I follow John as much as I can . It is wonderful that he is given so many platforms to express his views

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Please go to mainstream media and tell your view there

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They would never allow it.

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Judge Nap picking Prof. Mearsheimer's brain - the equivalent of a well tuned 12 cylinder engine - is always highlight of my day. Nevertheless, the question arises, the Israeli troops entering Lebanon, will they be "worn down" from their doings in Gaza or rather "battle-hardened"? (25:49)

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One possibility with the exploding pagers, is that it was a military blunder:


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Yes, there is an extraordinary ugliness to this war on the part of the Zionists.

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I don't see it as solely on the part of the Zionist, but also on the part of the Israeli's as a people. The government of Israel has implemented multiple atrocities against the Palestinian people through decades which on it's own is disgusting, but it can even implement a genocide, killing 10's of thousands of people, and children, the most vulnerable that account for most of those deaths. They can do this with little to any negative feedback from it's people. For decades it has faced no backlash from the US and it's allies, and has turned the country into a society that is basically sick. I can't help but believe that America's 21st century of war that caused so many deaths has not had a negative impact on our mental health as well. We open our borders like we are opening our hearts to the other who seek asylum in our country, and we have black rights, and woman's rights and gay right's, okay, but then we can turn around and support a country and feed them weapons to assist in a genocide, and feed weapons to Ukrainians and use their lives to bring down Putin, and it seems most of my fellow Americans don't care that much either. I see US as total hypocrites.

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I agree the Israeli people in large measure seem totally ok with their govt's actions. Although there have been ever larger protests calling for Bibi's removal.

On the US side, we have been under MSM controlled messaging since the 1950's. That as well as the educational dumbing down since at least the 70's has created a nation of sheep. Recent events such as covid have awakened many and it is nice to see that the younger generations in large measure are not buying into the hype.

But our govt is not reflective of its people, Congress is owned by APAIC from what I can tell with few exceptions. Their influence plus the revolving door of the MIC means that they are owned, not by the people but by outside influences.

Will it improve, can it improve, it is possible. We will see what this election brings assuming we actually have one.

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Well, the demonstrations that have drawn large crowds are against Netanyahu and not due to the genocide he is implementing, but they want the war to end so the hostages can be released. I've heard well known Israeli's, or American Jews say the same. Our lynchings down south were a source of entertainment at one time and newspapers did their part, even with humor, to bring in a large crowd. Actually I think those decades you reference saw a press that actually made an effort to do their job, instead of news being a source of entertainment, that took sides. I do hope the younger generations with access to the net as a source of news will be more informed then their parents, and it is the young people, under many threats, that have come out and protested against the genocide in Israel. I was very actively involved in our anti-war movement which came and went rather quickly and didn't accomplished much if anything. AIPAC has got to go. Recently I read Trump claiming not enough Jews are on his side and he's been very good to Israel, and why not since he's been paid off handsomely by the Adelson family and Miriam promises him a 100 million if he kicks out those West Bankers. However Israel and it's treatment of a people is nothing less then an abomination.

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You and others are REALLY being generous on the COWARDLY Biden and Cowardly US Politicians who are too cowardly to reject AIPAC--- representatives of a foreign power.

If an American citizen defends Russia's refusal to allow NATO missiles 1 inch form Russia's border

(closer than the Cuban missile crisis) --the FBI jumps all over him---but no one jumps all over AIPAC

which clearly works to allow a foreign power strongly influence US policy. WHY is the jewish-state given special treatment?

And I do not condemn AIPAC, for they are just defending their own ethnicity (at the expense of the USA) ---but the cowardly President and US Politician whose cowardice betrays their own country--WHY do I NEVER hear anyone condemn these filthy cowards___WHY???

AIPAC is not to blame!---the filthy cowards are to blame. And what can we say about the commentators who do not blame the filthy cowards??

Yes--What can be said about THEM???

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How about both are to blame. AIPAC undermines our democracy as do many entities, and that's a big reason why we are not much of a democracy at all. Read about Citizens United which turned corporations into people which provided no limitations on funding our politicians which of course made those we elect into office more beholden to them then the people who voted for them. We're not a true democracy, not really, and as a kid I didn't think so either, and my country, or I should I say my government has ever made me feel I'm wrong in this regard.

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