Piers Morgan does not deserve your time.

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But generous people give things, including their time, to those that are undeserving.

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Giving time to Piers Morgan who comes across as an uninformed idiot is indeed a waste of time. No doubt his audience is as well.

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Well, it may be. But one can't be certain.

Though I will admit that while I am usually eager to listen to interviews that the good professor gives, I don't bother listening to his interviews with Mr Morgan . . .

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Good for you, because Mearsheimer looked perpetually confused throughout Morgan's entire show as he should have.

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Discussing with Piers Morgan is like trying to reason with a mental patient.

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Yes but, as someone pointed out below, the more widely John’s sensible logic is broadcast the better. So from that standpoint it’s a good thing.

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Sep 25·edited Sep 25

From the kind of responses and questions Morgan asked how bright and informed do you think his audience is that they would benefit from Mearsheimer's logically perception of things?

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Couldn’t agree more.

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I agree. Especially because Piers doesn’t give the time for Prof. Mearsheimer to talk.

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the funny aspect is that he calls the channel uncensored. I have never seen such censored content in YouTube to the point of slavery and obedience...

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Perhaps, aghast as though you were, you could have pointed out that his silly Manicheanism could easily be used to morally justify Russia's invasion of Ukraine as a defense of the people of the Donbas, who were being assaulted by the Ukrainians since 2014, losing 14,000 to death in the process.

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Well, you gotta meet people where they're at if you want to be at all convincing. Mearsheimer is an expert at that, quickly measuring the intellect of his opponent, and only drawing the weapons that would be useful against them, that they MIGHT have a hope in hell of understanding. He's as patient as a 1st grade teacher

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Sep 25·edited Sep 25

Mearsheimer looked perpetually confused by Morgan's statements, and lack of perception, and justifiably so. Morgan looked like an angry red faced moron who was pushing the American agenda, and had no desire for truth, but only to try and destroy it. It no doubt worked on his audience since only idiots would tune into his show. He's always been an arrogant ass.

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My thoughts exactly. Piers Morgan seems to think that it’s okay to shell civilians in the Donbas for nearly ten years now while going on and on about Ukraine fighting Russia b/c he thinks it’s morally right to do so. Piers needs to put the crack pipe down. 😂🤣

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They were in a rebellion and being assisted by Russian soldiers. It was totally o.k. to shell Donbas military positions.

Part of the reason I was leaning against aiding Ukraine in the war was I was disgusted by how the "little green men" took over in Crimea in 2014 with no opposition. They fought back very effectively this time and I've since been told that loyalties in 2014 were mixed; one did not know who was loyal and who was not. In retrospect, it is possible that Russia did Ukraine a favor by invading and starting the war in the Donbas as it helped make clear who supported who. Citizens have no obligations to be loyal to Ukraine over Russia but they should have worked through the political system, bad as it was, or simply moved. That's my opinion and I'm reasonably sure there are holes in my argument but I'm not prepared at the moment to identify them as I am not as familiar with the situation as I would like to be.

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BS. An illegitimate coup government sent its neo-Nazis to kill civilians. Most of the deaths between 2014 and 2022 were civilians. Compare that to today, after 2.5 years of high-intensity war, where the civilian death toll is similar (according to official Ukrainian figures). This doesn't even touch on the issue of the Minsk accords or the blatant hypocrisy, especially when considering previous cases where the USA bombed countries in support of actual terrorists attempting to rebel and secede.

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Sep 26·edited Sep 26

I always respect the facts, because otherwise I might be shown up in a discussion with opponents and lose my credibility - and the whole discussion.

"OHCHR estimates the total number of conflict-related casualties in Ukraine from 14 April 2014 to 31 December 2021 to be 51,000–54,000 8 : 14,200-14,400 killed (at least 3,404 civilians, estimated 4,400 Ukrainian forces 9 , and estimated 6,500 members of armed groups 10 ), and 37-39,000 injured (7,000–9,000 civilians, 13,800–14,200 Ukrainian forces 11 and 15,800-16,200 members of armed groups"

Quote from from https://ukraine.un.org/sites/default/files/2022-02/Conflict-related%20civilian%20casualties%20as%20of%2031%20December%202021%20%28rev%2027%20January%202022%29%20corr%20EN_0.pdf

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Can't remember Mearsheimer's estimates but he has been saying that Ukraine's casualties post-invasion are far higher than Russia's based purely on the number of artillary shells thrown. I don't quite know how I feel about his statements. If they are merely to be contrarian and question conventional wisdom I would respect that but I get uncomfortable when he intones certainty.

