Control by Zionists has resulted in the first documented-while-ongoing genocide in history. Meanwhile, Zionists’ control by bribery of 97 of our 100 U.S. senators has turned the U.S. into the genocidists’ funder and munitioner.

How far the Beacon to the World has fallen! What an immense tragedy for all Americans and humanity, especially Palestinians.

The USA is not likely to ever recover from this collapse of all its declared values. To learn the direct cause of the collapse, see trackaipac.com. It explains all.

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If the US is as successful as it has been before in the Middle East, the blowback will be prohibitively expensive financially, geopolitically, geoeconomically, not to mention the loss of life, maiming and psychosis.

The perpetrators and instigators of this recent "victory" in Syria will be rewarded momentarily but in the long run they will reap what they have sown. Those that reside in Turkey, the US and Israel will be collateral damage caused by the elites in the aforementioned countries.

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As a country that gave peripheral help to Israel in this genocide, I won't expect a bit of pity when we get our eventual return.

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Syria is handing back to a lethal terrorist outfit with a regime change biz journey started - when the sadistic Obama the brute and mass murderer cum child mass murderer, schizophrenic, insane Irish Catholic Biden as VP came together juncture. The duo set up the most lethal, world record terrorist outfits such as ISIS, IS, ISIL and Syrian rebel groups in no time for this mission. These lethal terrorist outfits are well funded, trained, supplied with all lethal armaments and despatched to Syria to make it ungovernable. When that mission didn't work (Russia backed Al Assad to the hilt), the barbaric duo even sent Al Baghdadi from an Iraqi prison to bring Al Assad's head with dripping blood on the platter. This was after the killing Gaddafi in Libya (the same lethal terrorist outfits were sent there too, and the duo watched that grisly, gruesome murder with high octane wows and rejoiced and enjoyed and achieved rapture after killing Bin Laden in the same fashion). Since over 45,000 Palestinians, including men, women, children, infants, and mothers breast suckling babies butchered and slaughtered - of course, Biden will have a sigh of relief - "Mission Accomplished"! Obama and Biden's killing spree, or slaughter and butchering - no man or woman will surpass for another millennia.

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You seem to have no idea of the status of Ashkenazis in the U.S. Many of our politicians are dual citizen, U.S./Israeli.

Of our 100 U.S. Senators, 97 are owned by Zionist AIPAC. (See trackaipac.com.)

That explains our funding and munitioning of Zionism’s genocide of Palestinians and the usurpation of their lands, houses, and other belongings, including their lives.

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Ashkenazi were an American tribe before the marauding, hungry, barbaric Christian Bible in one hand, the other with the gun carrying European invaders or dumped by the British colonial savages as undesirables, convicts or medically inferior (before Hitler practiced eugenics, British colonial savages practiced it for a long time, and there are a number of medical books written about it and their diseases, dumping into far away lands to keep British as pure race). History is very clear on this, as Catholic terrorist called Columbus intention of traveling to India and ended up in North America - since then North American being called American Indians due to these terrorist's ultra-illiteracy, and dumped or invaders took the name of Americans. Coming back to Jews cult biz or industry, these naked European savages absolutely have no history, and therefore, they are trying to cling to something irrelevant to them to create a history - where Ashkenazi named been robbed in stark daylight robbery. Coming further into uncivilized, uncultured European history - Europe was an entirely pagan continent before Charlemagne the brute (7th-century AD) issued an edict to forcibly convert the entire Europe to barbaric Christianity and anyone opposes to slit their throats, including every man, woman, child, infant and mothers breast-suckling baby. The question is - where were these Jewish cult biz in Europe? In the Middle East there is no history, no historian wrote about such filthy vulgar, including Julius Caesar, who wrote volumes about this comparative periods and not mention a single word about Jews cult biz or the existence of a country called Israel. Even their Menorah has been robbed from Egyptian pyramid art and funerary art, though Egyptian history is so precise - written in hieroglyph from king to king, queen to queen and Pharaoh to Pharaoh - have they mentioned a single word about this filthy, vulgar Jews cult biz, Israel existence biz, Jesus biz? One has got to understand that in this 21st century, our digital age, information era - this fooling has got to stop now and remove these naked European savages back to Europe, and give the Palestinian people their beloved, historical motherland back!

