Why haven't the Israeli people kicked Netanyahu's government out of office yet? The country is permanently isolated on the international stage after this one sided annihilation of the Palestinian people.
It’s because a huge segment of the population, perhaps a majority, are angry that killing may be paused. Of course they know it hasn’t stopped, but even a break in the action is distressing to them. The proof of their psychosis is that they seem to have no idea that the entire world is turning against them.
According to surveys 80% of Israelis back the killing in Palestine and want Palestinians thrown off their lands. They are brainwashed from birth to believe everyone wants to kill them, and the holocaust is mentioned and taught in elementary schools and beyond ad nauseam to "prove" it. Judaism is a religion but Zionism is an ideology and they are hard fast on that ideology. The only reason they want a ceasefire is to get back their hostages, family members. It is not so there can be peace. Verify what I say by talking or listening to former Israelis who left that place. It's a cult.
I caution against making generalizations against entire groups of people -- when you do this, you are treating the Israelis as they treat the Palestinians. What they have done in Palestine is nothing less than a continuation of the genocidal Nazi ideology, to be sure, but if we begin treating entire "races" as psychotic, this violence will never end.
However it's been said by many who live in Israel and are actively against this genocide that the people of Israel by and large are indifferent to the slaughter going on in their own back yard, and for that they have to be held accountable. This attitude is not a recent development, but an ongoing prejudicial indoctrination implemented by the country itself to justify it's own carnage and treatment of these people which is gruesome and always has been.
It’s not pedantic to make a distinction between the a Zionists and an Israeli, it’s an informed understanding; and, sobodyuk makes a great point: to lose sight of the spectrum of differences in a people group is dangerous, as it likely leads to the very ‘othering’ that actually accepts genocide.
It's been noted repeatedly that the majority of Israeli's are indifferent to Israel's genocidal assault. You may not like to hear it, but truth is often an uncomfortable reality. Israeli's who are outspoken critics of this genocide have made the same claim about the indifference of the people of Israel to what is happening in Gaza. How else do you understand Israel's history in regard to Palestinians if you don't recognize that reality?
Also look at American history and see the complicity of it's people in regard to the harsh treatment implemented by the government in regard to the Indians, slavery and the Blacks, and so on.
They have destroyed Gaza and slaughtered and starved countless human beings. In the Nakba the Palestinians were violently removed from their land (without compensation!) and kept in what amounts to an open-air prison. In what way was this fair? Is it surprising they rebelled? Much about Oct. 7 is suspicious. Israel did not try to prevent it and many deaths were caused by the IDF following the Hannibal Directive.
This! That 7 Oct could even happen is still puzzling to me. The Israeli response was delayed, I believe, by around SIX HOURS. That's not even to mention the countless sightings and warnings of an imminent attack from Gaza. Add the speculation of Israeli money funding Hamas, and you have a very suspicious set of circumstances indeed.
Exactly. And I was just now thinking that I'm kind of in disbelief that the US and Israel could be so abjectly cruel and destructive, but also that come Monday that despicable felonious fool will be in control of my country. I wish I could wake up from this appalling nightmare.
It's terrifying for the world that such a monster managed to con his way to such an esteemed position. I'm Canadian, but I share in your fears. My one solace, and I know it's true for you, too, is that we are far from alone in our feelings. I encourage you to get involved in your local community/resistance groups. You don't have to be MLK or Lincoln, you just gotta show up.
I'm afraid we won't be waking from the nightmare any time soon, but we can fight to end it.
The way money equals power seems to be at the heart of all our problems. It's hard to comprehend people not caring about all the terrible problems we have and just putting profit above Everything else. Then the ignorance and brainwashing that leads half the country to vote for him... I'm kinda glad I'm not young, but I worry about my kids. Nothing seems normal anymore.
Long term peace will only be possible when Israël defines it's borders & the Palestinians finally get a State. Until then will the Israeli will continue their expansion & attacks on Palestine.
No peace is only possible if the Jews go far away. Jews in power creates a carrion production machine. This is a consistent feature of their collective culture. If they gain power there will be mindless violence until such time as they lose power.
Consider their coup in the US in 2020. Immediately you had the Jew Jab Genocide. Then the Ukraine war, then Gaza. All Jew extermination initiatives.
How is Hamas destroyed, when thousands of them are driving around Gaza in 4x4s celebrating? If Hamas is destroyed why did Israel have to sign a humiliating ceasefire deal that grants Hamas all that they asked for, and confirms that Israel’s war goals were not obtained thru military means - ie: Hamas not destroyed, and the Israeli prisoners not released thru military means. You have an interesting way of looking at things…….🤔
Let them regroup and then bomb them again. I’m sure that’s what Netanyahu et al are thinking. Meanwhile, kill Palestinians on the West Bank, where there is no Hamas. It will all work out in the end when Israels have all the lebensraum they need.
