It was a mistake for Jews to move en masse to Israel. The Middle East was never safe for us. We need to get out. Israel is a failed state.

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It's strange that the Israelis actually agreed to a two state solution many times in the past, and the Palestinians were always the ones to refuse it.

Right from the start in 1948 when Britain divided the land into 2 (two state solution) the Israelis invited the arabs to participate in the state (and those Arabs inside "Israel" enjoy the same right to this day), while the Arabs declared war on the Israelis.

By now I believe they're both not willing to negotiate anymore.

It's strange that you haven't mentioned that John. I see this as a direct contradiction to your beliefs on the conflict. I genuinely wonder how you explain it.

Another point that I found strange is the premise that Israel is an apartheid state, while the Arabs "inside Israel" don't have any less rights than the Jews (they're in Knesset, Supreme Court and enjoy "all" other privileges of the state). This is not the case in any of the surrounding Arabs states where Jewish life was prospering until 1948 and they were all forced to flee. Syria Lebanon Jordan Lybia and Egypt had millions of Jews and now there are barely 5 Jews in all of them combined. "Ethnic cleansing" perhaps?

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S. Schles maks a claim with no evidence given. Heres an oposing claim:


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The recently ousted Speaker of the US House of Representatives, Kevin McCarthy who took at least a dozen votes of the House to get elected speaker, traveled to Israel immediately upon his election, declaring to the Israeli Knesset that the USA is steadfastly committed to supporting Ukraine in their war against Russia.

It has become so painfully obvious . . . especially where you have someone like Nikki Haley wagging her finger and shouting down Vivek Ramaswamy in a presidential primary debate live on national television when the questions of this war and Israel are discussed . . . that the U.S. government is a wholly owned subsidiary of the American Israeli Political Action Committee.


“Oh how fond they are of the book of Esther, which is so beautifully attuned to their bloodthirsty, vengeful, murderous yearning and hope.” — Martin Luther . . . https://cwspangle.substack.com/p/oh-how-fond-they-are-of-the-book

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Wtg great respect, John. The 2 state solution has been as dead as a Monty Python parrotfor years now. The Israelisneve had the slightest intention of implementing it. It was merely a way of buying time while they expanded their settlements and intensified their apartheid. . It remains now as a shetral presence, a fg leaf for western governments to hide behind whiledoig nothing.

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Seymour Hersh – Oct. 12, 2023 – Netanyahu is Finished -- The Bibi doctrine—his belief that he could control Hamas—compromised Israeli security and has now begat a bloody war

Hamas was created and financed for years by “our beloved” Bibi, who believed that Arafat’s secular PLO was a more serious enemy. Hamas was also rejecting a two-state solution just like Bibi and his extremists who together with US sabotaged a two-state solution for decades.


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AIPAC/the Israel Lobby has done very thorough work in the US. They have succeeded in making Americans heroicize the state of Israel and bestialize the stateless Palestinian people. Our politicians go along, the average American who knows nothing has a firm and unshakable opinion about which side to hate. It feels familiar.

I think the Russia/Ukraine conflict has normalized more fanatical hatred for a people and enough bloodlust to cheer on the destruction of yet another group of human beings. Friend or foe, it doesn’t matter who is wiped out. Apparently.

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Earlier today I listened to an interview in which the tactic used by Hamas was described as one of several scenarios from 2017-18 that Hamas had considered. No one should ever expect that oppressed people will just lie down and take it! But this could have been launched by a very small group of military actors and now the Israelis are punishing Palestinians collectively. Like they always do. The political wing might not have even known! Israel is shameful in its behavior, as is the US. And our leaders support Israel. Hm.

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Sir, you are the American Cassandra.

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Most accurate analysis thus far

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Two questions to expose the idiocy of the "two state solution":

1. Will the Palestinian state be a democratic one?

2. Hamas is by far the most popular Palestinian group, winning every election it was allowed in. How will a democratic palestinian state prevent the same exact Hamas terrorists who planned this massacre from running that state?

At this point, the sensible fix is a 1 state + 10 palestinian reservations solution. Has worked wonders in the US, without an Indian war for the last 140 years.

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The two state solution was imposed in 1947. The Pals got the big half, Jordan.

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Israelis need to decide whether they want to be the perpetrators of ethnic cleansing or the victims of it. It really is that simple.

When you defeat your enemy, you push him off his land, claim it as your own, kill anyone who refuses to leave, and screw what happens to the rest. I know that sounds brutal to the Western mind, but guess what, real existential war is brutal. It's kill or be killed, and there are no civilians. Israel has never done this, and that is what is necessary to win.

