Those who were once bullied are now the bullies.

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You posted a video of them calling hamas inhuman animals and made it about the civilians and we should see you as a serious person?

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Thank you for laying out the moral issues involved in what's goin on in Gaza and who is culpable. It shocks the conscience to see such maniacal mass murder taking place and worse, that our government is enabling it enthusiastically while pretending it respects the human rights of the innocent civilians of Gaza.

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Well put!!

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No, bank robbers don’t get to vet the supplies used by the security guards at the bank they are robbing. And bank robbers don’t have a right of self-defense against, security, employees or police. Get it? Palestinians have every right to fight back against the brutal, sadistic, genocidal, land-stealing occupation forces.

Hamas broke out of the concentration camp with the attitude that naturally results from growing up in Israel’s weapon’s testing lab.

Yes, I have the nerve to suggest the Nazis were in the wrong and provoked the resistance in the Warsaw Ghetto. Same facts and logic apply.

Yes, racism, supremacism, Judeo Nazism, torture, cruelty, random murder; all the realities of Zionism today.

Jews are allowed in Gaza. They just aren’t allowed to build in Gaza the settlements they’ve built in the WB making that occupied territory a Swiss Cheese of colonies of lunatic, Bogart settlers, murders and thieves.

Two million living as second class citizens means nothing if the others three million are treated like and referred to as, animals, or “grass to be mowed.”

Israeli officials were negotiating with other countries to take Gazans. Don’t try to say they aren’t.

Arab countries often refuse to take Palestinians for two reasons: they don’t want to go, and no Arab country wants to be complicit in Israel’s ethnic-cleansing schemes.

Besides, considering how welcome Jews have been in the hundred countries they’ve been ejected from, you are a hypocrite for raising that criticism.

Israel’s entire mode of existence DEPENDS on enemies so they can pretend to be victims and thereby extort hundreds of billions of dollars from the USA, which Israeli PMs boast of controlling.

It isn’t Gazan who caused this crisis. If was atheist Zionists from the beginning. They should all be forced to live in the destroyed Gaza and the roles should be reversed with Pals controlling every detail of their concentration camp lives for the next 75 years.

But moving all Zionists, neocons and idiot complicit US politicians to a Kuiper Belt object is a better option because then the US might regain control of its own foreign policy.

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In what the late Saddam Hussein once dubbed “the great Satan,” roughly two-thirds of the United States enlisted military corps is white . . .

The fat, bulbous, U.S. Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin once confirmed in a 93-2 vote of the U.S. Senate, immediately embarked on a whirlwind media tour of duty, telling the pseudo-secular sycophants in the state-controlled tabloid press and state-controlled television talk show circuit about how the U.S. Army is full of bad racist white men.

Senior Defense Department leaders celebrating yet another Pride Month at the Pentagon sounding the alarm about the rising number of state laws they say target the LGBTQ+ community, warned the trend is hurting the feelings of the armed forces . . . “LGBTQ plus and other diverse communities are under attack, just because they are different. Hate for hate’s sake,” said Gil Cisneros, the Pentagon’s undersecretary for personnel and readiness, who also serves as DoD’s chief diversity and inclusion officer.

And now the U.S. Army is doing ads begging for more young white males? What happened?

Even with a full-on declaration of war from Congress, and even if Gavin Newsome could be cheated into the Oval Office by ZOG somehow, while Globohomo diversity brigades go door-to-door looking to impress American children into military service, they will be met with armed, well-trained opposition, the invasion at the Southern border is going full tilt, and the drugs are flowing in like never before . . .

With the borders of Europe and the USA wide open, civil warfare within the USA, Britain, and most of Europe is a certainty if foreign wars are initiated. Nobody is going to fight a war for Biden, he is dumber than Bush . . . Nobody is going to fight a war for that kikesucking Zionist ass-whore Nikki Haley, and I mean nobody.

Get ready for it . . . the fat old devil worshipping fags on Capitol Hill, on Wall Street, in Whitehall, and in Brussels are in no shape to fight a war themselves, and most Americans are armed to the teeth with their own guns . . . NATO hates heterosexual white men . . . they said so themselves . . .


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What's wrong with you?

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Jan 12·edited Jan 12

This is an embarrassment of a post and John should know better. I am not sure if he is out of touch, or simply naive and ignorant and does not do actual research. This post is riddled with inaccuracies on every line.