The speech Blinken made early in the week where even he pointed out that Hamas had recruited at least as many new members of Hamas as the zionist occupying force had slaughtered is a good place to begin if you wish to consider reality instead of zionism's apocryphal myths & legends.
Not that Blinken as a third generation zionism professional deceiver , ever acknowledges more than the rather (for him) difficult to digest reality that Hamas has gotten stronger as the zionist entity sails closer & closer to economic meltdown as well as the disgust that the world now expresses.
The world is not waiting for their admission. Truth is hard to eradicate! Everyone knew it!!
Sir…..I like to see those Zionists (Biden and boy blinkin) admit that all the money they poured and humiliation for their stand that sullied America’s reputation was worth it! America had the blood of Palestinians on its hand….more than ever! A partner in genocide!
There is evidence that Biden and his Zionists zealots intentionally delayed the Gaza cease fire deal for eight months so that Israel could launch its attack on Hezbollah, weaken it, and allow for a coordinated regime change offensive by al-Qaeda rebels in neighboring Syria after the US election. They wanted time to prepare the ground for regime change in Syria. They had to keep the Gaza war going to accomplish this. There is also solid evidence that the continuation of the war in Gaza for those eight months cost Kamala Harris the election.
What this means is that Biden put his zealotry for Israel, allowing Israel to keep and steal more Palestine land, above his own Democrat party loyalty. This is the ultimate betrayal.
All reports today indicate that the Gaza cease fire deal that was announced is, word for word, the same as what was put forth last May, and which Hamas agreed to last June. Israel and Biden intentionally delayed the deal so that it could weaken Hezbollah starting in September, with the exploding pagers, ground invasion, assassinations, and massive aerial bombing. All of it done in coordination with al-Qaeda rebels preparing their offensive from Idlib province in Syria. It was all coordinated between Israel, Turkey and the U.S. That is why the Gaza cease fire deal was delayed by the US for months, with Blinken lying about Hamas delaying the deal. They wanted time to prepare for regime change in Syria.
For example, the US supported al-Tanf rebels, located in the Southeast of Syria, at that US controlled border crossing, say that they were instructed to prepare for the 'mother of all battles' days before the al-Qaeda rebels even launched their offensive toward Aleppo from Idlib, and then later down to Damascus. These al-Tanf rebels were so prepared that they actually captured Palmyria, cutting off the road to Deir Ezor in the East, and the only remaining road to Baghdad, and advanced all the way to the suburbs of Damascus before the al-Qaeda rebels even got to Damascus. A US B-52 bomber was flying cover for them high above the whole time, just in case it was needed.
Thousands more civilians in Gaza died during this delay, and dozens of hospitals and schools were bombed, all so that the US and Israel and Turkey could achieve their long-promised regime change in Syria. A promise made to Saudia Arabia back in 2002 in exchange for Saudi 'permission' for the US to remove Saddam in Iraq. This permission from the Saudis' was necessary for that Iraq war to proceed in 2003. Throughout the previous decade, following the Gulf war, the Saudis' had refused to allow for this removal, fearing a Shia takeover.
In 2002, the same list of regime change countries that was shown to General Wesley Clark, as he describes on numerous YouTube channels, was also shown to Saudi Prince Bandar.
So, with the regime change in Syria, twenty years later, the US finally fulfilled it’s part of the grand bargain made to carry out the Iraq war. That is why it was necessary to delay the cease fire deal in Gaza. That is why these criminals thought it was necessary for more Palestinians to die.
The Jews are the insane death cult here. Think of early Bolshevism, the vaccine mass murder, the Ukraine war, Gaza, and their incineration of Jews in the October 7 massacre that they created.
Yes. The Jews pumped up provocations., removed border protection, delayed a proper response for six hours, incinerated everything in sight and flooded the media zone with pre prepared atrocity porn.
That’s essentially a false flag. False flag is short for; Stand down, false flag, denial and deception.
I fear that “all hell to pay“ was directed more toward Netanyahu than to Hamas and Iran and strongly disagree with the Gaza ceasefire deal. Israel may have been pushed into making regrettable concessions under pressure to secure a deal.
The terms should have been more stringent:
• Stage 1: Release of all hostages should have been mandatory before any further negotiations.
• Stage 2: Only non-violent Palestinian prisoners could be considered for release, excluding anyone involved in murderous activities.
• Stage 3: Rebuilding in Gaza should proceed only after complete demilitarization and the removal of all weapons.
Critical unresolved questions include:
1. Will Hamas be prevented from ruling Gaza?
2. Will Gaza be fully demilitarized?
3. Will borders be secured and strictly monitored to stop smuggling?
4. Will the tunnel network be entirely destroyed?
5. Who will enforce law and arrest violators after Israel withdraws?
I just hope that behind the scenes there is a quid pro quo that America will work with Israel to destroy Iran’s industrial military complex including its nuclear weapons program.
You're right about the "hell to pay' and who will be paying it.. That's why there's an agreement.
You're wrong about everything else in your Zionist wet dream of absolute victory. If any of those things could have been achieved there would be no need for an agreement.
