Never forget "former Israeli Chief Rabbi Ovadia Yosef, quoting from the Talmud, stated on prime time Israel television-"Non Jews only purpose is to serve Jewish masters" Source Times of Israel

Rabbi Yitzhak Yosef, also quoting the Talmud, likened black ppl to 'monkeys' he was not censured or punished be because "he was quoting religious text" Source Times of Israel

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My suggestion would be to Ignore him as long as he isn't murdering people. There are racists and bigots everywhere; they are generally very uninformed or brought up from an early age to be that way and not much can be done about it.

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"and not much can be done about it" unless of course he's one of the goyim making accurate comments about the majority of Israeli Jews being lying thieving depraved racist scum when the entire Western media will start screeching "anti-semitism rising" 24/7 which is always rather puzzling because we know, because Jews have told us, that they don't control the media.

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If Joe Biden was a good leader he would have used the attack on 10/7/23 as a way to have an oversized reaction to encourage Israel to take a pause and not take retaliatory action. He’s clearly not a good leader and nor is Kamala Harris.

Our choice for the upcoming presidential election is between horrendous and horrendously horrific.

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Or, one could vote for Green Party Jill Stein and her excellent VP choice Butch Ware. This team probably won't win the election, but they might accumulate 5% of the votes and therefore qualify for financial assistance in the next national election. Their programs are excellent for the people of this nation.

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(I’m voting for Jill)…

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20 hrs ago·edited 16 hrs ago

I will also be voting for Jill Stein. If the Green Party receives at least 5% of the vote, they will be eligible for state and federal funding, effectively breaking the two-party corruption we now have. Please vote.

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US public opinion appears to trail US foreign policy, but in fact its the opposite: US public opinion leads.

If public opinion or a majority of it clearly opposed Biden's support for Netanyahu then Biden and Congress would have to adopt that position.

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I already watched your lecture yesterday sir.... Precise, sharp, truthful and enlightening as always... Thank you sir for giving the world the knowledge it badly needs...

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Great ! We are lucky to have you in these difficult times when politics and specially International politics is in the hands of Amateurs !

and special interests ….No money for the disaster relief for Americans …. But our government is funding the Genocide in Palestine and now in the region to the tune of tens of Billions !

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Excellent and clear

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Excellent as always! Thank you Prof. Mearsheimer.

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It's wonderful to hear you've been so busy professor. Looking forward to hearing all these interviews and talks.

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Vote Jill Stein

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Experienced journalists shouldn't make these errors or they are doing it for the sake of “manipulation”.


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Is it true that there are oil reserves in or around Gaza, and that this is part of the motivation for running the Palestinians out?

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US public opinion appears to trail US foreign policy, but in fact its the opposite: US public opinion leads.

If public opinion or a majority of it clearly opposed Biden's support for Netanyahu then Biden and Congress would have to adopt that position.

In this the US is in fact a democracy. The People do in fact decide what the nation does locally and as a nation. A tremendous effort is made by politicians and MSM and pollsters and others to influence and persuade public opinion.

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Israel killed the leaders of Hisbollah and Hamas. What I would be interested in is, if there is a similar strategy concerning emerging Palestinian leaders. Does Israel actively eliminate (e. g. imprison) young politically talented people who might become strong leaders? It is quite amazing, that the only internationally accepted political leader of the Palestinians is a nearly 90 year old man.

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Surely Israel will suffer the same fate as Afghanistan, S Vietnam, and now the Ukraine, that the support will eventually end. =

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How about instead of assured mutual destruction how about mutually assured development? Instead of ugly competition increasing risks of armageddon, how about positive cooperation. To me that sounds more like a perfect world

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The wake should have been from 1948, when the whole world was in deep slumber - uncivilized, uncultured filthy colonial barbarians brought, heinous, barbaric, naked European savages aka Jews cult lethal terrorist outfits from Europe and planted in the heart of the Middle East, namely, unspoiled, innocent Palestine - the beloved historical motherland of Palestinian people. Those uncivilized, uncultured filthy colonial barbarians put those - the entire Palestinian population in refugee camps with land, sea and air blockades and since then (from 1948) bomb those refugee camps relentlessly for submission of Palestinian people, making every day since October 7th for the entire Palestinian population in their own country, including every man, woman, child, infant and mothers breast-suckling baby. When one on October 7th under immense pressure for years - when the Palestinian people rose up, they were slaughtered, butchered, incinerated with helicopter gunships, fast war jets, artillery fire from heavy war tanks and armored cars - dropping mega bombs each weighing 1000 ton mega-bombs, sending them to dust including their entire habitat. What did those uncivilized, uncultured filthy European barbarians and forcibly occupied heinous, barbaric, naked European savages aka Jews cult lethal terrorist outfits do? They celebrated over 42,000 Palestinian people, including men, women, children, infants, and mothers breast suckling babies slaughter with cheers! Is this the humanity we want to live with human dignity?

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