The Israel lobbies corrosive influence goes into every city council and school board to shut down debate on ceasefire and where our tax should be spent blatantly using the most disproved hasbara.

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According to the Gaza Ministry of Health, at least 34,183 people have been killed and 77,084 have been wounded in Israeli attacks.

About 72 percent of those killed are women and children, according to an update by Gaza’s Government Media Office on Tuesday.

On Monday, United Nations human rights chief Volker Turk said a child in Gaza is killed or wounded “every 10 minutes”.

Meanwhile, 7,000 people are missing, according to the Government Media Office, many presumed dead under the rubble.


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John Mearsheimer the other day in a Lecture in Australia predicted that Israel has 4 options regarding Gaza. And one of them, which they seem to achieve, is depopulation of Gaza.

That seems logical and is happening, because many innocent orphans are being shifted form Gaza to Pakistan. Couples with no kids registered their selves for the upcoming Palestinian orphan babies.

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we will change our country to the united states of israel!!!

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Previously, I have commended the interviews with the Judge as a way of reaching a wide audience of viewers. Now I write to sound a cautionary note: The interviews are unsatisfying because the questions are entirely softball. The interview is more like a conversation between friends. There is no tension, no skepticism, and thus, in my view, the interviews fall flat. This feature affects all of the Judge's interviews and it seems to work in increasing his subscribers. But I now no longer watch these interviews because I cannot take them seriously as a real intellectual exchange.

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Watch his interview by Piers Morgan. There were tough questions. But it was painful to watch Piers get humiliated when he tried to press Israeli propaganda on John Mearsheimer.

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I watched it when it first appeared. A far better model of an interview than the Judge’s. Piers Morgan was not “humiliated”. He was effectively rebuffed

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Watch it again especially their conversation about nuclear war. Piers Morgan thought that if Russia nuked Ukraine, the US should defend Ukraine by also nuking Russia. The professor patiently explained that that is not likely going to happen because the US will not risk getting nuked by Russia. The nuclear option by the US will only be used for its survival and not for the survival of Ukraine. I thought that was obvious but Piers didn’t know that. LOL

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I saw your talk on The Center for Independent Studies. You openly admit to not understanding a viable endgame for Israel. So let me ask you a question which might appear outrageous, but which might shed light on what you don't have the audacity to imagine. What if the far-right Zionist hijackers of the Israeli nation (not Israel, which is its largely innocent people) had decided, even before the Hamas attack, to ultimately go KAMIKAZE not only against the Gaza Strip, but also the West Bank, to the ultimate end of creating, through ethnic cleansing (forcing the Palestinians into Egypt) and genocide (killing enough of them to force their migration), a Greater Israel including the Gaza Strip AND the West Bank (eventually)? Moreover, to build a new temple in Jerusalem tabut. And why? To bring about, by iron will, their evil vision of an AUTARKIC, Greater Israel, according to the Biblical Promise Land (although the Promised Land is not an evil thing--only the attempt to seize it by the hands of man)? An ambition so diabolical that they even knew about the Hamas attack on October 7 ahead of time and actually ALLOWED it (in culmination of their historically nurturing Hamas in order to disable a two-state solution)? And all because they wanted to have a strong enough spark to start their religious fundamentalist scorch and burn? And what's most mad, a willingness to ultimately burn through all support, even of their allies like America, in their BLITZKRIEG commitment to do or die, even if they must see their enemies in their nuclear flames, should they fail?

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Prof Shahak & Prof Mezvinski wrote three decades ago in their article 'Jewish Fundamentalism' (think Ben Gvir Smotrich "similarities between the Jewish political messianic trend and German Nazism are glaring" .... limitations on freedom of speech and expression, land ordinances, living restrictions, unequal pay, job restrictions, land confiscation, stealing of property, destruction of houses, jailing and house detention under provisions of the emergency defense regulations, torture of prisoners, collective punishment, assassinations, educational discrimination, limitation of political activity, deprivation of citizenship and a host of other measures"