Why don't you listen to Prof. Mearsheimer and admit you've been beat. There would be more dignity in it.
The sickening reality of this negotiation is that Israel is fighting to bring home its innocent women, children, toddlers, and other kidnapping victims—many of whom have been murdered, while the rest endure unimaginable, inhumane conditions. In exchange, Israel is being forced to release mass murderers and other criminals who were arrested for heinous acts. The only acceptable Hamas is a dead Hamas, and that Israel is left with anything less is an outrageous travesty.
As for Iran’s nuclear ambitions, they are dangerously close to crossing the enrichment threshold needed for nuclear weapons. That the world allows this is not just irresponsible—it’s sheer madness. Iran’s claim of pursuing peaceful nuclear energy is laughable, especially given they are one of the largest oil producers in the world. This pretense fools no one, and the consequences of inaction could be catastrophic. I predict that it will be destroyed within the year.
From the video I saw of the first female Hamas captives released, they looked in great shape - obviously been well taken care of. Smiling, chatting with Hamas soldiers. Lucky to be alive though, thru all that indiscriminate IAF Bombing.
Well, Richard - the next batch of IDF POWs just released seemed pretty happy & healthy also. Quite plump & rosy cheeked in fact. None of them pregnant either - despite being at the mercy of their ‘Hamas’ animal captors for 15 years. Not very corroborative for the hoax ‘rape’ narrative. When will we see the traumatised, brutalised ‘hostages’ I wonder? Oops, silly me - that’s the released Palestinian hostages.
Well, let’s see what the rest of them come out looking like. Many of the remaining hostages have been killed by Israeli bombing of course - I’ve heard up to 100……? Ditto badly injured. Surely by trying to ‘rescue’ Israeli prisoners of Hamas with ground forces, the IDF was putting their lives at very severe risk. If I was a prisoner, the last thing I would have wanted to see was a team of IDF infantry approaching me and my captors in a confined space, underground. Anyone can see that the policy was insanity. Oh - just a legal note…… you can’t be a terrorist, if you are conducting an armed resistance, against an illegal occupation. If you could be so defined, then the WE2 French resistance were terrorists, and the SS occupiers were representing a legal & legitimate Govt, in occupied France.
Fingers crossed, but pretty confident, since Hamas have a solid track record of treating their prisoners well - even the IDF captives. Its great propaganda for Hamas when cameras are recording chatty, smiling & friendly Israeli prisoners been handed over to the Red Cross, by Hamas. It’s important that prisoners of war are treated humanely - a lesson that Israel might like to learn, perhaps?
More likely that they released these three women precisely because they are in relatively good physical condition and maximizing their propaganda. How many of the remaining hostages are even alive? How many are badly injured? These are the terrorist animals who kidnapped them to begin with and in the case of those six hostages who Israel was about to locate murdered in cold blood.
Well, Richard - the next batch of IDF POWs just released seemed pretty happy & healthy also. Quite plump & rosy cheeked in fact. None of them pregnant either - despite being at the mercy of their ‘Hamas’ animal captors for 15 years. Not very corroborative for the hoax ‘rape’ narrative. When will we see the traumatised, brutalised ‘hostages’ I wonder? Oops, silly me - that’s the released Palestinian hostages.
Also - winning is not measured in civilian deaths, is it? Well I guess they won the genocide - that can be their consolation for losing the war against Hamas, I guess.
Richard Jaffee. Please don’t take this as an ad hominem attack, but I honestly think you would benefit hugely from a much wider reading of history. This is obviously a subject about which, you care deeply, but I can see from your post, that you are clearly confining your reading to a very narrow bandwidth comprising western ‘official’ sources, and worse yet, Zionist talking points. This is not history. May I recommend Ilan Pappe, Norman Finklestein as your starting point?
It is a demonstrable historical myth that Palestinians have ever been ‘offered’ anything by Israel. Slight digression - what right does a settler colonial implant have to ‘offer’ the population it ethnically cleansed, anything. Does the their squatter that takes over your house by force, have the right to offer you the garden shed - and should you be considered at fault for refusing such an ‘offer’? Anyway, putting that aside for the time being, the only thing the Palestinians have been ‘offered’ in this long sorry process since 1948, is a disconnected, discontiguous bantustan ‘statelet’. No self respecting people would go with that, and the Palestinians have shown that self respect is something they have in spades. The goal of the destruction of the state of Israel, is (despite Zionist Pearl clutching) a fully legitimate goal for a people that Israel is occupying, and is one I wholeheartedly share myself. Colonial projects have no legitimacy, and resistance to end them is axiomatically legitimate, both morally & legally. Again, I wider reading of the history of colonialism would pay dividends here. I think sentiment in Palestine may have moved beyond peaceful coexistence, since that is obviously not on offer, and never has been - witness the 15 month long genocide, and the daily atrocities across the West Bank. I further think that the settled view among Palestinians in Gaza, the WB, and the diaspora, may come to be to simply endure, and wait out the eventual collapse of the Israeli state - this may be sooner than some of us think, but in any case, given the now baked in dynamics regarding the Israel/Palestine issue, I think it would be a fool who would bet the farm on Israel celebrating its 100 birthday.