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Since the horrors of October 7, the Middle East has undergone a stunning transformation. Iran’s proxy strategy has been dismantled: Hezbollah’s missile threat has been destroyed, Hamas has been reduced to guerilla tactics with much of its infrastructure obliterated, and Syria has been defanged with Assad overthrown.

In this new Middle East, normalization between Israel and the Gulf countries is paving the way for broader peace and opportunity. Hopefully, other former adversaries will join this historic shift.

Unfortunately, the rejectionist Palestinians are likely to squander this chance for progress, as they have for the past 75 years.

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‘Rejectionist Palestinians’ is a grotesque insult to a people subjected to Genocide. Would anyone have characterized my Grandfather as ‘rejectionist’ for resisting as he was led to his death at Auchwitz? It reminds me of a line I heard recently: What does Netanyayu call Nazis? Answer: Amateurs.

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Good for you Sera for speaking up to the unconscionable perspective Jaffee repeatedly expresses here in regard to the genocide Israel is caring out against the Palestinian people with the assistance of the US. Interesting that he defends Israel's position with no understanding of historical events in regard to how Israel came into being, or the the many atrocities committed by Israel against the Palestinians, like the NAKBA, or simply taking the land of another whom they saw as a land without a people. He makes the feeble attempt to defend genocide by comparing it to the attack by Hamas, and now to the Assad regime. Neither of which I am defending. His understanding of the Palestinian issue is infantile at best, and no doubt will remain so to protect him from the truth and let him hang on to his obvious prejudicial perspective, motivated by his own hate of a people which has always fueled the world's many atrocities.

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How dare you call what Israel has done to defend itself “genocide” when we now see what true genocide looks like in the wake of Assad’s defeat and the opening of his prison system, where over 1.5 million people were taken prisoner and an estimated 20% killed. How dare you compare Israel’s self-defense to Hamas slaughtering 1,200 innocent people who were sleeping or attending a concert—a number that would have been much higher if Hamas had the opportunity to continue their murderous rampage.

The Palestinians have had opportunity after opportunity since before 1948 to establish their own country and have rejected every offer. This is why they remain the outcasts of the Arab world.

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"any of the following acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group, as such:

(a) Killing members of the group;

(b) Causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group;

(c) Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part;

(d) Imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group;

(e) Forcibly transferring children of the group to another group.

— Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide, Article 2"

Looks like (a), (b) and (c) reflect what Israel is inflicting so yes it is genocide.

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LOL so you would agree Iran is committing genocide on it's own people? Clueless.

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Hamas did not slaughter 1200 people, innocent or not. Ha'Aretz reported that the Israeli government admitted to killing many of those victims under the Hannibal directive. How many?

That we will only learn once the international community investigates. It was not in the interest of Hamas to kill Israelis. They wanted hostages. Israel needed bodies. The murder of Israeli citizens by Israeli forces was carried out in order to prevent the possibility of using them to trade for prisoners. Hamas were also accused of beheading babies and mutilating pregnant women, and playing football with their body parts. All of these charges were proven to be inventions. Let me ask you, politely, what kind of people would even think of lies such as these? What kind of people need to invent horrifying lies to reinforce their genocide? It's not only I who calls it genocide, it's most of the world, and to place yourself in that tiny minority does you no honor. To deny this genocide is in every way as immoral as denying the genocide that killed much of my family. I’m sorry, but I can’t engage any further with murderous, white supremacist, propaganda.

