How many more years does Professor Mearsheimer have to continue to state backable facts and accurate predicting consequences Ukraine before maybe people in power will listen to his perspective? Thank you for continuing to educate me and others out there in accurate foreign policy analysis

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Listen as history repeat itself. Russian nazism must be defeated at all cost.

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Western Nazeeism. Soviet Union defeated Nazees until Ahole Americans and a few others boosted the leftover Nazee scientists, spys and other useful brutes by letting them in as paid citizens. These days Russia is the tespectable smart sane ones.

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I see now Nazism at Putin. Hitler was an idealist, same as the neomarxists, who are saying the world can be only according to their vision and that are now in power in the Western world. Putin is a realist. It is a nationalist and an iliberal in the Russian way. All Russia's presidents were illiberals, including the monarchs. The Russians don't have the experience of liberal democracy and the only way you can keep such a large country with so many ethnic groups is with an iron hand. Don't tell me that what is America is doing in Gaza to keep the control on the Arab oil is not worse. After all where is Ukraine relative to Russia and where is Israel relative to America. You are mixing internal politics ideology witb foreign relations.

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First word "now" is a typo. It should be the word no instead.

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Russia named its African Corps after the nazis

Achtung ⚠️ +18

Mali. Tin-Zautina area.


"The entire Wagner unit and the Malian army that tried to capture the city of Tinzahuatin were destroyed. Most of this unit consisted of Wagner fighters."


19.44792784477416, 2.5542850724016137

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US foreign policy is serving the folks who own the government perfectly.

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Jul 27·edited Jul 27

Well, since the coup in Ukraine in 2014 fostered by the US I have always had the same perspective on this issue as expressed by Dr. Mearsheimer.  However the genocide being implemented in Gaza by Israel is foremost on my mind these days, and Netanyahu's visit yesterday and his self righteous lying applauded by those the American people elected into office was sickening. Kamala Harris wasn't present,  true, but when she met him afterwards although she voiced her concerns, she pretty much swore she would always be there for Israel.  I was not impressed that some democrats bowed out, and mostly those that did are defined by their party as very  liberal  like Sanders, Warren,  Alexandria Ocasio-Corteztrust who play their role well, but too often cave to their parties demands in the end. Pelosi  said on Wednesday she will not be attending the address and instead “will join a Members meeting with Israeli citizens whose families have suffered in the wake of the October 7th Hamas terror attack and kidnappings." Wow, what spunk that old broad has. ” The best and the only one I will give credit to is  Rashida Tlaib and her sign who told it like it is. 

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I was visiting Maidan during the revolution. It was no coup. Chile was a coup, Niger was a coup last year. Maidan was never a coup.

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Well, I'm going with Putin and his perspective of what happened in 2014 where he accused the US of orchestrating the 2014 ‘coup’ in Ukraine. When you assist a bunch of neo-Nazi's that had it's president, Yanukovich, hightailing to Russia, it's a coup.

Just a clip from Reuters: WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A conversation between a State Department official and the U.S. ambassador to Ukraine that was posted on YouTube revealed an embarrassing exchange on U.S. strategy for a political transition in that country, including a crude American swipe at the European Union.

The leaked conversation appeared certain to embarrass the United States and seemed designed to bolster charges - from Russia, among others - that the Ukrainian opposition is being manipulated by Washington, which President Barack Obama's administration strenuously disputes.

Yeah it was a coup, and it's purpose was to ultimately bring down Russia, and that's what the Biden administration was intent on doing. During Trump's administration all they did was keep Russia hate alive and they used him to do it.

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You are writing crap. Russia invaded Ukraine in 2014. Russia started the war in Donbas in April 2014. There were no need for Russia to invade Ukraine in 2014. Putin is an imperalist as Russia have always been through history. Remember Putin has been at war since he took power in 1999.

I m Norwegian but my wife is Ukrainian and parts of her family live in Russian occupied Ukraine. Others live in Zaporozhye city in Ukraine.

Russia overthrow the democratic elected government in Niger and Myanmar to show you they are not innocent the Putin nazi regime.

There will be peace in Ukraine when nazi Russia leave Ukrainian territory.

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I feel your bias is clear based on your familial relationship(s).

Here’s my stoned take and it goes like this...

I think, the original boundaries were arbitrarily and poorly determined when Ukraine got its sovereignty. As a result, many who still identified as Russian found themselves on the other side of their original nation.

Just imagine what that would be like? It’s crazy!