Lastly, on the enduring trope re Palestinian kids being taught to hate in Palestinian society. You think they need to be taught to do this? Do they not just trust their eyes & ears, their own experiences as they navigate their way though their lives, enduring the brutal daily realities of occupation, Aparthied, ethnic cleaning, and genocide? You think if Palestinian schools (the ones not yet dynamited by Israel) established a program to teach their kids to love Israel & Israelis, that a reasonable chance of moving the needle might be expected?
Richard Jaffee. If Israel is a sovereign country, why then did it agree the ceasefire deal? The answer is obvious - Israel is not a sovereign state, it is a settler colonial outpost of the USA, and effectively its an airforce masquerading as a country. The USA has called time on the genocide, and that’s why it’s immediately stopped. If the US wants it to re-start, then it can. The ‘stringent’ terms that form your wish list, could obviously not possibly have been obtained, despite 15 months of relentless bombing & ground ops (leave aside the genocide for the purposes of this argument). I say obvious, because if they could have been obtained, that is what the ceasefire deal would have looked like. Let me help you with your ‘critical unresolved questions’….
Critical unresolved questions include:
1. Will Hamas be prevented from ruling Gaza? Of course not. Who could prevent that? Certainly not Israel - as it has demonstrated.
2. Will Gaza be fully demilitarized? Of course not, who would be capable of doing that? Certainly not Israel - as it has demonstrated.
3. Will borders be secured and strictly monitored to stop smuggling? Well, they never have been, so good luck with that
4. Will the tunnel network be entirely destroyed? Of course not. Who could manage that? Certainly not Israel - as it has demonstrated.
5. Who will enforce law and arrest violators after Israel withdraws? Obviously Hamas will enforce the law, and keep the ceasefire, unless Israeli provocations cross the rubicon.
Mr Jaffee. I hope you don’t mind me saying so, but you understanding of current facts on the ground is, it seems to me, is a little bit out of kilter with reality. It’s very clear that Israel has lost in Gaza - it didn’t achieve any of its stated objectives, and has now agreed to stop fighting on the basis of meeting all of Hamas’s objectives (stated since the beginning). That’s why Palestinians are jubilant, and why most Israelis are very upset - they were sold a pup by Netanyahu, and now they are being forced to see it. I appreciate that you don’t like it either, but there it is.
As for Iran, and your hopes that the war might be extended to that theatre, I think you might want to be careful what you wish for. It might be wise to be very sceptical about western legacy media narratives concerning Iran, including the ‘success’ of Israel’s most recent airstrike, ‘destroyed air defences’, ‘destroyed’ missile facilities, ‘destroyed’ economy, ‘unpopular’ government, etc, etc……. Iran is objectively, an extremely powerful regional actor, with very powerful friends (Russia & China), a very advanced and capable military, an educated & relatively united (much more so than Israel) population of 90million people, with great economic potential (now being built upon since BRICS membership). Furthermore, I suspect Irans nuclear program is quite unreachable. I’m sure it’s perfectly possible to severely harm Irans oil & gas production, but if Israel did achieve that, I don’t think the following retaliative Iran precision guided missile strike on Israeli military & infrastructure targets would be another demo. Furthermore, I don’t think the USA would be foolish enough to join Israel in such an endeavour, unless it relishes the oil price at $200 a barrel.
It’s hard to win if you get mixed up and think that human sacrifice is sane warfare.
Why haven't the Israeli people kicked Netanyahu's government out of office yet? The country is permanently isolated on the international stage after this one sided annihilation of the Palestinian people.
It’s because a huge segment of the population, perhaps a majority, are angry that killing may be paused. Of course they know it hasn’t stopped, but even a break in the action is distressing to them. The proof of their psychosis is that they seem to have no idea that the entire world is turning against them.
Amazingly, and sadly, you’re exactly correct.
According to surveys 80% of Israelis back the killing in Palestine and want Palestinians thrown off their lands. They are brainwashed from birth to believe everyone wants to kill them, and the holocaust is mentioned and taught in elementary schools and beyond ad nauseam to "prove" it. Judaism is a religion but Zionism is an ideology and they are hard fast on that ideology. The only reason they want a ceasefire is to get back their hostages, family members. It is not so there can be peace. Verify what I say by talking or listening to former Israelis who left that place. It's a cult.
They don't care. They are a psychotic race.
I caution against making generalizations against entire groups of people -- when you do this, you are treating the Israelis as they treat the Palestinians. What they have done in Palestine is nothing less than a continuation of the genocidal Nazi ideology, to be sure, but if we begin treating entire "races" as psychotic, this violence will never end.