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What I always found interesting is that Israel was forewarned of an impending attack by Hamas. They had their plans a year before and dismissed them, since they thought they were incapable of carrying them out. Egypt warned them days before, but they were ignored as were the young women monitoring Gaza and reported suspicious behavior by Hamas and reported it as well, and once again ignored. Interesting that no one was around for a good part of the day which allowed Hamas full reign. Even they were surprised, and on tape I heard one say that they thought it was going to be a suicide mission. I have little doubt that Netanyahu knew of the impending attack by Hamas as did his right wing brethren and they let it happen. They are going to investigate this issue they say, and I say sooner then later. It certainly gave Netanyahu the excuse he always wanted to remove the Palestinians and they were already taking over the West Bank, and one of the reasons Hamas gave for the attack.

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It’s actually becoming increasingly hard to defend the idea that this was not a twisted sort of false flag operation. I say that with a heavy heart, as part of my childhood was spent in Jerusalem, a beautiful, ancient city which deserves better than Zionist corruption.

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Often said that those who are in power will sell their souls to keep it.

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Palestinians HAD a nation but were murdered out of it by Zionists who, as Europeans, had zero right to Semitic lands and houses.

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Sera is Netanyahu rounding up all the Freemasons, Gays, Jehovah's Witnesses, 'degenerate' artists, communists, socialists; shaving their heads and tatooing them for death camps? Listen to yourself for fucks sake.

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gEnOcIdE. Low IQ goy detected. I have an idea, let's give the USA to the Israelis as you people have done nothing significant with your stolen Native American land.

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You are so ignorant of the history you defend. The land was taken from the Palestinians by the Zionists, proclaiming prejudice throughout Europe, so after the fall of the Ottoman empire Balfour signed it over, and could do so since a colonial mindset in Europe prevailed. The Jews living in Palestine constituted a tiny minority, smaller then the Christian population that was there. It was not their land to take! Your prejudicial arguments, ugly as they are, are based solely on your own ignorance and prejudice.

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Fran you are a useful idiot for the Islamic Republic.

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Any one, man or woman who has the intellectual ability to address an issue

does n't need to sink to name calling, so I can only assume you definitely do not.

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Why is he allowed to call me a shiksa on a previous post, a degrading name for a woman who is a non-Jew and you allow him to come on this site? Or why is he allowed to be abusive as well?

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Better luck next life, shiksa. We were the world's bitch for two millenia and now you can't stop us with entire world behind you. Kind of pathetic, really ;/

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HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH oy gevalt. Cry me a river, your people call me a fucking hook nose goblin for fucks sake xD

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Some 1 and half million Poles were killed by the Nazi's during WWII, and Hitler's future plans for the Poles was to keep some 15 percent of the population as slaves and the rest were to be sent elsewhere. Sound familiar?

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Comment deleted
Dec 16
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The atrocities committed by Hamas and Gaza-based attackers on October 7 were nothing short of horrific. On that day, terrorists launched a calculated and brutal assault on Israeli civilians, targeting men, women, and children in ways that defy the most basic standards of humanity. The violence included mass killings, kidnappings, and indiscriminate attacks on towns and neighborhoods. Reports of families being murdered in their homes, children witnessing their parents’ deaths, and innocent civilians being taken hostage reveal the sheer savagery of this assault. These acts were not just acts of war but acts of terror meant to instill fear and inflict maximum suffering.

To suggest that Israel bears any responsibility for these heinous actions is both false and morally repugnant. Such accusations serve only to deflect accountability from those who planned and executed these atrocities. Hamas’s actions were deliberate, premeditated, and entirely within the group’s control. Their leadership made the conscious decision to prioritize violence over diplomacy, terrorism over peace, and hatred over coexistence. Attempts to implicate Israel in these crimes—whether by blaming its policies or its existence—are an insult to the victims and a distortion of the truth.