After the US’s strategic co-ordination of the coup in Ukraine was successfully completed, the Ukrainian Government’s military branch welcomed into its ranks the Neo-Nazi AZOV Battalion. They had been a big player in the coup and were rewarded accordingly. They were tasked with stopping the protests and violence in the Donbass. While occupying the region they committed documented war criminal acts such as public assassinations. Soon, they would make it more difficult or impossible for citizens of the Donbas to worship their Russian orthodoxy or speak the Russian language. As well Eastern Ukraine received less government assistance and its economy in ruins.

Fighting ensued and yes, I think it’s clear Putin had troops supporting them, or at least provided uniforms and weapons.

There are numerous published articles reported by Amnesty International and Human Rights watch to support the crimes committed by the AZOV. This battalion is the Putin reference, I think, of ridding Ukraine of it’s Nazi’s.

The west and the east clashed over both cultural and economic disparities and a full blown civil war was the end result. The West supported by the US; the East supported by the Russians.

… while the history is all very interesting and important, the truth is all of the escalation we have seen in the past few years has been conceived, choreographed and supported by the United States, with NATO taking orders from Uncle Sam.

I truly believe the US and other NATO nations starting the discussion about expanding into Ukraine was, is and will always be, provocation for Nuclear war.

This is now a proxy drone war between the US and Russia.

My own personal concern is the ongoing chatter about more countries providing the Ukraine with weapons and permitting them to target areas within Russia other than industrial or military targets.

I don’t want to be a ‘chicken little’ about all of this but it seems to the sky is getting ready to fall.

This conflict is just another example of US global interference and destabilization, that brings with it an upside of hundreds of billions in revenue to capital businesses, private contractors and government military contracts.

Did Putin have the right to be concerned about the threat of an ever encroaching war pact?


Consider an opposite scenario where the US is faced with the USSR/russia planning to place their troops and military weapons anywhere along the over 2000 km of the US border! (With Canada and Mexico coerced or feared into consenting)

Would the US consider allowing such a military position to stand? Or would threaten nuclear war?

If you said yes you’re either stoned or source all your news from CNN or FOX.

Just my stoned thought!

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Thousands of Venezuelans protest against the re-election of Maduro🙅‍♂️🇻🇪

▪️Protests are held immediately in 20 of the 24 states of the country. Demonstrators are blocking roads, clashing with police, throwing bottles of incendiary mixture, burning Maduro posters and knocking down monuments to late President Hugo Chavez from pedestals.

▪️During the riots, the police used tear gas and rubber bullets to disperse the protesters.

▪️Maduro declares an attempt at a "fascist and counter-revolutionary coup" in Venezuela.

▪️The country's opposition claims that it can prove its victory in the elections. Earlier, she did not recognize the results and said that Maduro's opponent, Edmundo Gonzalez, won them. Independent exit polls show that about 65% voted for Gonzalez, and 14% to 31% for Maduro.

▪️Venezuela recalls its diplomats from Argentina, the Dominican Republic, Costa Rica, Panama, Peru, Uruguay and Chile, which did not recognize Maduro's re-election.

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Are you stupid? Do you think Russia have no opinion on whom they want to be president in Ukraine?

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Jul 27·edited Jul 27

No I'm not stupid, not with four degrees I'm not, and in three different areas of study, and 3 on scholarship. Well, I hope that clears up that rude perception of yours. By the way your sentence should read: Do you think Russia has no opinion on whom they want to be president in Ukraine? Of course you totally missed my point, now go back and read it again.

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Every big country have their thoughts on it. Russia can decide but not USA can not have their opinion on it you say?

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Jul 28·edited Jul 28

I don't know where you were born, and if you are Ukrainian and this is a personal matter for you. In 2023 some 500 thousand Ukrainians were dead,  and injured, and don't know what the count is now. What did Biden say on a return trip from Ukraine that year? "Putin has got to go." Don't be naive and think the US has Ukraine's best interest at heart, since the US is using Ukraine to gain further power. That war never had to happen, but we, the US, made sure it did, and to it's detriment.  We had many Middle Eastern wars driven by the neocon agenda in the 21st century. We knew there were no weapons in Iraq, but Biden said they did and of course it was a lie, and only a pretext to bring down Saddam Hussein and ruin a country, and we ruined many in this century, and not that we didn't already have a long record of overthrowing governments  in the previous one where we can honestly say we are accountable for the deaths of some 6 million people. Learn our history before you trust our motives. Remember it was only days ago  Netanyahu who is implementing a genocide in Gaza met with applause and approval from our US representatives and whose country is supplying him with weapons to implement it. 