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I don't believe that:

Israel has worked to integrate its 20% Arab population. 22% of students at Hebrew University are Israeli Arabs. The Dean of Undergrad at Technion, Israel's top technology university is Arab. Apple's Exec VP of Hardware is an Israeli Arab educated at the Technion; one of his early moves was to setup Apple's very first non-US R&D hardware center... in Haifa, Israel.

Arabs serve in Israel's Supreme Court, have members in the Knesset from every political party other than religious ones. The CEO of Israel's top bank, Leumi, is an Israeli Arab.

From one of the two Israeli Arabs that have attained the rank of Major General in the Israeli Army


None of that remotely has anything to do with ethnic cleansing.

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An oposing view of the integration of Arabs in a democratic state:


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I hope you're right, Les. But I fear in the coming months the Israeli Arabs will be tested. Are they Arab first or Israeli first? We will find out how well integrated they really are. After all, Israel thought they were "integrating" the Palestinians by granting work permits and opening trade with Hamas.

As for my ethnic cleansing comment, I'm not talking about Arabs in general or Muslims in general, but specifically the Arab Muslims who call themselves Palestinians and live in Gaza and the West Bank. The Gaza group has elected a genocidal terrorist organization to lead them. The last election in the West Bank was 15 years ago; Mahmoud Abbas refuses to call elections since he knows he would lose to Hamas in a landslide. When people elect leadership that campaigns on mass murder of their neighbor, the neighbor is wise to treat them accordingly. And a people that elects leadership like that is complicit in their leadership's actions by definition.

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Coming months? Arabs with full citizenship have been assaulting Israelis and rioting for years.

There are no Jewish representatives in Gaza, but Israel is apartheid.

This author and thread can say what it wants, I will continue to bless Israel.

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I'm really surprised to the authors beliefs. I considered him to be objective in the past but he's basically blaming Israel for everything, despite the Pals refusing to recognize the existence of Israel and engaging in any concession for a "two state solution".

His views on the earlier days of Israel are also inconsistent, he claims that Israel is moving to the right and they're no longer interested in any deal, then he seems to blame Israel throughout the years since before their establishment, when the majority of the time they had a left government.

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There is no actual "moving to the right", it's where they have really always been.

Jews are intelligent people for the most part.They accepted Partition, the Arabs did not and never have. All that would've gained is two countries perpetually at war with their neighbor, basically what we have now on growth hormone and steroids.

They did not have a sovereign state at any point in history and there is no real reason they should have another one in addition to Jordan.

They should have been absorbed into the Arab Nations seventy-five years ago, instead we have tangible proof of the NWO scam that is the Fakestinian Problem.

Of all the refugees of all the wars in the entire world, only the Pals have generational refugee status and their very own exclusive UN Refugee Assistance organization.

A blow against Fakestine is a blow against the UN, and a blow against the Empire for Freedom.

The. whole ProPal thing is woke / NWO as the day is long, but the whole Lefty thing of accusing the other side of your own crimes operates at a high level here, and people you would expect to actually do the research either don't, or count reading Jew Hate sites as " research".

Kunstler has a great piece on LewRockwell.com today, you might check it out.

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Not really at scale though. Les is right that there are a couple million Arabs who are (apparently) well integrated into Israeli society. How much of this is a multiculturalist illusion is what will become clear in the coming few months.

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You may have heard recently about conflict around the " Noble Sanctuary". It's been plenty large scale enough over time, and recently Israelis have had quite enough and have given back to the Pals with interest, much to the same people defending the Pals utter outrage.

There are Arab representatives, members of the Knesset doing their best to destroy Israel from within, and there have been many assaults on Jews by Arab citizens.

Besides the obvious reality that it is the Muslim World that is apartheid it amazes me that none of the posts I have seen make any mention or show any curiosity as to how it is that some Arabs have all the comforts and benefits of citizenship and some don't.

It is critical to having a trace of understanding in this matter, and why this attitude in these articles and Hallelujah Chorus posts are so firmly rejected.

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Occupying land and then forcing out the in situ population and settling your own people on that land is the definition of ethnic cleansing. Forcing the displaced people into an open air concentration camp, and smaller ghettos and constantly abusing them is a crime against humanity. It is obvious that Israel wants to ethnically cleanse Gaza now. Be quiet with your Zionist-apologist rubbish.

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No one tells you to stifle your hateful mouth, but you presume to tell others what they can say.

Typical Satanic Lefty.

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As Dr Mearsheimer pointed out, Netanyahu empowered Hamas for his own political ends - and Hanas is NOT the Palestinian people. Do you reckon Netanyahu's diabolical coalition represents Jews?

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That isn't even close to what he said.

And pretending there was no reason to disable the PLO is several notches past absurd and all of the way to La La Land, anyway.

