble in Europe, capital flees to America. Now that the US had lost their manufacturing capacity and can't regain it no matter what (which makes sense, if your economy revolves around printing money, who would risk real sector of it), their only chance is to steal someone elses's. Basically, provoking Russia was necessary to scare high-tech EU industry out of there. Cutting their power supplies is yet another move towards the same goal. EU elites are also in the bag. There's nothing to prevent this hostile merger really, one can say that we witness a war between America and EU which the former is winning by landslide.

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Or maybe America is now controlled by the Chinese now :)

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Or maybe they want to fix the climate change issue by killing the majority of the people on the planet :)

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The logical step was to focus the resources on China and to keep Russia far from China. China it is a threat because of its cheap labour, lack of spending with R&D (and now cheap energy from Russia) this being possible because is not a democracy, the people rights are limited and because they can.

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It is the only explanation that has a logic because they knew that Russia will not accept Ukraine to become a NATO country. There is also the interest to accelerate the federalization of EU. But it is not a logical thing because the EU countries don't have an unique, group identity. It requires more time to naturally evolve to the replacement of national, country-level identities to an EU-level identity. We see that nationalism is considered a bad thing in Europe which lately is purely liberal (not liberal national as it should). The missinformation (and disinformation) has a major role to manipulate the people perception but the fact that people believe that nationalism (combined with liberalism) is a bad thing has also a role in this.

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Excellent report, thank you.

I feel inclined to share with you several articles I have read about Putin:

Mike Whitney: To Avoid Nuclear War, Putin Needs to Be a Little Crazier - from Global Research.ca


Alastair Crooke - Putin's War to Reshape the American Zeitgeist - from Lew Rockwell taken from Strategic Culture Foundation


Chris Wick - Putin Issues Urgent Warning: US Preparing Bird Flu False Flag to Sabotage Election - Chis Wick News . . . This could be fake news but totally plausible!


Thank you for all of your wonderful work!

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