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Dear Professor,

Do you believe the ‘US mainstream’ media are culpable or responsible for the state of current US domestic and/or foreign affairs, and, if so, to what extent?

My 2 cents…

Including MSNBC, CNN, FOX and all the other US major networks, there does not appear to be a comprehensive global news network of significant viewership or integrity in the Unites Staes. Individuals in the US get the standard package of news sources and must be motivated enough to want to pay additional fees for English speaking foreign news sources, in particular, Al Jazeera, France24News, TRTNews, and RTNews.

If I had a magic wand I’d provide every American (Canada and The USA) with these english speaking foreign networks and pay them to watch these channels for a couple of months while comparing them to CNN and FOX.

Regardless of whether a viewer agrees or disagrees with some or all of what they hear I do believe people would hope and expect many to garner some greater perspective of how they are truly seen and thought of around the world.

While many Americans don’t subscribe to these foreign news channels, at least they are available. France24News and RT News agave been banned from TV yet not from the internet. What’s that about? Is Al Jazeera next?

I recently learned that in Canada, an unelected Governors Council of appointees, comprised of individuals ‘appointed’ by the Governor General, advised the Federal Government to ban RT News and France24News channels from cable TV. They did not agree with its content. This though from a country that just created now a ‘Department of Mis-information’. A site that purports to tell us what is true and what is false. We are not to make such decisions ourselves.

The federal lawmakers of both the United States and Canada exert their influence and bias on their affiliated media sites. Smaller, online news sources, can provide a refuge for those with journalistic integrity but still tagged as fringe’ news for not following along with the narrative.

In truth, such news sources, and even podcasts, are daring to question, expose, or give broader global context that’s missing in the mainstream media.

If more news outlets get banned from Canada, where does it stop and who exactly qualifies someone else to decide for me where I choose to get my information, who I trust and who I don’t?

I apologize for the long winded diatribe but I really do want to know your thoughts?


Please, your thoughts?

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Thanks Prof. Keep plugging. I love your articles.

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What can you say about a country after a very serious assassination attempt is made on its leading prospect for next head of state? - and the explanations as to how this happened are not satisfactory, to put it mildly? Something is rotten, and it's not in Denmark.

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The majority of the people are brainwashed. The war cannot be stopped. Those who understand and who can speak at TV, don't say anything about the risks and the real situation. Somehow they were silenced or even brought on the same side with the war "chearleaders".

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Except for RFK Jr. who described very well each failed diplomatic step before the war is and also spoke about BlackRock's financial interest in this war.

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Somebody stop this madness

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I am tired of trying to let people know about the truth and the risks of this war, to help prevent a catastrophe, at least in my country. I am talking to the walls.

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God bless the knowledge

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Call Putler and tell him to get the hell out of Ukraine.

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I am tired of stupid people saying let's all die for Ukraine and let's destroy everything.

My country is full of such people. Even right wing professors. They are sooo blinded by their hate against Putin/Russia. At least I am not living in the capital city, Bucharest, which will be the target against administrative/civilians buildings. If they want to die then, good luck to them.

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I agree.

I can think of many other countries I’d rather risk global annihilation over.

Certainly not the Ukraine.

Before this conflict they were ranked one of the most corrupt countries i. The world, had a culture of abandoning disabled children in institutions, and definitely not a welcoming or friendly country to the LGBTQ.

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Would you die for Adolf Putin? He is the one threatening to use nukes

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Go and fight man. Ukraine needs manpower for the work on the front. They are in the holes industry.

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Just Venezuela to demonstrate the rot of these Wailing Wall White House slugs? One fucking country, and it is emblematic:


A webinar by The Venezuelan Solidarity Netwok, the SanctionsKill Campaign and hosted by UNAC

On July 28, Venezuelans will vote on whether the Bolivarian Revolution, initiated by Hugo Chavez in 1998, will continue under his successor and incumbent President Nicolas Maduro. For all the hullabaloo about “free and fair elections, ”the corporate press deliberately ignores the elephant in the room – namely, the so-called sanctions designed to make life so miserable that the people will acquiesce to Washington’s plan for regime change.


Joe Emersberger, co-author of Extraordinary Threats on US empire and coup attempts on Venezuela

Maria Paez Victor, PhD, Canadian-Venezuelan sociologist academic and activist

Sara Founder, SanctionsKill Campaign - moderator

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Ruzzia and Putin and people like Mearsheimer always say sanctions dont work as they dont hurt. Why everyone is crying over Venezuela?