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You realize you are describing yourself. Make an argument, defend it with facts and reason. That's what I do here. What's your argument? That this is genocide? Based on how absurd left wing activists have distorted our language? Nah, no thanks. I've read the stupid justification for this, it boils down to Israel having "the intent to genocide". Uh, no, genocide is an action taken that we can observe as having occurred. The IDF could kill everyone in Gaza on one day, you do realize that, yes? Why don't they kill more Palis if they can and are genocidal? What they are doing is ethnic cleansing. And I see how the 'literature' on the subject conflates the two now. Ethnic cleansing can be a tactic used while committing genocide but it's not genocide. And since Gazan population has grown from 600k to 2 million in 20 years, there is no evidence of actual genocide. There is evidence of a war over territory. Fyi, I don't think the Gazans want genocide when they claim 'from the River to the Sea'. They just want Palestine as theirs alone. Neither side is engaged in genocide, and both sides lie about it and everything else nonstop.

Which is why I find both sides disgusting and immoral.

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Nazi Germany killed 6 million jews. But since millions of other jews have escaped, per your definition of genocide, giving the example that the Gazan population has increased, then it was not holocaust. That’s very convincing.

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Not even close to being an analog.

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Your definition of non-genocide is even if you already killed many of them and yet their numbers are still growing then it must not be genocide. Genocide does not mean total eradication. That is why I said that if we follow your definition of non-genocide then the holocaust during WW2 was not a holocaust. Millions were still around afterwards. 🤷‍♂️

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Not “my definition of genocide”. I never said “total eradication”. But if they have had 18 year, one would not expect the population to triple if they are subject to genocide. Compare it to say the Christian genocides in the mideast, other Islamic lands and many spots in Africa. The population goes down, that’s what makes it a genocide. Wake up, you have been brainwashed to believe 2+2=5 on this issue. This is what happens to a population experiencing genocide. It’s like the world is upside down. You can oppose Zionism without calling it genocide, Chris.

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From what I've read, and I'm sure there are others with different stats, approximately 2/3 of Jews living in Europe died. Even if one lumps the Jews with all other Europeans, the number who died on a percentage basis in holocaust exceed those who have died in Gaza (including Hamas fighters). Now that isn't the law of genocide as it exists today, but stepping back, I'd say that is pretty convincing there is no moral equivalence.

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Silencing critics of Israel??? I'm not sure if this is a sick joke. University campuses, town hall disruptions, street protests, and even debates within the halls of the US Congress and the White House have been filled with harsh criticism of Israel. The real question is why individuals like you condone and promote such behavior through your Substack and podcast interviews.

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Harsh criticism is covered by freedom of speech. And yes students are protesting but universities and police departments are working hard to squash those protests and shut them down. Maybe you don't watch all the videos of people getting arrested for protesting and getting body slammed in manhandled.

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There are limits on where you can protest, but literally none on protesting. You want to disrupt a city council meeting on zoning and yes, you might get arrested.

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Too little too late

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is this "harsh criticism of Israel" with you, in your room, this very moment?

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That *some* critique of The J's happens does not prove there is no silencing of them.

> The real question is why individuals like you condone and promote such behavior through your Substack and podcast interviews.

Have you any theories/stories you would be willing to share with us, Intelligent Human?

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No clue, fuckface. I’d think he’d be critical of the subhuman barbaric terrorists who committed the October 7 atrocities and their cretin followers.

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He has said that it's a tragedy and a disaster. No one disagrees with that. But there's a long history. And that history should be something people can talk about.

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Oct7 Haaretz " Israeli helicopters & tanks killed maj of the 1200 civilians" rape still unsubstantiated

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Send me the link to that

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Do you consider yourself to be of average or above average intelligence?

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“University protests filled with harsh criticisms of Israel… Condone such behavior?”

In the USA, it’s their 1st Amendment right of the constitution. They made a law to allow protests and forbid the government to suppress it. I know it sounds shocking to other people in the world. Wait what? You have a law to encourage protests?

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May 21·edited May 21

While the First Amendment protects free speech, it does not extend to setting up encampments on college campuses, obstructing passage, taking over buildings, or shouting epithets at other students. Private universities have the authority to establish rules for students and faculty, with disciplinary actions like suspension, expulsion, or termination as potential consequences. Substitute "black," "LGBTQ," or "Palestinian" instead of "Zionist," and they would have been shut down immediately.

