If Israel was acting ethically it would actually want the whole world to know and indeed openly encourage conversations about the current situation.

Let’s get back to principles, that outside journalists are banned from reporting from Gaza or the West Bank should ring alarm bells and be universally condemned. Israel and its supporters clearly do not endorse free speech.

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These people have never endorsed free speech unless they can cynically use it to destroy their host population, as Solzhenitsyn knew very well.


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If I had been to war, and you showed up to “report” while embedded in my unit, I would have a heart to heart with you on arrival. “Our enemy wants to kill me, and because you’re going to be traveling with me, they want to kill you too. Our own fire support wants to lay fires as close to me as is possible, so as to protect me and my unit with a shield of explosive shells. Unfortunately, those explosive shells could easily kill me, and by extension, you. If all you’re going to do is write articles bolstering your preconceived notions of war, leave now. You can do that from home without risking your life.”

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Fascinating thought experiment William not relevant in this conversation though

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To quote Naomi Klein they inhabit the ‘mirror world’.

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Confusing. Star Trek? Not https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mirror_matter

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Oh that’s interesting SaHIB but I was positing Naomi Klein’s concept of the “mirror world,” explored in her book Doppelganger: A Trip into the Mirror World, refers to an alternate reality shaped by conspiracy theories, polarization, and the distorting effects of social media.

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With respect to freedom of expression inside the US, its not "Israel" that is the threat to free speech. Its Americans. People with American passports, born in America, who serve an agenda of loyalty to furthering the ethno-state, the settler-colonial project of "israel".

if we didnt want this to occur.....then we should have objected when the top ranks and executive leadership of institutions across government, business, education, the media, and all aspects of civil society.....were being stockpiled with ethnic groups that had a high tendency of loyalty to that project.

Of course it was NEVER acceptable to point out the assembly of such cabals of biased groups of people that scratched each other backs and structurally shut out others from power - for decades on end leading up to the present date. Despite the fact that this bias in assembly clearly was not diverse or inclusive in any way shape or form.

So be honest - the problems of supression of free speech and institutional rot and corruption didn't begin now.

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Let me break this down for you. Hamas doesn’t need to be "defeated" entirely—what matters is ensuring they can’t smuggle in weapons or rebuild their arsenal to attack Israeli citizens. As long as that’s prevented, their capacity to cause harm is neutralized.

Hamas has had decades and billions of dollars in aid to transform Gaza into a peaceful, thriving region—a potential resort destination on the Mediterranean. Instead, they’ve chosen to divert those resources into terror tunnels, weaponry, and keeping their own people in misery. The future of Gaza depends on their decision: will they rebuild for peace or continue to invest in terrorism?

As for Iran, no prolonged war is necessary. Israel has already removed much of Iran’s aerial defense capabilities. Targeted bombing runs by B-2 or B-52 bombers with precision munitions, like 30,000-pound bunker-buster bombs, could dismantle Iran’s fortified nuclear facilities. By ending Iran’s military-industrial complex, the Middle East could finally be freed from the oppressive ayatollah regime—none more so than the Iranian people themselves, who have suffered under it for decades.

Lastly, let’s address the claim of genocide. The only attempted genocide here was by Hamas, targeting Israeli civilians—murdering people at a music festival and in their homes. If Israel’s intent was genocide, Gaza could be leveled in minutes. Instead, they take painstaking steps to warn civilians before striking buildings that house terrorist infrastructure and tunnels.

Rebuilding Gaza has always been part of the post-war plan. The real question is whether this time it will be rebuilt for peace or once again as a launchpad for terrorism.

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You engage in black and white thinking and it's why your perception of things has little basis in reality. Hamas bad, Palestinians bad, Israel good, Jews good, and you use that perspective for everything no matter what factual information you're presented with, and explains your distorted perspective. Hamas committed a genocide, well, if that were the case they really suck at that, and if Israel is not engaged in genocide they're terrific without even trying.