However it's been said by many who live in Israel and are actively against this genocide that the people of Israel by and large are indifferent to the slaughter going on in their own back yard, and for that they have to be held accountable. This attitude is not a recent development, but an ongoing prejudicial indoctrination implemented by the country itself to justify it's own carnage and treatment of these people which is gruesome and always has been.
That’s correct.
IF you don't think Zionists are psycotic.............
It’s not pedantic to make a distinction between the a Zionists and an Israeli, it’s an informed understanding; and, sobodyuk makes a great point: to lose sight of the spectrum of differences in a people group is dangerous, as it likely leads to the very ‘othering’ that actually accepts genocide.
It's been noted repeatedly that the majority of Israeli's are indifferent to Israel's genocidal assault. You may not like to hear it, but truth is often an uncomfortable reality. Israeli's who are outspoken critics of this genocide have made the same claim about the indifference of the people of Israel to what is happening in Gaza. How else do you understand Israel's history in regard to Palestinians if you don't recognize that reality?
Zionists are not a race.......they are a religious cult!
Precisely, which is why all people who are born in Israel are thereby not automatically all Zionists.
Also look at American history and see the complicity of it's people in regard to the harsh treatment implemented by the government in regard to the Indians, slavery and the Blacks, and so on.
Khazarians always have been and always were.
Speak on it brother!
I know… sanctions. That’ll do it!
They have destroyed Gaza and slaughtered and starved countless human beings. In the Nakba the Palestinians were violently removed from their land (without compensation!) and kept in what amounts to an open-air prison. In what way was this fair? Is it surprising they rebelled? Much about Oct. 7 is suspicious. Israel did not try to prevent it and many deaths were caused by the IDF following the Hannibal Directive.
This! That 7 Oct could even happen is still puzzling to me. The Israeli response was delayed, I believe, by around SIX HOURS. That's not even to mention the countless sightings and warnings of an imminent attack from Gaza. Add the speculation of Israeli money funding Hamas, and you have a very suspicious set of circumstances indeed.
It’s not speculation that Israel funded HAMAS, Netanyahu said it himself (see the Grayzone).
I think he may have even stated or perhaps insinuated that it’d enable HAMAS to fight the PLO and that they would kill one another off.
Exactly. And I was just now thinking that I'm kind of in disbelief that the US and Israel could be so abjectly cruel and destructive, but also that come Monday that despicable felonious fool will be in control of my country. I wish I could wake up from this appalling nightmare.
It's terrifying for the world that such a monster managed to con his way to such an esteemed position. I'm Canadian, but I share in your fears. My one solace, and I know it's true for you, too, is that we are far from alone in our feelings. I encourage you to get involved in your local community/resistance groups. You don't have to be MLK or Lincoln, you just gotta show up.
I'm afraid we won't be waking from the nightmare any time soon, but we can fight to end it.
The way money equals power seems to be at the heart of all our problems. It's hard to comprehend people not caring about all the terrible problems we have and just putting profit above Everything else. Then the ignorance and brainwashing that leads half the country to vote for him... I'm kinda glad I'm not young, but I worry about my kids. Nothing seems normal anymore.
Highly suspicious indeed!!!
With Trump 47 in power ,Israel has the option to break the cease fire agreement anytime it wants.
At least with Trump there's a ceasefire to break. It remains to be seen who is really in power.
Long term peace will only be possible when Israël defines it's borders & the Palestinians finally get a State. Until then will the Israeli will continue their expansion & attacks on Palestine.
No peace is only possible if the Jews go far away. Jews in power creates a carrion production machine. This is a consistent feature of their collective culture. If they gain power there will be mindless violence until such time as they lose power.
Consider their coup in the US in 2020. Immediately you had the Jew Jab Genocide. Then the Ukraine war, then Gaza. All Jew extermination initiatives.
Hamas is destroyed. Knock-on effects in Syria and Hizbollah in Lebanon. Iran weakened. What’s not to like?
Personally, I find your last line more accurate without the ’k’.
Care to explain? Or is yours just a gesture?
Destroyed?.. not according to Blinken.
Another brain washed MSM consuming imbecile has entered the room.
The mass murder involved.... is what you skipped over.......
How is Hamas destroyed, when thousands of them are driving around Gaza in 4x4s celebrating? If Hamas is destroyed why did Israel have to sign a humiliating ceasefire deal that grants Hamas all that they asked for, and confirms that Israel’s war goals were not obtained thru military means - ie: Hamas not destroyed, and the Israeli prisoners not released thru military means. You have an interesting way of looking at things…….🤔
Let them regroup and then bomb them again. I’m sure that’s what Netanyahu et al are thinking. Meanwhile, kill Palestinians on the West Bank, where there is no Hamas. It will all work out in the end when Israels have all the lebensraum they need.
Obviously David you have not been reading. Hamas has grown stronger!
Don't feed the jew cucked troll.
Give me a link and maybe you will convince me. This sounds like a justification to bomb them forever.
The speech Blinken made early in the week where even he pointed out that Hamas had recruited at least as many new members of Hamas as the zionist occupying force had slaughtered is a good place to begin if you wish to consider reality instead of zionism's apocryphal myths & legends.