I wouldn't be comfortable with numbers provided by anyone in the public domain and would have to know the source of anyone's estimates before giving them credence. The UN might have good data from the pre-invasion period but they have a terrible record of forecasting developments in Gaza. They have been predicting famine and disease from the very start of the war and yet it has not happened. Guess it might still happen, but the UN is not all that reliable although I could not say who is more reliable.

Not sure that my statement is relevant to anything. I just felt like complaining.

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Pier Morgan is a - - - - - use any derogatory words or phrases for the missing word !

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Forget about the Minions like Camel, Macron, Piers JP Morgan or Starmtrooper

Here are the people who tell these minions what to do...


The Russell Family of England who were part of the Banking, Drugging, Slaving East India Company Committee of 300, Founded the Russell Marquis of Tavistock, Tavistock Institute, the Frankfurt School, The Fabian Socialists, engaged Marx with his handler Ambassador Urquhart to write Das Kapital in London in order to create Socialism and Communism to take over Russia and China for the Anglo-American Empire Founded by Lord Milner and the Rothschild Backers.







"A Citizen has the courage to make the safety of the whole human race his personal responsibility" Robert Heinlein, Starship Troopers 1hr 38mins

Understand, the 2000 Trillion Dollar Rothschilds and Rockefellers Rule!! and have ruled, as Devil Worshipping, Human Sacrificing, Pedophile Ritual, Sodomy Ritual Band of Thebes, Band of Brothers, Phoenician Families, for 10,000 years.

If you want to know what the Satanic Owl of Sodomite Bohemian Grove meant to the Phoenicians, it isn't hidden. Both the Greeks and the Vikings were Phoenicians, and we know they both held the owl to be a symbol of wisdom. But the owl is of course also the most covert hunter, gliding silently through the darkness.

Bohemian Grove exposed the politicians like Nixon and Reagan attending. Also the Captains of Corporate America, Hollywood Moguls - all Sodomites and Satanists.

3 is a bottom.

33 is bottom on bottom Sodomy

33rd Degree Freemasons, Jesuits, Aleister Crowley OTO – Ordo Templi Orientis, and the Illuminati illuminate their third eyes with the Sodomy Ritual injecting Kundalini Energy into the Base Chakra – rising up the spine into the head to Illuminate the Third Eye. Unfortunately Demons get injected too as with everything on the left hand path, the mind is overthrown. Psychopaths created to rule the world!

Don't blame the Mini Minions like the Camel, Bidet and Strauss.

This has all been planned for 150 years for the Anglo-American Empire to be taken down and China put in place.

Blame the Satanic 2000 Trillion Dollar Rothschild Phoenician Mega Trillionaires who created an Unelected World Government - The United Nations with its partner the Rothschild Klaus Schwab World Economic Forum is in the terms of Mussolini, Fusion of the State with Corporations, essentially Undemocratic and Fascist.

The United Nations with its partner the Rothschild Klaus Schwab World Economic Forum uses Fake narratives like Fake Climate Change and Collectivism to mandate Agenda 2030 World Totalitarianism.

The Satanic Phoenician Mega Trillionaires who worship Lucifer, Satan, Baal, Molech, Cybele and Attis for 10,000 years before Christ are in charge of the minions like Starmtrooper, Turdow, Bidet, Camel, Richie, and Macron are all prostitutes, they sold out to Satan.

And the Presstitutes who say that it is just the minions we need to change, that it's the minions who are the problem. The minions have been bought by the The Satanic 2000 Trillion Dollar Rothschild Phoenician Mega Trillionaire Rothschilds, Rockefellers, Schiffs and Warburgs.

The minions have been bought by the The Satanic 2000 Trillion Dollar Rothschild Phoenician Mega Trillionaire Black Nobility who came from Venice, Rome, Babylon and Egypt like King Chuckie the Turd.

The minions just follow orders and follow the Satanic Rituals like Human Sacrifice, the Sodomy Rituals, the Castration Rituals, the Drug Rituals, the Whore of Babalon Rituals.

Richard Condon’s Prizzi Family Mirrors the Satanic Black Nobility Mega Trillionaire connection between the Mafia, Senators and Presidents - The Black Nobility of Satanic Phoenician Mega Trillionaires - The Satanic Religion Rulers of the World!

Mafia families are usually from the Satanic Phoenician Mega Trillionaire Black Nobility families whose history stretches out to 10,000 years of Phoenician History. Particularly in the Prizzi series which even had a movie made out of them.