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Fran, on October 6, 2023, there was a peaceful border with Gaza. Hamas claimed they wanted a long-term ceasefire, and Israel, in good faith, allowed 25,000 Palestinian workers to cross into Israel daily. Then, on October 7, Hamas unleashed hell, slaughtering 1,200 innocent people in the most barbaric ways imaginable, kidnapping 250 others, and only stopped when they ran out of time and were finally forced to retreat. That is genocide.

Israel, in response, targeted Hamas’s terrorist infrastructure while warning civilians—civilians Hamas shamelessly uses as human shields—to get out of harm’s way. Hamas’s deliberate endangerment of their own people is the very definition of a crime against humanity. The fact that you can’t grasp this isn’t just strange—it’s willful ignorance.

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Jaffe, I never said I supported what Hamas did, and I don't. I do remain suspicious of Israel ignoring the information of a possible attack, like Hamas's written plans which they had in their possession but dismissed on the assertion they were too complicated for them to carry out. They also ignored the warnings of those that monitored Gaza and reported suspicious behavior, and of course Egypt's warning of an impending attack was equally ignored. I heard a tape of a Hamas member saying they thought this was going to be a suicide mission, but of course it wasn't since no one was there for a good part of the day to protect these people. Do you also decry them implementing the Hannibal Directive where Israeli soldiers killed maybe a couple of hundred of their own people? You're on a site where Mearsheimer acknowledges Israel is implementing a genocide, and he's right, so why are you hear? Are you hear to convince others it's just not so, and if you are you are wasting your time. OverflowError, good name for someone whose perspective is full of errors. Do you also support those soldiers who have aired the atrocities they have committed and take joy in their killing of Palestinian lives, even those of children, and feel so much joy they are often filled with laughter? Do you not see how Israel in the eyes of the world is destroying itself? You simply can't rationalize a genocide away by using Hamas to do it. Sometimes you just have to acknowledge reality whether you like it or not.

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Your logic is completely absurd. Are you seriously suggesting that because Israel underestimated Hamas’s capability to carry out such a heinous and barbaric attack, the responsibility for the massacre of sleeping families and young people at a music festival somehow falls on Israel? What’s wrong with you?

As for why I engage on this antisemitic platform that amplifies Mearsheimer's rhetoric, it’s simple: offering truth is important. You never know when it might resonate with someone who is open to hearing facts instead of swallowing Goebbels-like propaganda. Clearly, you’re not one of those people.

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Today Hamas released 4 IDF soldiers, women, all twenty or younger, and all spotters, who are IDF soldiers who sit in bases right on the Gaza border and look at surveillance footage all day and warned for months Hamas was up to something, but were ignored, so on Oct 7 their bases were stormed and they were slaughtered, or taken hostage. Of course as you know there were other warnings they ignored, so most definitely Israel is culpable in the deaths of their own citizens whether you like it or not. Perhaps they were culpable for most of the deaths with their curious absenteeism, and who knows how many of their own were killed when they implemented the Hannibal Directive, but most importantly when you put people in a cage and they have to ask permission like children to come and go, well, you must certainly know that sooner or later their will be reprisals that will ultimately put your citizens at high risk. Just think of what happened in Nambia and that genocide the Germans implemented and finally owned up to.

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Yes there were people during WWII who denied the reality of Hitler's genocidal behavior implemented against Jews and other groups as well. Now, it is you who are denying the reality of the genocide Israel is implementing against the Palestinians. Too bad that reality doesn't resonate with you. As to what's wrong with me, nothing, however you did incorrectly access my initial statement which you often do which is a result of your extreme bias that blinds you to reality.

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3000 LBs. But that’s ok. They make a point even at 3000 LBs. Your main point is correct. Will Gazans rebuild looking for a sustained peace and prosperity? Or invest in more terror. I’m not optimistic. And am sad to say it. I think Gazans generally support Hamas. Or perhaps the better way to say it is that I’ve seen nothing to suggest Gazans turning on and rejecting Hamas.

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Actually, they are 30,000 pound bombs that can go deep underground. Israel currently only has 2000 pound bombs in their arsenal. Hopefully, Israeli pilots are being trained to fly the B2 or B52 bombers to take care of business without the need for American boots on the ground.