Not that Blinken as a third generation zionism professional deceiver , ever acknowledges more than the rather (for him) difficult to digest reality that Hamas has gotten stronger as the zionist entity sails closer & closer to economic meltdown as well as the disgust that the world now expresses.
Who living in terror of Izrahell wouldn't join Hamas? Izrahell was and is a massive mistake.
lest u claim no link here is zionist fishwrap "Times of israel" saying exactly this.
John Mearsheimer and many others on u-tube.
The world is not waiting for their admission. Truth is hard to eradicate! Everyone knew it!!
Sir…..I like to see those Zionists (Biden and boy blinkin) admit that all the money they poured and humiliation for their stand that sullied America’s reputation was worth it! America had the blood of Palestinians on its hand….more than ever! A partner in genocide!
Hey, the comments are filled with Mohammad worshippers. Who would’ve thunk it.
There is evidence that Biden and his Zionists zealots intentionally delayed the Gaza cease fire deal for eight months so that Israel could launch its attack on Hezbollah, weaken it, and allow for a coordinated regime change offensive by al-Qaeda rebels in neighboring Syria after the US election. They wanted time to prepare the ground for regime change in Syria. They had to keep the Gaza war going to accomplish this. There is also solid evidence that the continuation of the war in Gaza for those eight months cost Kamala Harris the election.
What this means is that Biden put his zealotry for Israel, allowing Israel to keep and steal more Palestine land, above his own Democrat party loyalty. This is the ultimate betrayal.
All reports today indicate that the Gaza cease fire deal that was announced is, word for word, the same as what was put forth last May, and which Hamas agreed to last June. Israel and Biden intentionally delayed the deal so that it could weaken Hezbollah starting in September, with the exploding pagers, ground invasion, assassinations, and massive aerial bombing. All of it done in coordination with al-Qaeda rebels preparing their offensive from Idlib province in Syria. It was all coordinated between Israel, Turkey and the U.S. That is why the Gaza cease fire deal was delayed by the US for months, with Blinken lying about Hamas delaying the deal. They wanted time to prepare for regime change in Syria.
For example, the US supported al-Tanf rebels, located in the Southeast of Syria, at that US controlled border crossing, say that they were instructed to prepare for the 'mother of all battles' days before the al-Qaeda rebels even launched their offensive toward Aleppo from Idlib, and then later down to Damascus. These al-Tanf rebels were so prepared that they actually captured Palmyria, cutting off the road to Deir Ezor in the East, and the only remaining road to Baghdad, and advanced all the way to the suburbs of Damascus before the al-Qaeda rebels even got to Damascus. A US B-52 bomber was flying cover for them high above the whole time, just in case it was needed.
Thousands more civilians in Gaza died during this delay, and dozens of hospitals and schools were bombed, all so that the US and Israel and Turkey could achieve their long-promised regime change in Syria. A promise made to Saudia Arabia back in 2002 in exchange for Saudi 'permission' for the US to remove Saddam in Iraq. This permission from the Saudis' was necessary for that Iraq war to proceed in 2003. Throughout the previous decade, following the Gulf war, the Saudis' had refused to allow for this removal, fearing a Shia takeover.
In 2002, the same list of regime change countries that was shown to General Wesley Clark, as he describes on numerous YouTube channels, was also shown to Saudi Prince Bandar.
So, with the regime change in Syria, twenty years later, the US finally fulfilled it’s part of the grand bargain made to carry out the Iraq war. That is why it was necessary to delay the cease fire deal in Gaza. That is why these criminals thought it was necessary for more Palestinians to die.
And that is why Donald Trump is now President !
Only problem with your misguided theory is that it was Hamas who kept rejecting cease-fires that Israel had agreed to.
Another lying jew crawls from it's sewer.
There is only one answer: The Longer Zionists and Israel survive the world will become weaker.
This about money and greed/land.
Next time, here’s to hoping Jenny Stokes and people of your ilk, are in Gaza when Israel is forced to respond to another inhumane terror attack.
Jew detected.
Yes, a proud member of the 0.2%.
Not just a jew, a filthy ashkeNAZI sub-human animal.
Dear Mr. Jaffee. What a thoughtful comment!
Yes, that was the more considerate comment versus what I really wanted to say.
It's hard to win against a self inflicted death cult [freak-palestine] that uses and sacrifices its people for the sake of damming Israel.
The Jews are the insane death cult here. Think of early Bolshevism, the vaccine mass murder, the Ukraine war, Gaza, and their incineration of Jews in the October 7 massacre that they created.
Care to expound upon that, dummy?
Is there something here you didn’t know already you dim bulb?
Yes. The Jews pumped up provocations., removed border protection, delayed a proper response for six hours, incinerated everything in sight and flooded the media zone with pre prepared atrocity porn.
That’s essentially a false flag. False flag is short for; Stand down, false flag, denial and deception.