Let’s get one thing straight first: This is a holy war by Muslims not a military action. Which is what they have been doing for 1500 years and say so themselves. Now that this is clarified lets talk facts.

Firstly we are dealing with terrorists. What does that mean? It means they are depraved psychopaths who do not value human life and they play dirty. Religious arab terrorists are even worse because deception and lying is prized and baked into their culture, something I wonder if John even understands. Life is of no value only service to Islamic Law

What do terrorists do? Kill civilians, steal aid, kill their own people, kill their political enemies, lie, cheat, steal, slander, manipulate, libel, hold hostage, sacrifice innocents, steal wealth, commit genocide, ethnically cleanse. When you add muslims to that you get denial of human rights as the cherry on top.

1. Israel is not holding up any aid. The humanitarian groups are failing to get aid to the people.

2. Hamas is stealing aid and blowing up food trucks, keeping their own people from eating so they can kill more of their citizens as martyrs against Israel. This is expected in their culture they are rewarded with virgins. John should know this is what depraved terrorists do because they always do things like this. Maybe he is naive and can’t fathom the insane things these terrorists do that would make no sense to a westerner.

3. Hamas keeps children and family members close while they fire rockets so they can sacrifice them all as martyrs and again this is EXPECTED.

4. Human shields to further increase fatalities and Israel cannot avoid these obviously

5. Embedding terror infrastructure in schools, mosques, hospitals and firing at Israeli cities killing Israelis and destroying buildings and infrastructure. Then firing rockets at IDF from there or firing rockets at Tel Aviv. Firing RPGs and running machine guns from the hospitals at IDF. The entire hospital staff collaborating with Hamas. Lying about Hamas too to smear Israel

6. Wide scale destruction. It is physically impossible to destroy terror infrastructure without flatting large swaths of land and buildings which has to be done to detonate tunnel networks deep underground. I suggest John talk to engineers and watch IDF videos showing the bombing of these underground tunnel systems. This was a choice of depraved Hamas and their population supporters who knew the ramifications of embedding them in population buildings.

7. The Palestinian death stats are a lie

8. The deaths do not include terrorists which are close to 50%

9. Women and children deaths are a lie. It is physically impossible that no men are killed. Most of the children killed are terrorists.

10. Hamas has terrorists starting from age 14 and plenty of Hitler youth. They use children to bait and lure IDF troops. The children hate and want to kill Jews. They carry machine guns and grenades. Yes they are casualties just like Nazi Youth fighters in Germany but worse because they are deceptive and entrap IDF forces. John should know this the youth are in their military. So any children in the death count are mostly not civilians

11. Hamas wears civilian clothing and fires from civilians. They rocket Israeli cities from civilian areas to maximize casualties. Israel being stronger just means they can stop the Genocide. Russia vs Nazis no different,

12. Palestinians want to sacrifice their lives for Jihad they see this as a good thing. They are sacrificing themselves to inflate the body count

13. Doctors journalists etc are all terrorists who support Hamas their dear leaders there are almost no innocents

14. Hospitals are used as terrorist aid camps to get their fighters back out in battle

15. Hamas is controlling food and water they have tons of food and tons of water and desalination plants they also can control their Egypt border. Israel has zero obligations to supply any food or water to another country. This is on Hamas

16. Muslims scream allahu akbar normal armies fighting over political means or land do not do that. This is a holy war for them.

17. Muslims have openly called for Jew genocide for 70 years. Israelis want a peaceful state. They have peace deals all over the middle east. The Palestinians do not want one

18. The entire society from birth is indoctrinated

19. Hamas thug leaders are billionaires

20. There is not one bomb shelter in Gaza because they WANT to be killed as Martyrs

21. Almost all Palestinians are terrorists and Islamic Law practitioners who are commanded to kill Jews and other non-believers including sacrificing themselves and all muslims to achieve it.

22. There are still 100+ hostages held and rockets flying into Israeli cities.

23. Hamas Hezbollah and Iran are all one entity and together DO pose a threat to Israels existence. And they proudly openly claim they want to genocide Jews as told in the Quran.

24. Palestinian families are collaborating with Hamas holding and hiding hostages inside their

Homes NOT in tunnels which means the population is guilty just as Imperial Japanese were

The list goes on and on John should be ashamed by ignoring the depravity and deception of these people. He should also watch Palestine and muslim TV to watch what they say themselves

One thing I think westerners like John who don’t understand arab muslims fail to grasp is that muslims do not use emotions and words the same as the West. Aggression to them means not letting them kill for Allah. They cry when they lose family members in war but they are proud that they are “martyrs”. They complain about starving but think its a “good thing to starve and die” for Allah. These are religious fanatics that celebrate and extol death as a means to a good end, virgins and paradise. You don’t understand them, John.

