The US and Israel try to justify ALL of their illegal activity. Iran may be repressive, but so is the US. (Free speech, assembly?) Regardless, it's not the US governments job to control all these countries. Sanctions are killing people. Peace and honest negotiations could achieve much more. After so many years of US warmongering, the revenge factor is huge.

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Israel can't be depended on to remake anything it has bombed to rubble.

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Israel has demonstrated extraordinary intelligence capabilities in its efforts to neutralize and defeat Hezbollah. Despite critics who hypocritically claimed that Gaza wasn't being sufficiently targeted (even though Richard Spencer, an urban warfare expert, described it as the most targeted war he'd seen due to Hamas embedding itself within and under the civilian population), Israel's actions against Hezbollah have been precise, focusing almost exclusively on eliminating terrorists and destroying their weapons. Now, the U.S. and other Western nations must build on Israel’s success and take decisive action against Iran by destroying their ballistic missile, drone, and nuclear weapons facilities, ridding the world of one of its most malevolent regimes.

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Over 300,000 dead Palestinian men, women and children, and it seems you're not bothered. And dropping 86 or so massive US bombs on Beirut to take out Nasrallah is "precise" is it?

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It does not help one's argument to fabricate numbers.

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You are only confirming the suggested hypothesis about the decline of the Jewish ethnicity and its elites.

There are certainly worse regimes than Iran, and no one has an obligation to sort out your mess for you.

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Wall Street Journal is reporting Iran is about launch missiles at Israel. I would have preferred just humiliating Hezbollah but if a war has to be fought, now is probably as good a time as any.

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It did.

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Perhaps this is the justification the US is looking for to finally do the job against Iran that they should have done years ago to stop this dangerous regime.

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It was China that led Iran and Saudi Arabia to diplomatic reconciliation and to BRICS. And it is Russia that Iran supports.

So shouldn't we cause WWIII for Israel's interests?

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If Blinken can write an idea About American Renewal…. Doesn’t it sounds like an easy one ?

The Idiot couldn’t stop the Genocide despite enjoying Free Flights to that IsraHell !

America’s Strategy of Renewal

Rebuilding Leadership for a New World

By Antony J. Blinken

Today, China and Russia are seeking to upend the international system and aggressively challenge American interests, writes U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken. And although the Biden administration’s strategy—built on domestic investments and reinvigorated alliances—has improved the United States’s geopolitical position, he argues, “our work is unfinished.”

In a new essay in the upcoming issue of Foreign Affairs, Blinken offers his perspective on the administration’s foreign policy track record—and weighs in on what could happen after President Joe Biden leaves the White House. “As secretary of state, I don’t do politics; I do policy. And policy is about choices,” he writes. “The choices the United States makes in the second half of this decisive decade will determine whether this moment of testing will prove to be a time of renewal or regression—whether Washington and its allies can outcompete the forces of revisionism or allow their vision to define the twenty-first century.”

In: Foreign Affairs

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First things first. There is and there was no such country called Israel that has ever existed in the annals of human history. No history has ever recorded or written such filthy or mentioned, no historian has ever mentioned about Israel biz or industry, Jesus biz or industry, the existence of the Jews biz or industry. There are very prominent and remarkable histories like Babaylonian, Mesopotamian, Sumerians, Pheonesians, and Egyptians. Egyptian history is very precise - queen to queen, king to king and Pharoah to Pharoah with pricise dating of their reins - all written in heiroglyph. These histories and their historians haven't mentioned a single word about these vergaraties. But they have given a very prominent place for Palestine and Palestinian people. Take Julius Caesar, who has written volumes in this comparative period, but not a single word about Jews biz, Israel existence biz, or Jesus biz. All these nonsensical harangues come from the Christian Bible only, and whereas it is not a history book either. The CHristian Bible storytelling - no other histories or historian has ever mentioned it and what this Christian Bible has done is anything but - mega-name-dropping biz. Isn't that very funny? Without any archeological evidence or historical records - these harangues are not in any value or can be taken very seriously. We know that according to Egyptian history and their pyramid arts, that Egyptians didn't bring any slaves from backwater, incurable-diseases ridden Europe, but from Ethiopia to carry out their gigantic building projects. These were the Ethiopian slaves who jumped Egyptian slave bondage and were stranded in the Judean desert - begging for their daily bread and yearning for their kingdom to come in utter dirty, filthy, unhygeinic conditions. For that matter, Ethiopia was the very first country which established Christianity (wide archeological findings and reserves for any historians to study). In fact, Europe was completely pagan - before dreadful Christianity was introduced by-force by Charlemengne the brute (7th-century AD) by issuing an edict or anyone opposed to slit their throats, including every man, woman, child, infant and pregnant mother.