It is critical to recognize that blaming the victim in such circumstances is a dangerous form of moral equivalence that emboldens terror organizations. Israel’s efforts to defend its citizens from ongoing threats are not only justified but necessary. The responsibility for October 7 lies solely with those who carried out and supported these barbaric acts. Any argument to the contrary undermines the principles of justice and humanity.

Shame on you.

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How much of the slaughter on October 7th was perpetrated by Netanyahu’s tank rounds and Hellfire missiles from Apache helicopters? Hamas’s infantry weapons were not capable of creating shredded bodies amidst masonry rubble and killing occupants of the scores of cars riddled and burnt from above. Subtract these Netanyahu killings from the 1,200 to learn how many deaths that day are attributable to Hamas.

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"comment deleted" hahahah sad goy is sad

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Urgh! He's such an inauthentic, snide little POS. Funny how you brought him back down to Earth by the end. Didn't add much to knowledge though, but then no-one knows what is actually going to happen now.

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Yes I agree JJM argues in bad faith. Typical anglo boomer.

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Actually, I meant the 'TV Host' with his fake little laughs, insincere voice, crappy little make-believe studio, and delusions of adequacy and importance.

I don't think Mearsheimer argues in bad faith, I don't always agree with his POV, but it's consistent and coherent.

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I was being facetious which was terribly obvious to anyone above the IQ of 12.

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Well, I missed on that high score by at least 2 points.

It's hard to tell these days, many seem to follow people just to piss on them, would seem like drilling your own teeth to get toothache to me, but what do I know? It's still a free world, just about.

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John, back to Europe right? Colonialist? Settler? Genocider?

Hypocrite of juvenile disposition.

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To sum it up, what it amounts to is that while we’re more or less pretty good at making the trains run on time, we keep heading down the wrong track.

For those who have any common sense that would indicate that while the train might need some work, the conductor and his crew need to be completely scrapped .

That in turn points to the fact that, especially when it comes to looking at the big picture, common sense is not too common.

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To tell you the truth, I’m very disappointed in humanity.

If I were giving it a grade it would be hard to give it one grade because there are many facets to our story.

It’s obvious that as far as lifting millions, in fact billions of people out of abject poverty we’ve done a stellar job. It’s truly amazing how far we’ve come in such an amazingly short period of time.

Having said that, the problem with all of the incredible advancements we’ve made has had the effect of us shitting in our own nest. This fact along with allowing creeps to run the show has made it so that all of our advancements and achievements are going to bump up against things that will make them seem much more tenuous.

So while we’ve done great things on one side of the equation, we’re not doing so well on the other side of the equation. Fortunately for us fact that we’re not doing so well on managing the flip side of the equation hasn’t caught up to us yet. But that will almost surely change in the near future and it’s likely that we’ll wish that we had managed those things more effectively so as not to cause the types of problems we’re almost surely going to face.

It’s likely that we’ll be confronted with some serious hardships unless we change our tune and try to manage to multitude of things that will be confronting us at an exponentially increasing rate.

That’s why I developed my course.

Like a good investigative reporter, my course explains the who, what, when, where and why. It does so in a rational and reasonable way and it also offers some solid ideas as to how we might be able to try to manage where we’re headed.

It basically draws from a wide variety of others’ thoughts and combines them into a a comprehensive and compelling argument as to how we should be trying to modify our mindsets and behaviors so as to give us the best chance at overcoming the obvious problems we’re facing and avoid what’s better know as the tragedy of the commons, the race to the bottom, or in game theory, “moloch”.

It’s my humble opinion it’d be worth listening to what I have to say.

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Ah yeah JJM, I should live in america with legions of antisemitic christians that call me a hook nose and a tiny hat. All while you live on LITERAL apartheid/genocided land. You white, american gentiles have no self awareness whatsoever.

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There won't bve anymore intifadas after this one. That was the point, goy.

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You're scum.

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Team Liberty knocks off another dictatorship!

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In Germany this Rumble is not available.

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Many country's don't get Rumble.

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