I fear that “all hell to pay“ was directed more toward Netanyahu than to Hamas and Iran and strongly disagree with the Gaza ceasefire deal. Israel may have been pushed into making regrettable concessions under pressure to secure a deal.
The terms should have been more stringent:
• Stage 1: Release of all hostages should have been mandatory before any further negotiations.
• Stage 2: Only non-violent Palestinian prisoners could be considered for release, excluding anyone involved in murderous activities.
• Stage 3: Rebuilding in Gaza should proceed only after complete demilitarization and the removal of all weapons.
Critical unresolved questions include:
1. Will Hamas be prevented from ruling Gaza?
2. Will Gaza be fully demilitarized?
3. Will borders be secured and strictly monitored to stop smuggling?
4. Will the tunnel network be entirely destroyed?
5. Who will enforce law and arrest violators after Israel withdraws?
I just hope that behind the scenes there is a quid pro quo that America will work with Israel to destroy Iran’s industrial military complex including its nuclear weapons program.
You're right about the "hell to pay' and who will be paying it.. That's why there's an agreement.
You're wrong about everything else in your Zionist wet dream of absolute victory. If any of those things could have been achieved there would be no need for an agreement.
Why don't you listen to Prof. Mearsheimer and admit you've been beat. There would be more dignity in it.
Moron. Iran does NOT have Nuclear Weapons..........read more. IF attacked, yes it will get Nuclear weapons.
The sickening reality of this negotiation is that Israel is fighting to bring home its innocent women, children, toddlers, and other kidnapping victims—many of whom have been murdered, while the rest endure unimaginable, inhumane conditions. In exchange, Israel is being forced to release mass murderers and other criminals who were arrested for heinous acts. The only acceptable Hamas is a dead Hamas, and that Israel is left with anything less is an outrageous travesty.
As for Iran’s nuclear ambitions, they are dangerously close to crossing the enrichment threshold needed for nuclear weapons. That the world allows this is not just irresponsible—it’s sheer madness. Iran’s claim of pursuing peaceful nuclear energy is laughable, especially given they are one of the largest oil producers in the world. This pretense fools no one, and the consequences of inaction could be catastrophic. I predict that it will be destroyed within the year.
From the video I saw of the first female Hamas captives released, they looked in great shape - obviously been well taken care of. Smiling, chatting with Hamas soldiers. Lucky to be alive though, thru all that indiscriminate IAF Bombing.
Let’s see how the others have fared.
Well, Richard - the next batch of IDF POWs just released seemed pretty happy & healthy also. Quite plump & rosy cheeked in fact. None of them pregnant either - despite being at the mercy of their ‘Hamas’ animal captors for 15 years. Not very corroborative for the hoax ‘rape’ narrative. When will we see the traumatised, brutalised ‘hostages’ I wonder? Oops, silly me - that’s the released Palestinian hostages.
Well, let’s see what the rest of them come out looking like. Many of the remaining hostages have been killed by Israeli bombing of course - I’ve heard up to 100……? Ditto badly injured. Surely by trying to ‘rescue’ Israeli prisoners of Hamas with ground forces, the IDF was putting their lives at very severe risk. If I was a prisoner, the last thing I would have wanted to see was a team of IDF infantry approaching me and my captors in a confined space, underground. Anyone can see that the policy was insanity. Oh - just a legal note…… you can’t be a terrorist, if you are conducting an armed resistance, against an illegal occupation. If you could be so defined, then the WE2 French resistance were terrorists, and the SS occupiers were representing a legal & legitimate Govt, in occupied France.
Fingers crossed, but pretty confident, since Hamas have a solid track record of treating their prisoners well - even the IDF captives. Its great propaganda for Hamas when cameras are recording chatty, smiling & friendly Israeli prisoners been handed over to the Red Cross, by Hamas. It’s important that prisoners of war are treated humanely - a lesson that Israel might like to learn, perhaps?
More likely that they released these three women precisely because they are in relatively good physical condition and maximizing their propaganda. How many of the remaining hostages are even alive? How many are badly injured? These are the terrorist animals who kidnapped them to begin with and in the case of those six hostages who Israel was about to locate murdered in cold blood.
Well, Richard - the next batch of IDF POWs just released seemed pretty happy & healthy also. Quite plump & rosy cheeked in fact. None of them pregnant either - despite being at the mercy of their ‘Hamas’ animal captors for 15 years. Not very corroborative for the hoax ‘rape’ narrative. When will we see the traumatised, brutalised ‘hostages’ I wonder? Oops, silly me - that’s the released Palestinian hostages.
As in the case with Ukraine war it depends on out side finance when it stops it stops .
Also - winning is not measured in civilian deaths, is it? Well I guess they won the genocide - that can be their consolation for losing the war against Hamas, I guess.