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What an embarassment of a comment!

completely ignorant and fact-free

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Every derogatory comment about muslims applies more so to Israelis who have been massacring Palestinians and stealing their land for 75 years.

Zvi Bezelel, smiles recounting massacres.


Zvi Bezelel, smiles recounting massacres.


Israel has been a terrorist state from its beginning. Israeli PMs have admitted and even bragged of being terrorists and doing terrorism.

Who is in control of US politics? See links.


Cenk Uygar on Ehud Olmert, W Bush

The Duran on the cabal


Mark Bruzonsky


MJ Rosenberg


Stephanie Schriock


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“Let’s get one thing straight...”.

You are a moron.

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You are right Fred- this nebw dude is THE PROBLEM. So sad to see this prejudice is so wide spread with Israelis and Zionist..

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You are too dishonest to engage.

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Arabs keep starting wars and then hiding behind their own non-combatants. The plan is always the same, at some point enough collateral damage will accrue, the world will cry 'atrocity' and Israel will stop.

But maybe starting a war with a horrible atrocity was wrong? It kind of pissed off Israelis. They might also think that living with Hamas is not sustainable. Michael Oren explained in his piece in The Free Press that he now regrets not killing Hamas leaders in a past conflict because they were in close proximity to a bunch of kids so a smaller then necessary munition was used. Never again, he said. Perhaps that is understandable? Not to the good professor apparently, high moral code must be upheld.

Also, I like the good professor citing statements of Israeli officials dated October 10. That was the time when the extent of the atrocities was just becoming apparent, these are grieving people under duress. Well, this makes for a good quote. Besides, he does not give a phuck, he does not live in the neighborhood.

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You are making unfounded assertions back up with no facts nor evidence

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Atrocities? Whose atrocities? Can you report how many Israeli civilians were killed by Israel and how many by Hamas? How many were killed by tanks at the kibbutz? Have you seen the videos of the tanks shooting at the houses or the interview of the woman who witnessed the IDF killing Israelis? How about the Apache helicopters above the rave? The pilots reported not having any idea who they were killing with the 30mm machine guns and Hellfire missiles yet being ordered to empty their guns, then return to base and reload, then return and continue shooting at everything that moved.

Tell us about the stand-down on 10/7, the warnings spanning days to y e a r s before the 10/7 attack.

Tell us how many Israel veterans who’ve work around Gaza report that the Israeli narrative is impossible - that there is no way the lack of response to FIFTEEN BREACHES OF THE BARRIER, could have happened without a stand-down order.

No stand down, no body count. No body count, no justification for yet another mass-slaughter and land-grab. Ergo, the stand-down and the Hannibal directive to slaughter civilians, allegedly to prevent them being taken hostage but more probably to assure the population goes into a homicidal rage.

Israel has become what Yeshayahu Leibowitz warned of thirty years ago: Judeo Nazis. His term, not mine.

Israel deserves to experience everything it has inflicted on Gaza.

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When has Israel ever “stopped” oppressing Palestinians?? Oh right- never. 🙄

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Jan 12·edited Jan 12

Israel hasnt been in Gaza for 20 years. So how is that oppression. Lebanon is firing rockets into Israel are they also oppressed? No to both they are Islamofascists who want to kill all Jews because the Quran mandates them to, period.

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It is occupation, an illegal military occupation. That is the issue.


Jerusalem Massacre 1937

Balad al-Sheikh Massacre 1939

Haifa Massacre 1947

Jaffa Massacre 1948

Khan Yunis Massacre 1956

Jerusalem Massacre 1967

Sabra and Shatila Massacre 1982

Al-Aqsa Massacre 1990

Jenin Refugee Camp April 2002

Gaza Massacre 2008-09

Gaza Massacre 2012

Gaza Massacre 2014

Gaza Massacre 2018-19

Gaza Massacre 2021

Gaza Genocide 2023 ongoing


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Islamo-fascists? What? Do you know who is chummy with the armies of head-chopping terrorists in Syria? Who wears ISIS t-shirts in Israel?