The Satanic Phoenician Mega Trillionaire Black Nobility use Satanism and the use of Satanic Religion Rituals to corrupt people in order to create a group of Psychopaths willing to follow any mandate in order to Rule the World…

The Satanic Phoenician Mega Trillionaire Black Nobility own and run the Vatican, SMOM, Jesuits, KOC, and La Cosa Nostra. The European Monarchies like the British Crown are branches of Rome and they manage secret societies like the Freemasons which infiltrate government agencies and run corporations for the monarchs.

The Sovereign Military order of Malta SMOM is the top military council and it works closely with the Orders of St John ran by Protestant monarchs. The Knights of Malta are the engineers of war. The royal and noble bloodlines are all working together as a global crime syndicate and part of the modernized Roman Empire.

Their Mafia, Senators and President Minions will conscript you and send you to war, mandate the Deathvaxx, Digital identity, Central Bank Digital Currencies, total surveillance and the end of free speech!


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Don't you have anything better to do?

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deletedSep 25
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AGAINST SATANISM VOLUME 6 -The Satanic History of the World Part 2 Published May 2019

See http://www.energyenhancement.org/8aky78umhxi31.jpg

Dark Forces have used Infiltrating Bloodline Phoenician/Jewish aristocratic Families which have existed for over 5000 years before the Birth of Christ. Using emotional rhetorical religious concepts to control humanity, they themselves worship all the Pagan Gods, including Lucifer, Satan, Baal, Bel, Molech, Ashtoreth, Cybele and Attis. In this book we find that over thousands of years, spook, Bloodline Phoenician/Jewish aristocratic Families infiltrated every country, every Empire, taking over or infiltrating every ruling aristocracy and aristocratic, bloodline family, in Europe, Britain, America, India, China and in every other country in the World.


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Sep 25·edited Sep 25

I respect Piers Morgan immensely for that he, as in opposite to ABC, NBC, CNN, Fox, etc. pp., frequently invites guests who hold opinions other than the ones he represents. He also, as in opposite to others, eg. the Judge, does not censor the, in his case even preponderantly negative, comments. I personally believe he does it for good reason and there is a method behind it. I would treat him as a friend who nevertheless wants to make sure that his bread remains buttered. Outings to "hostile" environments like the Piers Morgan program are probably more important than preaching to the converted. It is important to "win" on such rare occasions, and one always should critically review ones performance afterwards to optimize the messaging. The fierce opponents have to be defeated.

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I think you make an excellent point. Dr Mearsheimer is well able to handle PM, to make his points and get the facts out to an audience that would otherwise hear only the propaganda. Preaching to the choir doesn’t reach that segment of society that most needs to hear factual information. Your take on PM is very interesting. He can continue to bring guests like JM on the show, to put the facts in front of his audience, while posturing and being sometimes absurd, in order to please his sponsors and remain in his job. He may be a mole.

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There is something else, which is very important: with eg. Nap the Prof gets an audience usually up to 250K (350K as a one off two months ago). with Piers Morgan his average is more than a million.

Of-course, one also should improve argumentation. Eg, when Morgan states that "everybody" in Ukraine he spoke to wants to fight on. Well, that's anecdotal evidence, which, as we know, is no evidence. Of the up to 25m Ukrainians left, only half want to do so according to the authoritative Kiev International Institute of Sociology (KIIS) - (https://theconversation.com/growing-number-of-war-weary-ukrainians-would-reluctantly-give-up-territory-to-save-lives-suggests-recent-survey-238285 ). However, another 10m or so have voted with their feet and went abroad. Another 10m or so have decided their fate is with Russia, as they identify as Russians. See also Ukraine election maps on Wikimedia ( https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Category:Election_maps_of_Ukraine ).

KIIS also reminds me, that the official premise of the 2014 Maidan colour revolution was false:

KIIS poll November 2013: "And if a referendum was held next Sunday on where to join Ukraine - to the European Union or to the Customs Union with Russia, Belarus and Kazakhstan, how would you act?"

37.8% would vote to join EU, 38.0% would vote to join the customs union (https://kiis.com.ua/?cat=reports&id=204&page=2 - works well with Google "translate page")

After 2.5 years of unnecessary war we should not only need to rely on morals, but we have a solid facts based argumentation available.

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Thank you for all of that information. I confess I’ve only been peripherally aware of the facts behind the Russia Ukraine war. I’ve been consumed with Palestinian rights for 25 years and haven’t paid as much attention to other conflicts. I always have strong reserves about whatever the MSM is pushing. I’ll check out your suggestions. I do appreciate being educated. Again, thank you.

