On 27 January 2025, I did a long interview on “Piers Morgan Uncensored.”
We zeroed in on Gaza and Ukraine and talked about where those conflicts are today and what is likely to happen in each one now that Donald Trump has replaced Joe Biden in the White House. Neither one of us could tell an optimistic story.
Professor Mearsheimer, it is becoming frightening how right you are. Each year I revisit your lecture on Ukraine from 2014, and I think, well this sounds so reasonable, logic, why don’t they listen to him.
I agree Professor Mearsheimer is not in command of a major army, he has no nuclear weapon, but he is speaking the truth .
It seems your untiring approach, gentle, patient, logical, realistic way is finally bringing some results.
It’s almost like actual US foreign affairs people are listening to what you say.
Piers Morgan? Goddamn, anyone can get that bully pulpit in InBred UnUnited Queendom.
And so we just have more Yanqui's like John supporting this human stain.
Christ, listen in:
Piers, the Zionist:
Walter Rathenau, himself a jew, surely knew why he described his racial comrades in Germany as “an Asiatic horde on the sands of the Mark.”
God, who is holy to all peoples, who is infallible and unreachable, is described in the Talmud as a creature who is like a human, capable of error, changeable, unjust, dishonest, revengeful, and terrible, calling down troubles on himself. The talmud gives jew permission to do anything he likes to Gentiles, without any punishment.
He may cheat Gentiles, hurt them, rob them, he may rape Gentile women and children, in short, do anything he wants, for according to the talmud, a non-jew is not a human being, but an animal “who is of the same flesh as a donkey.” On the other hand, the cheating of one jew by another, or of his women or children, is harming or attacking God himself, for the jews are royal children.
In the Schulchan aruch, the real jewish law book, these things are affirmed and intensified. This book, too, is essentially concerned with how and in what ways Gentiles can be harmed, how they are to be treated, and especially how the “children of God,” the “royal children,” or as the jew Rathenau put it, the “Asiatic horde,” can bring their plans for world domination closer to reality.
When one remembers that these writings are put in the hands of fifteen-year-old jewish boys and girls and in part must be even memorized by them, even the last people’s comrade will understand that between us and the jewish element there is an unbridgeable chasm of racial differences, both in nature and character.