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Were you aware of:

Former CIA officer Philip Giraldi has publicly stated his belief that the apartheid israel govt allowed Oct7 to happen to give them their excuse to destroy Palestinians in Gaza

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I'm very disappointed you are also telling the 'genocide' lie about Israel, while seeming untroubled by the endless dislocations/ethnic cleansing, oppression and slaughter of Muslims by other Muslims. The correct moral position for anyone enjoying the fruits of Christendom (what Western Civilization used to be called) is to criticize the horrors of Islamism and Zionism, and to support neither.

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Can you state where you currently see the dislocations/ethnic cleansing, oppression and slaughter of Muslims by other Muslims resulting in hundreds of thousand of unarmed civilians deaths?

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Large scale 'transfers' just happened in Afghanistan and Iraq over the past year, over 1 millions. Islamists are slaughtering Christians in Armenia, several ISIS and other Islamic Jihadi African groups regularly kill Muslims in their wars in Somalia, Sudan, West Africa, Nigeria and elsewhere. The Jihadis also kill infidels regularly. Daily/weekly. Here's a link to a site named "The Religion of Peace" which catalogues the relentless terroristic slaughter of innocents that Muslims commit daily. https://www.thereligionofpeace.com/ That you are ignorant of their violence, and think demanding documentation is clever only reveals how little you actually know about reality. The facts are there for all to see, and have been forever.

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Even if this were true it doesn't mean Israel is not committing Genocide!

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But of course it's all true. Ethnic cleansing isn't genocide. The activists have polluted the language as all Leftist activists do. That you buy this word game and take it seriously is sad for you as it makes you irrational. Saying the word 'genocide' isn't an argument. Even if you capitalize it, you hack.

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Thanks for the link. I duly counted, starting from October, 7th, 4537 casualties total worldwide, in hundreds of countries, in 2023, including 1194 killed by Hama in the attacks, and 3105 in 2024... numbers and distribution of YOUR source do not support a genocidal intent of dislocations/ethnic cleansing, oppression and slaughter, only a climate of political, social a religious violence in a high number of wide areas. Would most of these countries be Christian majority, IMPO, will make no difference, and data support my thesis, Christians historically being not much better than others in killing, wars and general terroristic slaughter of innocents. But I rest my case only on your numbers, and those numbers pale and are not even comparable with the current self-confessed genocidal massacre of Palestinians by the Israeli unhinged occupier

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You are insane. I never claimed the Islamists were engaged in genocide. None. I did claim that it's far worse. You seem to not understand the difference between a terroristic attack that slaughters innocents and war. Me? I'm not as morally confused as you are. Oct 7th was a terrorist attack that reignited the war between Israel and the Gazans, led by Hamas. The IDF is engaged in war. Civilians die in every war, especially wars Islamists fight, fyi. Hamas used citizens and women and children as human shields, intentionally and publicly declare they do so. Their right to 'resistance' as 'oppressors' does not include using human shields. It does not include using hospitals and schools and mosques as bases for terrorists. The casualty numbers from war are not the same as those of terrorists who kill civilians. I mean, you entire complaint is about the death of civilians in Gaza - that's Hamas's fault, not the IDF's. Wake up and join me in reality.

I get it, you are incapable of thinking clearly due to ideology. I'm not, I hope the above explanation clarifies things for you. As for me? I do not think the U.S. should support Zionism. But I find Islamism even more grotesque and immoral due its actions and history. So I can never support the Palestinians who turned their cause into 'Jihad' 100 years ago. What's so pathetic is how easily you set aside the massive slaughter Jihadis commit nonstop around the world, as the link lays out. What's wrong with you?

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So let me ask: Were Palestinians being persecuted on their own land before Hamas did anything?

Do you know how many Palestinians are in Israeli jails/chained to the floor/little to no food and never had a trial?

Do you believe Palestinians need someone to protect them?

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Listen up - all of you on this thread. I’m not pro-Israeli or Zionist. I’m American and Catholic, I have no dog in this fight. I think America should be uninvolved. But facts matter to me and they should to you. My complaint is narrow, what the IDF is doing in Gaza is not genocide. It’s BS to call it genocide. I’m not hear to argue about Palestine or Zionism with any of you. And many of you hide behind the ‘oppressors right to resistance’ - morons, that right never give the oppressed the right to slaughter 1000+ innocent civilians. Never. That you can’t process this is about your ignorance, ideology and viciousness.