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Israel controls everything that goes in or out. It controls water, food, fuel, medicines, electricity and telecommunications. It collects taxes. It is recognized that Gaza, the West Bank and the Golan are all illegally occupied territories.

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Palestinians enjoy being killed it is the highest award in their culture, they desire death to themselves and Israelis it means virgins in heaven with forever hymens intact. Clearly you dont get arab thinking

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You need help

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Wow. This is insane thinking. Where were you indoctrinated? To truly believe this you must be completely disconnected from humanity. You really think babies go through this thought process? Not to mention how insane it is to assume all murdered Palestinians feel this way.. it’s comments like this that make me feel we are truly doomed as a species..

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Ilhan Omar (D-MN) and Rashida Tlaib (D-MI) have every right to say what they like about Israel and the genocide of Palestinians as elected members of the US House of Representatives; they never took an oath to serve Israel . . .

I voted for Ron Desantis (R-FL) to be governor of Florida, not ambassador to Israel.

The recently ousted Speaker of the US House of Representatives, Congressman Kevin McCarthy (R-CA), who took at least a dozen votes to get elected speaker, traveled to Israel immediately upon his election, declaring to the Israeli Knesset that the USA is steadfastly committed to supporting Ukraine in their war against Russia . . .

Was he running for speaker of the Israeli Knesset too?

Following his ouster . . . McCarthy (R-CA) traveled abroad again, this time to England, and expressed his open contempt for the white Republicans who make up the majority of the GOP and praised Democrats for their diversity during a debate at Oxford in the wake of his ouster as House Speaker . . .

Is he now running for the Prime Minister of the U.K.?

Nevertheless, he is free to go on media tours bashing white people and lobbying for Israel, because he has now resigned from the US House of Representatives . . . I can only conclude that the collective RINO butthurt over former Speaker McCarthy is all about the Israelis who have hijacked the American deep state war machine.

It has become so painfully obvious, especially where you have someone like Nikki Haley wagging her finger and shouting down Vivek Ramaswamy in a presidential debate on live national television when the questions of this Ukrainian war against Russia and any mention of Israel are concerned, that the United States government has become a wholly owned subsidiary of the American Israeli Political Action Committee.


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Brave essay, appreciate the courage it took to write and publish this.

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It is appalling to think that western powers are, with a few exceptions, standing by and letting this massacre of innocent Palestinians happen. The US and the EU have blood on their hands for their unconditional support of the Israeli government. In particular, Ursula Von Der Leyen and and Joe Biden have a lot to answer for. I appreciate that Biden is under pressure politically, Von Der Leyen has no such excuse. Other Arab countries have been, as usual, self-serving and cowardly in their half-hearted support for the Palestinians. I don't mean arms/weapons as that is not a solution - I mean diplomacy and strength of conviction. The Saudi are only interested in following the footsteps of the UAE and probably spend more time agonizing about the World Cup than the plight of the Palestinians. Egypt got into bed with Israel a long time ago and their only concern is to stop the flow of Palestinian refugees into Egypt (something that Israel would be delighted to see happen). The extreme right wing politicians who have developed like fungi over the past decade have skewed the moral compass of the west. If we didn't have morons like Trump, Johnson, Bolsonaro, Netanyahu, Orban etc we would have had a much better chance to deal with this, and other world problems, through diplomacy and intelligence.

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Jan 12·edited Jan 12

It’s not a massacre when you want to be killed. The Palestinians want to die, it is martyrdom and reward for them and gives them virgins in the afterlife. Another ignorant westerner who fails to understand muslim fanatics thinking

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Ignorant assertions and no facts nor evidence - are you also really sick enough to pretend that the Palestintians are enjoying what is happening to them. even the babies!

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I think your statements would sound better in the original German so it would be clear just what kind of person you are.

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You are contemptible.

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You are the clear fanatic here buddy.

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Let me elaborate... also! This won't be good when the Present becomes a distant Past. But you're lucky since this is written in digital form it will probably won't survive the passing of Time. So I suggest you write this in a good Paper with quality ink if you're really interested in letting the Future know what you thought about just another uman party.

Now for the elaboration.

This is a very poor argument in general. Missing the FACT of Israel giving money - and David knows what else - to HAMAS in order to have the perfect excuse to do what the Zionists always wanted to do - Occupy all of that resource rich Land - is just a no go when one wants to look good after Time passes. And there is plenty more to recall but clearly it doesn't matter that much.