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Always a real pleasure to listen to you John!

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The bottom line is that our top leaders should have the sense to de-escalate conflicts wherever possible and to work towards decreasing the amount of nastiness wherever they can. They should strongly push back on anyone who wants to take military action when it isn’t necessary and isn’t in our long term interest. And as has been proven in recent history, military action is almost always the wrong way to go. It goes along with John Mearsheimer’s idea that “nationalism trumps liberalism every time” and that “you can’t do political and social engineering at the end of a gunpoint”.

As he points out, “there are limits to what can be accomplished with military action” and we in the us haven’t seemed to have been able to understand that simple concept.

So along with having a realist’s perspective of how the geopolitical system works in line with the views of George Kennan and John Mearsheimer our top leaders and diplomats should have us lead by example and try to promote that which is generally compassionate and makes people happy rather than engaging in nastiness.

These things might not seem to jive but they do.

As the late Isaac Asimov pointed out, “we now have the capacity to write our own history”.

Couple that with John Mearsheimer’s observation that we cannot agree on first principles, it’s apparent that one can only conclude that despite the fact that we cannot agree on first principles doesn’t mean there isn’t a best way forward for all things both big and small.

The trouble is that our leaders have consistently chosen the wrong way forward since the Vietnam war.

And for anyone who is interested in where this is all headed it begs the question as to “why that is”.

And that’s why my “course” is relevant because it not only answers that question but it also provides concrete answers as to how that untenable set of circumstances might best be overcome.

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Your advice against military action is both misguided and naïve. What exactly do you expect Israel to do when faced with attacks from a homicidal terrorist organization, sworn to its destruction, and funded and armed by Iran, the world's most malevolent regime? There is no reasoning or negotiating with those who are committed to wiping you off the map. Israel has already been forced to relocate over 60,000 of its citizens due to relentless rocket fire. What do you propose Israel should do for these people—sit idly by while their homes are destroyed and their lives threatened?

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Please watch the YouTube videos of Howard Zinn’s presentation at MIT in 2006 and also his panel discussion regarding Obama’s presidency at Boston College. Please let me know if you generally agree with what Howard has to say or not and we can debate the issue regarding whether Israel’s current actions are going to lead it in the direction it should be striving to attain or whether its current actions will prove to be detrimental to its long term goals.

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I know 60, 000 sent somewhere else because of the bombings, well look at is this way. They say some 40 thousand are dead in Gaza, but Johnathan Cooke says it's more like triple and quadruple that amount. That should make you feel better.

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40k killed directly by Israeli attacks. 150k-300k dead from the conflict, starvation, disease, exposure, lack of medical treatment, etc.

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Many have been killed, and their deaths unaccounted for, and no doubt are buried under the rubble of Israel's genocidal destruction. You're right many are dead from starvation, disease and lack of medical care. Richard Jaffe has repeatedly taken a position which justifies this carnage. He's in the same company as those that supported Hitler's multiple atrocities against a number of different groups of people that he thought were animals, or less then, like the Poles, gypsies, homosexuals, etc, and other groups. Jaffe is so ignorant he doesn't even know that Netanyahu is the one who funded Hamas since neither wanted a two state solution.

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Israel's enemies are largely of their own making.

They have made all those enemies because, as John explains, they have acted and do act without regard for the consequences of their actions, because the US, and the West in general, are shielding them from those very consequences.

So the best thing to do for Israel would be to drop the support and force them to figure out ways to establish peaceful relations with their neighbours, like the rest of the civilized world.

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22 hrs ago·edited 22 hrs ago

Netanyahu is the one who funded Hamas for years, made them powerful, since neither wanted a two state solution. If you were informed you would know of the multiple homicidal attacks Israel has perpetrated on the Palestinians, and it is not Israeli's who are living in an outdoor concentration camp, a very good name for it. It is not Hamas who has taken over the West Bank with their settlements, not Hamas that is killing, and jailing Palestinians most often without cause and letting them rot in their prisons for many years, or running them off their land. If you truly understood the definition of malevolence you would apply that term to the Israeli's who have perpetrated multiple atrocities toward the people of Palestine whose land they were given by a bunch of Europeans who still hang on to their distain for Arabs, like they did after the fall of the Ottoman Empire when they gave them the land of another. It wasn't Hamas who implemented the NAKBA that killed some 70 thousand people and forced some 7 to 8 hundred thousand people from their land and then took what they left behind.