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In my humble opinion, if the president of the United States were a true leader he or she would take the current crisis we’re involved with and use then as the impetus to do a “teaching moment” with both the citizens of the US and the world.

In simple terms he or she would explain the history of the most consequential situations were involved in and basically use the logic that John Mearsheimer and others have been advocating for m in order to try to right the ship and get it headed in the best direction possible.

He or she needs to have the wisdom and courage to push back against the special interest groups which inhibit this process.

This is covered in my “course” where I indicate that both our leaders and citizenry need to be what I refer to as adamantly forceful in their advocation of striving for the which is “nice”.

Doing the right thing and staying on the right side of history is very simple. The majority of children under the age of 7 would be able to easily grasp these concepts.

It’s mind boggling as to why we as a species allow ourselves to be hoodwinked by forces which run against what is in the best interests of the overall common good.

It’s becoming more and more clear that if we don’t start to try to right the ship we’ll be headed for even more turbulent waters, heavy storms and a disastrous ship wreck. If the president of the United States were to do what I’m suggesting it’s likely that the majority of the world would rally around his or her message and it could be the start of better things to come.

It would take some vision and courage to do this and somewhat ironically and paradoxically it would take some forcefulness in order to see it through.

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I love crap, if just in order to repudiate it. How would you want to make a resort town out of Gaza if every import item is controlled and people cannot move more than 100 or so metres out into the sea.

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When Israel vacated Gaza in 2005, removing all settlements and military presence, the onus was on Hamas to demonstrate a genuine interest in peaceful coexistence. Instead of seizing the opportunity to build a peaceful and prosperous future, Hamas resorted to violence almost immediately, with rocket attacks on Israeli towns like Sderot.

Given Hamas’s long history of terrorism, dating back to 1993, Israel’s first priority had to be the protection of its citizens. Had Hamas chosen the path of peace, the borders could have been relaxed over time, allowing for greater freedom and economic development in Gaza. Instead, Hamas escalated its aggression in the most violent ways possible—through kidnappings, long-range rocket attacks, and the construction of terror tunnels.

Hamas’s actions have left no doubt that their intentions are not peaceful but rooted in hostility and the destruction of Israel. This continued pattern of violence has justified Israel’s need to maintain strict border controls to safeguard its citizens.

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These are you pieces of shit:


You are the dregs of humanity.

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No, numb nuts. Hamas steals the food and then resells it at exorbitant prices to keep themselves in power and relevant.

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Peaceful coexistence? Why should a majority accept an apartheid colony?

Hamas is a resistance organization similar to the French underground.

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They have had opportunity after opportunity to live in their own country beginning in 1947 and rejected it every single time.

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Well, John, just read GNMs comment above. That’s the sort of nonsense you’re inspiring by the continuous ‘all powerful Israeli lobby’ schtick. The Great and All Powerful Ozzie. The ‘Israel lobby’ is a threat to everyone’s First Amendment rights because…….drumroll please…..it exercises its First Amendment rights to lobby.

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Israel exercises its energy to damage other countries’ rights, which is why, in Schmitt’s friend-enemy-distinction, they are inimical to their neighbours.

Solzhenitsyn, Gabriel Derzhavin, Martin Luther, Henry Ford, Napoleon, and countless others saw the same antics, and the Palestinians are just their latest victim. Israel is an enemy of all non-Jewish countries — and all one has to do is read about the accounts of all the countries they inhabited and how it came that they were always expelled eventually.

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Israel “inhabited” other countries? Or Jews did? Odd way to put your point. I think what you’re saying is many countries wrongly persecuted Jews. Or you’d prefer to delete the word, wrongly, from that statement?

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For a foreign power, and doesn't have to register with FARA to do it.

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They don't because anyone attempting to do so, like RFK, gets terminated with extreme prejudice.

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It was an honor to meet you, Sir. You are truthful, fearless and I admire your humanity. Thank You for the autographed book and your time earlier tday. Will communicate with you.

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Transgenderism is a mental illness.