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Yup - The more broadly John Mearsheimer’s message and point of view is broadcast the better.

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Piers kept interrupting Prof. Mearsheimer, very disrespectful and annoying. After all, it’s Prof. Mearsheimer the expert we want to listen to as opposed to Morgan’s constant disruption of the flow of discussion.

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and While Maintaining full respect you never once let him talk over you!!! I don't see how you kept your cool I could not have!!!

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Professor Mearsheimer appeared rattled to me. It is understandable. It was not technically a debate, it was the Piers Morgan show and he writes the procedural rules.

Still, Professor Mearsheimer has never participated in a debate on many of the topics he opines about. He does not know the casualty levels in Ukraine and I do not think (or he ignores) how the war is being fought. Mearsheimer makes some good points and some of them are valid but in the overall scheme of things, I think, but do not know, he is off-base in some of his opinions. We will not know for sure until the war is over and even then unless both Ukraine and Russia disclose reliable data, something that is unlikely, there will remain many unknowns.

It was good to see him participate in a venue where he is not "preaching to the choir." It was a useful show, unlike the Judge shows or many (not all) of those he participates in.

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He avoided several intentional 'traps', and was wise to do so. Had he given any specific numbers, Morgan would have jumped on those in several directions, probably to accuse the Professor of being a "Putin-stooge".

He's not a complete n00b regarding these tabloid-style interviews.

As you say, it was good to see him outside of his comfort zone, although attempting to deal with the institutionalised insanity of the British media is never going to leave a good taste in the mouth.

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There is much truth in your portrayal of British media but I see the opinions, and actual actions in most of Europe that follow the same line. The party-line does not always get it right and I do not know how deep the support is, but it is part of the reason I disagree with Trump wanting to settle before the Ukrainians are willing to do so. As Stephen Kotkin says, Russia needs to change to be more like France, or (my opinion; not Kotkin's) at least not drum up domestic support by creating the false impression (a lie) that Europe presented a military threat.

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"Europe" may not be a military threat, but NATO most surely is. Why do you think the USA couped Kiev in 2014 - for the benefit of "Ukrainian democracy"? Why did they then flood the country with NATO weapons, CIA agents, and start a genocidal war against the east of the country - because they wanted to improve Ukraine's living standards and freedoms?

If Europe actually wanted peace, all they had to do was sign the proposed European Security Architecture, and 600,000 Ukrainians would still be alive today. The only possible reason is that NATO DID NOT want peace - but was planning for war.

The sanctions package slapped on Russia immediately after the SMO started was long in the planning.. odd thing to happen if it was a "surprise".

This was a Imperial plan decades in the planning, sanctions to cripple the Russian economy, and their army ground down by NATO as they attempted to defend the people of the Donbass against Zelensky's Nazi troops.

Fortunately, Putin and Lavrov are not stupid, and they were prepared - albeit obviously shocked at the sheer ferocity of the Western response.

Banning all Russian historical culture? Including Tchaikovsky and Tolstoy?


Belorus banned from international chess - but not Israel? SERIOUSLY?

You bet your last damned buck that Russians see the threat in all this, even if YOU don't.

"The Ukrainians" are MORE than happy for this shitshow to end, or do you think all those being dragged off the streets by force to be conscripted are just for show?

Everyone willing to "Fight to the last Ukrainian" should go en masse to Kev, and enroll themselves. And see how it feels when YOU have more skin in the game than the corpses of unnamed strangers.

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US and EU have huge amounts of soft power. US has hard power too and Europe is getting there. The application of soft power is not attributable to any particular effort so I do not "buy" the argument that the US orchestrated a color revolution. The people of Kyiv orchestrated the revolution which is a whole other issue because I do not particularly like disproportionate impact of people living in capitals.

Attributing the Maiden revolution to US efforts makes as much sense to me as attributing the overthrow of Ceausescu to the US. Would it have happened if the US wasn't around? Probably not, but the US did not orchestrate it either.

I do come from a military family and have always felt a little ashamed that as one of my brothers says, I did not fulfill my military service obligation. Family members have fought and a cousin died in Vietnam. If I were young (or middle aged) and did not have family obligations, I would hope that I would do what my government asked me to do (or be a concientious objector who paid whatever price is called for); it is the price of civilization.

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What? "You" don't "buy" the idea of a US coup in Kiev in 2014?

Am I supposed to take that seriously?

What's next - "I don't think the US actually bombed Libya, either!"?