Richard Jaffee. Please don’t take this as an ad hominem attack, but I honestly think you would benefit hugely from a much wider reading of history. This is obviously a subject about which, you care deeply, but I can see from your post, that you are clearly confining your reading to a very narrow bandwidth comprising western ‘official’ sources, and worse yet, Zionist talking points. This is not history. May I recommend Ilan Pappe, Norman Finklestein as your starting point?
It is a demonstrable historical myth that Palestinians have ever been ‘offered’ anything by Israel. Slight digression - what right does a settler colonial implant have to ‘offer’ the population it ethnically cleansed, anything. Does the their squatter that takes over your house by force, have the right to offer you the garden shed - and should you be considered at fault for refusing such an ‘offer’? Anyway, putting that aside for the time being, the only thing the Palestinians have been ‘offered’ in this long sorry process since 1948, is a disconnected, discontiguous bantustan ‘statelet’. No self respecting people would go with that, and the Palestinians have shown that self respect is something they have in spades. The goal of the destruction of the state of Israel, is (despite Zionist Pearl clutching) a fully legitimate goal for a people that Israel is occupying, and is one I wholeheartedly share myself. Colonial projects have no legitimacy, and resistance to end them is axiomatically legitimate, both morally & legally. Again, I wider reading of the history of colonialism would pay dividends here. I think sentiment in Palestine may have moved beyond peaceful coexistence, since that is obviously not on offer, and never has been - witness the 15 month long genocide, and the daily atrocities across the West Bank. I further think that the settled view among Palestinians in Gaza, the WB, and the diaspora, may come to be to simply endure, and wait out the eventual collapse of the Israeli state - this may be sooner than some of us think, but in any case, given the now baked in dynamics regarding the Israel/Palestine issue, I think it would be a fool who would bet the farm on Israel celebrating its 100 birthday.
Lastly, on the enduring trope re Palestinian kids being taught to hate in Palestinian society. You think they need to be taught to do this? Do they not just trust their eyes & ears, their own experiences as they navigate their way though their lives, enduring the brutal daily realities of occupation, Aparthied, ethnic cleaning, and genocide? You think if Palestinian schools (the ones not yet dynamited by Israel) established a program to teach their kids to love Israel & Israelis, that a reasonable chance of moving the needle might be expected?
Just saying……..
Richard Jaffee. If Israel is a sovereign country, why then did it agree the ceasefire deal? The answer is obvious - Israel is not a sovereign state, it is a settler colonial outpost of the USA, and effectively its an airforce masquerading as a country. The USA has called time on the genocide, and that’s why it’s immediately stopped. If the US wants it to re-start, then it can. The ‘stringent’ terms that form your wish list, could obviously not possibly have been obtained, despite 15 months of relentless bombing & ground ops (leave aside the genocide for the purposes of this argument). I say obvious, because if they could have been obtained, that is what the ceasefire deal would have looked like. Let me help you with your ‘critical unresolved questions’….
Critical unresolved questions include:
1. Will Hamas be prevented from ruling Gaza? Of course not. Who could prevent that? Certainly not Israel - as it has demonstrated.
2. Will Gaza be fully demilitarized? Of course not, who would be capable of doing that? Certainly not Israel - as it has demonstrated.
3. Will borders be secured and strictly monitored to stop smuggling? Well, they never have been, so good luck with that
4. Will the tunnel network be entirely destroyed? Of course not. Who could manage that? Certainly not Israel - as it has demonstrated.
5. Who will enforce law and arrest violators after Israel withdraws? Obviously Hamas will enforce the law, and keep the ceasefire, unless Israeli provocations cross the rubicon.
Mr Jaffee. I hope you don’t mind me saying so, but you understanding of current facts on the ground is, it seems to me, is a little bit out of kilter with reality. It’s very clear that Israel has lost in Gaza - it didn’t achieve any of its stated objectives, and has now agreed to stop fighting on the basis of meeting all of Hamas’s objectives (stated since the beginning). That’s why Palestinians are jubilant, and why most Israelis are very upset - they were sold a pup by Netanyahu, and now they are being forced to see it. I appreciate that you don’t like it either, but there it is.
As for Iran, and your hopes that the war might be extended to that theatre, I think you might want to be careful what you wish for. It might be wise to be very sceptical about western legacy media narratives concerning Iran, including the ‘success’ of Israel’s most recent airstrike, ‘destroyed air defences’, ‘destroyed’ missile facilities, ‘destroyed’ economy, ‘unpopular’ government, etc, etc……. Iran is objectively, an extremely powerful regional actor, with very powerful friends (Russia & China), a very advanced and capable military, an educated & relatively united (much more so than Israel) population of 90million people, with great economic potential (now being built upon since BRICS membership). Furthermore, I suspect Irans nuclear program is quite unreachable. I’m sure it’s perfectly possible to severely harm Irans oil & gas production, but if Israel did achieve that, I don’t think the following retaliative Iran precision guided missile strike on Israeli military & infrastructure targets would be another demo. Furthermore, I don’t think the USA would be foolish enough to join Israel in such an endeavour, unless it relishes the oil price at $200 a barrel.