And maybe the Palestinians are with luck since mutTrump is out of office!


Clearly the power of AIPAC rules over the DNC&GOP LLC.

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I firmly believe that trying to undo the sins of the nation state within the confines of the nation-state construct will lead to more death and destruction. Along with saving lives, part of what I want to do is to encourage more of us to think about new ways to think and act on this issue.

There must be a permanent ceasefire in Gaza, not with Palestinians suffering under oppressive conditions, but as a place where all live with peace and equality. It is time for Pope Francis to do more than talk. He must go to Gaza and make a stand for peace and freedom.

Please sign the petition and share widely.


Other petitions, including



Ceasefire Now:


Signing petitions is one small thing we can do. If we can do more, let us do more.

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Gazans have no oppressive conditions only the ones their own Sharia law imposes on them

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Too many observers forget that America has long been committed to Indigenous genocide. Our own history reveals the nature of the project underway in the Middle East. https://shahidbuttar.substack.com/p/indigenous-lives-matter-from-north

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Might be hard on pro Israel Palestinians but I doubt there are any. Human shields are difficult to deal with, but Hamas must be destroyed.

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The human shield claims are pure, unadulterated bullshit. American’s heads are filled to bursting with Zionist bullshit.

The only thing more evil than some fictional entity who would use human shields are the sadistic monsters in the IDF who bomb and shell people in spite of the presence of the (non-existent) human shields.

The claim is bogus on another level because Israel doesn’t accept the goyim are human beings.

And hypocritical on yet another level because IDF HQ is in the middle of Tel Aviv.

Israel, the racist, supremacist, violent, Machiavellian, lawless, land-stealing and mass-murdering crime syndicate, is the root cause of this crisis which has flowed from the pen of atheists like Theodore Herzl in 1896.


Israel’s crimes are so monstrous they would shock the consciences of anyone who still has a conscience.


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Jan 12·edited Jan 12

Yes because firing RPGs and rockets in Kindergartens does not lead to human shields. Another clueless westerner that doesn’t seem to understand that Palestinians WANT TO BE KILLED so they can get virgins in paradise. Which defeats your whole argument. That’s why suicide bombers exist because they want to die. It is revered in Palestine as the highest Honor to please Allah. Sorry buddy they dont think like you and me.

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even the babies?

By the way, what are your academic qualifications, if any?

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Your head is filled with Zionist bullshit. Be careful combing your hair. Your head might burst and injure innocent bystanders.

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Here you can hear it from their mouths not the “Zionists” https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=BV0I5Ea5QiY

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Jan 12·edited Jan 12

You can also explain to the audience why the poor palestinians assassinated the Lebanese president, why they invaded Lebanon and overthrew the government, why they invaded Jordan and attempted to assassinate the King of Jordan and why they dig tunnels under Egypt and worked with Islamic Jihad to overthrow the Egyptian government. And you can also explain why when Gaza and the West Bank was annexed by Jordan and Egypt and given passports and citizenship, was there no attacks on their Jordanian or Egyptian occupier and no request for their own free state. Since these countries have nothing to do with Israel perhaps you can give all of us a good explanation?

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Jan 12·edited Jan 12

Pretty funny. Thanks for proving that you have no argument because you still have not stated why Lebanon is bombing Israel if it is a free country not occupied by Israel

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are you still in school?

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A Short Response to John Mearsheimer’s Death and Destruction in Gaza

Mr. Mearsheimer has gone on record against Israel’s actions in Gaza and the US support of Israel. He shows principle in making his position clear. He has sided with those who are seeking the death and destruction of Israel and Jews, specifically, and Western civilization, in general.

He speaks of standing on the right side of history but all he has shown is that, despite his long career and Distinguished Chair, his moral compass is not just broken but pointing in the wrong direction.

1. Hamas, and all other Palestinian “resistance” groups are striving for the destruction of Israel and not a 2 state solution. (see the charters of all these organizations, including that of the PLO, despite its promise to amend its articles following the Oslo accords, regardless of what is written in English)

2. Hamas as an organization and its massacres on October 7th are supported by a large majority of the Palestinian population in Gaza and in Judea and Samaria (the West Bank). 1

3. Israel is at war and is attacking Hamas in order to destroy it. The military focus is on military targets, despite his claims to the contrary. The fact that these targets are embedded in and below civilian sites does not give them immunity.

