*Kamala Harris & Joe Biden = 2 Warmongering, Genocidal, Israeli Bootlicking, Military Industrial Complex Sock Puppets!* -tk

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I hate to say it but it seems as though you and I are on the same page. The reason I hate to say it is that I wish what you’ve said wasn’t true…

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Yes and as an American will never support them

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Aug 2Edited

Those that didn't go to hear Netanyahu speak don't get a thumbs up from me, since it would take courage to go, and confront him on his agenda which only one Congress person did. They are political hacks who are instrumental in funding and supporting this genocide but would like to be seen as someone they are not.

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It’s important to understand that if one keeps describing the problem without trying to both identify and address the root of the problem one will be forever engaged in an endless exercise of whack-a-mole.

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So, to sum up:

Thousands of years of persecution teaches Jews that Israel is existentially important to their survival.

However, the very existence of Israel undermines fundamental Islamist concepts - i.e. fundamental Islam.


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Hi Sanych, Thank you for engaging in a dialogue about this important and timely issue. I think the comment I left at 6:12 AM sums up my position on how at least in my opinion religion and religious beliefs tend to make these types of seemingly intractable situations harder to solve. As I’ve said previously despite not being able to reach agreement on first principals does not mean that there isn’t a best way forward. In the instance of this particular situation it is my opinion that Joe Biden could have and should have made an oversized effort to nip the nasty retaliation of the Israeli government in the bud. Instead we have a situation that is horrific and it doesn’t look like it’s going to get any better anytime soon. In the meantime the defensless civilian population of Gaza is paying the biggest price.

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So as a start I would recommend that people forget about the religions they “believe” in because for the most part they’re based on superstition and nonsensical idiocy. I don’t know you for beans so I won’t make any kind of a judgement as to whether you’re an idiot or not but if you are an idiot I hope you’ll come to your senses soon. And then, assuming you are an idiot, after you’ve come to that realization that most of what you’ve believed in is nonsense and you’ve generally come to your senses and have a good grip on yourself maybe we can talk some more.

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Kevin, you have no idea about the situation there. You just project your kumbaya mentality on the people who have seventh century mindset.

Keep dreaming!

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I know that nastiness tends to beget more nastiness. I also know that the religions that quite a few people hang their hat on is largely based on superstition and nonsense. And I know, as evidenced by what’s going on, what’s most likely to transpire isn’t going to be good for anyone who is unlucky enough to live in an area where nastiness is getting nastier. And that’s too bad because if it were not for these superstitious religions and the fact that we as a species allow narcissistic creeps to run the show the world would be in a better place. Rather than trying to bring the temperature down fools turn it up and that will almost surely lead to more nastiness.

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"Nastiness"? No one is "nasty".

Inquisition had burned people at stake to "save their souls". Nazis just wanted to purify their genetic pool. Islamists just want to get to paradise.

All of them were/are "very nice people".

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I agree that there has been too much nastiness over history and it seems to be heating up again. It’s my opinion that what we should be striving towards is happiness both individually and collectively. What we should avoid is following superstitious religious idiocy and narcissistic leaders who perpetrate nastiness. I could have told everyone the best way to handle the latest set of problems in Israel… What I would have suggested might not have worked but it was the best option out of all of the bad options.

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Wish it could be basically summarized ...Coming late to this horrific tragedy......

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Agree. But you are also wrong, at least, half-wrong.

Muslims, worldwide, are against Israel because Islam telld them

1. Whatever land is taken by Islam must stay with Islam

2. Jews were cursed by Allah

3. Jews took the land from Arabs and prophet Mohammed was an Arab.

Jews claim their right to the land based on HISTORIC FACTthat they had their nation state in that area and this is their ancestral home. It is morons, who follow Mearsheimer, keeps saying that Jewish claim to the land is based on the Bible.

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Please clarify if you haven't already below which I haven't read yet 💚

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I would love to see Israel destroyed. It is committing #Genocide on Itself!