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First and foremost as intelligent human beings, we have to get our bearings - as wholesome human beings to dissect, analyze, logical thinking, logical deduction, abstract thinking, cognitive comprehension, cognitive differentiation and reasoning to classification of such obscene, filthy, vile, and vulgar word like "Israel" biz or industry. Where did this ugly word's origin come from? Its origin is from the barbaric, frothing-hate generating, warmongering, inhumane, adultery-inculcating, misogynistic-ideologies cultivating, medieval Middle Eastern desert tribal nomadic, ultra-primitive, ultra-illiterate, ultra-filthy (in ancient times there was no water for the desert dwellers to clean themselves up) Christian Bible and Christian Bible only. The barbaric Christian Bible is not a history book either, but a mythical, concocted, mega-name-dropping, ugly, vulgar harangue no civilized society should indulge in. In the annals of human history, no historian has ever said such people were called "Jews Biz or industry" or country called "Israel Biz" in existence, no any archeological records or findings of such country or people. Of course, we have many historical writings such as - Cicero (106-43 BC), Seneca (50 BC to 40AD), Pliny, Atticus and also Julius Caesar who has written volumes about those comparative periods and not even the other filth Jesus biz. If the Romans executed or crucified a lethal terrorist named Jesus (at that time crucifixion was for lethal terrorists or dangerous robbers, as it was the most torturous), where are the Roman records of that sort? Hence, where is the history, where is the archeology, where is the obscene, filthy, vulgarity of such people and country, namely, Jews biz or Israel biz. Now, coming back to Europe, Europe was a totally pagan continent until Charlemagne the brute (7th-century AD) issued an edict to forcibly convert entire Europe to barbaric Christianity or anyone opposed to slit their throats, including every man, woman, child, infant, and every pregnant mother with babies. Subsequently, barbaric Christians robbed or thieved all the pagan customs, traditions, dates, festivals, and rituals as theirs. So, where are these obscene, filthy, vulgarities called Jews biz or country called Israel? This is indeed a total fraud, total cheating, and absolute fraud committed against humanity and the human race. In fact, since these heinous, barbaric, naked European savages aka Jews cult lethal terrorist outfit committed the mother of all genocide against Palestinian people in Palestine, the beloved historical motherland of Palestinian people - these naked European savages cannot forcibly occupy Palestine anymore. Wide Trump diktat, it is now rubble and not good for the human habitation, too- and the circumstances as such take this shit back to Germany (this is all due to German shitting or results of those German savages undoing - of course, Palestinian people cannot suffer anymore!

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I wish greenwald would speak less than he does. Je seems to have had an access of logoreia. We barely got to hear Mearsheimer.

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Why can’t i access this program on substack? I get John & Glen on Ukraine but nothing on Israel & their threat to free speech which is apparently quite effectively in place. I do the hhtp/ thing but end up with an entirely unrelated video

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Let's face it, neither the U.S. or Israel can be trusted. Terror tantrum Trump is nothing more than a spiteful petulant child who has always gotten whatever he wanted. It's time he was denied. I'm pretty sure he wants to give his nasty son-in-law (Kushner) permission to build in Northern Gaza too. BTW, do you notice that Glenn speaks far longer than his guest??

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Whether you’re talking about an individual, a group, a nation or a species, following a self destructive course of action is self destructive.

Unlike all the other animals on planet earth, we as humans have a large degree of self determination and in large part we have the ability write our own history.

So it would only make sense that we should be trying to write that history in the most fair and sustainable manner possible.

This, along with some other simple concepts, is what my “course” is about.

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'Trump’s Balance-of-Payments War on Mexico, and the Whole World'

By Michael Hudson •

Speech? Debt. Balance of payments. Who voted for GMOs or PFAS or dioxins or war industry or any of this? Free speech my ass.

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pardon the language the shit is going to hit the proverbial fan. As per Lord Rothschild's decree. G7/NATO/Israel and other Rothschild-supported Illusions are facing the firing squad Including exceptional America.

Building a new paradigm by smashing to bits the old one. How many times have we seen this scenario creep in since the fall of the Roman Empire John? or any fall of empires?

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