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Yeah, go after developing or THird World countries. That's the dirty tricks of countries like EuroTrashLandian and UnUnited Snakes of AmeriKKKa-Israel, Klanada, and UnUnited Inbred Queendom. Embargoes and tariffs, all of those CAPITALIST syphlitic tools, yep, death by one trillion cuts. And then stealing Venezuela's gold, Russia's assets, Iran's gold, oh, what a system of smash and grab insane and disgusting economic terrorists.

Russia is not Venezuela or Nicaragua or any African nation. Sanctions work -- the regular people dispise the West, the Five Eyes mother fuckers, the 14 Eyes collective terrorists of the globe.

C in capitalist is a big CUNT, full stop.


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Great "chat"!

Daniel has such honest eyes, I'm sure he'd lie if it was *necessary*, but it would be fantastic to hear him as DoD Spokesman!

Maybe he should practice cackling and word-salads, and the the Democrats would love him too! ;)

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As a veteran of the US Army, Iraq war (04–05), I can strongly agree that there’s a marked diversion from reality in the west, which will have catastrophic repercussions for the USA.

We all now recognize that the calls of WMD’s in Iraq were BS, but at the time, pointing that out in 04 would have earned you the same kind of rage like those today who label people, “Putin, bots” and “Russian apologists” for shining a light on the new lies. Reference the Dixie Chics

These BS narratives, which are shamelessly pushed by the media, become a self-inflicted gun wound. They can’t admit their lie, and they can’t settle the conflict because they’ve framed it based on false narratives. Chemical weapons in Dumas Syria, Nordstrom pipeline, Ukraine war was “unprovoked”. Time and again, the homeostasis of corruption between the donors, politicians and mainstream media pull whatever half baked BS out of their rectum to convince the public to support a war that is not in the interest of the country to pursue.

Unfortunately, there are no shortage of dopes who will boast in arrogantly claim, “this time they’re telling the truth”, as we sleep walk into another major war that we can’t win, this time with Iran, on behalf of Israel, and their psychopathic desire to stoke an apocalyptic confrontation between the USA and Iran.

Our corrupt historically, illiterate morons in Congress will give them what they want on a silver platter – while banking the profit from their stock portfolios full of general Dynamics Boeing and Raytheon. Laughing the whole time saying “they believed it again...“

You get what you deserve .

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Fight against this empire 🇺🇸 for world peace !!

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those with swords are not done yet

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Muzzle or slow down Arild

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…world is so fucking stupid, putin is enemy of the world #1 and helping Ukraine is the only way to stop that motherfucker, it’s the main front in a war with NAZIS around the world period

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You call people who don’t agree with you about Putin stupid and end your statement with a”period”. You are clearly not well informed and get your news from the politically affiliated US news networks.

That’s the first place we need to start. People need to stop being so naive and look outside our own media bubble (propaganda at is best).

Is it so difficult for people to understand that if the roles were reversed and the United States was facing the possible placement of Russian troops and weapons along 2000 km of their US border, what would they do?

The Bay of Pigs showed us what they’d do. They gave Russia an ultimatum and threatened them with nuclear war. Sent missile because the US secretly moved weapons into Turkey and succeeded in getting the US to remove them to stop the ships from offloading g weapons into Cuba.

But feel free to parrot the mainstream media and insult others with no argument of your own and risk looking foolish in doing so.

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Another great interview. We owe a deep debt of gratitude to Professor Mearsheimer.

I would make a couple of points, though.

1) As Mearsheimer noted long ago (but seems to have forgotten since), the Chinese have a profound interest in prolonging the Ukraine war as long as possible because it diverts attention and resources that would otherwise be devoted to “countering China”. Of course, China can’t say this out loud because it would undermine their image in the Global South. But surely both the Chinese and the Russians both now they both have a deep interest in inflicting the greatest possible defeat on Ukraine/NATO/US.

2) As much as we as “intellectuals” and perhaps even as Americans would like to see sanity prevail among American policymakers, every enemy of American hegemony and warmongering should cheer and encourage the strategic suicide in which the US/NATO are currently engaged. As I have said to many people, I believe that Project Ukraine will become known as an “own goal” of historic proportions by the geostrategic “three stooges” (Biden, Blinken, and Sullivan). Moreover, in a perverse way, we should be deeply grateful to them because they are (unwittingly) advancing a goal we wholeheartedly support. To adapt Napoleon’s adage: Never interfere when the enemy of mankind is making a mistake.

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History repeat itself. In USA during WW2 there were also people saying it was impossible to defeat the nazis and people called for negotiations. The Russians can be defeated and it might need NATO to do it. I think Xi will not allow Putin to go nuclear. I am not worried about it.

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