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So, you are telling me Mearsheimer should talk about the facts that have been forever in Internet landscape? There are too many conflicts to describe each but no one is counted as a “genocide”, Mearsheimer’s direct duty is talking and predicting the future big problems that could be happening because of things that Israel doing now. If you want to person who will be sorry about all small conflicts around the globe you are watching the wrong person.

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I'm a fan of Mearsheimer, but he's being ridiculous labeling what Israel is doing as genocide. It's not even ethnic cleansing now as it's a defensive action based on a horrific attack. The Zionists have engaged in a lot of ethnic cleansing. But hey, I guess you and Johnny can ignore Oct 7 in your moral calculations. I wish someone you or he loved was still being held by Jihadis in Palestine, or had already been raped to death as many of the hostages have been by now. I imagine your attitude, and his, would be much different. There are some actions which unleash massive reactions, and what Hamas did on Oct 7th invites their elimination as an effective force by Israel, morally. Too bad you can't figure out this kind of basic morality, that's your defect, not mine.

While I don't support Zionism, morally, Hamas handed the IDF license to destroy in Oct 7th. They did that, why can't you place the blame in the right place?

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Maybe he did talk about it. But at the moment a genocide is happening and we're supporting it and we could be stopping it.

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No genocide occurring, stop lying to yourself most of all.

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May I ask how much concern you expressed for the civil rights of Afghans before you saw the opportunity to use them as polemical bargaining chips?

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Why should I answer that question? And of course, your comment about me using them as a 'polemical bargaining' chip is merely your pseudointellectualism at work cuz I mentioned something that doesn't fit with your ideological presuppositions. Be clear, you support Hamas - you are supporting the absolute worst of Jihadism. Period. And Zionists did indeed ethnically cleanse 750k Arab Muslims to found Israel. Both can be true, I know it's hard for you to process actual reason and facts but you can still try, yes?

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"..similarities between the Jewish political messianic trend and German Nazism are glaring"

2000 - Professor Israel Shahak and Professor Norman Mevinsky 'Jewish Fundamentalism': -


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Do you genuinely believe that there is no *at least somewhat* genocidal behavior on behalf of the Israeli's, according to the international definition of the term?

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Nope. And the word has been spun by activists, I don't give a crap about the dishonest 'international' definition of the term. Currently, Israel is fighting a battle in a long war. Hamas initiated that battle on Oct 7th. Why is it so hard for you to see this clearly? And by wantonly and intentionally slaughtering civilians, they gave the IDF moral license to eliminate Hamas. Hamas uses innocent Palestinians as human shields, getting them killed in the process. Hamas has no chance of winning and would rather see Gaza reduced to rubble before surrendering. That's all on Hamas. Wake up and grow up.

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Middle east monitor - "Belgium welcomes ICC’s ‘important move’ to seek arrest warrant for Netanyahu.."

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"wantonly and intentionally slaughtering civilians" ....

Ret us Colonel L Wilkerson, "I've been in government long enough to know never believe an Israeli they are pathological liars"

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> Nope.

Did you go through substantial effort to fact check this belief? If so, can you describe some of the steps you took?

> And the word has been spun by activists, I don't give a crap about the dishonest....

Did you go through substantial effort to fact check your belief? If so, can you describe some of the steps you took?

> Currently, Israel is fighting a battle in a long war that Hamas initiated on Oct 7th. Why is it so hard for you to see this clearly?

Because it is not possible to objectively delineate when this was started, and who started it....and that's just for starters.

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I get it, you think you are intelligent but you aren’t. You are mimicking what you think is intelligence. I’m not writing a paper for school, my thoughts are clear. You seem to have none, but rather see yourself as some kind of arbiter of morality or reason, but demonstrate that you are neither. Just a tedious waste of time. Do you have an actual thought of your own? Any point to make at all? Is asking meaningless questions the best you can do? I suspect you are barely a midwit, so it might be the best you can do. Why not actually try and make a coherent point or argument? Are you capable of doing so?

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It’s not his job to criticize everything.

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