4. Fuel, food and aid going into the Gaza strip are routinely confiscated by Hamas and used to further their military and political apparati. This endangers Israeli soldiers and prolongs the conflict.

5. Mosques, schools, hospitals, private homes and just about everything else has been used by Hamas to hide weapons, as rocket launch sites, command and communication centers and are therefore legitimate military targets. Other structures which pose a risk to the soldiers fighting house to house are and should be destroyed.

6. The capture of unlawful combatants (which these terrorists are) requires not just the laying down of arms but also making sure they are not carrying explosives or any other weapons. They are stripped down and wait for transfer for interrogation. If this is humiliating, that is too bad. 2

7. He points out that Israelis see the Palestinians as ‘inhuman animals’. References such as ‘inhuman animals’ specifically refer to Hamas and those who carried out the atrocities of October 7th, including the Gazan civilians that followed them through the fence. The footnotes presented specifically say this and pasting the word “Palestinians” on the headline is an obfuscation.

8. His claims about settler violence are a joke and dependent on a single statement. There are no doubt Israelis who have taken the law into their own hands but they are a tiny minority and are hounded by the Israeli authorities. The reason for the increased Israeli military activities in Judea and Samaria (the West Bank) is because the Palestinian Authority has been completely ineffective in controlling Hamas (one could argue supportive of).

9. Lastly, in an interview on UnHerd, Mr Maersheimer laughed at the idea that Israel was facing an existential threat and therefore was overreacting in this conflict. I would ask that Mr Maersheimer include in his assessment all the parties involved: Hamas, Hezbollah, Syrian Militia, and especially Iran, the economic consequences of hundreds of thousands of reservists called up, almost 200,000 citizens displaced from their homes, impacts on production and the cost of war, the desire of Israel's enemies to drag out this conflict over a long period of time and over several fronts, not to mention the soldiers injured and fallen in battle. For him, sitting in his Chicago office, it is not existential but for those of us here in Israel it most certainly is.

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HIS “moral compass is broken”?

Your “short” reply shows your “moral compass” has reversed graduations and id fully disconnected from moral reality. It is only a compass as one might be portrayed in a Salvador Dali painting.

So long as Israel CONTINUES to use deadly force and massacres to drive Palestinians. off their land, THEY are ones seeking the “death and destruction of Palestinians. And YOU are on their genocidal side. Isn’t this the record since 1948? Are you fucking blind, or do you expect any Zionist lie to be instantly and uncritically accepted?

Western civilization is built on a framework that rejects Israel religious and racial supremacism. Yeshayahu Leibowitz called YOUR moral frame Judeo-Nazism. He saw that years and years ago. Now, thanks to Israeli genocide and the armies of imbeciles trying to overturn moral law and paint murderous racists and land thieves as heroes, almost every can see Israel for the Nazis they’ve become.

Is that an exaggeration? No. Read this:


1.) Only a Zionist bullshit artist and gaslighter would accuse Hamas of genocidal intention WHILE ISRAEL COMMITS GENOCIDE and WHILE ITS LEADERS ADMIT WHAT THEY ARE DOING AND WHY. That is perhaps the biggest hypocrisy in the history of mankind.

If your house were invaded by murderous armed robbers who killed your family members and then locked others in their basement, if you called the police or fought back against them with any weapons they could make from junk in their basement, neither calling the police nor fighting back can be called genocidal by the armed robbers. When you kill murderous armed robbers in the course of their robbing and murdering, that is not genocide. So, the resistance groups are LEGALLY RESISTING a brutal, sadistic, genocidal army of supremacists and your sophistry cannot reverse the roles and put the blame on the victims.

2.) No one knows what happened on 10/7 or 10/8 until they know who killed who, how many they killed, whether were civilians or soldiers, and what the circumstances were. It doesn’t look good for the IDF who, according to Israeli survivors, murdered copious numbers of civilians in the Kibbutz with indiscriminate tank fire at house with both civilians and Hamas in them.

An IDF helicopter pilot admitted being ordered to expend ALL 30mm chain gun ammunition AND ALL his HELLFIRE MISSILES, before returning to reload, IN SPITE OF THE FACT HE COULD NOT TELL WHO HE WAS KILLING.

Several Israeli veterans and active duty wonder if there was a “Mass Hannibal” effort in which the goal is for the IDF to murder any potential hostages before they can be taken hostage.

