I did another interview with Freddie Sayers on 12 December 2023.
Much of it focuses on my substack article on Gaza: “Death and Destruction”
Freddy questions me on whether a realist like me can offer moral judgments on another state’s behavior — as I do regarding Israeli behavior in Gaza. He pushes me on all sorts of other issues involving Ukraine as well as Gaza.
Also see: https://unherd.com/2023/12/john-mearsheimer-there-is-no-two-state-solution/
I like Unherd and appreciate Freddie Sayers. But his interview - from the outset - was hostile and tendentious. He looked uncomfortable. On the other hand, you, John, did very well indeed, keeping your cool and responding directly and sensibly to the questions.
I will also use the opportunity of this comment to commend you for talking to a very wide range of people, including the Judge. Somewhere I read someone say, sniffingly, "look at who he talks to!" My reply is: yes, please do look. It shows that John Mearsheimer is not just a smart guy. He is also not a snob.
I am very impressed with your composure and ability to cut through the emotion. It was painful to watch but a great lesson for those of us with less well-honed thinking and teaching skill.