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Aug 2Edited

Typical Netanyahu* tactic to wiggle out of the mass-rape prison camp situation - escalate more. Looks like they're now well on their way to getting a full-on war with Lebanon, which will inevitably suck in the rudderless US.

* yes the fundamental issue is no different without him, but he does have a sort-of magic touch when it comes to brazenly cynical moves. anyway it's now so far past the point of no return that it doesn't matter. they're going down, and will cling to the US the whole way.

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Rudderless is apt for USA. A downbound train due to the incompetent leadership for foreign affairs.

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Please clarify your statement. I’m older and just realizing the actual #Genocide that is taking place by Israel, whom the US supports and is therefore COMPLICIT with.

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Aug 2Edited

That's right, unfortunately. It's well past mere ethnic cleansing - Netanyahu and a sizable chunk of the Israeli political spectrum are comfortable with policies that solve the problem their predecessors created and they themselves aggravated, by systematically killing the current (and long-time) inhabitants of the lands they claim.

This has broad bipartisan support in the US too, and the US media does its best to spin the headlines and sanitize their reporting. The rest of the world, not so much. US Presidents and Congresspeople will still ramble on about 'rules based order' or 'defending freedom and democracy', but unlike before, I'm pretty confident it'll be widely recognized as a fraud, and the social obligation to pretend won't be there any more. The US will also eventually be forced out of a bunch of bases in the region by threat of violence, but that's the lesser issue. Losing pivotal countries like Pakistan or Indonesia will be the bigger impact.

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Professor Mearsheimer is a brilliant academic on Russian political history and NATO. For anyone who has followed his writings and speaking engagements, he understood and correctly predicted the events leading up to the current war in Ukraine. That compliment, however, does not naturally translate or carry over to the Mideast conflict involving Israel and its Arab/Islamist neighbors. I don’t believe he has as deep an understanding in Mideast political and military history. It is clear that he has withstood near endless umbrage taken by the Neocon IC types about the Ukraine conflict and its political history. And one would not be surprised to think that the constant barrage of criticism he has shouldered from Neocon anti Russian advocates, has muddled his thinking and positions regarding Israel and the current ME conflict. And poke the Islamist snake as he has the neocon lobby.

The idea that Israel is engaged in genocide in Gaza is patently untrue. And one must be careful how one defines and talks about genocide. The number (IF one accepts the Hamas numbers of Gazans killed and that is a massive and intractable problem) of killed “civilians” does not a “genocide” make. In the holocaust, roughly 60% of the Jews in Europe and its near surround were killed. If one accepts the Hamas numbers and I see absolutely no reason to, it does not a holocaust make. There’s no accepted or easily verifiable stats for non (so-called) Hamas military deaths. Or for “civilian “ deaths in a population that is itself uniformly militarized through the ranks of the population. But who do not uniformly wear recognized military garb. And the blame for this unverified numbers lies at the feet of Hamas AND its civilian adherents and supporters. The Gaza population has been thoroughly propagandized and militarized. A rational population would have surrendered, if not killed off the essential military command including Sinyar (sp?).

Starting a war has serious consequences. Starting AND LOSING (what is it now?!) 4 or 5 wars has catastrophic geopolitical and historical consequences for a ‘People’. The ‘Palestinians’ however named or considered are a population destined for diaspora. Their future generations will be Egyptians, Syrians, Jordanians, Lebanese, other Arab nationalities, even Americans (hopefully few as they are itinerant and veteran troublemakers which is why none of the near surround Arab countries want any part of them) and Europeans (to the danger of their own native populations). All because of their invidious, inbred hatred of “the Jew”. The American people recognize these basic truths as roughly 80% in the polls support Israel’s ongoing efforts in Gaza. The negotiating position of Hamas has been ludicrous. The remaining known hostages are almost certainly all dead. Sinyar, ala Hitler near his end, remains ensconced like a rat underground. Soon, the rest of the above ground fascist terrorist leadership of this population will be killed off until the message is delivered and accepted. “The Jew” they so hate and murderously pursue will destroy enough of their ‘leadership’ to bring some semblance of a lasting peace.