News is reporting Israel plans to shred the cars destroyed at the rave because those cars will reveal the unique signatures of the weapons fired at them. (Hamas does not have 30mm machine guns or Hellfire missiles.

Destruction of evidence indicates the destroyer will be harmed if the public sees that evidence. IOW, by shredding those automobiles, Israel is essentially confessing to the mass murder of people at the rave.

As Israel destroys the houses in the kibbutz, they will similarly be destroying evidence they murdered Israeli civilians there, too. So, the excuses YOU and other Zionist sophists are trying to use to justify the genocidal attacks on Gaza are deflating beneath you.

Ergo, you cannot claim any Palestinians were approving of what happened unless THEY knew what happened, and they didn’t.

3.) Bullshit. Heat and stir it all you want and that doesn’t change it. Hamas is underground. Except in the case of improbable accidents, nothing Israel destroys on the surface is a military target. Residential buildings are NOT military targets. Ergo, blowing up residential buildings, when there is no military target nearby, is a war-crime. Israel will have to answer for about 90,000 of then since that is the number of residential dwelling destroyed so far.

Israel is behaving murderously and it needs to be held to account for every illegal death.

4.) Israelis feed their soldiers, who then commit murder in the illegally occupied territories where they have NO right of self defense. Thus, Israels, by feeding the armies of murderous occupiers, is committing war-crimes.

5.) Israelis are caught planting weapons in rooms they try to claim are Hamas command centers. And they’ve been planting knives next to innocent Palestinians they kill in the occupied territories for years. American soldiers borrowed this from Israel and did the same to murdered Afghans.

When armies surround Israel they will surely remember all these lying justifications and use them to justify their actions against the murderous supremacists.

6.) When Israelis are stripped naked and humiliated, the same excuse will apply.

7.) No, when Israelis talk about Palestinians as animals, they DO NOT qualify they are talking only of a subset. In fact, they often add that ALL Palestinians are terrorists. But if we added up the innocent people killed by both sides, I’d bet Israel has murdered a hundred or a thousand times more over the years, thus making Israel the REAL STATE OF TERROR.

8.) Your suggestion settler violence is limited by the police or IOF is a joke. Settlers shoot the unarmed and they burn families to death then get slaps on the wrist. Israel has gradually evolved away from principles of law and justice to principle of Nazis. They just invent rules to create pretenses to kill whoever they want to, then they go and murder them. That is the news from the West Bank & Gaza every day since 10/7, and no one in Israel stops them from committing war-crimes.

We are witnessing a historic crime against innocent life, and we are seeing the racist colony drench itself in the gasoline of racist speech and genocidal deeds and then strike a match.

Israel increasingly fits the text from Revelation chapter 18:

4 And I heard another voice from heaven, saying, Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues.

5 For her sins have reached unto heaven, and God hath remembered her iniquities.

6 Reward her even as she rewarded you, and double unto her double according to her works: in the cup which she hath filled fill to her double.

7 How much she hath glorified herself, and lived deliciously, so much torment and sorrow give her: for she saith in her heart, I sit a queen, and am no widow, and shall see no sorrow.

8 Therefore shall her plagues come in one day, death, and mourning, and famine; and she shall be utterly burned with fire: for strong is the Lord God who judgeth her.

9 And the kings of the earth, who have committed fornication and lived deliciously with her, shall bewail her, and lament for her, when they shall see the smoke of her burning...

Micah, too:


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Jan 12·edited Jan 12

So how do you explain Lebanon bombing Israel? Your entire argument is shattered based on this one fact alone. Lebanon bombing Israel proves they just want to kill Jews for their holy book which COMMANDS them to do so. You still dont understand muslims and you still dont get that they scream Allahu Akbar because it is a holy war going back 1500 years. The war against Jews didn’t start with Israel it started with Islamic Caliphate and has never stopped.

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Are you having trouble completing your homework?

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You are so utterly ignorant you are going to need a sump pump to get all the Zionist crap out of your head. Better call the EPA before you begin because the effluent is toxic.

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Fred, you are welcome to respond but keep your curse words to yourself.

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Bullshit is bullshit. Zionist bullshit is Zionist bullshit. It is so contemptible it does not deserve a more respectful term.

Ever day, Israel slaughters civilians, not just by bombing them but by shooting them, up-close-and-personal, shooting UNARMED WOMEN AND CHILDREN in hospitals and churches. Yet you pretend offense at the word bullshit?

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Lol full of “facts” this one

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