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Go back under your rock. You really shouldn’t be commenting because you have nothing truthful or constructive to ever say. You’re just annoying. Go away.

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I wouldn't dream of pushing you out of your space, underneath your rock, filled with slimy mud, crawling with insects in the darkness. No I'll stay here in the light where truth resides.

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Oct 1·edited Oct 1

Look at how industrious some are Richard.

By Mee Staff An Israeli settler group is promoting new properties for sale in southern Lebanon, as the Israeli army wages a bombing campaign in the country that has killed over 1000 people since mid-September.

“After the elimination of the Hezbollah leadership…do you also dream of a big house, a view of snowy mountains and a warm community in the land of our ancestors?” the advert reads.


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Oct 1·edited Oct 1

I think your right Jaffe! To answer your question, well, if I were a Palestinian and lived in that outdoor concentration camp I would expect that after the attack by Hamas Israel should implement a genocide, and I feel they would be justified in killing children and everyone else. I know bodies, even those of children may never have a proper resting place, but their bodies will rot under the rubble, and eventually be shoveled away, and I know they deserve it, even though they didn't vote for Hamas. Israel also attacked them so many times they're use to it.  Like Gallant said they're animals, and Israel has told them so many times they are less then human, but they just don't get it.  So, who can blame you for the way you think. What nerve so many had in trying to provide them with  food so they wouldn't starve. or provide them with medicines, so they wouldn't die. I know Israel want's them all dead and I think they'll get their wish. Maybe one can only dream. Israeli'e are good at these kinds of things, and they did one hell of a job during the NAKBA, and If you didn't know they killed some 80 thousand animals, children too, and sent some 700 thousand of them on their way, then took everything that was in their homes. as well as their homes, but hey that's life.  Smart. 

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You're right Israel is all good! Too bad a lot of the world doesn't think so.

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As nearly 200 ballistic missiles, including a hypersonic missile, rained down on Israel in an unprecedented attack, the time to act is now.

No more mindless calls for ceasefire, de-escalation, or compromising with terrorists. No more appeasement of Iran.

And no more talk of regime change in Israel (yes, Schumer, we’re looking at you).

The time has come for regime change in Tehran.

This is the same Iran that took 52 Americans hostage for 444 days, funds terrorist groups across the globe, supplies missiles and drones to Russia, and chants Death to Israel and Death to America.

What better way to mark October 7, the anniversary of one of the most horrific attacks in modern history, than to strike the country behind it and take out their ballistic missile, drone, and nuclear weapons factories.

The United States must defend the American-led world order and Western civilization by standing with Israel to dismantle the Ayatollah’s despotic regime and its global spread of terrorism.

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Permit me to provide a link to this article. https://quannguyen128.substack.com/p/battle-of-maling. Something similar is going on, right now. Thanks

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And now Iran started bombing Israel. They have targeted the intelligence centers, so it seems they try to avoid going full in.

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When your in a hole it’s best to throw away the shovel and stop digging…

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This is all included in my “course”. We would be doing ourselves a big favor if we and our top leaders and diplomats followed the basic suggestions and set of vibes which are presented in my course.

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In addition to what John Mearsheimer has recommended, the vibe and tact that Howard Zinn conveyed in his 2006 lecture at MIT is what the US should be actively trying to follow.

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It seems like Joe Biden could have nipped the Israeli brutalization of the Palestinians in Gaza in the bud immediately after 10/7/23 and prevented it from happening in the first place.

Now that it’s spinning out of control, what’s most likely to happen is everyone’s worst nightmare. Like so many of the other things you’ve commented on, it all could have been largely avoided.

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It's not the weapons industry, multinational oil companies, wall street, billionaire sharks (the Colonial Empire's) et al. worst nightmare. Just keep your eye over the next weeks on who's raking in vast profits at whatever cost to any country or living being. What we are witnessing in horror is intentional and was never something these entities chose to avoid. Iran's oil reserves may well be the prize being sought. The 3rd largest reserves in the world.

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Thanks for the update!

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