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I know this isn’t going to win me any favors with about half of the world’s population, but one of the “classes” in my course debunks the myth of most of what today’s religions are all about. For the most part they are complete nonsense. This isn’t to say that some of the concepts in religions are not acceptable but overall religion does more harm than good. This is why this “class” covers the basic work of Isaac Azimov and Sir David Attenborough. My opinion of religion is that it’s a failed attempt to answer questions for which there is no answer. Unfortunately, there are some people, largely due to cognitive dissonance, who have a need to have answers for things for which there is no answer. And it’s my opinion that in a situation like the one in Israel the fact that religion is helping to fuel the misunderstandings and hard feelings between the Israelis and Palestinians is a big part of the problem. In my humble opinion if the amount of time, money and resources that go into the world’s religions were to be spent actually trying to tackle our biggest problems head on we’d be much further ahead. In this same vein, if we were to be able to have more trust amongst the great powers we’d be able to use a bigger portion of the world’s resources to solve our most pressing problems rather than spending such huge amounts of time, money and resources on military defense and senseless wars. This is in large part what my “course” is all about. As I mentioned previously, in large part my “course” is about identifying and examining the root causes of the biggest problems we face as a species and trying to figure out the most rational and reasonable way to overcome those problems. Insofar as what Judge Napolitano and John Mearsheimer address it should be obvious that nastiness within countries and nasty international conflicts in the realm of international relations is counterproductive when it comes to trying to tackle the problems we’re facing. Our top leaders should put a priority in trying to avoid nasty confrontations. It’s my opinion that my “course” lays out the best way to try to achieve a much more harmonious and sustainable way in which the human race as a species should be striving to conduct itself. As I’ve mentioned previously it’s a one stop shop in that it provides for a very good basis for a very good US and worldwide political platform, a kind of non-religious religion which is based on reasonableness and rationality, and the basis for artificial intelligence if AI is to be aligned with the long term, most beneficial interests of the human race as a species. It’s based on an amalgamation of simple concepts that when put together make for a comprehensive and compelling argument as to how we should be conducting ourselves in order to give ourselves to best possible chance for good outcomes here, there and everywhere.

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I agree with almost everything until you reached "AI". AI will not solve much at all. We ALREADY had all the answers to all of our problems - the REAL problem is that the wealthy and powerful didn't like the answers.

AI certainly cannot solve THAT one, as AI is a tool of those people.

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The "Donor Class" - code for the current Oligarchy. Interestingly, it was the very same Western "Donor Class" who funded and armed Nazi Germany, started WW2, and then watched as the Holocaust took place. Now, they have turned Israel into the 4th Reich, and are busy setting the scene for a repeat of the Holocaust - but this time in Western Asia instead of Europe.

And this time, it will be impossible to say "Jews are just the victims" - no normal Jew will be safe anywhere in the World after this.

The best way to turn someone stupid is to tell them they are "innately superior".

There were 3 basic Jewish groups, Europeanised Ashkenazi, Islamised Sephardim, and the Palestinians - the brave Hebrews who remained and survived the Romans, converting to the Islamic version of Judaism peacefully, centuries later. How many will survive this bloodbath?

The "Donor Class" are fascists at best, Nazis at worst. Do they REALLY have the best interests of the Jewish people at heart? Wealthy German Jews supported Hitler, and figured the hell would only land on the poorer and religious Jews. If that sounds outrageous, recall it is no different behaviour than the way other peoples behave, with "Aristos" starting wars and shovelling their poorer folk in front of machine guns to "reduce their numbers".

The Israeli Jews are being set up, and they are so blinded by ther vaunted "Superiority" they cannot imagine this. And despite all the moral Jews out in the streets, they will be tainted too.

"Amalek" will come to home to roost in a big way. And so will Western involvement for all the cover given Israel's nukes - for most are pointing at WESTERN capitals, not Tehran.

The slaughter happening in the tiny region will be the death knell for all of us. But what can Russia and China do? Apart from S550s for themselves, and watch the West disappear, and hope the nuclear winter leaves some of them alive.