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"Hanas is NOT the Palestinian people"

Nonsense, Hamas has swept to win every single election it was allowed in, for which reason the PA hasn't had elections in 19 years.

The outpouring of civilians to cheer Hamas after the Saturday massacres and to abuse Israeli hostages in the streets show how well Hamas represents the Palestinians. And how few of those civilians are innocent.

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Even women and children? Bibi enabled Hamas - an inconvenient truth - but you've got your excuse ready for Israel's war crimes. FU.

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And you are one giant excuse for those ancient week old full on war crimes by Hamas.

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"Even women and children?"

Women and children came out in force to cheer the massacre and there are Hamas videos of a 6 year old Israeli boy handed over to Gazan children to beat up.

The great firebombings of Nazi German cities in WW 2, Hamburg, Essen, Cologne, Dusseldorf, Dresden and many others show the way forward to de-nazifying the Gaza Strip. The IAF needs to follow in those visionary footsteps that led to 78 years of democracy and peace in Western Europe.

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Source? Yeah thought not. How about the Palestinian children gunned down by Israeli snipers? Those that ethnically cleanse, imprison and abuse on a daily basis are not victims. That's the same ruse the Nazis used when they would "protect themselves" against the occupied peoples.

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Oct 14, 2023
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My understanding is that the Ottomon's ruled the area for many hundreds of years with no Palestenian state. The British ruled for a short period of time following which the land was divided up between a teeny tiny Jewish state with Jordan and Egypt getting the rest. Would the Palestiniens have fought Egypt and Jordan for a state? Do you think they would be in a better place today? Obviously, the PLO tried to take over Jordan; had they succeeded would that have been a satisfactory solution?

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This is utter historical revisionism. The Jewish population were given a share of historical Palestine well beyond their numbers and with the prime land, and even then they carried out the Naqba to steal more land. The massive majority of the Israeli population at that time were European settlers.

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"massive majority of the Israeli population at that time were European"

Nonsense, there's been continuous major Jewish presence in Jerusalem since 1187, when Saladin took the city. Prewar Jewish population was 790,000, all legally entered from Turkish empire times or British Mandate.

Get a clue and save your ill temper for your wife

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Life is indeed not fair and that is not going to change anytime soon. It was reasonable to give the Jews a homeland after WW2 and the truth is that the Arabs in Israel would have benefitted greatly had they not fought it. It is perfectly natural to not want invaders, I'm sure I would have fought too but I like to think I would eventually recognize what isn't going to change and make the best of it. Now having said that, there is no historical Palestine to my knowledge. They lived there but the Ottoman's ruled them and then the British. I am not completely clear on the separations; I know that Jordan got most of the West Bank but was there a Palestinian area? Did they ever establish a government?

In the end, the Palestinians turned a pretty good deal for them into a bad one. It wouldn't be too hard to turn it into a much better situation but I suppose they might lose all the aid they get from others so maybe I'm wrong. They certainly could have a government of their own and commute to good jobs in Israel if they lived peaceably. Perhaps if Israel succeeds in wiping out Hamas they'll get the peace and prosperity but I expect them to continue to fight.

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The world understands that any agreement, guaranteed by the west, is merely a game to play for time. A 'two-state' solution is a hoax, allowing zionists to systematically erase Palestine from the map and exile all its people. The solution has always been clear, a single State of Palestine.

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Thank you Professor!

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The problem with the one state solution is that Israel and Hamas each want to be that exclusive one state. To be two states, the Israeli settlers in the West Bank would have to cede. My understanding is that they're pretty Zion-istic and wouldn't. Plus, settlements have been tacitly permitted for two long. I hope the one state boat hasn't sailed, but I'm afraid it would take a Herculean effort.

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Especially when Bibi and his even crazier warrior "partners" only ramp up the hate and the "sub-human" and "baby snakes" rhetoric. Netanyahu opposed the Oslo Accords and indirectly assassinated Rabin. He is all about hate and war. One glimmer of a silver lining is that his career is nearly over.

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Divorce exists for a reason.

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'...too long'. Need an edit option.

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Not sure why Professor Mearsheimer believes that a Palestenian state is a solution. I cannot say one way or the other but I can say two things. (1) A Palestenian state was agreed to and Arafat refused without right of return and (2) If an agreement had been reached, a civil war between Hamas and PLA would have been required as a material number of people would have rejected existence of Israel.

Sometimes solutions do not exist without war and sometimes they have to be fought again and again.


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You would be more credible if you knew how to spell Palestinian.

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Had to take remedial English in College. In my professional life I have written lots of analytical memos (I can write now) and I always made a point of making mistakes in order to make sure others read the documents appropriately. Guess you passed the test of reading but I'm afraid you are a bit of jerk.

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