Fair enough, the bombing of Libya on false pretences is more lamestream documented. As is the bombing of Iraq, Mali, Syria et al.

But we cannot have a serious discussion of you don't accept basic tenets. There's little point discussing the technical aspects of the Moon-landings if one person doesn't believe they ever happened, is there?

No point arguing about Mossadeq and the results of that coup if one person doesn't believe it was a foreign coup to begin with.

So I'll bid you good day.

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Actually Professor Mearsheimer has participated in at least one formal debate on Ukraine and in my opinion cleaned the floor with the neocons he was up against.


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Pretty sure I saw it but will check it out. I do like many of the things Professor Mearsheimer says and writes. Not all, but I always respected him as much as any political scientist although it is a major, like history or sociology that I do not hold in high regard as there is so many mediocre PhD;s running around contributing absolutely nothing except teaching classes that are of little value once you get the basics. I've lost a fair amount of respect over the last year but he is definitely worth hearing from. The best of a field that, as I said, I think is close to worthless as an area of study.

I'm being a little harsh on Political Science here. It really is more a reflection of the fact that I think too many people go to college these days.

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Sep 25·edited Sep 25

How can you judge him when you are so often off base on this entire issue? Mersheimer's look of confusion was solely due to the ignorance of Morgan who adopts a conventional stance on just about everything. He's like an American newspaper, or someone who could host a show on FOX, or MSNBC.

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If Dr Mearsheimer wants a serious argument, he is on the wrong show.

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The argument is not with PM. There is no reason to discuss anything with laminated minds. Some viewers have a chance to hear a different point of view. So speaking at any shows makes sense.

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Maybe Meirsheimer felt he could be a breath of fresh air and alter the perception of some, but Morgan never allowed that, so your wish that he could change some minds unfortunately was not meant to be and Morgan made sure of that.

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You could make an argument on any show. There is no shows left anymore to express a different opinion or present the facts. The Neoliberal Central Committee of donors and their well paid serfs decide what we should hear. Thank you Professor for continuing to speak up!

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Piers Morgan is a tabloid journalist. He is not a serious man, so serious arguments will be scarce.

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I still can't understand why intelligent people want to be part of the Morgan show.

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Morgan vastly overestimates NATO's military industrial capacity. I sense that professor Mearsheimer does as well. Why else would he think that the Wolfowitz doctrine makes sense in a world where China already has the strongest manufacturing and military industrial economies on the planet? Quite simply, the US waited too long. If it seeks to contain China now there is an unacceptablely high probability it will destroy itself in the process. From a risk/reward perspective Wolfowitz is not a viable concept in the 21st century.

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Always extremely interested in your well informed views sir, so I always tune in to hear you, thank you.

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Why does John BOTHER TO ENGAGE WITH ignorance, a closed mind and bias? What is the point of establishing clashing views knowing full well that no matter how convincing , nothing will change. Complete waste of time. Conjures up revulsion of ignorance supported by the mass media narrative. Nothing is gained except public exposure of clashing views that is disgusting by nature. Maybe good for PR but more heat for continuing conflict is spread than light is shed to point the way forward.

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Your patience with the MSM propagandist is admirable.

One Ukraine murdered it is up to Peirs to defend himself!

Morality in war? Nothing about US war in Ukraine and Israel meets on point of St Augustine.

Worse, morals are no reason to go to war!

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Dear Professor,

I am writing a book in the Egyptian language on political realism, ala Burnham's "The Machiavellians the Defenders of Freedom"...I am including a chapter on your work sir. Regarding the above, I am always surprised by your professorial ability to be very patient with people like this man...I think he is really an idiot, not just a well paid mouth piece pretending to be an idiot.

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Oh Professor, what a difference between Morgan and Judge Nap!

I admire your ability to stay cool facing such a warped consciousness. The man is literally insane, in the meaningful meaning of the term. It was only waiting for your responses that kept me viewing.

He treated you better than he does most of his guests, although i usually can't watch any clip of him for more than 30secs.

Imagine what Corbyn faced when he had to do several such interviews every day - and they are all equally insane or even worse.

'm sure you've thought of other replies you could have made in hindsight, getting caught up in "How many Ukrainian civilians have died" is a typical UK tabloid/Morgan trick.

Hope you had the time to do some yoga or whatever you use to calm dawn afterwards, he really is a piece of work.

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Piers Morgan is an unserious man. He is a MEDIA CELEBRITY. . Give him all the respect that you would give to any other entertainer.

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The world has the right to defend itself, and therefore Israel must be stopped.

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