"Intelligent" species! Hah!!

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Aug 2Edited

When Mearsheimer, or you reference the donor class in the US and elsewhere are we talking about people like Miriam Adelson who wants to fund Trump's campaign to the tune of a 100 million to push for the annexation of the West Bank should he become president in 2025?

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I think the clue is in the name - the people with enough "spare" capital that their monetary "donations" are significant drivers of policy.

It was easier to spot them during the British Empire's global reign of terror than America's - they all had "Earl", or "Baron", or "Lord" etc in front of their name.

But it's the same principle, except America hides its plutocrats and pretends it is a "mass democracy".

It's worth noting the internal imagery that comes up associated with the name "Adelson", and compare it to the old British 'Punch' memes regarding the UK plutocracy back then.

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To think that AIPAC has so much control over our political system sickens me, not to mention a press that no longer takes an objective position to get at the truth but simply takes sides. Some stupid politician trying to curry political favor says that Israel made the world a safer place by killing Haniyeh. We're doomed.

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Interesting episode with the judge as usual. As you said thoroughly depressing.

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Dear Professor Mearsheimer,

Please write about the elephant in the room: the genocide of white people occurring in the United States at the border invasion in conjunction with current immigration


It seems to me that anyone with your rightly lauded honors and credentials should lay down a broad opinion of the topic. Perhaps as a humanitarian capstone for what is not only happening to others, but indeed what is happening to you your family and Americans like me?

I would appreciate to see you use your extensive expertise and wisdom to address the genocide occurring beneath our feet.

Let the fate of foreigners be in their own hands.

Genocide is a crime in US criminal code. Whites are soon to be minority status against their will when once they were nearly 90% of the US population.

This minority status is by design. And a leader of the genocide, imo, Nancy Pelosi, has prove! Mens rea culpability when she stated publicly that Trump wanted to “Make America White Again”.

This is prima facie evidence that she recognizes the USA was once mainly white folks, but no longer is.

And the reason for it is the immigration policy since the Hart-Celler Act of immigration.

Thank you for your life long attention to justice and ethics.

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In Ukraine there are no reason for the west to back down. NATO should make it clear that they will not allow Ukraine to lose at any time.

Nazi Russia said the same relating the socalled nazi republics in Donbas, DNR/LNR.

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Apparently not enough of a kimchi to stop it from causing havoc in the region, in its own population, in a population that had nothing to do with WWII, and in the US of A. Either something is clearly not working or we are being taken for fools. Depression IS the objective. When are we snapping out of it?

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“If I ruled the world”* The Judge and all his regular band of interviewees would be placed as the President and government not only of the USA but any world government should that ghastly prospect ever happen. Peace, prosperity and general good will would break out immediately!!

*From the musical Man of La Mancha based on Cervantes Don Quixote.

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I've spent the last 18 years since the 2006 conflict between Israel and Hezbollah explaining to anyone who would listen on various forums that Israel would start a war with Iran and that Israel would get the US to fight it for them, but that this couldn't happen until 1) Hezbollah was defanged, and 2) someone sufficiently crazy would be running both Israel and the US, and 3) that they had to find a way to blame Iran - because that's what every US President who started a war does to absolve themselves from blame if it goes wrong (which it always does.)

Everyone - absolutely everyone - told me this was impossible because 1) Iran was too powerful, 2) the US didn't want a war in the Middle East (sound familiar every single day now in the MSM?), 3) blah, blah, blah.

And here we are. Who was right?

The ONLY person now who gets it right besides me is Alastair Crooke. His interview on Judge Nap yesterday is a MUST-SEE:

Alastair Crooke : Willful Western Blindness Over Israel


The title is particularly apt - "willfull blindness" is precisely what I faced for eighteen years and which still consumes most of the commentators even among the "alt-media".

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I am getting numerous emails that "RealJohnJMearsheimer" had replied to my comments - but I don't see them in either the thread or in Telegram app.

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